Read Dan Sherman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Three Page 9

  Chapter 29-Dream travel to U10973

  I was sitting in the debriefing room preparing to sleep; I began to think of Elaine and John. Sionn said I would be able to meet them later when I return to the Humanoid Universe. I also began to put into perspective the utterly fantastic things which had happened to me in I don`t know how long! Could I be dreaming all this? Maybe I`m mad, maybe I died in my home on Earth and all this is a bloody big dream. Then I became alert as never before, my consciousness seemed to be expanding even higher. I realized I was still Dan Sherman, but now I was more than Dan Sherman could ever dream of. I felt I was ready for whatever was to be my fate.

  Before I go to U10973, I’m going to the beginning of life on Earth. All I had to do was to become aware. I fell asleep easily. In fact everything seemed easy here as regards life as a Guardian, or rather Trainee-Guardian.

  Looking down on the land which I knew to be the home where I was brought up was very interesting because everything was different. I couldn`t even make out the river which I knew to be not more than half a mile away. I then realized this was millions of years in the past. Everything was covered in greenery. I was reminded of the famous book by H G Wells, The Time Machine, but I knew there were no humans here, all I could find where small life forms, such as insects, even birds hadn`t evolved yet.

  I found it strangely peaceful and beautiful. The landscape was unspoiled and the rivers were pure, a true heaven-on-earth. I should have known it wouldn`t last, could it be a set-up I thought. Looking up I could see a giant saucer-like craft floating about half a mile above me.

  The next thing I knew I was being invited to come on board! I simply transferred my consciousness into the craft. By this time in my travels I knew I couldn`t get freaked out by anything. The Captain, or leader as he was known made a simple gesture of greeting by raising his arm, I did the same. I knew they didn`t speak orally as we did, but I also knew we could communicate by thought-transfer. The occupants of the ship were the archetypal little green-men only they weren`t green, but a light shade of grey.

  ‘Greetings Earthman’ he said. Wow, the greeting was classic! I then thought I should be more respectful, but they did break into my beginning-of-time dream, didn`t they?

  ‘Don`t be annoyed, we are simply here to check on the planet as it begins to blossom, we were told you would be here at this time and want to invite you to access our technology.’

  Wow, again, I thought.

  ‘We are also Guardians’ he said, ‘this planet, as you know, will become a paradise for life, only man will threaten it. The species that have become extinct since your time on Earth have already been cloned.’

  I said, ‘All I wanted was to be alone for a change.’

  ‘You should know by now, we are never alone.’

  I felt a little annoyed, but I knew he was right.

  ‘Be content that you are one with the power.’

  I knew he meant God.

  ‘My name is Thoram we are from the planet Zeron in the Thellex Galaxy; it in the outer ring of the Humanoid-Universe. We have been coming to Earth for millions of years, Please look into the screen.’

  It was as though he wanted me to acknowledge he was speaking the truth. I looked into the screen and at once all my doubts if I had any, soon went. There looking back at me was Mannus; the lord of the higher regions.’ I was amazed; I felt like a new teacher feels as he starts a new job and meets the headmaster. Of course Mannus was much more than that but he was also love personified. He knew my feelings, and said:

  ‘If I am the headmaster, I want you to meet my deputy.’

  I almost fell on my back as an intense light filled the small space we were in. I then became aware of a beautiful woman standing there, and the overpowering aroma of roses.

  The feeling of divine love that was Mannus could not, of course, be over shadowed but the feeling I got with this woman was of a deep basic instinct, if I could put it that way.

  How could I still feel this urges if I am a Guardian?

  ‘Don`t worry,’ Mannus said. ‘The feeling that you are having is not unusual. Zelda3 is a Guardian but she is also a female.’

  The love that was coming out of Zelda3 was something I wasn`t used to, I felt I was letting Elaine and Reeas down. This woman standing in front of me was everything that any man could ever wish for in every way, physically, mentally and spiritually. I couldn`t take my eyes off her, she had blue eyes and then they were brown, then green.

  ‘Please don`t be alarmed,’ she said in a voice that made my legs turn to jelly. ‘You are experiencing what is known as a Physical-Change-Over reaction; you are about to make the biggest change from one Universe to the other. Take my hand.’ Again, the feeling was over powering. My body (although it was only the astral body) was tingling with a sense of warmth and love.

  ‘Look into the screen,’ she said. I felt like my heart was being ripped out.

  ‘Your consciousness is being renewed.’

  I could see the little people on the ship were also holding hands as in Far-Station with the Yalton.

  With everything that has happened to me over the past weeks, yes weeks! How can this be happening? I have been through unbelievable things, and now I’m about to start another even more unbelievable thing!