Read Dark Tears Page 11

god, Isbell, me, Anna Raventail.”

  “Don’t you mean, Anna Blackwood does have a ring to it doesn’t it.” Anna and Isbell giggled, as the changed into clean pajamas.

  Anna and Isbell decided to share the bedroom for the one night. They climbed in bed, and went under the covers. “So, Anna, what is Victor like, like, when you too are alone?” Isbell asked, Anna wasn’t sure why she wanted details but she answered. “He’s really strong, he gentle but. When he finds the need too, he can get really angry and fierce. He seems gentle at first, but if you have seen someone try and hurt me. Victor looks like his heads going to explode.” “Aoe, gentle and rough, good combination. What else?” “Well, he really likes to read, and snuggle. He’s always really happy a lot of the time, he doesn’t get sad that much. Even learning of his father’s death, which he was surprisingly calm about.” Then the memory of the out of control libery that night shot in her head lier I what she said to herself. But she couldn’t let Isbell know about his powers, or her own.

  Anna and Isbell continued their conversation well into their sleep.

  During the night, Anna was violently wakened by a lazy sleeping arm of Isbell’s hitting Anna in face. Anna sat up fast, and looked to see Isbell still sleeping. Anna quietly slipped out of the bed, put on her silk robe and decided to go see Victor.

  Walking down the blue light hallway, since outside it began to snow again. And the glow from the white snowflakes shined through the windows. Anna then opened the study door, where there she found Victor once again at his desk. But to Anna’s surprise, asleep, hunched over the desk. Anna walked over to see he had buried himself in the books. He stirred as Anna looked down at him. “Anna?” He managed to say, Anna smiled and rubbed his back as he attempted to get up. He stood and lazily walked to the couch with Anna. “Anna I’m growing weaker.” He said as Anna laid him on the couch. “Don’t worry were getting married tomorrow remember. It’s one in morning; I suggest you get more sleep.” Anna lay with him on the couch and she spoke softly to him. “Today is going to go very slow, and tomorrow even slower.” Anna said, as her impatienctince was growing until she could finally walk down the ale.

  “I know, its time’s torture.” Victor said, as he had laid his head down on Anna’s shoulder. They were comfortably talking before, a woman, or half a women, half a duster came into the room. Anna looked to see the upper half of her body the wooden handle and her lower. Which looked like a large feathered dress. She floated effortlessly to the book shelves and began to dust. Then Albert came through the door, with breakfast and looked to see the couple snuggled up on the couch.

  “Well so this is where we had run off to this morning miss Anna.” He sat as he set the tray on the little table in front of them. “Thank you Albert, by the way what time is it?” Albert pulled out his pocket watch and said. “Seven am.” He said, and slipped the watch in his pocket. “Oh, my lady, Holly wishes to see you and Lady Isbell. For the fighting to the gowns. And Lady Isbell has said to not come back to the room until 9 at night. On that note, Holly said to meet her in the Dressing Room in the upper level. Now, can I get you anything else?” “No, thank you Albert.”

  Albert exited the study, and has Anna tired to get out from the bed. Sleeping Victor held on tighter to her, Anna giggled. “Victor darling, I have to get off of the couch sometime. And you have a stag party to attend to tonight. And a groom outfit fitting, and we’ve got to go pick out decorations. And I need

  to go fit my dress, and Isbell’s and-“ Before Anna could go on with her list of things to do. Victor kissed her, then said. “Five more minutes.” Then buried his face in her neck. “Alright.” She said, and stroked his arm. “You know though, you can’t see me tomorrow until I walk down the ale.” Anna said, Victor sprung his head up and said. “What, why?” “It’s a tradition; you can’t see the bride until she walks down the ale. It’s the rules.” “In my time we never had something like that, or stag parties.” “Well, this one is more fun.” She giggled then when Victor’s arms were no longer holding their iron grip on Anna. “I love you gotta go.” She said giving Victor a quick peck on the lips before bolting off the couch.

  For the rest of the day, which was prepared for the wedding. Anna stood up like a manikin as Holly made her dress.

  Victor had gone out the manor bar, to drink with Erik, and many or the younger manor male staff.

  Anna was crammed with writing her vowels, then she and Isbell, to Anna’s surprise. Had her party in Anna’s room, where achole was served, food and many or the younger female staff was invited. Anna had made friends with many of them. Anna grew embarrassed, despite the wine, when the wedding night. Had become a subject of their conversation.

  Anna had invited the whole manor staff to come to the wedding. As the day of wedding grew near with each passing hour. Eva, had grown more distant and weary, Anna was depressed about Eva leaving. But Eva assured her after she died, she would still see and talk to Anna. She would still seem alive. Marcus, had had a long talk with Anna. And that he was so sorry by the way he spoke to Anna. And how during her resting the previous day, Victor had found him. And unbounded him from Marry, then asked Marcus for his blessing to marry Anna. Anna had wished she had Victor’s parent’s blessings.

  That next morning, Anna sprung out of bed with Isbell. Anna looked at the pocket watch on the table. “Isbell! We slept in, its 9:05!” Anna shouted, Isbell gasped then said. “It’s alright, calm down, we need to do your makeup before we do anything else. Now the wedding isn’t until 10 we’ve got time.” As Isbell was calming down Anna, Eva came through the door, she looked fine, but was weary in her age. “Now, Anna, as a woman of Raventail there is something I want to give you. In my family a mother would be giving this to a daughter, but I never had one. So I would like to give this to you.” Anna walked over calmly, although inside she was crying. Eva pulled out a box and opened it, she held out silver tiara. “It would go beautifully with your wedding gown.” Anna took it from her and said. “Yes, yes it would.” Eva gave Anna a kiss on the forehead and said. “For goodness sake girls! Get yourselves ready, we don’t have much time.”

  With that said, many staff women came in with a huge makeup box. They opened and began Anna’s makeup, and Isbell’s as well. Next was the hair, Isbell had chosen an up style. During the time the girls sat there Anna’s excitement grew. And she was stressed as well, her knee shook up down. Sometime Isbell placed her hand on Anna’s knee to get her to stop. When everything was done, Holly quickly slipped Anna into her dress. The tiara was placed on Anna head then the veil was slipped to her hair. When she looked at herself in the mirror, she was very pleased with her image. Eva came into the room, herself dressed and ready and when she saw Anna. She gasped and tears began to poor. “You look just like your mother.” She said as she handed Anna her white roses, Anna then felt herself grow nauseated. “Grandma, what if, what if I fall? Or the sword doesn’t work?” “You won’t fall, and the sword will work, you’ll see. Now give me a turn.” Eva said, Anna twirled around once, and Eva cried even more. Then

  Marcus and Isbell entered the room, Isbell gasped and said. “Anna you look beautiful! Anyway, you’d better thank me, because I saw Victor trying to sneak his way in here with Erik not too long ago. And I gave them quite the scolding.” Anna giggled then was about to say something, when Albert came through the door. “We are ready for the bride.” Anna felt her stomach turn. Until her father took her arm, Anna felt safe. She didn’t feel so nervous anymore, they walked down the hallway to the ballroom.

  When they were at the doors, Isbell and Erik entered first. Then Anna said to her father. “Don’t let me trip.” “I won’t baby.” Anna swore she heard Isbell gasp in delight as they went through the doors. Victor must have down something special, Anna wasn’t allowed to see the ballroom for decoration. She had no idea what if looked like. “Ready?” Marcus asked. “Ready.”

  The doors opened outward and revealed the ballroom. And to An
na’s surprise, a snowflake landed on her nose. It was lightly snowing in the ballroom, but it wasn’t cold. Anna tightened her grip on her father’s arm and began to walk. Snow lightly fell on her as she did, everyone stood. And at the end she saw Victor, his white smile shined in the snow as he saw Anna. When they were at the end, Marcus gave Anna’s hand to Victor and said. “Take care of my baby girl.” “I will.” Victor said, before Victor and Anna turned to the man whom was marrying them. Then as the normal priest vowels were said he said “Anna as the bride you may speak.” Anna remembered all her vowels and said.

  “Victor, all my life, I have heard stories of the manor upon the hill. Where a soul rested forever trapped in time. As a little girl, I wanted to go up there and see the legend for myself. That night six days ago, I finally was able to see my goal. That night, everything in my life changed, I woke you up with kiss. I defended you from a man who meant you harm, and I had only know you for a minute. For a day you promised to protect me. The next day you saved my life from a force that wished to take it. The third day I repaid you by getting the rings, from an evil force. And in return you have my father back to me, so that today he could give me to you. You have done so much for me in a short week. And I just want to say, I’m not marrying you because I have to, I’m marrying you because deep within my heart. I love you, and never want to let you go. And now to this day, I understand what my mother meant, the day she died. She meant for me, to go and find you.” Anna felt a tear drop down her face, and then the priest said. “Victor now your turn.”

  “Anna, I’ve been asleep for fifty years, dreaming of someone, who was going to wake me up. In my dreams I saw you, when he held the sword up in my defense. I knew you were the one, you were the one. I understand what the books and drawings were saying. To find your soul mate, and never let them go. You find me; you risked your life to keep me from a horrible fate. And you gave me the kiss of life, and then you did something crazy. Just so we could be here to marry today. I love you, and this time, I know this feeling here, is real. You made my heart beat back to life, and now I give it to you. When I saw you again, I realized, it wasn’t the curse that was connecting us. It was the fact that we both loved each other. And now, I see, you’re marrying me today, because you love me. I just want to say, I’m marrying you today, not to save myself from a horrible fate. But because I love you till the end of time.”

  “Good, now the rings if you will.” Victor then turned around to Erik who had the sword. Victor unsheathed it, and Anna and Victor held the handle. When they did the sword glowed in a brilliant light, and when they felt the sword leave their grip. The rings had changed, the ring on Anna’s finger was silver with a blue diamond. And the ring on Victor’s finger was gold, with an onyx black swirl. “By the power

  vested in me, I know pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.” With that said, Victor lifted Anna’s veil and looked into her eyes. They blue in her eyes glowed with the snow and white around her.

  He leaned close and Victor and Anna shared a magical kiss. With that they parted and Anna heard the familiar voice of Gorik. Sitting where the man just now was standing who married them. Then Anna realized it was Gorik who had married them. “Congraudalations Lady and Lord Blackwood. Now I think it’s time the land woke up don’t you.” Gorik stood and howled, the ceiling above them dissolved to reveal a night