Read Dark Tears Page 10

Blackwood. Check under Anna’s cloak.” Victor was curious and looked, he gasped.

  Then pulled the handle away from Anna’s buckle, behind him he heard Eva gasp. “The-the-the…” She couldn’t even finish its title. “The Sword of Firinne.” Victor finished, holding the sword above his head.


  Anna had slept half way through the rest of the day, Victor had invited Gorik inside. But Gorik said, he felt more comfortable outside. When Anna awoke, Victor had asked her how the sword came to be.

  “Well, when I had the rings, the second I touched them. The rings, they brightened into a large light, and then they bonded and grew into the sword.” Was all she said, then she got a scolding lecture from Victor about tricking him. “Well, how else was I going to get out the manor without you following me?” She asked, Victor was about to say something, but stopped and realized if Anna didn’t, the rings would be lost.

  “Fine, alright, but Anna, what about Marry?” He asked, as Anna set her injured ankle on his thigh. He curled his fingers around her foot, and a light appeared under his hand. And rubbed her foot gently as the injury faded away. When he was done, Anna twisted her foot. “Thank you.” Anna said, then sat up and crawled over the couch over to Victor. She sat next to him, and lay her head on his shoulder. “To tell you the truth though, I wasn’t all that scared. But, I was at first, before running from the manor. We really owe it to Ombre Inconnue Victor, he’s the one we really should be thanking for getting the rings.” Anna said, and then by her surprise, Victor turned to lie on the couch facing the fireplace. Laying Anna next to him, on the board of the large couch. Anna then grabbed the blanket, and wrapped herself and Victor in it. “I guess you’re right, I just thought he would have killed you instead of believe you.” Victor said, Anna laid her head back on his shoulder. Anna was a little surprised, Victor was normally very proper about most things. When a man and women were lying down together.

  But lately Anna rarely thought he cared anymore. Everything was quiet as Anna, and Victor shared their thoughts and emotions just by looking at each other. Then Victor broke the uncomfortable silence and said.

  “Anna there’s been something I’ve been meaning to ask you.” He said, he sat up, then Anna suddenly felt her knees go weak. Is he about to ask, what I think he’s going to ask. He held his hand out to her, to assist her in pulling her off the couch. He walked her over to the fire place, and looked within it flames. “Anna even though our time together has been short. I have been meaning to ask you this, since the day you woke me up.”

  Anna stood excited and nervous as Victor looked at her, got down on one knee. Brought out a little blue box opened it to reveal a silver ring in crested with three small diamonds, the middle one being slightly bigger.

  “Anna Raventail, will you marry me?”

  Anna stood speechless, and then she managed a soft whisper. “yes.” Victor didn’t quite hear her, but then her voice grew louder. “yes, Yes, YES!” Anna screamed, Victor being quite tall, Anna tackled him backwards in a large hug. Anna removed her head from Victor’s chest, to look him in the face. A large smile on both their faces. Anna then pulled him in unexpected kiss, at first he was shocked, then kissed her back.

  When they broke it, then slipped the ring on her finger, then Victor shouted. “ALBERT!” Albert was in the room within a few seconds. “Yes, master, oh-“ As he walked in on Anna and Victor. “Albert, I have major chore for you. Tell Holly to make a white dress with a veil, and prepare the ballroom for a wedding!” Victor said with excitement a big rat smile appeared on Albert’s face with his sharp buck teeth sticking out. “Yes sir! I shall inform Eva at once sir!” With that he was out of the room. “Oh Victor!” Anna screamed into his chest, he then grinned bigger seeing this is actual what she wanted. “Oh I have another surprise for you. Mr. Raventail, you can come in now.” Anna then looked up and saw her nervous father walk through the door.

  Anna got up from Victor and looked at her father. He was crying, he pulled out his hankie and wiped his eyes under his glasses. “Hi baby, I’m sorry, I hit you, I didn’t mean to.” He said, Anna realized what he was apologizing for. She walked over and embraced him in a large hug. “I know daddy, I love you, and I need someone to walk me down the ale.” Anna said, her father pulled back, more tears streamed down his face. Anna turned around again and said. “Did you?” Victor nodded, Anna turned and held him even tighter.

  Then a women burst open the door. “Albert just told me, it is tr-“Eva took one look at Victor and Anna, noticing the shining ring on Anna’s finger. She screamed with delight, she walked over, grabbed Anna by the face. Kissed both her cheeks then embraced her in a hug. “Oh, look at you, hope you don’t mind being called Lady Blackwood. Oh, we don’t have much time, we have to send a message bird to Isbell. You and her always talking about being each other’s brides’ maid of honor. Wouldn’t want to disappoint her. Oh, Anna, my granddaughter is getting married! But Victor,” She turned her attention to Victor. “I do expect great grandchildren from you two.” “Mother, that’s a little too early to think about, don’t you think?” Marcus asked, Eva turned around. “Its perfect timing! I’m going to die the day they get

  married, bit I’ve got to spend fifty years here in my ghost hood. I’m at least going to see my great great grandchildren.” Marcus looked distraught by the thought of Eva dying.

  But then the thought of her in ghost hood, didn’t really sound like she was leaving them. “But, what am I standing here talking about having babies. Anna my dear it’s time to put those birthing hips to good use.” “GRANDMA!” Anna shouted, that was not exactly something she wanted Victor to hear. Anna looked through the corner of her eye, seeing Victor covering his large grin, and red cheeks.

  “Oh well, what are standing here for, Victor when’s the wedding?” Eva asked him. “The day after tomorrow, at 10 in the morning.” Victor said, then Eva then said. “We don’t have must time at all, Anna you and me, were going up to see a Message Pigeon. Write a letter to Isbell straight away Anna! Go, go, go.” Shooing Anna out of the door, she barely got to say goodbye to Victor before her grandma rushed her out completely.

  Down the hall Anna, realized her fiancée and her father were alone together. Anna didn’t want to think about the kind of man to man talk Marcus and Victor were most likely having.

  Anna rushed her into the room, where Holly wasn’t there. Anna quickly wrote a message to Isbell, to come to Blackwood Manor. Anna set the message on a bird.

  When she did, she was surprised she quickly got a response an hour and half later.

  Dear Anna,

  Yes Anna I will come to Blackwood Manor tonight, with Erik, and can’t you believe it were getting married I expect you to be my Maid of Honor. Anyway hoping your news is good, I’ll see you in two hours from 4:00.



  Anna looked at the clock it was 5:35 Isbell should be there soon. Anna then went to thinking what color the maid of honor dress should be. Anna then thought since the first color of dress she saw was green. The dress should be light green, Albert and Eva returned with a tray. Spotted with flavored icing and in Albert’s other hand was cubes cuts of cake. “Now, Victor said he like the chocolate cake with white icing, and strawberry filing.” Albert said, Anna tried the combination, she didn’t like the chocolate cake part. “Ask him about marble cake instead I like everything else.” Albert went out through his rat hole, Eva then said. “Alright, Anna, have you messaged Isbell?” Eva asked she sound out of breath. “Yes, I did, she’s bring her fiancée with her. She should be here in about fifteen minutes.” “Good good, because you’re having either a Bridal Shower or Bacorlette party tomorrow. Victor is having a stag party tomorrow, he didn’t have one the last time. Then as a wedding tradition, Victor isn’t allowed to see you the whole wedding day until you walk down the ale. Now that’s the fun part, grooms like to see their brides before that time. You should ask your father,
he tried on his wedding day. Knowing Victor he’s going to try his hardest.”

  Anna was almost barely listening, impatiently looking at the clock. Then she heard a knock at the door, Eva then saw Anna bolted from the chair. Determined to get to the door first, still in a light pick silk robe and thigh high night gown. Anna opened the door, to see Isbell and Erik behind her.

  “Hi, Anna, how are you, and wow---“ Was all Isbell said as Anna lead her in, and saw the stated of the manor. “But outside it looks all old and in ruins.” Erik said setting his and Isbell’s bags near the door.

  Victor was walking down with Albert, whom to Anna looked half rat. But to Isbell and Erik looked like a strange little human man. “Is that?” Isbell said taking one look at Victor, seeing him clean, and lively. “Yes, that’s Victor, and he’s quite nice and not demonic at all. I want you and Erik to meet him.” Anna said leading Isbell and Erik to Victor, as Victor was done talking with Albert. He greeted Isbell in a formal gentleman way, then greeted Erik. “Hello I am Victor Blackwood, welcome to Blackwood Manor, Anna has told me much about you Isbell.” Isbell was taken aback by Victor stunning looks, when his features were awake and moving.

  “Well I wish I could say the same about you, but this is my fiancé Erik Johnson.” Isbell said showing Erik to Victor, the men shook hands and Erik said. “Hello, it’s good to see you awake, and me sober.” The men gave a deep hardly, a giggle, deep throat chuckle.

  After an hour, Isbell was already having a long conversation with Victor then. When Anna felt comfortable about it. “Isbell I want to tell you the real reason I asked you to come.” Anna stood up with Victor then said. “Isbell, I would love to have you as my Brides Maid of Honor.” Isbell’s eye grew large, Anna was glad she was sitting down. Then her smile grew almost to her ears, as she unexpectly got up and gave Anna a tight hug. Tight enough to where Anna could only say “air!” Isbell let go of her and said. “Where’s the ring?” Isbell asked, Anna pulled her left hand from behind her with the ring on her finger. “Wow, would you look at that.” Isbell said looking at it, then showed Anna her own engament ring. “So when are you two getting married?” Isbell asked, Victor answered. “The day after tomorrow.”

  “It’s a little soon, but it works, oh Anna. Were going to have ourselves a downright fun Bachorllet party tomorrow! Oh can’t you believe it Erik!” Erik truly seemed happy, for he got up and gave Anna a hug on congrating her. “Well, then what are we going here, Anna we must go through all the dressers and find you a wedding gown. Boys, we are to be gone, Victor, I hope you don’t mind if Erik joins your stag party. I hope you boys will have fun, anyway tata! You can’t see your bride before the wedding.” With that said, Isbell dragged Anna away.

  In Anna’s room, when the girls were allowed to act like girls. They held hands and jumped up and down, Isbell threw of her shoes and tackled her to the bed. “WERE GETTING MARRIED!” She said, her and Anna screamed in joy.

  Anna had learned early Isbell’s wedding was in a mouth.

  “Well Anna, what color is me dress?” Isbell asked. “Green, it was the color of the first dress I tried on my first day here.” “Wonderful, and Anna didn’t expect you to find a suitor that handsome.” “You know what funny Isbell is? The night I went to the party Eva said she’d scold me if I didn’t come back with a suitor. That night I went out and found the best of all!” “Me too! Erik really is wonderful too, I think we both found our soul mates that night.” “I guess we did! My