Read Dark Flame Page 21

  He talked timing over with Fergus, then set his internal clock. In three minutes, he’d meet Fergus and six of his men at the strip-center.

  With his plan in place, he left the cottage and headed toward the compound’s entrance. He took a moment to speak with Agnes. He explained the situation to her in detail, then asked if she could repair Juliet’s dreamglide. Otherwise, Roche could get to her all over again. He knew the sage fae had tremendous power.

  Agnes grew very serious. “I’ll get in there right away and start taking care of the damage.”

  Her willingness to jump in and help reminded Brannick once more he was part of a team now.

  He went outside to let the guards know he was heading out and hoped to be back soon. He shielded himself with his vampire cloak, then rose into the air and began a slow drift to the southeast. He wouldn’t enter Roche’s home until Fergus’s team was with him.

  Once he arrived at Roche’s home, he found he could remain upright for a limited amount of time, while moving back and forth into Juliet’s dreamglide to check on her. As long as he made it a quick trip, his real-time self remained conscious. He could feel Agnes working her magic as she continued to repair the dreamglide.

  Juliet still lay quietly on the couch, but teal flames had appeared on her cheeks. Roche had drugged her.

  Brannick had to work hard again to keep his temper in check. Otherwise, he could inadvertently let Roche know he was on his way.

  But the knowledge Roche had shot her up with drugs made his blood boil, and it took some doing to suppress his rage.

  Hopping back out of Juliet’s dreamglide, he levitated above the strip-center, his gaze fixed to the southwest. A few seconds later, Fergus appeared in the distance, flying with six of his warriors. Only the more powerful wolves could take to the air, a real advantage when traveling from one territory to the next, otherwise they could be turned back at any of the five major bridges they intended to cross.

  Brannick removed his vampire shield, so that he’d be visible to the wolves.

  When they arrived, he led the way to the front walkway of Roche’s home until they stood as a group in front of the door. He glanced at each man, then engaged in group telepathy. Speak mind-to-mind only. We’ve got sharp ears on us and all kinds of surveillance. Our primary objective is to get Juliet out of there, and once I have her, I’ll fly her back to Agnes’s compound. But I’ll return as fast as I can.

  Right now, I’m going into my dreamglide to find out what’s happening inside and where Roche has positioned his men.

  All seven warriors nodded, chins lowered, shoulders tense, AR-15s in hand. They were a fierce, tattooed bunch, most with long, wild-looking hair. They moved as a unit, a pack, and were ready to make war.

  Brannick let them know he would make a rapid sweep of the house with his dreamglide. Fergus asked if he’d be unconscious, but Brannick assured him he’d recently discovered that if he moved fast, he could remain upright and aware for a limited time.

  Fergus lifted his brows. Shit, that sounds like some power. And very fae.

  Brannick understood his astonishment, that a vampire was holding so much essential fae ability. I know. Weird for me, too.

  He then entered his dreamglide and moved through Roche’s home. Except for Juliet on the couch, the room was empty. But a look into the two main exit points, other than the front door, showed fae security lined up and waiting, about ten in all, just as Brannick had sensed.

  When he couldn’t locate Roche, he focused on him and the dreamglide sped to his location. He was below in his factory and sending his workers out. Those that left passed a number of security men moving into the factory. Roche was protecting his product first.

  Brannick headed back to the house and saw that the security detail hadn’t changed position. Brannick went outside and merged with his real-time self. Six on the left, four will come from the hallway on the right where the elevator is. But be careful, Juliet is in the middle of the room, lying unconscious on a sofa. Ready?

  Fergus smiled. Hell, yeah.

  Brannick jogged up the front path, opened the door, took three steps inside then crouched. As Fergus and his men moved in behind him, Roche’s men appeared, well-armed and ready to fire. But Fergus’s team let loose with their automatic rifles, which sent Roche’s detail leaping for cover.

  As soon as the men disappeared down both halls, Brannick moved swiftly forward and gathered Juliet up in his arms.

  The wolves continued to fire at the walls, tearing up the drywall and giving Brannick cover.

  Brannick levitated and took Juliet back out into the street and up into the air. She was limp in his arms, but safe, for now.

  He flew her back to Agnes at the compound who took charge of her.

  Agnes said not to worry, she’d rebuilt Juliet’s dreamglide blocks and she’d start her on the blood cleanse right away to get the drug out of her system. She also said that by the appearance of the teal flame markings on her cheeks, Roche hadn’t given her anywhere near the same potency he’d used on Mary. Agnes expected Juliet’s recovery to be fairly quick.

  Brannick let Agnes know what was going on at Roche’s house, then headed once more into the air.

  ~ ~ ~

  Juliet came to consciousness and sat up, then put a hand to her head. Oh, God, the pain. “Wow, that’s bad.”

  Agnes rose from a nearby chair. “Your head will hurt for a while. Brannick brought you in about five minutes ago, and I’ve got you on a drip that will remove the drug from your blood pretty fast.”

  Juliet’s gaze shifted back and forth over her lap as she mentally started piecing together what had happened. “The last thing I remember was Roche blasting through my dreamglide barrier. It smelled so bad.”

  “He used a dark witch spell. He must have paid a huge price for it, because nothing else could have taken down your dreamglide block. It was as though he’d set explosives to it.”

  “That’s exactly what it looked like.” She recalled standing in the cottage near the stairs and feeling the explosion. “You said Brannick brought me here? Because I don’t remember anything from the time Roche hijacked me from my dreamglide.”

  “You were in his home, laid out on the sofa with teal flames on your cheeks.”

  She put a hand to her face. “Are the markings gone yet?”


  She forced herself to think. “I just flew out of your compound, didn’t I?”

  “That’s what my guards tell me.”

  She leaned back and settled her head against the pillow. Her mind was still swirling because of the drug, and it was hard to focus.

  She thought back to standing in the cottage dining area. She’d just gotten dressed in the small downstairs powder room.

  She’d been thinking about Brannick of course. They’d had another round of phenomenal sex, and he’d admitted to being at fault.

  Yet he’d still abandoned her, even going upstairs to shower.

  Then Roche had found her. Was it because she’d been distracted by Brannick?

  Or maybe it was the other way around. Perhaps Roche had found her and seized the opportunity to break through her carefully constructed blocks because Brannick was momentarily elsewhere.

  Though her mind kept spinning, her intuition seemed to be operating in high gear. She kept her attention focused on Brannick and on their relationship. She loved him, no question about that.

  Her next thought frightened her. She knew they’d both been resistant to a relationship in real-time, but what if her own reluctance had created a blind-spot? What if Brannick’s resistance had created a similar one?

  She opened her eyes and glanced at Agnes. The sage fae stood near the bed, attentive but waiting. Juliet asked, “Are Brannick and his forces attacking Roche’s home right now?”

  “Yes, but Brannick said he has Fergus and his wolves with him as well as Officer Keelen and some of the Revel Border Patrol at the front of the Fae Cathedral. He’s not alone.”
  Juliet wasn’t convinced the size of the support force would matter because her instincts told her Roche wouldn’t do most of his damage in real-time.

  He’d use his dreamglide.

  Juliet squeezed her eyes shut and let the drip continue to work its healing magic on her drug-loaded blood. She needed a clear head right now badly.

  She added what healing power she could summon to the mix, which helped forge pathways in her mind, burning off the fog.

  But something nagged at her.

  Brannick would need her. She wasn’t sure why except that he might be over-estimating his new fae abilities or even relying too much on his vampire power and drive.

  Alter fae tended to have a lot of back doors, especially in their thinking. They were a tricky species. Devious, even. Roche was a good example of the worst parts of fae ability and behavior.

  Juliet looked at Agnes. “Roche isn’t done. In fact, I think he’s targeted Brannick. It was the reason Roche wanted me unconscious. I need to get over there.”

  Agnes tilted her head and looked at Juliet’s cheeks and neck. “The markings are almost gone. If you give this just a few more minutes, the drug will be out of your system.”

  Juliet debated for a moment. Her fae instincts told her she was pushing it, but she decided to wait. “As soon as the markings have disappeared, I’ll be heading back to Roche’s home.”

  Each territory had medical professionals, though they served in a limited way. Most healing was done through the natural ability of each species. On occasion, however, the assistance of medical support was necessary. In Juliet’s case, it definitely speeded up the process for her.

  Barely three minutes later, Agnes said the flame marks were gone. She removed the IV, and Juliet slid her legs over the side of the bed and stood up.

  Agnes held her gaze. “Is there anything else you need me to do?”

  Juliet shook her head. “Nothing. You’ve taught me well. And now I need to go see about a vampire.”


  Brannick stayed by the front door and watched Fergus and his wolves battle Roche’s men. The walls on either side of the living room were chewed up from gunfire.

  He held his vampire cloak secure and drifted yet again into the dreamglide. He circled through the rooms of Roche’s home, then dipped down into the factory.

  When he returned to real-time, he spoke telepathically to Fergus. I’ve done another run of the house. You have three dead in the hall to the left and one to the right, so stay with it.

  Let me tell my men.

  Brannick waited while Fergus communicated with the wolves. He and Fergus had already decided not to use group telepathy, which could get confusing in a gun fight.

  Fergus took up his position once more, one knee on the floor as he held his AR-15 to his shoulder. He spoke to Brannick. Did you check out the factory? Will we be able to get in there tonight?

  Negative. Roche has brought in about two dozen of his men. They’re crawling through the place, all armed, all prepared to die to protect dark flame.

  Fergus’s nostrils flared. His nose elongated slightly then returned to normal, evidence of how quickly the shifters could transform. He made a chuffing sound, like a snort but held at the back of the throat. Not sure I can hold my men back. Do you know how many dead shifter females have been found in the Graveyard, each lit up with flame markings on their bodies? Countless over the years and all because of men like Roche.

  Brannick felt Fergus’s frustration. The alpha was a careful leader but passionate, like most wolves, including in battle. He wouldn’t want to back down from a chance to destroy Roche’s factory. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do to prevent him, but he’d think of something. Forming a resistance was the way to go. He felt it in his vampire bones.

  He started to address Fergus, but the air around him changed. He blinked because he could see the edges of a dreamglide but from the position of real-time.

  What the hell?

  And something more.

  A dark, familiar chemical odor.

  Like witch smoke.


  Roche was making his move.

  He felt his vampire shield disintegrate.

  The wolves began another round of automatic gunfire, aiming at both sides of the room. He had to lead Roche away from Fergus and his men. He levitated out of the foyer and into the living room, but was suddenly knocked flat from behind.

  He lay on the carpet near the couch, struggling to get up.

  Fergus called out. “Brannick, what the fuck are you doing?”

  He started to answer, but was suddenly swept into a dreamglide, and not his own. In real-time, he could tell he’d passed out. A dense black smoke with a chemical stench like the one at the cottage surrounded him. With difficulty, he rolled onto his back. He found it hard to breathe.

  The smoke began to peel away until Roche was visible, with his red hair and small, feral eyes.

  “Having fun, Brannick?”

  “Sure. And you?” Brannick tried to sit up, but the spell pinned him to the floor. “I see you’re in thick with the dark witches.”

  Roche crossed his arms over his chest. “Did you really think you had the fae chops to take me on? You’re a vampire and what brute strength you possess isn’t any good in my domain.” He spread his arm through the air, indicating the space around him. His smile was cruel.

  Brannick looked around as best he could. He took stock of the situation, but it wasn’t good. He was definitely in Roche’s dreamglide.

  “The moment you and Juliet stole Mary from me, I headed over to Elegance and paid a lot of money for both spells.

  “The first one worked brilliantly until you got involved. Fortunately, I had this one as a back-up and it’ll keep you right where I want you. There’s no escape now, Officer Brannick, and yes, I intend to kill you in the dreamglide and you will be dead in real-time. It doesn’t always work that way, but it will by my hands.”

  The dreamglide began to move.

  ~ ~ ~

  Before Juliet even entered Roche’s home, she knew something was wrong. She could feel it.

  She tried to contact Brannick telepathically but got no response. The vampire was in trouble.

  She tried Fergus next. I can’t reach Brannick.


  I’m here, outside the front door. What’s going on?

  We’ve got trouble, he said.

  Okay to come in?

  Yes. The gun battle is almost over, but something happened to Brannick. He took several steps into the living room, then collapsed. I can see that he’s breathing, but I’m pretty sure Roche has him, maybe in a dreamglide. I’m not familiar enough with your fae world to be sure.

  Okay. She warned Fergus that she was shielded, then opened the door. I’m coming in.

  The moment she stepped into the large foyer, she felt the battle fury that circled through the air and kept the Savage warriors revved up.

  Fergus, I’m behind you about three feet.

  Keep your head down. A couple of Roche’s men are still fighting. Don’t want you to get hit by a stray bullet.

  Juliet dropped into a crouch. From her proximity to the door, she couldn’t see Brannick. But she knew she had to get to him.

  Her senses told her he was unconscious and lying not far from where Roche had originally shot her up with dark flame.

  Roche had him. No question about it.

  Sitting on the floor, she slipped into her dreamglide. Before she began her hunt for Brannick, she circled the perimeter of the dream-space. Agnes had completely rebuilt her block, though even stronger than before.

  Still, she felt the need to be as quiet as possible. She didn’t want anything fae to leak her presence to Roche.

  She very carefully attempted to contact Brannick again telepathically. For the moment, she would wait to move her dreamglide.

  Brann, I’m here, in Roche’s house. Can you hear me?

  She listened.
br />   But nothing returned.


  It was such a complete silence.

  Yet, at a vast distance, as though from the earth to the moon, she could feel Brannick in Roche’s dreamglide. Despite the faintness of the sensation, she knew he was still somewhere in Roche’s home.

  Roche hadn’t taken Brannick far away at all, though she suspected he’d done it for a reason, possibly using Brannick as bait.

  Juliet thought for a moment. Brannick’s life was in danger, but she knew her faeness wouldn’t be enough to get to him. Rather than call on her fae abilities, she accessed what was direct, bold and very vampire.

  She glanced down at her black leathers, made in Brannick’s mold. She wasn’t just fae anymore, but something else, something more.

  She was done thinking the situation through. Action was required.

  She contacted Fergus again. I’m going after Brannick in the dream-world and I’m going in shielded. When you’ve secured the halls, I’ll need you to guard both of us in real-time in case Roche sends more of his men up from the factory. I’ll be stretched out beside Brannick near the couch off to the right. You won’t be able to see me until I release my shield, but I’ll be there. Do you understand?

  Got it.

  Can you guard us?

  Hell, yeah, we can. Go get our brother.

  It was such a bizarre thing to hear a wolf refer to a vampire as his brother. I will.

  With the gunfire stalled out, Juliet raced across the room and dropped down next to Brannick. All she had to do now was steal her way into Roche’s dreamglide without being detected.

  Given Roche’s level of power, as well as the fact he’d been able to abduct Brannick, she wondered if she had a chance in hell of coming out of this alive.

  ~ ~ ~

  Brannick had heard Juliet call to him telepathically, though her voice had sounded as though she was using a tin can and a string. He knew something else as well, that if he’d responded, Roche would have known that Juliet was in the vicinity. He thanked his fae abilities for the wisdom to keep silent.

  But he also knew he was done for and Juliet needed to keep her distance.