Read Dark Flame Page 12

  His lips curved. Then let’s get Mary out of there.

  Juliet levitated at the same time as both the vampire and the shifter. She was struck all over again how they were three separate species yet they shared the same mind and intent. The Five Bridges Tribunal had kept each territory separate for decades through the use of ditches, bridges and tons of barbed wire. She knew the reason for it, since the species tended to annihilate each other.

  Yet here they were, having joined together to save one fae woman.

  She flew swiftly, stunned once more that she not only had the ability to levitate, but the same skill set Brann possessed. And it rocked.

  She loved the freedom of flying, as well as the joy of whisking by people, invisible to them.

  More than once she glanced back to see them looking around for the source of what must have felt like a surprising movement of air.

  She smiled as she flew, whipping left and right without hesitation at each juncture. She also saw that Brann knew the way as though it had been imprinted on his mind as well. Maybe the dreamgliding had done that.

  She was in sync with him and began to slow at exactly the same split-second that Brann issued the order. As a group, they eased back when approaching the backdoor to Roche’s high-class sex shop.

  Within ten yards of the doorway, he dropped out of levitation and walked instead. He made hand signals to Fergus, specific moves that all border patrol officers knew.

  She could tell Brann was communicating with Fergus and laying out a strategy.

  She stood back from them and saw that the set-up was very simple. A metal box, about the size of a home fuse box, held the keys. It was even partially open so that she could see inside. She alerted Brann that she was going to check on the number of the cell, then be right back.

  He nodded to her. We’ll wait to attack until you return, but get behind us in case this goes south and we need to leave in a hurry.


  Concerned that her sandals might make a noise on the floor, she levitated once more. She moved carefully in the direction of the guards, but not one of them looked at her.

  Seeing that she was free to move, she levitated faster and arced around the guard to the left, then sped down to Mary’s cell. She hunted for a number and found it in the upper right corner.

  She hurried back and returned to the position in the hall that Brannick had requested.

  Brannick once more lifted his hand and the next moment, each drew his Glock, then switched the guns around to hold the sidearms by the barrel. Brannick came up behind the man with his back to the door and Fergus took the guard Juliet had flown around.

  She watched Brannick and Fergus make eye-contact with each other then afterward slam the butts of their guns down on the backs of the men’s heads. The man at the table flopped forward. The guard standing crumpled to his feet.

  The other two guards froze, since they had no way of knowing what had just happened to the other two.

  In an orchestrated and very quick manner, Brannick moved to the man closest to the key box and Fergus to the other fae warrior, who were both rising to their feet. They repeated the strikes of the weapons, and the other two guards fell to the floor.

  Brannick gestured for Juliet to come in.

  She levitated to the key box and fished out the correct key, then flew down the corridor. She took her time unlocking the door, intending to keep the noise down to a minimum just in case for some reason she could be heard.

  Fergus was right behind her and as soon as the door was open, he moved in and picked Mary up in his arms.

  That’s when things went haywire, though Juliet didn’t at first have a clue what was happening.

  The moment Fergus held Mary against his chest, he lifted his head back and howled. With the woman pressed against his chest, his mating cycle must have kicked into high gear. The sound reverberated down the line of cells.

  Brann, I don’t know what to do. I think you’d better take care of this.

  I’m on it. Come out of the cell.

  Juliet tossed the key on the bed, slipped past Fergus and entered the hallway. Brannick immediately went inside, then caught Fergus’s face in his hands.

  Fergus became as rigid as a pole, though his mane of hair shook in an odd way. At first she thought he was fighting Brannick. Then she realized Fergus was forcing himself to regain his self-control.

  Juliet glanced at Mary’s inert form, her head pressed against Fergus’s shoulder. The shifter’s long hair brushed Mary’s cheek where the drug’s teal flame marked her face.

  Juliet wanted to help but didn’t know what to do. She kept glancing toward the head of the aisle. Fortunately no other guards had shown up yet, but she knew it wouldn’t be long.

  When Fergus’s shaking didn’t stop, Juliet felt compelled to return to the cell and put both her hands on his face as well.

  He drew a sharp intake of breath and slid his gaze to her, his eyes wide. He blinked several times in a row, then dipped his chin. Just like that, the trembling ceased.

  When he started to look back down at Mary, Brannick caught his chin and held it upright. He engaged in group telepathy once more. No, Fergus. Don’t look at her. We’ve got to get out of here. Your roar was heard everywhere.

  Fergus scowled heavily. Shit. I lost control.

  Don’t think about that now. Let’s just get the women to safety.

  Juliet moved out of the cell once more, and Brannick followed her. Fergus emerged with Mary cradled in his arms.

  Juliet could feel the profound shield that Brannick held over all three of them now, while she kept her own disguise in place as well.

  Roche’s voice intruded. “I can smell you, Juliet. You’re here, aren’t you? You must have Mary as well since the door to her cell is wide open.”

  She turned around. Roche stood at the top of the row of cells with a formidable force arrayed on each side of him, at least a dozen fae warriors.

  As he lifted an AR-15, Juliet followed her instincts and moved like she never had before. She didn’t even have time to warn Brannick, because she knew it was now or never.

  She levitated and flew fast, then took herself to a horizontal position close to the ceiling though only two feet above Roche.

  When she drew close, she used a maneuver built into her because she shared Brannick’s memories. She turned herself on her back, brought her feet up tight and as she got within inches of Roche’s smiling face, she kicked him hard. He flew against the wall behind him, and dropped his rifle at the same time. His warriors backed away.

  She didn’t stay in place long. Instead, she remained levitating high above the men and stretched out horizontal once more. This time, she flew past the recovering guards and into the hall. She couldn’t do anything to help Brannick or the others and could only hope they’d follow her lead. For that reason she continued to fly, though she dropped into a vertical position halfway down the narrow street.

  Brannick’s voice entered in her head. We’re right behind you, Juliet, so keep flying as fast as you are. Damn, but that was an incredible move. You looked like you’d been doing this your entire life.

  With the passageway empty in front her for fifty feet, she glanced back. Brannick, along with Fergus holding Mary in his arms, were flying swiftly and gaining on her.

  She focused her attention dead on and flew even faster. She knew Roche would be behind them, and that he wouldn’t give up without a fight.

  She had to do something.

  Brann, I’m contacting Officer Keelen for back-up.

  Do it.

  She centered all her attention and fae ability on Keelen. It took a tremendous amount of energy because they were well underground. She focused as hard as she could. Keelen. It’s Juliet Tunney. Can you hear me?

  Nothing returned, so she tried again.

  And again.

  Finally, she heard his voice, though very weak, within her mind. Juliet? Where the hell are you? You sound like you’re in a

  Something like that. She explained about the rescue and that Roche was on their heels. I need back-up at the Fae Cathedral. I’m afraid that once we try to leave the building through the front entrance, he’ll have us. We’re shielded because of Brannick’s vampire ability, but as you know, Roche has an army. If he figures out a way to trap us, we’re dead.

  I’ll get some troops over there right away. Maybe we can create a diversion that will help get your team out of there.

  She puffed air from her cheeks. I knew I could count on you.

  She cut off communication, then aimed her telepathy at both Brannick and Fergus, letting them know what was going on.

  Within another minute she arrived back at the court but rose high into the air. Fergus and Brannick joined her. She could feel Roche now. He was in a rage as he headed in their direction, and he wasn’t far behind.

  A few seconds later, he and his squad flew into the courtyard though they stayed near the floor. Those shoppers nearby scattered for cover at the sight of thirteen powerful fae men with sidearms and rifles raised.

  Brannick levitated next to her and took her hand. You did good. How long will it be before Keelen gets here?

  Let me find out. She contacted Keelen, and he let her know he had five squad cars on the way. The first would be arriving within the next minute. The last, in three.

  She told Brannick. But at the same time, Roche and his security force headed up the wide spiral pathway leading to the lobby of the cathedral.

  She felt the tension in Brannick’s hand. Invisible or not, with such a large force in a relatively small lobby, something could go wrong. She had Keelen to think of as well. If shooting started in order to provide them cover, some of the Revel officers could get hurt or worse.

  This isn’t simple, is it, Brann? I mean, even if we’re shielded, something could wrong.

  Yes, it could. But I have an idea.

  She looked up at him. What? Tell me.

  Let’s go back the way we came, back to where Roche kept Mary in the cell. The clients don’t come in through the Fae Cathedral lobby, so where do they enter? If we can locate it, we can leave. Roche won’t even think to go that direction and Keelen and his force can keep Roche busy.

  That sounds perfect.

  Brannick addressed Fergus, What do you think, wolf?

  Let’s get the hell out of here.

  Juliet didn’t hesitate a second, but swept back down the avenue, heading south and moving faster and faster. The route was as familiar now as her own face in a mirror. While she flew, she contacted Keelen and told him what they were up to. Keelen said he’d do everything he could to keep Roche busy while they got away.

  Juliet didn’t slow until she approached the back entrance to Roche’s sex club. The smell of the dark flame drug once more hit her full in the face.

  She rose high, avoiding the guards. She began flying through what proved to be a series of large entertainment rooms. Scantily clad attendants worked the hallways, providing drinks or more syringes of the powerful dark flame drug, sometimes food.

  She had to shut down the sound of the occasional painful groan or cry. She knew women were being hurt here, but she couldn’t do anything for them. Not yet.

  Brannick was right. As she worked her way steadily forward, she discovered a spiral path similar to the one at the Cathedral entrance. She immediately levitated up and up, with Brannick and Fergus on her heels.

  At the top of the path, however, two fae warriors guarded a door. Fortunately, they gave no evidence of seeing her.

  She drew to a stop. Hold up, she called to the group.

  Brannick and Fergus moved in behind her, each silent. She could feel them both grow very still.

  Let’s wait for a minute and see what happens, she said.

  Smart move, Brannick responded.

  A moment later, she heard a buzzer, the door opened and two human men in business suits were allowed through.

  The slow movement of the door prompted Juliet to rush forward. She used her acquired vampire strength to hold it open for the team. Brannick flew through followed swiftly by Fergus and a still comatose Mary.

  Juliet slipped through right after them and the door continued its progress as though nothing had happened.

  There was only one guard in the lobby of the sex club. A receptionist sat on a tall stool behind a desk, waiting for the next client. They both looked bored.

  When Brannick opened the door to the street, she saw the guard turn in their direction. So, she put on some speed and whisked through behind the rest of her group.

  The guard stepped onto the front pathway, sidearm drawn. He looked around carefully, but seeing nothing, he went back inside.

  The moment Juliet looked around at the street, she knew exactly where she was in relationship to the Fae Cathedral. The entrance to Roche’s sex club was near a fairly new gated community, though partitioned off by yet another set of gates to the south.

  It was to Roche’s credit that he’d been able to keep the location secret all this time.

  She contacted Keelen and told him where they were, and how they’d succeeded in getting Mary out the back way. She could feel the tension leave the officer.

  Thank God you’re all right. Roche came out shouting about a minute ago that his lawyers were on the way and how we were illegally blocking the street and interfering with business traffic to the Fae Cathedral. So, what would you like us to do? Should we keep Roche rattled a little longer?

  Juliet thought for a moment, then smiled. Tell him the call that sent you there turned out to be a prank. But if you want to see his pale skin fire up, just tell him I said hello.

  She heard Keelen chuckle. It’ll be my pleasure. Take care of yourself, Juliet. And I’m glad Brannick made it.

  Me, too, and thanks.

  A moment later, she was airborne and heading north with Brannick. Fergus stuck close to remain hidden within Brannick’s vampire cloak, clearly not taking any chances. Mary would probably remain unconscious for several more hours.

  A few minutes later, Juliet descended toward the canal side of her home. She’d long since released her shield and knew Brannick had already contacted the guards, letting them know four of them would be arriving shortly.

  Fergus flew in first and by the time Juliet walked into her living room, he’d already settled Mary on the couch. She was still out cold.

  He backed out swiftly, however, returning to the patio. Brannick went with him.

  Juliet would call for medical support shortly, but first she wanted to thank Fergus for helping out before he took off.

  Fergus had his arms crossed tight over his chest as he stared back into the house. He seemed distressed.

  Juliet glanced at Brannick, lifting her brows in question.

  He shook his head, not as though he didn’t know what was going on but rather that he understood exactly.

  She decided to go ahead and express her thanks. “Fergus, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that you were with us tonight.”

  He angled his body more in her direction. “You shouldn’t thank me. I almost got us all killed.” He then stared at her for a hard moment. “You were unbelievable by the way. Roche would have started firing if you hadn’t acted as fast as you did. How did you know to fly at him like that?”

  She thought for a moment, then glanced at Brannick. “I’ve gained some vampire skills lately.” She chuckled as she slid her gaze back to Fergus. “I also hate that man more than anything else on this earth. It seemed like such a natural thing to head straight for him and kick him in the face.”

  Fergus frowned harder. “You’re sharing Brannick’s gifts, the way Emma shared Vaughn’s. Maybe you’ve got some of Brannick’s drive as well. But I apologize for putting us all in jeopardy.” He glanced past her to the living room once more, to Mary lying on the sofa. “I don’t know what the hell happened. Once I had her in my arms, my throat opened up.”

  He looked away, his gaze movin
g sharply to Brannick’s. “I’m a danger to this mission so long as I’m near the woman. I’m heading back to Savage. Do you want me to send a replacement?”

  Brannick shook his head. “I think we’re good. I’ll let you know if we need more troop support.”

  Fergus’s lips turned down. “Listen. If you need me, I’m right back here. Okay? Don’t hesitate.”

  Brannick lowered his chin. “Trust me. If Roche comes at us again, you’re my first call.”

  Fergus glanced toward the open patio door. “Keep close watch, Juliet. I have a bad feeling about Mary right now.”

  “Hey, I’ve got this. Go home. We’ll take good care of her.”

  Fergus, though clearly reluctant to go, said his good-byes, levitated high in the air, turned south and was gone.


  As Brannick watched the wolf leave, a dozen thoughts ran through his head. Why had Fergus reacted to Mary like he did? He’d never heard of an alpha losing that much control. Was it Mary? Or the wolf’s cycle?

  But these questions spurred other ones as he turned toward Juliet.

  She frowned. “What? You look really distressed.”

  He gestured for her to enter the house and spoke quietly. “Have you noticed these bizarre things that keep happening? First Connor and Iris and the way their powers moved back and forth. The same with Vaughn and Emma. And now you and me? None of this makes a lot of sense.”

  Juliet shrugged. “I don’t know what to tell you except I think it rocks. I might not have said that before bringing Mary home, but I’ll say it now. I could never have battled Roche before, not on any level, yet tonight was a different story. I took his ass to the floor.” She shadow boxed, kicking her feet out a few times as well.

  He couldn’t help but smile at the woman with her curly hair in a wild mass, her dark blue eyes glittering.

  The pleasure she took in her part of the rescue eased something inside Brannick. He recalled the moment with stunning clarity. She’d moved so fast in Roche’s direction, her vampire disguise holding steady, that Roche couldn’t have stopped her if he’d wanted to.