Read Dawn of the Valiant (The Valerious Chronicles: Book One) Page 44

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  The Elk and Fawn was particularly busy this night. The tavern was filled to capacity with men and women drinking, eating and gambling away their troubles. In the midst of the patrons sat Estallion and Thibalt, enjoying their nightly mug of ale. The two were regulars and were displeased with the rowdy swarm around them.

  "This is quite unbelievable," commented Estallion. "Rude if you ask me. There are so many people in here that I can't even see the barmaid. I ought to have a talk with the owner, don't you think?"

  Thibalt choked on his drink, spitting a large mouthful over his tunic. "No Estallion, don't you dare!" he scolded. "In the last month you have managed to get us banished from every alehouse in this city. All except for this one."

  "All misunderstandings. You were there, the incidents were hardly my fault," he replied, cheerfully.

  "Bedding the owner's his own bed, might I add...whilst he was asleep in the very same room, is not a misunderstanding."

  Estallion began to giggle. "Now that was an accomplishment."

  "No it wasn't, you didn't get away with it," blurted Thibalt. "He woke up and chased you out of the inn whilst you were still putting on your trousers....which I might add again were actually his trousers. You're a mad man."

  "I try my best...You know I've still got those trousers."

  Thibalt could not help but laugh with Estallion. It was true that he had gotten Thibalt into many threatening situations in his time in Precedin, but he also had the uncanny ability of getting them out of trouble just in time.

  He finished the last dregs of his beer and glanced around the room. In the far corner he spotted the page who had approached the Honour Guard drinking with some other men. The page caught Thibalt's eye and bowed his head slightly. Thibalt smiled in return. Estallion's ease in talking to the Honour Guard was not something that Thibalt could understand. In their presence he always found himself humbled and lost for words.

  "Any more news from Christill? asked Estallion.

  "No," said Thibalt with a hint of sadness in his voice. "Since his letter from Hulmtown I have not heard any news."

  "Don't worry," said Estallion, noticing Thibalt's low spirit. "That area has hundreds of small towns. I am sure they are just taking their time in finishing the royal inspections."

  "I am sure he is fine, but I still wish he was here."

  "You will see him again soon," said Estallion cheerfully. "If we don't hear from him soon, you and I will mount up and ride down to the Misty Forest ourselves to visit him."

  Thibalt smiled. "I somehow doubt that they would let us in. Regardless, we don't even know if he will be allowed to join the Academy of Nyrune. From what he said in his last letter he will need the approval of the Karmanian Elders."

  "Why would you want to go messing about with magic," said Estallion. "If you ask me it just causes more trouble than it's worth. I once had a run in with a disciple of Skiye who accused me of soiling his robes. I told the man it was hardly my fault that he was standing in Falgo's way when I passed. So he zapped me with a shot of magic that turned my hair white. Took some months before it grew back to its normal colour."

  "Count yourself lucky that was all that he did," said Thibalt, remembering the ways that the Disciple in Hamal would use his power. "Christill has never been one to follow the conventional path. It does not surprise me greatly that he is seeking this."

  "Oh well, I can't speak for him, but I know that if I spoke to the gods and asked them for some of their power, there would be only one response."

  "Let's hope that day never comes," said Thibalt with a chuckle. "Have you heard from your mother? Has she reached Andron yet?"

  "Not yet...but she will be fine. The Bastion family is quite resourceful you know."

  The noise in the tavern suddenly grew softer. They glanced around and saw that many of the patrons had ceased talking and turned their faces to their cups. In the back of the room a group of men rushed to sweep a group of cards from their table.

  "Calm yourselves gentlemen. I am not here on business," came a call from the entrance.

  Thibalt peered over the many people in his way and saw Ludvic standing in the front doorway, a tan shirt over his barrel chest and long brown leggings covering his boots. Behind him stood three men, obviously guards by the swords at their sides, though not dressed in uniform.

  Ludvic moved into the tavern and glanced around. Finally seeing Estallion, he moved for their table, the crowd parting for him.

  "Whatever it was...I didn't do it," announced Estallion before Ludvic could speak.

  "Even though I lack the knowledge as to what it was, I am sure you did do it," replied Ludvic, taking a seat. He waved the guards away and motioned for the barmaid to bring him a drink. "You're paying," he added to Estallion.

  Estallion's eyes narrowed, but he reached into his pocket and handed the girl a silver coin and said, "Keep them coming. I am likely going to need them."

  "You make a man feel welcome, Bastion."

  "I do try," said Estallion with a wink.

  Thibalt grabbed his mug and took a deep gulp. The presence of the Honour Guard once again made him nervous.

  Ludvic noticed the anxiety in Thibalt's expression and reached over to grab him on the arm. "I am a man like all others here. And was once a boy much like you."

  Thibalt forced a smile. Though his words provided some comfort, he was still not confident speaking at length in front of such authority.

  "What madness has driven you to leave your lavish rooms in the Guardhouse and join the common rabble here?" asked Estallion.

  "Azbaar was bringing me to my wits end."

  "He can be a little old fashioned at times," said Estallion.

  "Sometimes I feel as though he cannot let go of the past. His thinking can be so constrained."

  "You were all appointed Maloreichar for your own qualities. I am sure there was reasoning behind it all."

  "I never question that," replied Ludvic. "Yet we are all different men. And sometimes the four of us do not agree on what would be considered the best way to safeguard our kingdom."

  "What does it matter? Errollan makes all the decisions anyhow. We all know you just hang about for the feasts," said Estallion with a grin.

  "How did your father sire such a fool?" said Ludvic with a sigh. "But speaking of Errollan you bring me to my real reason for being here."

  "As I said, I object to any claims he has made," repeated Estallion.

  "Surprisingly this isn't about something you have done. We received a message from him asking us to come to the Rekan Outpost. He has found some disturbing tracks which he wants us to see."

  "How thrilling!" commented Estallion sarcastically.

  Ludvic smiled. "I want you to come with us."

  Estallion's eyes widened. "What in the world for?"

  "You are one of the best trackers I know. If I have to haul my sore behind all the way down to that outpost then it better be worth the trip. And I have little faith in Guthrum's scouts. If they haven't found anything yet, I have doubts that they will do so when we get there."

  Thibalt listened intently, holding his cup close to his face. Ludvic's words were true. The few times that they had left Precedin to hunt, Estallion had shown incredible skills in tracking down game. His skills rivalled even Reinar's, whose many years experience far outweighed Estallion's own.

  "I don't think this is such a good idea, Ludvic. A trip through the Ranges together may spell the end of our long lasting friendship," said Estallion, raising his hand to his chin and shaking his head.

  "Trust me things could not get much worse," Ludvic replied with a loud laugh.

  "I trust that Thibalt will join us," said Estallion.

  Thibalt's eyes widened in surprise.

  "I see no harm," replied Ludvic. "Though once we reach the outpost you will stay out of our business."

  Thibalt nodded and took another gulp of his ale. A trip to a Feldonian outpost. A real tas
te of the frontline. Ludvic emptied his cup and motioned for another. They continued to talk, though for the most part Thibalt simply listened and wondered what excitement their trip would bring.