Read Dawn Page 5


  The hunt had been good; Edward and I did mange draining a few mountain lions, and a herd of deer. But it was hard for me to focus on what I was doing, knowing that everything in my life couldn’t get any better.

  As we made it back home, I looked up at him as his arm came around my waist, bringing me close to him. He gave me his dazzling crooked smile in response.

  “Aw look what we have here,” Emmett’s voice called out as we walked into the house.

  Edward rolled his eyes, shaking his head slowly as Emmett and Alice both came prancing down to stand in front of us.

  “See, I told you it was going to happen,” Alice beamed, and clapped brightly as she looked between us. “Congrats you two,”

  I shifted more into Edward’s side, in hopes of hiding myself from the embarrassment of this moment.

  The gentleness of Edward’s hand, rubbing a soothing circle across my back, seemed to calm me down almost instantly. I again looked up into his eyes, smiling as I got lost in his bright golden orbs.

  “Right, well if you two would excuse us, I believe Bella would like to see her son,” Edward spoke politely, and with that led us away from them.

  “What and no details!” Emmett called out as we left.

  Edward didn’t pause in his walking as we made our way up the stairs, glancing over at me. “Sorry about that,”

  “It’s fine, he’s Emmett after all,” I couldn’t help but smile.

  Edward chuckled, pausing as we got to Zander’s bedroom door, both of his arms now around my waist, looking down at me with the brightest smile I had ever seen on his face.

  “It would be better, if I waited for the two of you downstairs,” He spoke gently, glancing at the door with an uncomfortable expression.

  “Why, what is it?” I asked looking up into his eyes.

  His hand softly went to my face, cupping my cheek as he watched back.

  “You’ll see,” Slowly he leaned forward, and planted a tender kiss on my lips, before withdrawing from me. “Don’t take too long,”

  And with that, I watched as he walked back down the stairs, leaving me alone at the front of Zander’s door.

  This was weird… usually he came inside with me, and greet Zander with me… why would today be any different.

  Upon entering the room, I raised my brow, taking in Rose standing against the wall, leaning back with her arms crossed, her eyes locked on Zander as he laid on his blanket, his little legs moving around in the air.

  I smiled walking over to him, lifting him up gently.

  He squeal as he saw me, his hands going out to touch my face.

  “Hi sweetie,” I spoke, kissing his forehead, “He wasn’t any trouble was he Rose?”

  Rose moved from her place against the wall, watching me with an odd expression.

  “Not at all, like usual,” She spoke blankly.

  She seemed to be acting way out of character, there was something going on with her, and I didn’t like it one bit.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “Yeah, you could say that,”

  “Well what is it?” I asked frowning slightly.

  “I know you’re still new to this lifestyle, and thanks to Edward, you are never going to have a normal life, and I know that when it comes to things like this… you let people walk over you,” She began.

  My frown deepened, “Edward didn’t ruin anything,”

  She shook her head, looking away from me for a moment, before turning back to me.

  “I know you’re a good person, and I know that what Edward did was an accident, but does he really deserve to be happy with you, honestly, why are you going to be in a relationship, with the man who killed you?”

  That stung a bit.

  I had thought Rose understood me, maybe the most out of everyone in this family, because of the things she had went through when she was a human as well. But it appeared that she understood nothing, about how I felt.

  “Rose, he saved me, and Zander both, my son wouldn’t have been alive if it wasn’t for him,”

  “Is that why you’re with him, to… repay him?” She asked, looking between me and Zander.

  “Of course not, I’m with him, because I care about him, and he makes me feel happy, there is no one else that I would rather be with,” I spoke, trying to keep my tone down, so I wouldn’t bother Zander.

  “Bella you just don’t get it, you will never be able to have another baby,”

  “I know, and I’m ok with that, I have everything I could possibly want, and it’s all because of Edward,”

  I was done with this conversation, I was beyond done, and I was to the point where I was beginning to get rather mad. How dare she tell me this, I thought she was part of Edward’s family, everyone seemed to care so much about each other, yet here Rose is, trying to tell me her brother was no good.

  I could understand her reasons, because of how she was so unhappy being turned, and how she thought this had ruined her life, but I didn’t think the same way as her.

  “Well, I tried, don’t tell me I didn’t warn you,” She spoke quietly, a bitter look on her eyes as she looked away from me.

  I sighed, not in the mood to stand here for a second longer, so I turned around, and marched out of the room, taking Zander with me.

  So this is why Edward didn’t want to go in with me. He knew that Rose would be up there waiting to ambush us. He didn’t want to start a conflict in front of Zander no doubt.

  As I made it back to the living room, Edward sighed as he looked up at me from the couch, his arms opening out to me.

  I quickly went into his arms, holding Zander and I close to his chest.

  His arms came around us, holding us safely to him.

  “I’m so sorry Bella,” He whispered, resting his head on the top of mine.

  “No, you have no reason to be sorry,” I said, letting my eyes close for a minute as I listened to Zander’s heartbeat.

  “Rose is right you know, I truly don’t deserve you, after what I had caused you,”

  I looked up at him, frowning. “Don’t say that, you know it’s not true, you know that I’ve never been happier than I am now, that is the only thing that you have ever caused me, happiness,”

  “But at what price,”

  I shook my head, looking down at Zander.

  “Tell him Zander, tell him how happy you are that he is in your life,”

  Zander now looked up at Edward, a giggle coming out of his mouth, then, as if understanding my words completely, I watched as hugged his little arms to Edward’s chest.

  This is what finally broke through to Edward, I could see it now as his eyes danced with joy, and his lips came down, kissing the top of both of our heads.

  It was almost like we were family, just a little happy family.

  Everything just seemed so right at this very moment, I didn’t want it to end ever.

  But suddenly I froze, as a knock on the front door, had gotten my attention, ruining our little moment.

  Who could that be?

  “Would you two relax, it’s just Charlie,” Alice grinned, dancing past us as she went to answer the door.

  Edward and I both relaxed at her words, and to my reluctance, I put a little space between Edward and I, letting Zander cradled in the middle. I figured it would be best to take things slowly with Charlie.

  Looking up at Edward, I couldn’t help but smile as his bright golden eyes locked on my expression, analyzing me closely for a second, before his eyes snapped to the door, and taking in Charlie’s appearance.

  The smell of Charlie’s blood hit me in this instance, my throat turning to flames. But I shrugged it off quickly, holding my calm expression.

  “Welcome back,” Alice smiled nicely as Charlie stepped inside.

  “Thanks Alice, hope you didn’t mind me coming a bit earlier,”

  “Not at all, you’re always welcome, whenever you want,” She gr
inned, before leading him over to where Edward and I sat.

  The closer that Charlie got, the hotter the flames got, biting harshly at my throat. I had to take a few breaths, before holding my breath.

  He looked between the two of us for a minute, as if already noticing that there was a change here, but he played it off as he flopped down on the couch across from us.

  “So how’s it going Bells?” He wondered, watching me intently.

  I gave him a weak smile, doing my best to ignore the pain in my throat.

  “I’m ok, same as I was before,”

  “Ready to come home?”

  “Not yet, no,” I spoke, looking away from him.

  Edward’s hand now was on my leg, gently stroking the material of my jeans, in a manner that soothed me enormously.

  Charlie just nodded, folding his arms across his chest before looking at the TV, but after a short while, he looked back to me.

  “Bells, I’m really sorry…” He started.

  “Sorry, for what?”

  “It’s not that I don’t want to, but I can’t be stopping her every day, like I had been,” He spoke, rubbing the back of his head as he looked at me.

  I could never express how much relief this gave me. This just made things so much safer for Charlie, and for the rest of the Cullen’s. He wouldn’t get hurt, and they wouldn’t get hurt.

  But there was just one question that was left.

  “And why is that?” I asked, lightly stroking Zander’s stomach as he made a gurgling sound.

  Charlie’s eyes went down to Zander for a moment, a smile falling onto his face, before he looked back up to me with a serious look.

  “Now don’t think too much about it, but… there has been a lot of killing going on in the area, and I’m getting called out more and more to help out,” He said, looking at Edward as well. “So do me a favor, and stay here were it is safe,”

  “Where are they finding these killings Charlie?” Edward spoke up, his expression just as somber.

  “They started in Port Angles, but they just found another at the very edge of La Push,”

  “Moving closer to town,” I muttered, looking down at Zander, concern filling me almost instantly. I didn’t want Zander in danger, not ever. I had to make sure to keep him safe, no matter what.

  Edward nodded swiftly, “Have they pinpointed the cause?”

  “They said… it was like an animal attack, but there is another lead beginning, they said they had found a bare human foot prints around the little patch of woods in La Push,”

  This didn’t sound good at all.

  If Edward was piecing together what I was, he had to know, it wasn’t just some animal attack… it was a vampire.

  “We will make sure to let Carlisle know about this,”

  “Good, I don’t want Bella to leave this house, until we have these monsters behind bar,” Charlie spoke, giving me a firm look, before turning towards the TV. “Just stay safe, and watch over Zander,”

  I nodded, “Of course,”

  For a while, Charlie stuck around, watching the TV, but not speaking much, he appeared to have something on his mind that was bothering him, but he wouldn’t bring anything up.

  He asked a bit about Zander, wondering how he was doing, and also mentioned that an old friend of his had been asking about me.

  “You remember Billy Black don’t you,” Charlie wondered, glancing at Edward for a minute, before focusing his eyes on me.

  I had to admit, the name was familiar, but I couldn’t say that I knew actually who it was. I probably would recognize him, if I saw him.

  “I think,” I nodded, chewing on my lip as I noticed Edward freeze in his seat.

  Wonder what that was about?

  “He’s been wondering about you often, can’t imagine why he is so curious as to why you’re staying with the Cullen’s, but as soon as I had told him, he all but fell out of his wheelchair,” Charlie said shaking his head as he stood up.

  I frowned slightly, flanking at Edward again to see his tight expression. But he still stayed motionless, and silent as ever.

  “Really, well what’s his deal?” I wondered.

  “I’m not sure, but he asked if he could send his son, Jacob over to talk with you, just you check up on you, since I won’t be around to do so myself,”

  This sounded more to me, like a spy was being sent to me, more than someone just coming over to make sure I was alright. And judging by Edward’s sullen expression, I was hitting the nail on the head.

  “I don’t know dad…”

  “Sorry Bells, I tried talking him out of this, but his mind is set, that this is what would be for the best,” Charlie said moving towards the door.

  I quickly stood up after him, Edward staying where he was, as if he was frozen in his seat. Zander still laid across his legs, chewing on his long slender fingers.

  “You’re leaving already?” I asked walking with him to the door, ignoring the flare that burned in my throat at how close I was to him.

  That pain was multiplied by ten as he pulled me in to a hug, patting my back gently, before pulling back, and looking me right in the eye.

  “I have to head back to the station, you take care of yourself; I’ll call you tomorrow,” He said with a nod.

  “Alright, be careful,”

  “Always am,” And with that, he was gone, walking calmly down the stairs.

  I sighed, turning back towards Edward to see that he was standing right behind me, holding Zander in his arms, watching me concerned.

  “Are you alright?”

  “I’m fine, just worried,” I responded, softly stroking Zander’s arm.

  Zander’s giggles brought back my smile however, and I couldn’t help but notice how calm he was when he was in Edward’s arms. He never could get this comfortable with anyone, not even Alice. It was only Edward, and I that he ever was this at ease.

  “There is no doubt that these murders had to be from a vampire, as soon as I let Carlisle know, there will be nothing to worry about,”

  I nodded, “And the Billy thing, you didn’t seem to like this idea…”

  Edward’s arm came around my waist, bringing me close to him. Zander smiled, leaning his head on my shoulder as soon as I was in his reaching distance.

  “I don’t love the idea your right,”

  “Why is that?”

  He paused, appearing to think carefully before he answered.

  “I just don’t think it would be a good idea for you to be around more humans, I can see your struggle with just Charlie, I don’t want to see you through this kind of pain again,”

  I couldn’t help but smile at his words, but something deep down inside me, just suggested that there was more to this story that he just wasn’t telling me.

  “I think I’ll be ok, you’ll be there with me, to help me, right?”

  The softness of Edward’s lips now touched my forehead, as he leaned down to my face. “Of course Bella, I’ll always be here for you,”

  Zander looked up between us, a smile on his face.

  “Gaa,” He babbled.

  We both laughed, watching down at Zander.

  He just was the most precious thing in the whole world. I wanted nothing more than to be with him, and Edward for the rest of my existence. And I hoped that this was exactly would happen.

  “Would you like to hear a song, I wrote your mother?” Edward spoke gently, looking at Zander, and running his fingers in soothing circles around Zander’s back.

  I felt my eyes brighten at his words, the smile widening on my face.

  Edward’s golden eyes flashing up at me, responding in a brilliant smile; that just had me staring.

  Not another word was spoken as Edward now led Zander and I into the next room, where his grand piano sat, looking large and magnificent. He pulled us down to his bench, sitting me beside him, and letting Zander sit in his lap.

  I smiled, watching the both of
them; before Edward’s long graceful fingers began to glide over the keys of the piano, creating the most amazing sound that I had ever heard.

  The melody was so sweet, and alluring, it was the kind of sound that would soothe a room full of agitated children within a minute. It was beautiful, and captivating.

  “This is beautiful,” I whispered, watching his fingers dance across the keys, adding a whole new rhythm that seemed to twist around the original.

  He looked over to me, his gorgeous crooked smile on his face.

  “You inspired it,” He said, and his eyes trailed from my eyes down my body, before returning his eyes to the piano keys.

  There was nothing more said between us, the music flowing under his fingertips was all that needed to be said. Because in that moment I could feel it. Just how deeply Edward’s emotions run for me. This kind of passion, and caring was all I could feel in his music. And it was all directed to me.

  This thought alone was enough to bring tears to my eyes, if that was possible for me to do anymore, which it wasn’t. So I could only sit there, feeling so overwhelmed, and amazed, that I couldn’t even find the words to speak.

  When his fingers had paused in his playing, the final note lingering as it echoed through the quiet room, I glanced down to see Zander was peacefully asleep, his little eyes closed, and his breathing slowed.

  Slowly I looked up at Edward to find his eyes already locked on my face.

  His hand came to my face, his fingers running over my skin, which brought sparks dancing down through my body.

  “I’ve wanted to tell you this for a long time…” I whispered his eyes completely serious.

  “Tell me what?” I asked, leaning forward, just inches from his face.

  “I love you Bella,”

  At this moment, I thought that the whole world had paused around me, coming to a complete halt, while everything else around me had sped up, blurring everything, except for Edward.

  “I love you to,” I whispered back.

  And with that, his lips came back to mine, kissing me lovingly, with a softness that drove me insane, begging for me to move in closer. As if on instinct I felt my arms wrap around his neck, bringing my mouth closer to his, to deepen the kiss.

  He responded in slight surprise, but didn’t stop me, as his kiss became more heated. But too soon, we had to pull away as Zander’s soft cry got our attention.

  I guess he figured he had a long enough nap.

  Gently, I let go of Edward, catching my breath, before lifting Zander off of his lap, cradling him to me, rocking him smoothly.

  Edward smiled, looking content, and as Zander quieted down, Edward’s hand again went to my cheek, pushing a piece of my hair out of my face.

  I grinned at him, loving the touch of his hand, and for a minute, I was so caught up in our moment, that everything else that had happened today, Rose’s complaints, and threats, Charlie, the killings, Billy, and his son, all of that seemed to be nothing. Like nothing really matter except for right here, right now.

  With Edward, and my son.

  That’s all that really mattered.

  I was beginning to realize how lucky I really was, to have the kind of people; that the Cullen's are, in my life. It was like I was finally living the life I was supposed to be having. Everything just felt right.

  And then, there was Edward. There were just no words that could describe how grateful I was that he was in my life and always here for me. He had stayed by my side through everything; that was something that I could never forget from my time as a human, although much of the past had faded away, that one memory stuck.

  But today, there was uneasiness in the atmosphere; that suggested that my new family wasn't at its usual calm, there was an anxiety under the surface; that just couldn't be noticed just with human eyes alone.

  Although every time I had asked about it, I was just told that everything was fine, and they were only nervous about Carlisle, Esme, and Rose being gone into Port Angeles; they had gone just to talk with some people, find out a bit about these killings, just to make sure that there actually where from a vampire.

  For some reason this excuse didn't sit well with me, and I had to admit, I really didn't believe this for one moment, there had to be more to this, then what they were telling me.

  Rubbing my eyes, I let myself sigh, having a hard time getting used to the contacts. Edward told me that it was… a good idea, for me to act as human as possible around Billy's son.

  This seemed really to be the only thing the Cullen's would tell me. With these contacts in, matching my old human eyes, there was no doubt that I looked more human.

  "Bella just look at this dress," Alice babbled, holding her magazine out for me to see the light yellow sun dress that she was pointing to animatedly.

  I struggled not to roll my eyes, "Dresses, aren't really my forte,"

  "Nonsense, Edward would go nuts for this,"

  A smile slid onto my face at her words, and slowly I looked away, trying to hide it, as I looked down at Zander.

  He had been busy chewing on his blocks, making gurgling sounds as he watched up at the TV.

  "Where is Edward?" I wondered nonchalantly, glancing around for a moment.

  Just as I had uttered the words, Edward came into the room, taking my breath away as I took in his tall handsome figure standing before me. He had on dark blue jeans, seeming so dark, that they were almost black. Along with a cotton white, V-neck shirt, that just clung to his body perfectly, showing off his softly rounded muscles, and lean, 'boy-ish' exterior.

  He was a thing of utter beauty, I found myself staring openly at him as he approached the two of us, raising his brow at me, an amused smile on his face.

  "You called," He spoke with a dazzling chuckle; that sent shivers down my spine.

  "Told you she would like it," Alice smirked looking between the two of us.

  I threw her an embarrassed look, before clearing my throat, to look back up at the male model in front of me, looking highly amused, and a little smug.

  "I was just wondering where you were," I said, trying to pry my eyes off of his mind-blowing smile long enough to look into his pure golden eyes; only to get lost.

  "I just got off the phone with Rosalie, she was making sure that Zander was alright, just checking in I suppose," Edward muttered, looking down for a second, before turning giving me his crooked smile, letting his hand come out, and stroke my cheek.

  I closed my eyes, smiling at his touch, welcoming the blanket of sparks that flew down my body in response.

  "Is she still being a baby about you two?" Alice asked folding her arms across her chest with a big huff, watching between us.

  Edward didn't look at her, keeping his eyes on me, but he nodded silently answering her.

  Alice sighed, and shook her head. "Don't worry, I'll talk to her, get her straight, she really needs to give you a break,"

  I agreed with her on this, Rose just seemed to be so harsh. I thought she would have at least been happy that Edward was happy. He was her brother after all…

  "Thanks Alice," I said with a weak smile.

  A sharp knock on the door now got my attention, and also caused Alice and Edward freeze in their place, both of them exchanging looks with each other.

  Zander looked up as well, glancing at the door, getting an uneasy look, but he didn't make a sound, slowly going back to chewing on his blocks.

  "It's Billy's son," Edward said, his hand moving from my face with reluctance. "Remember; stay here until I give you the ok,"

  "Alright," I nodded, standing up, picking Zander up.

  Edward thought it would be a better idea for him to make sure Billy's son, wouldn't be a threat, and that it would be safer if we kept our meeting outside, where I would have plenty of air. Hopefully this would make things much easier to keep control of myself.

  Edward now swiftly walked over to the door, opening it with a polite look on his face, and the focusing in his eyes shifte
d to our visitor. I recognized the look that came to his face; it was the one that he would make when he was concentrating on reading on someone thoughts.

  "Hey, I'm Jacob, just here to check up on Bella," The boy spoke.

  Edward seemed to be calm, a pleasant smile on his face now. Apparently whatever it was Jacob was thinking, was acceptable, because Edward's eyes nod darted to me, nodding, giving me the cue to come over.

  "Of course, we've been expecting you,"

  I slowly walked forward, mentally preparing myself for the pain that was about to begin, as soon as I let myself breathe.

  As I made it to the door, taking in the tan boy in front of me, his long black hair running down past his shoulders, I noticed that the smell of his blood was just… off. It was more woodsy, and musky. It was almost unpleasant, but it was just faint. Surprisingly enough however, it only brought a small burn in my throat.

  Like Zander's blood, it was easy to ignore.

  His brown eyes now went to me, analyzing me from head to toe, a brightness flickering across them as he met my eyes.

  Edward's smile now slide off his face, his eyes narrowing as he watched Jacob, moving to a more protect stance by my side as I stepped out of the house to face him. Jacob however didn't seem to notice Edward's change in mood.

  "So you must be Bella," Jacob spoke, holding his hand out.

  I took it, remembering not to use too much strength, knowing I could rip his hand right off with just the slightly bit of pressure, and shook it timidly.

  "And you must be Jacob,"

  He chuckled as he let his hand fall to his side, his eyes still wondering my body.

  "That I am, I'm not sure if you remember me, or not, but we used to play during the summer as kids," He spoke, glancing between me and Zander.

  Zander shared Edward's look, a bitter expression on his face as he watched Jacob.

  This was strange to say the least, Zander had been so great with everyone; he liked everyone, and seemed to get along naturally with even strangers that had approached us in stores. But not right now, I was seeing a whole new side of Zander now.

  "I don't recall, sorry but there is actually a lot from back then that I don't remember," I said gently, hoping I wouldn't hurt his feelings.

  He seemed to shrug it off easily though.

  "It was a long time ago, so it makes sense that you don't." He finally seemed to notice Edward's tight expression, taking an involuntary step back, onto the porch. Seeming to be just slightly nervous by the look. "Uh, well how are you Bella?"

  I glanced at Edward, bumping him a little with my arm, watching as he straightened a bit out of his slight crouch, but his eyes still locked on Jacob, a warning seeming to be showing in his eyes.

  "I'm doing ok; things aren't getting much easier though,"

  Jacob nodded, concern entering his eyes as he now focused on Zander and I, almost as if he had appeared to be ignoring Edward's presence.

  "And this is your son huh, what's his name?" Jacob wondered, looking at Zander with a smile.

  Zander seemed almost to narrow his little eyes at Jacob now, an unpleasant look on his face, but he still remained quietly in my arms, squirming only slightly to turn himself out of Jacob's direction.

  "This is Zander," I said feeling a smile slid on my face, but I was still so confused as to why he was being like this.

  "Can I hold him?" Jacob wondered, holding his arms out with a calm smile, not seeming to realize that Zander didn't seem to want this at all.

  "I don't know… he's a bit cranky today," I spoke, looking down at him.

  "Please, I'll cheer the little guy up,"

  Well I tried to warn him…maybe it would calm Zander down, once he saw that Jacob wasn't a threat.

  "Alright," I shrugged, and gently passed Zander over to Jacob.

  As soon as Zander had left my arms, his little eyes widened, and let out a shrill scream, that made me jump. He had never made such a loud noise before, not when he cried, or threw one of his tantrums. This was like a cry of fury, and emotion.

  Jacob also jumped, quickly trying to bounce him, in an attempt to soothe Zander.

  But this only seemed to make him worse, he now began to kick, and his little fists began to hit at Jacob as he squirmed and continued his scream.

  Edward quickly snatched Zander from Jacob, which had surprised me even more.

  "Shh, it's alright," He whispered, cradling Zander to his chest, rocking him back and forth, his hands rubbing his little back in soothing circles.

  This seemed to have calmed Zander down almost immediately, he only whimpered a bit, his head resting in Edward's arm, and his brown eyes locking on Jacob with his bitter look.

  "Bella I'm so sorry," Jacob said quickly, looking at me guiltily.

  "No, it's fine, I just have never seen Zander so agitated," I spoke, feeling my eyes go to Edward.

  Zander was nothing but calm now, his eyes beginning to shut, as if he was about to fall asleep in any moment.

  Edward watched down at him, his eyes warm, a happiness again dancing in his eyes. I could tell that Edward really did care about Zander… as if it was his own child…

  This brought a thought to me, filling my whole insides with warmth.

  If Edward would… agree to be Zander's father… to sign his birth certificate, and officially adopt him… I would love more than him to be a part of Zander's life, and help me raise him. It was obvious that Zander loved him just as much, so it only seemed to make sense. The only question was when to ask Edward.

  "So, I probably should get going, before I cause any more trouble, hey it was nice meeting you, I'll be stopping in tomorrow, see you," Jacob spoke, throwing one more nervous look at Edward, and waving weakly at me, before turning to walking down the stairs of the porch.

  "See you," I muttered, and turned to Edward, who was still watching after Jacob, as he got onto his motorcycle, kicking it on with one movement, and spinning gravel as he peeled out of the driveway.

  As soon as Jacob was out of sight, Edward let out a breath, looking up at me.

  "You don't like him do you?" I asked an amused smile falling on my face.

  He shrugged, appearing to downplay everything. "He's alright…"

  "Oh please, I could see the envy falling off you in waves, what was he thinking?" Alice asked peeking her head out, walking over to us with a smirk.

  Edward rolled his eyes, "I don't know what you're talking about,"

  "I noticed it to," I pointed out, laughing lightly.

  He made a face at that, "When don't you notice," He was stalling.

  "You know we won't think any less of you for being jealous Edward, everyone gets jealous from time to time, I'm guessing Bella has an admirer now," Alice snickered.

  Edward's eyes narrowed, at the same time mine widened.

  "What?" I muttered, my nose wrinkling up at the thought.

  Alice's tinkling laugh sounded, and she gently nudged Edward's chest. "See you have nothing to worry about, so relax,"

  "He's thoughts were just… annoying," Edward muttered, his eyes flashing to mine with slight discomfort. "I didn't like it at all, I'm sorry love,"

  My heart warmed at his words, and I couldn't help but lean up, kissing his cheek.

  "Just know, that you're the only one I will ever want,"

  At my words, I was rewarded with Edward's signature crooked smile.

  Alice beamed, watching between the two of his. And to my surprise, she took the now sleeping Zander from Edward, and giggled, stroking the back of his head, as it fell softly on her shoulder.

  "This little guy was the one that had really surprised me; I didn't see this coming,"

  "I don't think Zander likes Jacob either," Edward chuckled, his arms coming around my waist, pulling me to his chest, to hug me close.

  "I wonder what got into him." I wondered, watching him in Alice's arms, as I leaned into Edward.

  "I guess he just takes after Edward a bit," Alice grinned. "Which reminds me, you two
need to go out, and enjoy some alone time, I'll watch Zander until you get back,"

  "I don't know Alice… are you sure?" I asked, looking up at Edward for a second before looking back at Alice.

  I haven't been apart from Zander to much since he was born, I didn't leave the area for longer than an hour, just long enough for me to hunt, but that was all.

  "Absolutely, you two are a couple now, you need this time together, go enjoy yourselves, and don't worry, everything will be fine here at home,"

  Edward watched down at me, stroking my cheek for a second. "You don't have to if you don't want to Bella," He assured me.

  "But I do want to, I'm just… being the overly concerned mother again," I said shaking my head, and slowly I sighed. "Alright, fine, a date…. That sounds great,"

  Alice smiled widely. "Great, so I'll see you two later, call if you need anything, but you won't, I'm sure,"

  And with that she turned on her heel, and walked inside with Zander.

  I swallowed back some nerves, and smiled as Edward began to lead me off the porch.

  "And you are sure you would like to Bella, I don't want to pressure you into anything you don't feel ready for,"

  Edward just was to sweet, he worried so much about how I felt, with him not knowing what I'm thinking, I'm sure it drove him nuts, trying to make sure that no matter what, I was always comfortable, and happy. It was the nicest thing I've ever seen from a man.

  "I'm sure, I've been; wanting to be alone with you for a while now any way," I admitted, which only made him chuckle as we managed to make it out to his Volvo, parked in the driveway.

  He now opened the passenger door for me, letting me slide in before shutting the door, and in seconds he was entering the driver's seat, a confident smile on his face as he began to pull out of the driveway.

  "Is that so, Miss Swan?"

  I couldn't help but laugh, letting the rest of my worries fly out the window. I was with Edward, Alice was watching Zander, and we had time to finally sit down, and really get some time to be a couple.

  Everything was going to be alright.