Read Dark Flame Page 13

  Brannick had immediately spoken with Fergus telepathically because he saw what she intended. They’d moved in behind her and gotten quickly past the guards, also flying horizontal to make sure they didn’t clip any of the security detail as they flew out.

  Now he was here, staring at an amazing woman. He was taken back as well to the moment he’d come out of the dreamglide and back to his real-time self. Though he could recall his time with Juliet, nothing else had come forward.

  He’d hoped that all the memories of being her lover would coalesce in his conscious mind, but they hadn’t. Yet he could feel now the level of intimacy they’d shared and why she’d so easily called him ‘Brann’ two nights ago in Carl’s garage.

  Juliet caught his arm in her hand. “Hey, what’s going on right now?”

  He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He didn’t know what to say. What he did know was how much he was drawn to her, more than ever since rescuing Mary.

  He might not have the words, but he knew what to do.

  He took her in his arms and kissed her.

  As she’d done so many times before she relaxed against him, a sensation that felt so familiar. As she parted her lips, he deepened the kiss. He wanted to take her to bed. Hell, he needed to make love to her right now.

  But she drew back and slid her hands up his chest. “Just to be clear, I really want to be with you again. But we need to get Mary to a safe place. I’m thinking I should call Agnes. She’ll know what to do.”

  He felt like a bastard being all over her when Mary was still in danger. “Of course. Where are you thinking she should go?”

  “I’m not sure.” Her cellphone still sat on the kitchen counter. She picked it up and scrolled for a number.

  He watched her talk to Agnes in her soft yet animated way, the warm cadence of her voice pouring over him, making him hungry for her.

  When she’d told Agnes everything, she turned to Brannick. “Agnes wants all three of us to join her in her compound. She says we’ll be safe there and she’ll be able to take care of Mary. I’m in agreement. Is that okay with you?”

  “Of course.” It sounded like a good plan, but he had no idea how secure Agnes’s place was.

  Juliet’s eyes widened as she turned suddenly in Mary’s direction. Brannick could feel Juliet’s sudden tension though he didn’t know the reason for it.

  He took a step toward her. “What is it? What’s happening?”

  “I don’t know. I thought I felt something from Mary.” She gave herself a shake. “Okay, not sure what that was all about, but Agnes said Mary will need drug rehab immediately. She keeps a nurse on staff in her compound and they’re getting set up for her.”

  Brannick needed to know more. “And you’re sure Mary will be safe there. What if Roche comes for her?”

  “Agnes has a fortress. She often takes in refugees and right now that’s exactly what Mary is. Roche won’t bother her there.”

  “Not even in the dreamglide?”

  “Not with Agnes around.”

  But once again, Juliet turned almost startled, toward Mary.

  “Okay, what the hell is going on?”

  Juliet took Brann’s arm. “I think she’s trying to tell me something. Not sure. I need to meet her in the dreamglide. Support me?”

  “You got it.” He held his arm out for her and she repeated the sequence in the Village courtyard. He felt her first fall into a meditative state, then she went limp. He caught her up in his arms and held her.

  For a long moment, he looked down at her, at the faint freckles on her cheeks, at the curved and quite kissable bridge of her nose, the arch of her brows. Her lips were way too inviting. He was tempted to kiss her, but that’s when he felt her calling to him from the dreamglide. She needed him to join her right now.

  He alerted the guard on the patio to tell the entire team to be extra vigilant right now.

  He took Juliet into the master bedroom and stretched out on the bed with her, holding her tight. He closed his eyes and relaxed, focusing on Juliet.

  With a swift falling sensation, he landed in her dreamglide. The moment he arrived in what was a duplicate version of Juliet’s living room, near her sofa, he could feel exactly why she’d called for him.


  Only he wasn’t after Juliet. He was trying to take possession of Mary.

  Within the dreamy fae environment, Mary was sitting up on the couch, looking dazed and scared. Both hands gripped the front of the sofa cushion.

  That’s when Brannick realized he wasn’t in Juliet’s dreamglide at all, but in Mary’s, and Roche was working hard to break through.

  He glanced at Juliet. “What do you need me to do?”

  She headed to the perimeter of the space. He could feel her building up a protective field for Mary.

  “I have to reinforce Mary’s block. It’s not nearly strong enough to withstand Roche and he probably got to her the first time because of it. But Roche is very close, can you feel him?”

  Brannick took a moment and turned in a complete circle. “I can.”

  “Good, but if he busts in here even in a dreamglide, you’ll need to battle him. Okay?”

  “Hell, yeah.” He drew his Glock and held it with his left hand supporting his right from beneath. “Just one question: If someone dies in a dreamglide, do they really die?”

  She stared at him for a hard moment then dipped her chin. “Yes. We bleed, we get bruised, cut and hurt and those things stay with us. That’s one reason you heard so many screams in Roche’s club.”

  He nodded, feeling angry all over again. “He needs to leave this earth.”

  “Yes. He does.”

  Brannick once more pivoted in a slow circle. He stayed focused on Roche, while Juliet continued to strengthen the protective block all around Mary’s dreamglide.

  She’d gotten three-quarters finished with her task when a sudden flow of air alerted Brannick to the patio edge of the dreamglide.

  Just like that, Roche walked through, his red hair flowing away from his feral, smiling face.

  Brannick shifted his Glock in Roche’s direction then fired. But Roche was a split-second faster and melted back into the blur of the dreamglide and vanished.

  “Juliet, is he gone?” Brannick asked.

  “For now, yes.” She kept building. “Did you hit him?”

  “No. He was too quick. Are you almost done? Because I suspect he’s coming to your house next, in real-time. We need to get out of here.”

  “Only a few seconds more.”

  When she’d reached her starting point, even he could feel Juliet’s shielding wall solidify.

  Within the dreamglide, Mary rose from her couch and looked around. “I can feel how much better it is. But he’ll come back. I know he will.”

  Juliet explained about all three of them moving to Agnes’s compound.

  Tears filled Mary’s eyes. She crossed her arms over her stomach and a sob escaped her voice. “I never thought I’d survive this. I was sure Roche would take me again. But Juliet, how did you hear me call to you?”

  Juliet went to her and embraced her. “I just did. Please don’t worry. Brannick and I will get you to safety now. But we’ve gotta move fast.”

  Mary thanked them then once more reclined on the sofa.

  Juliet smiled one last time at Mary, then took Brannick’s hand. He felt a gentle squeeze of her fingers then suddenly woke up on the bed with her.

  She didn’t stay in a reclining position, not for a second, but leaped off the bed and quickly packed a bag for herself. “Go get Mary. I’ll bring your bag as well.”

  Brannick headed into the living room but before he picked up Mary, he took a good look around. He wasn’t taking any chances.

  By the time he scooped Mary up, Juliet returned from the bedroom, their bags in her hands. He noted with approval that she’d already brought her new vampire cloaking power around her. If Roche was in the air, he wouldn’t be able to see her.

>   He moved to the patio and let the guard know to expect trouble. “Get Officer Keelen over here right now in case Roche shows up.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Juliet launched into the air and flew swiftly in a northwesterly direction. Brannick drew Mary tight against his chest, shielded them both, then punched airspace.

  By the time he caught up with Juliet, she was already making her descent. She also began easing off her vampire shield, a wise move given that several guards ranged in front of Agnes’s compound.

  All five heavily armed warriors lifted their weapons as she touched down. Brannick, however, chose to keep his shield tight and remained hovering in the air ten feet up.

  Juliet spoke quickly. “Agnes is expecting me.”

  “Your name?” The officer in charge had a tough look about him, short black hair, square jaw and a grim expression.

  “Juliet Tunney. I have a vampire with me, from the Crescent Border Patrol, Officer Robert Brannick. He’s carrying the victim, Mary, in his arms.”

  The man looked her up and down more than once. “The names all check out.” In a louder voice he called out, “Officer Brannick, show yourself, but remove your shield slowly or we will fire.”

  Juliet turned toward him. Her eyes held a concerned expression. She must have feared he wouldn’t obey.

  But Brannick respected the man right away and did as he’d been ordered. He released his cloak carefully, making himself visible in stages to all the men. At the same time, he eased down to the sidewalk.

  Each guard grew stiff with tension at the sight of him, firearms held with both hands.

  He understood why. Every known safe house in Five Bridges suffered intermittent and deadly attacks by the enemy. Vampires frequently worked as hired guns.

  The men hired to guard these houses served heroically.

  The lead guard glanced at Mary. “You may pass, all three of you.”

  The guards lined up on either side of the wide walkway. Brannick noticed none of them holstered their guns.

  When the door opened, an older woman with wavy black hair drew the door wide and beckoned them to come inside.

  The guard closed the door and Agnes smiled at Juliet. “It’s wonderful to see you.”

  When Agnes opened her arms, Juliet moved in and accepted the warm embrace.

  Agnes continued, “I’ve been so worried about you. I’ve felt uneasy every night for the past week. And now I see why.”

  Agnes wasn’t nearly as tall as Juliet and had to look up at least a foot to meet Brannick’s gaze. Juliet made the introduction.

  The older sage fae had intense gray eyes and stared into Brannick’s for a long moment. Her eyes narrowed and she settled her hand on his arm. “You’re an alter vampire, but you’re more than that now. Why? Or is this the thing I’ve been hearing about. Something to do with two other Crescent Border Patrol officers. What are their names?”

  “James Connor and Nathan Vaughn.”

  “Yes, and each is engaged to a witch. They share powers now, don’t they?”

  “They do.”

  Agnes’s penetrating questions forced Brannick to turn toward Juliet. Framed in relationship to Vaughn and Connor, he realized he was on the same track as these men.

  Juliet returned his gaze, but lifted her chin. “We don’t have to make the same decisions, Brannick. Your friends each had a very different experience from ours.”

  Not so different, in Brannick’s opinion. But he didn’t speak the words out loud.

  Agnes shifted the subject as she placed her hand on Mary’s forehead then traced the teal-colored flames on her cheek. “She’ll be out for several more hours, but I can feel that her dreamglide blocks have been strengthened. Was this your work, Juliet?”

  “Yes. Roche was coming for her in the dreamglide.”

  Agnes once more met Brannick’s gaze. “You were involved as well.”

  “I fired at him when he broke through, but he escaped unharmed.”

  “Glad you were there.” Agnes looked to be about fifty, which meant that was the age she’d been when she entered Five Bridges. The flame serum slowed the aging process so that long-life was attained by everyone enduring the transformation. But the serum didn’t reverse age.

  Agnes turned down the hall and waved them forward. “Come with me. My team is expecting Mary. She’ll have medical attention as well as a witch healer.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Juliet watched Brannick settle Mary on what was essentially a hospital bed. Recovery from dark flame wouldn’t be easy for her. Despite the fact that she’d only had the drug in her system for a short time, the volume of the drug that had kept her comatose over a period of days meant she’d have to go through a painful withdrawal.

  A trained nurse would stay with her throughout and the healing efforts of a witch would help make the transition tolerable.

  Agnes assured Juliet and Brannick that Mary would receive the best care, then led them out into the well-lit courtyard. Brannick took both bags from Juliet, a thoughtful gesture.

  Several townhouses flanked either side of the lush central landscaping. Juliet counted three doors on each side. Agnes headed toward a cottage at the back of the property, past another green belt with tons of purple petunias and beds of white alyssum.

  The small, charming house had the look of something well-tended by a woman who loved to garden. A massive spray of pink climbing roses formed an arch over strong metal supports. Brannick had to dip his head not to get caught by a few flowers that needed pruning.

  “I used to live back here, when I was first consigned to Five Bridges and made the place my own. I probably should have torn the cottage down when I built the townhouses. But I liked the house a lot so I kept it as is.

  “When I got your call, Juliet, I had one of my assistants bring over some essential groceries. Just let me know if you need anything else and I’ll send one of the guards out.”

  She unlocked the door, then handed the key to Juliet. “You’re both welcome to stay as long as you need to. Though I should warn you that we have guards on the rooftops and there is no levitating allowed above the second-story rooflines. My guards are trained to shoot on sight, to wound first, if possible. But if not, we’ve stopped caring who dies. Do you understand? We’re fighting to save lives here and we’re under frequent attack, not unlike Vaughn and Emma at their safe house.”

  Juliet nodded. “I understand.”

  Brannick’s warm, rich voice flowed over her shoulder. “We both do.”

  Agnes once more narrowed her gaze at Brannick. “Of course you do. You built a tunnel rescue set-up with support from the human part of Phoenix.”

  “That’s right.”

  “And has all this happened recently because Roche found out?” She flipped her hand back-and-forth a couple of times.

  “I don’t think he knows about my tunnels,” Brannick said. “But he did figure out that both Mary and Juliet were helping women escape from Revel. That’s one of the reasons he took Mary. She drove for me.”

  “I see. Well, that explains a lot.”

  “There’s something else.” Juliet felt compelled to add the other component. “Roche was using Mary’s abduction to try to force me to work for him in his specialty sex club, the one that features dreamgliding for his wealthy human clientele.”

  Agnes drew her lips tight together, compressing them and shaking her head. “There is so much beauty in being an alter fae, but Roche has made a travesty of our gifts.”

  She took a deep breath then clapped her hands together as though to clear her head. “All right then. Give me a shout if you need anything. Otherwise, I’ll see you tomorrow night.” She glanced up into the night sky. “Dawn won’t be here for a couple more hours.” She headed back down the walk.

  Though Brannick shoved the door wide, he waited for her to walk through. She smiled up at him as she passed by.

  The interior was much more modern than she’d anticipated. The wall separating the living area
from the hall had been replaced with a couple of heavy wood supports and opened up all the way to a small kitchen and dining area in the back.

  To the left was a small study that overlooked the front communal garden. Agnes had left a wall of books inside as well.

  Moving toward the back, she put a hand to her stomach and turned to Brannick. “Suddenly, I’m starved. Are you hungry?”

  “Yes, I am.” He set both bags next to the stairs, then headed toward the fridge. A moment later she heard the soft suctioning sound of the door opening. “Agnes provided steaks and beer. Guess she was thinking of me. But there’s some lettuce in here.”

  Juliet couldn’t help but smile. “Hey, all of that sounds great right now, but I’m going upstairs to freshen up, if that’s okay. It won’t take me a minute, then I can help throw something together.”

  “Do what you need to do.” He held up two beers.

  “Yes,” he said. “Absolutely. Must have a beer.”

  “I’ll fire up the grill. We’ve got plenty of time before the sun starts easing over the horizon.”

  Juliet picked up her bag. The stairs faced the backyard so she had a view of Brannick as he stepped outside, beer in hand. She could see a gas grill as she started up the stairs.

  The second floor turned out to be the sole bedroom with an attached bath. She removed a full-length lavender gauzy dress from her satchel and with her hastily put together cosmetic kit headed into the bathroom.

  One look at her hair told her what she needed to know. She always had a sort of wind-tousled hairstyle going on, but right now she looked like she’d been in a tornado. Well, maybe not that bad, but she had work to do.

  She got undressed except for her thong, then slid into the floor-length, halter gown. It was made of cotton, very comfortable and had a crumpled look. It felt good to be out of slacks.

  Next, she tidied her make-up and for a moment even considered using cover-up to get rid of her freckles. But a sudden memory, of Brann kissing each one, led her back the other direction and she put the make-up away.

  He called up to her from the bottom of the stairs. “Grill’s getting hot.”