Read Dark Tears Page 5

what looked like just skinny drawers turned out to be deep. For Holly reached her whole arm into the drawer looking for clothes. She found nothing, the she grabbed a handle that was to her side. And she opened herself, to reveal dresses on hooks. She looked at a green one and gasped saying. “Here, you’ll look just beautiful in this one!” Holding the dress the Anna. It was skin tight dress, and it was long and green with warm green sleeves.

  It had on light green stripe going down the middle, Anna took it from Holly. Then twirled with the dress in her hand. She stopped and placed the dress on the bed and looked at it. “I’ve never seen one dress besides me mother’s wedding dress. That was a different color other then black!” Anna never got many chances to try on another colored dress. Holly laughed and said. “My, Blackwood really has gone to hell, hasn’t it?” Anna looked at Holly and nodded in a yes. “Well go on; try it on, andlet’s see how it looks.”


  Anna quickly slipped off the night gown, which after it fell from her, turned back into the costume. Then slipped on the green dress, Holly gave Anna a pair of heels. Then Anna sat in the mirror brushing her hair. When she was ready for the day, Holly urged her out the room. Anna shut the door behind her, and walked out to see no stone statues, in fact there was no one.

  Anna then called Albert’s name, she heard cracking and when she looked to the wall to her right. A giant hold opened and Albert stepped out, as he did the hole closed. Seeing as though there was no hole there in the first place.

  The rat man greeted Anna and said. “Come, the master just told me to bring you to the study straight away, he seemed very excited about something.”

  Anna remembered the study, maybe Victor had discovered something. Anna nodded and followed, as the two walked towards the study. As they did Anna watched to see what looked like humans at first. Turned into either half furnture half human, or half animal. Most of the maids had turned into mice, some of the bellhops turned into birds. But others turned into giant candle holders, with five or six golden arms. Where large candle sticks burned bright as they lit all the lights in the manor.

  Albert and Anna came to the study door, Albert knocked on the door there was no answer. Albert opened the door, and peaked his head in. Seeing nothing he opened the door wide open for Anna. She gracefully walked in, then turned to Albert. “Where is he?” Anna asked, Albert shook his head in confusion. “I don’t know, I shall go find him, you stay here. I’ll be right back, no peeking.”

  Albert closed the door, Anna noticed the study was cleaner. She walked over to the giant desk to see many papers with writing Anna didn’t understand. Anna saw board scribbles, on the sides of the pages. Then many well drawn pictures as well, of gardens and the forest. And among many other sceneries Anna didn’t seem to recognize.

  Anna decided while waiting she’d look around. Find many books, she found one that peeked her desired interest. Book of Magic for Beginners Volume 1, Anna sat in a chair and front of the fire. And still she couldn’t read the writing on the page. Anna then grew frustrated with no ability to read the book. As Anna dearly wished to read it, she repeated to herself. As she flipped fumbled through the pages of the book.

  Anna then looked in amazement, after the third time, the symbols on the page changed. To reveal English, the symbols flew around on the pages, turning into letters and numbers, which soon turned into words. The words and sentences made more sense, Anna flipped back to the first page in the book. “Spell 1” Is what it was called, “Fireball”. Anna wondered if it was a good idea to do magic without Victor, but she decided against it. Anna read the instructions, then she held her palm facing upward in front of her. Concentrating, repeating the words quietly to herself, then she felt her hand go warm. She opened her eyes to see a fireball floating above her hand, she twisted her hand around. To see the fireball crawl around her hand.

  Anna placed the book in her lap with her other hand. She entertained herself by throwing the fireball back and forth with her hands. Then Anna looked at the book, which said how to blow out the fire ball. The book said to just close her palm to make a fist. Anna did as the book intruded, and the fireball was gone.

  Anna conjured it again, totally unaware of the tall man leaning on the side of the chair. Observing with amazement, he placed his hand over her face. Waving his hand up and down over her face, truly Anna could not see him, but she could hear him and feel the small force he was giving.

  Anna felt a gust in her face, she held the fireball up, which Victor moved his hand away from just in time. Anna let the ball die, and focused on the next spell. “Shock”, Victor wondered how she was going to conjure a spell like this. She couldn’t even read the book, or could she?

  When Albert had found Victor in the garden turning his best to fix the poor tended to garden. Which was taking a large amount of time and energy. Albert had shown up out of the breath, and explained in wonder how Anna could see him.

  “Well of course she can see you Albert.” Albert shook his head and said. “No, see SEE me, she can see everyone in the manor, she knows I have rat ears and a tail! She has some kind of magic, and sir, I’ve had quite enough of witches.” Victor claimed Anna was not a witch, and by what he was observing, he was right.

  Victor let the spell die, and tapped Anna on the shoulder. Anna slammed the book closed and looked back at Victor. Hoping not being in trouble for being caught red handed doing magic. “Victor, you scared me, um, how much of that did you see?” She asked, Victor grinned and said. “All of it.” Victor then whipped out a fireball of his own juggling it in his hands. Then let it the fireball die, Anna pulled out another one and stood. “I am doing this right, because yours is a different color?” Anna was right, Victor’s fireball was the color of green. Anna’s was of regular organ fire colors. “Yes, it wouldn’t change color in till your ready. Anyway having fun?” Anna nodded and swirled the fireball in her fingers. “Yes, I’m sorry if I’m not supposed to. I wouldn’t have unless the book didn’t change to English for me.”

  Victor picked of the book and looked at it, it was the same as always. “Are you sure?” Anna nodded and said. “Yes, the symbols just changed to English for me. I just read it and well.” She let the fireball die.

  Victor focused on the book for a moment before Anna asked. “Um, you said you found something?” Victor looked up and smile ran across his face. He placed the book down and went to the desk, then he turned and said. “I found something they may help us.” Then he read something written down on a piece of paper.

  “It’s a letter from my father, I found in some of my favorite books. Dear Son, I expect now that if you are reading this, it means I have pasted and you have awakened. I give my greatest thanks to the young mistress who pulled the dagger from you. Anyway, here are clearer terms of the curse. Marry Beth, she had long left town after your death. I expect according to the books in the study, she is no less on her way back to kill the young mistress. But do not fret the both of you, for I have placed a spell around the manor preventing Marry Beth from entering the manor. I don’t know what will break the curse but in this event, in till the curse is broken Marry Beth and the demon that has clinged to her soul. Will forever fight her way to kill the young mistress. She will use whatever she can find to hold it against you and the young girl. But enough of dark, according to the writing on the dagger. The young girl will gain magic in her blood, she will be able to fight for herself if need be. But according to the dagger, if the mistress is slain, not only she dies, but the land around her as well.”

  Anna waited to see if Victor would continue, but he didn’t. “That’s it?” Anna asked, Victor nodded his head and put the paper back down. “Well... I guess all we can do is wait in till we find a way to defeat her.” Anna said, Victor nodded in agreement.

  Victor was about to say something, but then loud banging took place. Anna and Victor looked at each other, could it be Marry Beth. They ran out the study, and jogged to the entrance. When
they were at the door, Victor held his hand out blocking Anna, a few feet from the door. He looked outside the peep hole, then a familiar and rather funny yelling took place. “Victor Blackwood, you let me see my granddaughter right now!” “Its, just Eva.” He said, he unlocked the door, and opened it. On the other side were Marcus and Eva. Marcus took one look at Anna and rushed in without second thought. Anna was surprised, normally before entering a home. Marcus would have asked kindly and properly, instead he rushed in right past Victor.

  He hung on to Anna then looked at her and said. “Anna were leaving right now, I wouldn’t let you become a Demon Bride!” As Marcus firmly grabbed Anna’s hand and was rushing her out the door. “Wait da-!” Marcus backed into Anna as Marcus gazed upon Victor. Victor, very unsure how to act.

  Arched over yelping, as Eva hit Victor in the head with a purse. Victor backed away from the crazy old women with the purse. “That’s for not returning my granddaughter home. Oh for goodness sake Marcus, he’s not going to make Anna a Demon Bride. You’re letting the nonsense of Garret going into your head. I told you Victor is kind. Not a demon, remember I was there when he was stabbed.”

  Victor then checked his hair, then straightened. “Um, it’s finally good to make your acquaintance Mr. Raventail. Anna has told me so much about you.” Eva placed her hands on her hips and grunted, then Victor turned to her. “I it is a very special and really deeping pleasure to see a long time friend. Welcome back Eva Morningwood.” Eva then smiled and said. “It’s good to see you too Victor, it’s been a long time.”

  Eva and Victor had departed, leaving Marcus and Anna. Anna led Marcus to the room where she was staying for awhile. Anna and Marcus enjoyed a game of chess. When Marcus stopped and said. “Honey bird, I think we need to.” Anna looked up from the game and said. “About what?” She asked, then Marcus sighed heavily. “About you pulling the blade, and you marrying two different men.” Anna then thought for a moment. Then she remembered, she was destined to marry Victor, and she promise Garret.

  “Now, in the eyes the Lord, you made you vowels to Garret. Not Victor, Anna I don’t believe he’s such a nice boy.” Anna then grew angry she hated how people judged Victor before they even meet him. “He’s very kind in the manner of speaking. He was kind to me, last night we were trying to figure out how to break the curse, and father I can’t leave. I don’t think you and Eva should either.” Marcus looked as if Anna had been bewitched.

  “What do you mean?” He asked, then Anna said. “Father according to the dagger that Victor was stabbed with, Marry Beth the one who killed him. Is coming back, and she will do anything to kill me. Even hold you and Eva against me.” Marcus then said. “Anna, I don’t believe that, I think he’s tricking you into staying with him. He is no longer of God, he is a demon, he is not longer pure, or human. Although, saying this, I do suggest you marry Garret and leave Victor, now. Before he gets to attached you, and before you’re too bewitched under this spell. The local priest said, once you marry another besides Victor. Victor will lose grip of you, and turn into his rightful age. And dye, like every human. And the priest said he will be punished to wonder the earth as his body rots for doing this to you.”

  Anna rose and said. “I AM NOT BEWITCHED!!!!!! AND IF MARRYING GARRET WILL DO THAT TO VICTOR, THEN I RATHER DIE!!! I WOULD MARRY VICTOR OVER GARRET, IN FACT. That’s exactly what I’m going to do, if Victor proposes and speaks his