Read Dark Flame Page 22

  Roche had moved the dreamglide out of the living room and took Brannick down the hall to his study. Most of Roche’s fae warriors lay dead, the two remaining on this side of the house were hunched over and waiting for Fergus and his men to attack.

  Once within the study, Roche had demanded that Brannick contact Juliet to draw her into his web, but Brannick had refused.

  Roche had never stopped moving from the time he’d brought Brannick into his dreamglide. He walked in a slow circle around Brannick. He could feel the witch’s spell tightening the invisible binds on him. Roche murmured something incomprehensible, probably part of the be-spelling process. The stench around Roche’s dreamglide had become thick and nauseating.

  When Roche arrived back at his starting point, Brannick could no longer even move his head. He was frozen in place.

  “So here we are.” Roche smiled. “Tell me, Officer, how long have you been screwing Juliet in the dreamglide?”

  “None of your fucking business.” He could move his lips but just barely. He felt as though he had steel cables around different parts of his body, including his head, anchoring him to the floor of the dreamglide.

  Roche moved to a side table and pulled open a draw. The long dagger he took out told Brannick exactly what Roche intended his fate to be.

  His life didn’t flash before his eyes, but his time with Juliet did. In a swift movie-like flow, he saw her from the beginning at the White Flame club then in all the conversations they’d shared in the dreamglide as well as each time they’d made love. He thought the collected images poetic because of Juliet and her style, the flow of her dresses and skirts, the wild nature of her hair and the way her dark blue eyes glimmered when he was with her.

  He loved the woman and wished more than anything his time with her wouldn’t end. He felt like he’d just gotten started.

  Suddenly, her voice was in his head again. I’m here Brann, inside Roche’s dreamglide, cloaked like a vampire. But don’t look around and try to find me. Roche is focused completely on you and on holding the spell.

  The sound of Juliet’s voice within his mind invaded his chest, warming him as it always had. You’re saying Roche doesn’t know you’re here?

  Not even a little.

  Fear rushed at him at what Roche would do to her if he caught her in his dreamglide. Juliet, you should leave now, before he kills you as well.

  Not going anywhere, vampire, so get used to it. We’re partners, remember?

  Roche moved to stand next to him. He flipped the dagger, catching it in his hand. “I’ll give you one last chance to bring Juliet to me or tonight you breathe your last.”

  Brannick smiled, one of the few movements he could make given the spell. “Fuck you, Roche. You and all your kind.”

  Roche’s red brows rose. “You mean fae?” he asked sarcastically. “But I thought you had a thing for Juliet?”

  “I wasn’t referring to fae, but to you and your scum-sucking, drugged out cronies. May you all rot in hell.”

  “You first.” Roche slowly lifted the dagger high overhead, his lips pulled back in a vicious grin, teeth bared.

  Brannick had no idea what Juliet planned to do, but he wasn’t surprised when she shot at Roche from the side, stretched out in a horizontal levitation just like at the sex club.

  When she struck, Roche flew sideways through the air. He lost control of the dagger, hit the blurred wall and fell to the floor.

  Brannick felt the spell give way a little. He could move his legs sideways and lift his head and neck. But his chest was still bound tight. If she continued battling Roche, he might be able to work himself free.

  He kept his gaze anywhere but on Juliet, hoping to keep Roche from figuring out where she was.

  But Roche took a moment, waved his hand, then smiled. He’d removed her vampire shield and could see her now.

  She went after him again, feet first, speeding toward him.

  But Roche stood upright and with a flip of his hands sent her spiraling.

  Brannick thought she was done for, but to his amazement, she caught and righted herself midair. She had a fervor in her eyes he’d never seen before. She looked almost wild. Her hair had come undone so that as she moved, her long curls flew about in a torrential mass.

  She came after Roche, feigning a punch with her right fist. He ducked, but she brought her leg up in a hard kick. Roche was unprepared and flew against the desk.

  She chased him down, feet first again and punched him in the back. Brannick heard a solid crack, ribs or spine, maybe.

  Roche groaned heavily and slid to the floor.

  Brannick felt the band on his chest loosen a little and his legs were now completely free as was his right arm. The dagger wasn’t far but he still couldn’t reach it. If he could get to it, one careful throw and Roche would be finished for good.

  He watched Juliet prepare for another attack. She moved to the far corner to gain distance in order to pick up speed. She catapulted herself in his direction.

  But at the last moment, Roche whipped out of the way. Her momentum caused her to flip over as she righted herself. Roche levitated and caught her from behind in a chokehold.

  Brannick’s muscles flexed in his arms and legs. He needed to get to her, to help her.

  But Juliet wasn’t done. She held onto Roche’s arms, using the leverage to kick backwards at him. Unfortunately, she couldn’t connect. Roche was bigger and stronger. He simply held her upright, off her feet and let her flail.

  Roche stared at Brannick smiling.

  Brannick had to do something.


  Of course. Brannick wasn’t sure if he could pull it off, but he would sure as hell try. He focused on the wolf and contacted him telepathically. Fergus, we need help in Roche’s dreamglide. Now.

  Two seconds passed, then Fergus’s sawdust voice broke through. Beam me up.

  His choice of words almost made Brannick smile.

  The next moment, Fergus arrived, gun in hand. But Roche saw him. “I’ll snap her neck, wolf.”

  Brannick knew there was one more thing he could do. Fergus, listen to me. I’m going to use my vampire shield and wrap you up. The moment you determine that Roche has lost track of you, take him out. And remember, what he wants most from this situation is Juliet. He won’t kill her unless he has to. He also has the power to remove the cloak, so it won’t protect you long, but it may give you just enough time to get the job done.

  Got it. Aloud, Fergus addressed Roche. “Don’t hurt her. I’ll do whatever you say. Just please don’t hurt Juliet.” For effect, he lowered his gun to the floor.

  His placating tone didn’t fool Brannick, but Roche’s shoulders started to ease down. Good. They had a chance.

  To Fergus, he said, Here it comes. He then used his vampire cloak and covered Fergus.

  “Where the fuck did you go?” Roche added a whole string of obscenities. He waved his hand, but nothing happened to the cloak this time.

  At first, Brannick didn’t understand why until he realized the witch’s spell was already breaking up, which meant Fergus could take him down.

  Brannick watched Fergus pick the dagger up from the floor, then race toward Roche. He carved a long groove down Roche’s forearm.

  Roche screamed. The pain forced him to release Juliet. She lurched sideways, holding her throat, struggling for air.

  Roche fell to the floor, grabbing his arm. Fergus didn’t hold back. He kicked Roche’s jaw. Roche flew backward, his head hitting the edge of a cupboard. He sank to the floor.

  With Roche unconscious, the spell dissipated and Brannick was finally free. Even the stench had left the space.

  He rose to his feet, intending to go to Juliet, but suddenly, Roche leaped onto his back. Brannick knew he needed to be all vampire right now. He threw his elbow back and heard the crunch of a couple of Roche’s ribs.

  When Roche staggered backward, but remained upright, Brannick turned toward him and summoned his physical strength. He
sent every bit of energy he had into his right fist, closed the distance between himself and Roche, then plowed into Roche’s chin.

  His head snapped back and Brannick heard another crunch of bone. A broken neck this time. Roche fell backward and landed on the floor. His eyes were open, but the pupils were fully dilated. Blood trickled from his nose.

  At almost the same moment, the dreamglide vanished and Brannick came back to himself on the living room floor.

  The dissipation of the dreamglide was a sure sign Roche was dead.

  In real-time, Brannick remained on the floor with Juliet next to him. He made sure she stayed prone. He listened for more gunfire, but the battle appeared to be over.

  Fergus wasn’t far. He gained his feet first. “My wolves are scouring each room. Looks like Roche’s men are all dead.”

  Brannick rose, then turned in a slow circle, giving the space a careful visual check.

  Fergus moved in the direction of the hall. “I’ll check out the study. I want to make sure that bastard really is gone.”

  When Fergus disappeared through the doorway, Juliet gained her feet as well. “There’s no question. Roche is dead.”

  “I know.” Brannick marveled at what he could intuit. He felt Roche’s death as though it had been imprinted on his mind.

  Fergus returned a minute later. “He’s not breathing, no heartbeat, nothing. He’s gone.”

  Brannick took Juliet’s hand. She squeezed his in return. They’d done it. Together, and with Fergus’s help, they’d taken the monster down.

  Fergus glanced around. “So how do you want this to go?”

  But it was Juliet who said, “We’re done here. Put all the bodies in the elevator with Roche on top, then send it down to the factory floor. That’ll be enough of a message for tonight.”

  Fergus scowled. “Wait a minute. We can’t stop now. We could take the factory. Bring Keelen and his troops over here. I know we could do it. I’ll call in my pack from Savage.”

  Brannick turned to him. “And declare war against the cartels? Because that’s what we’d be doing.”

  Fergus met his gaze. “Isn’t that what we’re already doing, by taking out Roche and his men?”

  Brannick shook his head slowly. “Roche was always a wild card with the cartels. They won’t mind changing him out for a factory manager they can better control and they’ll get to keep his hefty percentage. We can leak the story about Roche’s obsession with Juliet, that her kidnapping was the only reason for the attack in his home. Once she was safe, the battle ended.”

  Fergus ground his jaw a couple of times and made a wolfish grunting sound only the shifters could do. After a few minutes, his nostrils flared. “You’re right. Because if we destroyed the drug supply, which is where the cartels make their money, it would mean a bloodbath afterward unlike anything Five Bridges has ever seen.”

  Brannick met and held his gaze. “We’re alive, brother. We’ve survived and we will fight another day.”

  “Damn straight.” He shifted his gaze to Juliet. “We’ll do as you’ve said.” He then ordered his wolves to haul Roche and his men to the elevator.

  But when they brought the first body through, Brannick leaned down to Juliet. “We should leave. You don’t need to see this.”

  Juliet held his gaze firmly, and he saw her determination. “I know what’s coming, Brann, and I need to get used to this. We might not be at war tonight, but at some point, it will happen.”

  ~ ~ ~

  As Juliet reverted her attention to the bodies being taken to the elevator, she spoke quiet prayers within her mind. Roche was last, his red hair dragging on the floor, face white, eyes open and blank. He’d caused so much pain and terrible suffering, but now he was dead. She wanted to rejoice, but that’s not what she felt.

  Instead, she saw a man who had once been someone’s infant child, a spirit to be loved and shaped. Yet somehow that life had gone horribly wrong. Maybe he’d been born with the inability to feel remorse about anything. Or perhaps he’d been tortured and abused as a child. She would never know. But the alter experience had turned him into a monster, adding enormous power to his already twisted mind.

  And now the monster was dead.

  Brannick squeezed her waist and spoke quietly. “Just heard from Keelen. The Revel Border Patrol chief showed up and sent Keelen and his men away. He also ordered several units out here onto the street.”

  Juliet’s brows rose. “You mean in front of the strip center?”

  He nodded.

  “Okay. Then we’d better get out of here.”

  When Brannick heard the elevator begin its descent, he summoned Fergus and his men and explained the situation.

  Juliet looked up at him. “Let me check to see what we’re facing.”

  “I’ll hold you tight ‘til you get back.”

  With Brannick’s arms around her, Juliet slipped into the dreamglide, drifted to the front walk, then hurried back. “There are three Revel Border Patrol SUVs out front in the parking lot but a good thirty yards away. Several officers have weapons drawn, but they’re staying behind the open doors of their vehicles.”

  Brannick addressed the group. “We’ll go out together and I’ll shield us. Agreed?”

  The wolves assented.

  When Juliet knew that Brannick had wrapped everyone up in his vampire shield, her heartrate began to climb. If this didn’t work, they could all get killed.

  They moved together to the front entry. Brannick had everyone line up off to the side just in case the moment he opened the door, the officers started firing.

  When they were all in position, she nodded to Brannick. He moved to the door, gave it a shove, then levitated back in place out of harm’s way.

  As she waited, her heart pounded in her ears. But no gunfire returned. Instead, she heard an officer call out, “Steady. Wait ‘til we see who comes out. We don’t want Roche killed.”

  She could barely breathe.

  Brannick once more invoked group telepathy. Levitate just above the floor so we don’t make a sound, and stick close.

  Glancing at the wolves, she saw that each one had a determined look in his eye. Brannick led the way outside. She followed, careful to levitate but not so high as to hit the upper doorframe.

  Surveying the border patrol, she realized none of the officers saw them.

  The lead officer called out again. “Steady, men. Hold your fire.”

  Brannick’s voice hit the group telepathy once more. We’ll rise slowly together on three. Again, I’ve got you all shielded, but stay close. We’ll fly straight up about thirty feet, I’ll call a halt, then we’ll turn to the northeast and head out over the Graveyard. On three … two … one …

  Juliet levitated alongside Brannick as did the wolves. Once high in the air, he drew everyone to a stop well above the strip center. Glancing below, she saw that the Revel Border Patrol remained in position, still waiting for someone to come out of the house.

  Brannick had done his job.

  He lifted his arm and let it fall in the direction he wanted the group to move. As soon as he took off, Juliet stuck right with him as did Fergus and his men.

  When they were at least two miles away from the front of Roche’s home and well over the Graveyard, Brannick called another halt. “I’m going to remove my shield now.”

  As Brannick released it, Juliet once again felt his vampire cloak slide away from her.

  Silence reigned for a few moments. Everyone exchanged glances. She felt the shifters’ energy rise, which seemed to ignite her own. Smiles emerged and eyes glittered.

  The first whoop hit the air, then another and another. Though levitating, the men lifted their fists and kept shouting. They’d all made it out alive and Roche, that bastard, was dead.

  Juliet joined in, adding her very female voice to the mix.

  Brannick, however, soon tamped down the celebration, but he was smiling. “You know someone will hear us. How about we take this to the White Flame and fini
sh our celebration there. I for one could use a Goddamn righteous drink.”

  Wolves, being gregarious by nature, expressed their approval with more raised fists and another round of shouts.

  To Brannick’s credit. He didn’t try to stop them. He merely set the example and flew east toward the club.

  Fergus settled the most important matter with his men as he called out. I’m buying the first round.

  The White Flame had a back room Brannick reserved for the impromptu celebration. Of course, it was near dawn, so the club had emptied of most of its night-loving creatures, especially those who couldn’t speed home with a quick levitating dash to avoid the sunrise.

  Standing beside Brannick, Juliet almost took his hand, then decided not to. They’d been through an awful lot over the past few hours and had survived an impossible situation. But she needed to remind herself that though he’d made love to her, he’d also done his usual and left her abruptly. He might have owned up to his part in initiating the lovemaking, but he was still conflicted.

  Besides, more than anything, she needed to respect their partnership and not to do anything that would put it in jeopardy. Working toward a better world was far more important than anything else right now.

  ~ ~ ~

  Brannick held a mug of beer in his hand, as did the entire team. He’d loved working with Fergus and his men as well as with Juliet. Everything felt new to him, and his spirit was lighter than it had been since he’d come to Five Bridges.

  He slid his arm around Juliet, but he felt her stiffen next to him. She didn’t exactly pull away, but he could feel how uneasy she was.

  As the server passed around another tray of beers, Brannick leaned close to her and whispered, “Is everything okay?” His fae senses told him she had her guard up, and not without reason.

  She turned into him, avoiding eye contact. “Of course.”

  He had a lot he wanted to say to her, but now was not the time. “We need to talk.”

  She lifted her chin slightly and this time met his gaze. “I’m always willing to engage in conversation with you. You’re my partner.”

  He couldn’t help but smile as he held her gaze. “Talking is good.” He felt devilish. “So is something else I can think of.”