Read Dark Tears Page 6

vowels of promise to me. Then I will marry him. But now, I recline my vowel to Garret, the wedding is off. Now I think you should leave.” Anna said then she went out the door. With tears streaming down her face, how could Marcus act that way?

  He never believed in what the church said, he believed in science more than anything. Why did all the sudden did that change? As Anna ran down the hall to get away from her father. As he called after her, she bumped into somebody. She looked up into Victor’s gaze. His face turned soft as he saw Anna, Eva next to him. “Anna what happened?” He said taking her by the shoulders, Anna then hugged onto him. He hugged her back trying to comfort her. “What is troubling you, darling? What did you and father

  argue about?” Anna was crying so hard she couldn’t speak, everything was changing so fast. Her father had completely changed, he wasn’t himself.

  Victor held on her to her gently, Anna wanted nothing more, but to have her protector near her. Marcus caught up out of breath, then he saw Victor holding Anna. Victor looked up; Victor had a slit hinge of anger for Marcus for making Anna cry so hard.

  “Mother, Anna, we are leaving now.” Anna turned to him, then Anna pulled Victor’s protective arms still around her to show her father. I have chosen, and there is nothing you can do about it. She saw her father’s face grow red. “You are coming Anna, as your father, I still own you, and you are marrying Garret!” Eva then screamed at Marcus, and for the first time Marcus said. “Shut up women, you speak to a man like that again and I sell you over to the British Servant Society!” Eva stepped back, never had she ever Marcus speak like that. Marcus always believed women were just as equal as men. Anna then looked at her father with such anger, and she could feel Victor’s arms tighten around her.

  “GET OUT!!” Anna shouted as she shot away from Victor and looked at Marcus straight in the eye.

  “You are coming with me! AND YOU WILL MARRY GARRET! AND YOU WILL NEVER SPEAK TO A MAN LIKE THIS EVER AGAIN, YOU HEAR ME!!” With this Marcus back handed Anna on her right cheek. This time Victor stepped in, he put himself in front of Marcus. And picked up Marcus by his over coat. Victor’s eyes turned a bright red as he said. “Never hit her again, father or not.” He turned and threw Marcus at the door, Marcus stopped in mid air just before he hit the door. The door opened, Marcus placed on the other side. And the door slammed shut and locked itself. Then Marcus continued to bang on the door.

  Eva was crying in shock of her son ever saying that to her. Anna still on the floor shocked by the hit, Victor walked to her. He bent down, and looked at her. He lifted her up into his arms, and she buried her face into his chest. She hung onto him with dear life and cried her eyes out. Eva then wiped her eyes clean, then said. “Victor if what you told me is true, then I do believe that Marry Beth is here. And she posses my son. Anna, that was not your father, he would never yell or hit you like that.” Then thought of it, Eva maybe right. Then she needed to tell Victor what Marcus said. “Victor, Marcus mentioned, or what it sounded like was. If I marry another, then the bond between us, is broken. And the curse on me will be broken. But you will wonder aimless on the earth as a rotting corpse. And I promised I wouldn’t let that happen to you, and I am sorry for him. He would never say that.”

  Victor held her closer to him, then said. “I’m sure, Eva has told me about him, and so have you. He sounds like a good man, and I hope to properly meet with him. Once we defeat Marry Beth and end the curse.” Eva then said. “Victor, I think this old women needs to take a walk for a moment.” Victor nodded and said. “I’ll take Anna to her room.” He then walked away with Anna in his arms.

  Anna too afaired of letting go of Victor.

  Victor, placed Anna on the bed, and sat on the edge of the bed with her. Anna sat up, then pulled the unexpecting Victor down with her. This unnormal for most people, no man or women, were ever in the same bed together unless married.

  “Anna doesn’t this seem a bit improper?” He asked, as he was stiff. Anna shook her head and said. “Yes, but my father, I have always had a man in my life. And now, you’re all I have Victor.” Victor seemed to wearily smile, and then Anna spoke again. “He and Garret spoke so cruelly of you, before they even got to know you, and…” Anna then felt a rush of emotion swipe past her like a wave, she couldn’t control her hormones. Victor saw her distraught, he sat up with her and placed his hands on her hips. The source of her hormonal outbreak, his hands glowed. As the magic calmed her, she took deeper breathes.

  Within seconds Anna was laying on the bed totally exusted from the emotional outbreak. Victor lay with her in an attempt to put her in a sleeping spell. Which he barely had to do considering she was so tired.

  Victor wrapped the sheets around Anna then said. “Holly, come out here please.”

  Holly the little dresser turned into her half human form.

  “Yes master?” “Tell me of the deciousion Anna and her father were having.” Holly sighed and said. “I don’t know if you’ll be happy or confused by this but. Anna’s father suggested Anna to marry Garret, and that Anna was under a spell. Anna said this after her father claimed this. ‘IF MARRYING GARRET WILL DO THAT TO VICTOR, THEN I RATHER DIE!!! I WOULD MARRY VICTOR OVER GARRET, IN FACT. That’s exactly what I’m going to do, if Victor proposes and speaks his vowels of promise to me. Then I will marry him. But now, I recline my vowel to Garret, the wedding is off’”. Holly said this by opening her mouth and Anna’s voice was portrayed.

  Victor had mixed feelings, then looked back at Anna. A true beauty she was, but Victor’s kind lived for centuries. His father had married a human woman long ago. Humans had no power in their blood, magic is what made them live for such a long time. Victor remembered his father, he remembered Victor’s father always looking the age of 24. Only when other mortals saw him, did he make himself look like a middle aged man. Victor’s father was 342 years old when Victor was stabbed. Victor then wondered, now that Anna had magic in her blood. Could it be possible that she would live a long youthful like himself.?

  Victor walked over to her, she awoke him. She choose him, today, by hiding within Victor’s arms. She chose him; he was the only man she had now. He felt a sense of responalbilty now, she was his to protect. Victor brushed her lips with the back of his hand, these lips. Of which a kiss of life was given to him. And he didn’t even ask for it, she chose him over Garret. She ran to him for safety and for comfort, not her father. He had only known her for two days, and feelings within him began to stir for her.

  He knew it wasn’t the curse’s connection binding him to this. It was true feeling, a feeling his only recognized when he saw Marry Beth at the ball. But Anna was something else, she was made for him.

  He walked to the opposite side of the bed, sat and brushed the long beautiful hair out of Anna’s face. Anna turned over lazily and wrapped her arms around Victor’s waist as if he was teddy bear. Feeling this deeply improper and perverted of him, for thinking of such thoughts he was having now.

  He got up away quickly and quietly and thought it better to separate himself from the vulnerable Anna. And go work more on the garden to distract himself.

  An hour later, Anna awoke, she got up and wondered how she had fallen asleep. She got out of bed in the green dress. She brushed her hair quickly and slipped on her shoes.

  She walked out of the room, it was only 10:30. She walked around to see none of the wonderful half human half furniture or half human half animal people. When she called for Albert, not even he showed himself. The manor was dark, the candles blown out. And everything was eerily quiet; Anna made her way to the study. But Victor was not there, the fireplace was even blown out. The windows gave a blue grey light as shadows of snowflakes on the carpet fell. Anna felt very cold, and when she blew out a big breath, her breath turned to fog.

  She rubbed her shoulders and wondered what was going on. Anna then repeated the Fireball spell and a fireball appeared. Anna held it up as a light, she threw the fireball
at the fire place. But it did not light, Anna found a blanket on the chair and sat on the shaggy carpet.

  As Anna tried to warm herself of up, she heard the ruffling of papers. She turned around quickly to see papers flying from the desk. Anna got up, and held the fireball over her head. Then she heard the clashing of books falling to the ground behind her. She turned around to see no one there, as Anna turned around looking for what was in the room with her. Her fireball unexpectly went out, the room became pitch black.

  Anna’s heart beat over and over, harder and harder. She felt herself almost go into panic, until two hands pushed her. Not very hard but when she landed and opened her eyes. She got up to see everything old, and tattered.

  The chair scratched up, all the papers and books spread all over the place. The beautiful statue women who had once were beautiful and bright. Now the fell apart, even the blanket around Anna had turned into a rag. She dropped the rag and ran out of the study. When she did the majestic beauty she had once seen. Know the giant windows were boarded up and broken, the floors cracks. The painting on the floor tore up and even most missing.

  Anna then shouted Victor’s name, but he did not answer back. Anna then thought, of the one place he may be. She ran out the manor, and then noticed, she was back in her costume. Even her mask was back on her face, Anna then felt around her neck for the locket Victor gave her. It was not there, she then felt herself run through the halls and out of the doors. Which were surprising open, and when she looked outside everything was worst. Well worst then Blackwood was normally, then Anna looked towards the West Wing. She tried to open the door but found it boarded shut. Anna then kicked at the door, and kicked again. When the door busted open, Anna at the bottom shouted his name. He still did not answer.

  Anna then ran up the spiral staircase to afaired to stop herself. Then she got to the landing and turned the door handle, when she did. She busted into the room, and she looked around. He still wasn’t here, Anna felt herself begin to cry. Then she heard footsteps behind her, she turned around to see a person behind the door.

  He stepped forward, and Anna’s heart ached from his very site.

  It was Victor.

  But more corpse like, his clothes tattered in his groom outfit. His face a blue pale and large dark circles formed around his eyes, and on one side of his face. Was what looked like a spot of his rotting cheek, you could see his teeth behind strands of flesh. He held out his hand to close the door, and Anna realized that his hands were now bones. Then he looked at her with sadness and anger all at the same time.

  “Why?” He simply asked

  “Why, what? Victor what happened to you??” Anna asked with worry and panic in her voice. “Why? Why did you marry him Anna. My sweet Anna, why did you marry Garret? You said you loved me, you said we’d be together for the rest of forever. Why, why my love. Why do you no longer love me?” Anna had completely no idea what he was talking about. “What? I didn’t marry Garret, Victor please tell me what is going on? Why are you like this Victor, please answer my question. I don’t love Garret I never will and I would never ever marry him.” “Then why did you, Anna be with me forever. I love you, be with me forever.” He walked closer to Anna, she was frightened. He got close to her face, then Anna noticed something funny.

  She couldn’t smell him; in fact she couldn’t smell anything. As Anna was about to come to the revolution of something. Victor kissed her, Anna couldn’t help but kiss back then he murmured under his breath.