Read Dawn Page 3

  ~Edward’s Point of View~

  I wasn’t sure how long I could stand not being near Bella, I couldn’t help but almost feel as though I was a weak fool when it came to her. I felt that I needed to be there, I needed to protect her.

  But again and again I was reminded; it was my fault that she had been in danger. I had lost control, and ruined a girl’s life, just in a matter of seconds, all because of my carelessness. I made a promise to myself, that I would never lose control like that again, ever.

  I could never forget the sweet agony of Bella’s blood stirring the beast that had been hidden deep within me for so many years. Only to be left out on the one person that mattered more than anyone else to me.

  Quickly I paused at this thought that had come to me, abruptly pushing the idea away. I couldn’t possibly think of Bella in this way, not after making her life a living hell for three days, then trapping her in an eternity of sorrow. She would hate me forever. There was no chance in the slightest that she would even want to tolerate being around me.

  Walking back into the waiting room, I noticed that Bella’s father Charlie was still there, asleep in his seat, a newspaper laying over his chest, and his feet on top of the end table. He had been here since Bella had first entered the hospital.

  Such dedication, it was undeniable that he loved Bella deeply.

  You love her to, you know that right? A thought came to me, making me turn in the direction of the tiny pixie that came walking through the doors, giving me a bubbly smile.

  “What are you talking about, I don’t love Bella,” I defended, “I just don’t want to see her get hurt,”

  Alice rolled her eyes, and shook her head. “Edward, I got a vision, just a few hours ago, it’s of you and Bella,” She sang, wagging he brows at me.

  Embarrassment lashed around inside me as I frowned at her, crossing my arms across my chest.

  “It’s not going to happen,”

  “Oh, it will, and I’ll make sure of it,” Alice smirked with a clap of her hands.

  I shook my head, “Don’t I have done nothing but hurt her, since we had met; she probably can’t stand me,”

  This thought alone was painful, but I knew that I deserved this.

  “She doesn’t hate you Edward, she’s really happy, look,” Alice said, and suddenly a vision was sliding into my thoughts.

  It was Bella; she was at the house, with all the others, a bright smile on her face. Zander was at her feet, looking about three years old, he smiled just as brightly, pulling on Bella’s hand, then pointing somewhere out into the distance.

  Bella nodded to him, and I watched as Zander went running right over to me. I hugged Zander, and carried him back over to Bella, where I had planted a kiss upon her soft-looking lips.

  That’s where the vision had ended.

  Something inside of me seemed to click, and cause waves of flutters around me. Even my dead heart felt as though it was about to start beating.

  It just looked so perfect, it was the meaning of happiness, it was something that I craved, and I hadn’t even realized this until now.

  I wanted Bella…

  I wanted her in my life; I wanted to spend each minute of every day by her side. I wanted to help raise Zander. I wanted to make the both of them happy… But I couldn’t, and I knew I couldn’t. I was a monster; I doomed the both of them to this life. I didn’t deserve to have a happy ending.

  “Like it or not, you’re not going to have a choice in the matter, you’re going to fall in love with Bella, then you won’t be able to resist getting closer with her,” Alice spoke quietly, a knowing smile on her face.

  “The future could always change Alice,” I spoke, and with that, I ended the conversation, turning to Charlie, and gently shaking him awake.

  “Charlie, Bella is awake, and prepared for a visit, if you would like,” I said politely as Charlie had woke up, looking up at me with suspicion.

  There is something going on in this place, I just know there is, Bella better be ok. His thoughts spoke loud and clear. He didn’t even pretend to smile as he stood up, and followed me back to Bella’s room.

  I understood how he felt, and I didn’t blame him, this was after all, his one and only daughter. I respected him deeply for his caring, and protective feelings towards Bella. She needed someone like this in her life.

  When we made it to the door, I paused, hoping that Bella was ready for interaction with her first human. She seemed to have very good handle on herself, and I normally wouldn’t want to risk something like this. But I trusted Bella; she knew she had a handle of herself.

  Charlie and I entered the room slowly, and as soon as Charlie took in Bella’s appearance, his thoughts were again echoed through my head.

  She’s so pale, and she just looks so different, what did these assholes do to her?

  It was obvious that Bella had gotten her observation skills from her father. This was already dangerous, and on top of this, now Charlie was suspicious. This wasn’t good.

  I just hoped that Bella would be able to think of something to tell Charlie.

  Bella’s Point of View

  As soon as Edward had returned with Charlie I took a deep breath, expecting the burning in my throat to flare up hotter than ever. But I was prepared for it, as long as I just focused on my breathing; I knew I’d be ok.

  “Bells, you ok?” Charlie asked moving to me quietly, his eyes moving between me, and Zander, who was asleep in my arms.

  I nodded, smiling slightly as the burning in my throat increased at his closeness.

  “Much better, how are you?”

  “Don’t worry about me Bella, just focus on resting up so you can come home,” Charlie spoke, seeming to look much more calm then he did when he came in.

  I glanced at Edward however, knowing that I had to say something. There was no way I could go home with Charlie. It was far too dangerous, even in this exact moment I wasn’t sure how long I could be this close to Charlie before I lost control. Fear prickled inside me at the thought.

  “Dad, I’m being dismissed today, but… I’m not coming home,”

  Charlie’s eyes widened, “What do you mean you’re not coming home?”

  “Look… there was a problem, after the delivery, I picked up a rare disease, and I need to be kept under constant medical watch, I need to be kept around a medical setup, I can’t go out in public, or get left alone for months, maybe even years, or I’ll die,” I spoke seriously.

  Charlie’s face showed a mixture of different emotions, while turning different shades before he could speak.

  “But where will you stay?” He said frowning. “You’re not staying in this hospital,”

  “The Cullen’s, offered to let me live with them for a while, Carlisle is the best doctor around to help me through this,”

  Charlie was immediately shaking his head, folding his arms across his chest, looking more than overwhelmed.

  “Bella I don’t know about this, I mean you’re new with this whole parenting stuff, I want to be there for you to help with this kid,” Charlie said nodding towards Zander.

  I couldn’t help but smile, glancing back down at my baby boy.

  “Charlie you are more than welcome to come over to visit with Bella every day, for as long as you would like,” Edward said walking over to Zander and I, keeping a polite smile on his face.

  Charlie’s frown deepened, not speaking for a second, as he appeared to be thinking hard about this.

  For a moment, I was worried, what if he wouldn’t let me live with the Cullen’s? We would have to go to plan B, fake my death, along with Zander’s, and then leave Forks. That was an option that I really didn’t want to even think about. He had to agree with this. No matter what, he had to.

  “Well, we’ll see what your mother thinks, if she agrees to this, I’ll let you go ahead and live with the Cullen’s a while, but I will be there checking up on you daily, until you are back home,” Charlie warn
ed, looking at the both of us.

  I nodded seriously, a small smile on my face.

  “When will mom be around?” I wondered, and paused looking down at Zander as he shifted in my arms, opening his eyes with a smile.

  “She is on her way up right now,” Edward spoke softly from where he stood.

  Charlie seemed to ignore the two of us, only watching the baby now, a small smile falling on his lips. It was obvious that Charlie already loved Zander as much as I did, and he cared a lot about him. I’m sure he was going to be the best grandparent ever. No matter what, I knew I always had Charlie.

  “He sure is a tiny little guy isn’t he?” Charlie spoke nodding to Zander.

  I chuckled quietly, letting my finger trace gentle shapes across his cheek.

  “He sure is,” I smiled.

  “And quiet,” Charlie said a trace of worry now painting his eyes. “I don’t think I’ve heard him cry once,”

  I frowned slightly, concern also poking at me.

  “Don’t worry, it seems when he isn’t around Bella, he is quite the handful,” Edward said calming the both of us instantly.

  This made me smile hugely; my face in fact began to hurt from how wide my smile took over my face.

  Looking down at Zander, he surprised me as he began to giggle quietly.

  “Is that true Zander, do you miss mommy?” I cooed, curling him closer to me, watching as he began to chew on my hair, and pull it with his tiny hands.

  “Oh so precious,” Rene’s voice sounded from the door, and I turned to look up at my mother, who was watching closely between Zander and I.

  As soon as I took in the extra scent of blood now in the room I felt my whole body tense, fire exploding through my throat, and suddenly Edward was right next to me, placing a calming hand on my arm, watching me with serious eyes.

  “Bella, stay calm,” He spoke so quietly that I’m sure I was the only one that hurt it.

  Quickly I held my breath, closing my eyes to focus on just my thoughts alone, and not the agony burning my throat. Slowly I regained control over myself, opening my eyes to notice that no one had seen my slight lack of control for that moment.

  Edward patted my arm now, nodding with a relieved smile, looking as if he had been proud in me.

  I now was about to turn my attention back to Charlie and Rene, I still needed to get things out in the open with Rene about living with the Cullen’s.