Read Dawn of the Valiant (The Valerious Chronicles: Book One) Page 45

"Are they our men?" Ludvic asked, motioning to the marks in the dirt.

  Estallion dismounted and studied the tracks. "Could be..It's hard to tell. I expect our enemies wear similar boots to our soldiers."

  "This is pointless," said Azbaar. "Let's head up to the outpost and see what was so damned important that we had to come all this way."

  Estallion leapt back onto Falgo and the group continued on along the thin path that snaked its way through the Beon Ranges. Their company made their way single file along the road with Azbaar and Ludvic at the head of the column. Thibalt and Estallion followed closely by and behind them came thirty of Precedin's soldiers on foot. The soldiers, dressed in leather mountain gear, kept pace with the slow movement of the Honour Guards mounts.

  The path wound its way in between and at times over the mountains and rocky outcroppings of the Ranges and at several points they were forced to dismount and walk their steeds over the treacherous passes.

  Thibalt took the chance to mingle with the soldiers who spoke to him of their time in the Feldonian army. Though proud of their exploits, Thibalt noted the same reluctance in their speech that he had heard from the General. These men had fought for many years and understood the true meaning of war. Few of them held their positions in search of glory and honour. Theirs was more a sense of duty than anything else.

  As they rounded a sharp cutting in the side of the rock the Rekan Outpost came into view. Nestled halfway up a sharp incline, the outpost was build entirely out of timber and stood raised on thick trunks that had been driven into the hard ground. Waist high barricades surrounded the structure and even from this distance they could see several men patrolling the walls. Two small buildings that backed up to the mountain housed the men that were stationed here. These also contained enough beds for the countless scouts and rangers that would stop off here to re-supply before heading back out to the Dargonian side of the mountains.

  Once the full company had moved onto the path leading up to the outpost, the sentries sounded a horn that blew two long notes and alerted the soldiers of the outpost to their presence.

  "How many outposts like this are there?" asked Thibalt.

  The soldier nearest him, a solid man with a pointed chin, replied," You will find one every few miles. For the most part, the mountains are too difficult to cross. A few men may be able to make the journey unscathed, but for any large group to move through, they have to choose the safer paths. At each of these paths you will find an outpost. Further south you will also find some manned by our Karmanians allies."

  Here the land was much more forgiving than the area they had passed through to reach the outpost. East of the outpost, a gap between two of the larger mountains travelled away towards Dargon and was partially hidden by dry trees that hung out over the path. The opening then disappeared to the left, but was more than wide enough for mounts and a larger group of men to pass through. Thibalt could understand the need for a Feldonian presence here.

  Ludvic and Azbaar led their mounts the base of the outpost and dismounted. They climbed up the ladder to the top of the barricade and Thibalt and Estallion followed. The soldiers that had accompanied them let their packs fall to the floor and remained with the horses.

  "Wait here," commanded Azbaar as he and Ludvic moved into the closest building.

  "How rude," said Estallion. He pulled an apple from his pocket and took a large bite.

  "Where did you get that from?" queried Thibalt.

  Estallion's mischievous grin appeared and he replied, "Ludvic's pack."

  They waited and watched the soldiers of the outpost. After a while Ludvic came out of the building followed by Azbaar whose neck had turned red.

  "Ignorant fool!" called Azbaar in anger.

  "He didn't know any better," said Ludvic. "Let's just go find Errollan so we can make our way back."

  "What happened?" asked Estallion.

  "The captain here was not expecting us and cannot understand why he was not told that we were on our way."

  "That's a tad unusual," said Estallion.

  "It would not be the first time that Errollan has kept his decisions from others. He doesn't trust anyone," added Ludvic

  "Enough talk," cut in Azbaar. "He followed the General north. Let's just find him and be done with this." Azbaar moved to the ladder and began to climb back down to the horses, frustration evident in his hasty steps.

  "There is no need to snap," commented Estallion, aggrievedly.

  "He's not in a good mood," warned Ludvic. "I would watch your tongue."

  "My mouth is sealed," said Estallion.

  "I find that hard to believe," replied Ludvic as he followed Azbaar back down the ladder.

  "Why did we agree to come?" Estallion asked Thibalt, placing his hands at his hips.

  Thibalt stared at Estallion for a moment then moved to follow the Honour Guard.

  "What?" called Estallion, raising his hands in the air. "When did everyone become so rude!"

  Azbaar and Ludvic climbed back onto their mounts and began to lead the men down the incline. Thibalt waited for Estallion to climb down and mount Falgo and then they moved to catch up to the company. The rough path carried them away from the Rekan Outpost and Azbaar kept the pace quick, annoyance still showing in his scowl. They crossed over a shallow stream, where they stopped to fill their water skins, and continued through a maze of sharp rock formations. Here Azbaar called Estallion forward to find the General's trail.

  "I believe this is it," he called studying some marks that led east up through a cutting in the land.

  "Are you sure?" Ludvic asked softly to avoid being overheard. "If we follow the wrong trail Azbaar may prove troublesome."

  Estallion looked over at the disgruntled honour guard and let out a puff of air. "And here I thought you were the grumpy old man," he said with a shake of his head. "Don't worry, the only other tracks that I have seen are those of goats and mountain wolves. They went this way."

  Ludvic nodded then ordered his men up the cutting. Estallion climbed back onto Falgo's saddle and joined Thibalt in the climb through to the East.

  "Did you come to the Ranges often before I met you?" Thibalt asked.

  Estallion shook his head. "Hardly ever. Look around you my friend. What lunatic would come here of their own free will?"

  Thibalt could not find fault in Estallion's opinion. There was some beauty in the rugged mountain range, with snow capped peaks rising up to the clouds and copses of blossoming trees nestled amongst the valleys. But for the most part they walked through jagged crags and clusters of ugly rock. "Then how did you become so adept at tracking?"

  "I spent a great deal of time with my uncle Terin as a lad. When my father wasn't looking I would sneak out with him and we would go hunting in the woods to the south. He was a tracker in the King's personal service and knew more tricks than a circus juggler." Estallion paused with a look of contemplation. "Though I don't think he knew how to juggle...Never mind."

  Thibalt, used to Estallion's lapses is concentration, simply waited.

  "He taught me many a secret which have come in handy. He once taught me how to hang from a tree in such a way that most men would take no more notice of you than the branches around you...Very handy in certain circumstances."

  "I can only imagine," said Thibalt, knowing full well what Estallion was hinting at.

  "But you should know what I am talking about. I have seen you hunt. You have some skills."

  "My time in Miirvk was not all in vain. My fa-," Thibalt paused. "My trainer in Hamal taught us how to survive in the wilderness. Showed us the skills necessary to hunt."

  "Fascinating," said Estallion. "We know very little of the Miirvkin in the East, I have never even seen one. Tell me, is it true that they eat children? My gran used to tell me that...but I suspect she may have just been trying to stop me from running away from home."

  "I haven't seen them do so, but I cannot say that I have seen all the Miirvkin," replied Thibalt. "Regardless, y
ou have not missed out on anything of value. A life without the Miirvkin is much better than one with it. I am sure the people of the western coast will tell you the same."

  Estallion shrugged his shoulders. "Still, one day I plan to go see Miirvk."

  "Then you truly are mad," replied Thibalt.

  They continued to follow the trail until it left the path and made its way up a sharp incline. Ludvic slid from his saddle and the others followed. Thibalt pulled a small scabbard from the pack on his saddle and tied it to his belt. Estallion had insisted that he carry a weapon with him through the Ranges. One could never be to careful.

  They then moved up the incline, leaving the mounts at the path to avoid any injuries. The General's tracks moved up the rocky heights and became easier to follow thanks to the loose pebbles covering the ground. Finally they climbed a steep face and came upon a cave with a wide opening. A soldier stood waiting at its entrance, dressed in the dark brown hide of the Feldonian rangers.

  "My lords!" the Ranger greeted in a shocked voice. "We had no idea."

  "Is Errollan here?" asked Ludvic.

  "Yes they are inside. We heard reports of a newly discovered cave system in this peak and then found this entrance. The General and the rest of our group have gone in to see how far it travels."

  "How long have they been gone?" asked Ludvic, showing a hint of concern in his voice. The Ranges held many crevices and caves that were favoured hiding spots for bands of thieves or worse, Dargonian spies.

  "Not long, my lord."

  "Very well. Let's go find them." Ludvic motioned to most of his men to remain at the entrance and then called for a few to follow him.

  "What tracks are these?" asked Estallion, stopping Ludvic.

  The Ranger moved over to Estallion who was crouched low several feet away from the entrance and examined the soil. "Leopard," he said.

  "Where did you learn to read tracks, in a tavern?" said Estallion in an incredulous tone. "No mountain leopards make tracks this wide. Something else has tread here. Though I cannot guess as to what."

  "All the more reason for haste," said Ludvic, unhooking Crunch and Crack from his own pack and walking through the cave entrance. Azbaar drew his own sword, lifted his shield onto his arm and followed Ludvic.

  They were forced to light torches as they travelled further into the cave. "What do you smell?" whispered Azbaar as they stepped cautiously ahead.

  "Something damned foul!" whispered Ludvic. He motioned for them to continue into the darkness of the cave. They moved close together, weapons drawn, making as little noise as possible. There was a eerie silence inside the mountain. A hidden malevolence that pressed the shadows in around them. They turned around to see that the entrance was now a barely visible speck behind them.

  "Something is amiss. I feel magic at work here," whispered Azbaar. They kept walking into the daunting silence of the cave, hearts pounding nervously.

  They then glimpsed moving lights ahead. Approaching cautiously at first, they quickly recognised the shapes in the flickering light. The group ahead was bunched together in a wider portion of the cave and they could make out a few dozen men moving about. They picked up their pace.

  "Who goes there?" came a call that they recognised as the General.

  "Someone who is wondering what he did to deserve this," called Ludvic loudly.

  Ahead Errollan stopped in shock as he recognised the voice. "Ludvic?" he said softly.

  "None other," replied Ludvic as they finally came up to join them.

  "Why in Skiye's name are you here? What has happened?"

  "What offal are you babbling? You summoned us here."

  "Summoned?" returned Errollan in confusion. "I made no such request."

  "No request," said Azbaar, his eyes narrowing. "We received your message a few..." His words were cut short as something struck his chest, punching through his armour and into his body. Azbaar fell to the ground from the impact and dropped his weapon.

  Before they could react a faint whirr filled the cave and a shower of crossbow bolts shot from the darkness. Those with shields raised them to their heads and slowly fell back. Thibalt and Estallion joined the others in diving to the floor to avoid the deadly bolts.

  Errollan knelt down, holding his shield high for protection, and saw blood oozing from Azbaar's chest. He cursed loudly as the bolts continued to fly out of the darkness. Some of the Feldonians cried out as they were struck and fell to the floor in agony.

  Ludvic leapt up to Errollan and picked up Azbaar's shield. They then jammed their shields together in front of Azbaar's body and huddled behind them.

  Then as quickly as they had begun, the bolts stopped and a terrifying cry broke the silence of the cave as their assailants stormed out into the open. Even in the faint torchlight they identified their attackers as Dargonian Elites. Savagely skilled men from the highest ranks of Zephra's army. Their armour was dyed black and covered their chests and thighs tightly, however their arms were bare, showing their shockingly pale skin. Around their eyes they had painted unique symbols, giving each a sinister appearance.

  Errollan and Ludvic jumped up, weapons ready, just as the first wave of Elites hit them. Their attackers fought with short but wide swords and the famed Dargonian shields that held razor sharp edges around their entire frame. The shields were well feared amongst those Feldonians who had fought against them. Wielded as a second weapon, those skilled enough to use one did so with deadly precision, slicing off limbs and causing grievous wounds in battle.

  The General's men, who were able to, quickly rose from the ground to absorb the charge of the Elites. The first group of Dargonians leapt into the air with their shields held high and swung them in a wide arc, hoping to strike at the head. They then followed through with quick thrusts of their swords. The Feldonians were forced to duck and pull backwards to avoid the shields and many were caught by the swift thrust that followed.

  Errollan stopped a Dargonian shield with his own and sidestepped the blade that came behind it. He then bashed the soldiers shield arm, sending it wide, and sent his own sword forward into the attacker's stomach. The Elite fell back with a cry of anguish and two more moved in to take his spot.

  Ludvic remained over Azbaar, flailing wildly with Crunch and Crack, aiming to keep the Dargonians at a distance. Though it worked for a moment, with many of the Dargonians not willing to enter the range of Ludvic's savage swings, eventually the attackers pressed forwards and forced him to fight. He narrowly ducked a shield that came flying at his head and fell to the floor. Instantly a soldier lunged at him and he just managed to bring Crunch up to shift the direction of the attack. He then brought his right arm up and embedded Crack in the man's head.

  Ludvic pushed the dead man's body away and sprung up. Another soldier charged at him and he threw Crunch through the air. It struck true, splitting the man's chest. Unarmed, Ludvic quickly ran to remove Crack from the dead soldier's head, and panicked when two more Elites ran at him. He reached the body, but knew that he was too late. He looked up expecting to see the blows that would seal his fate, but instead watched as the Elites flew backwards.

  Thibalt and Estallion had hurled themselves into the fray from behind. Estallion wrestled with the Elite he had fallen on top of whilst Thibalt struggled to get back to his feet. Thibalt seeking to take advantage of the Dargonian's shock then sliced down, catching him on the arm and driving hard down to the bone. The Elite let out a roar of pain and anger and Thibalt pulled the sword free and stabbed down into the man's stomach. Thibalt watched the man's life slip away beneath him and felt a sense of dread.

  He glanced over to Estallion who had just silenced the man that he had charged into. Estallion walked over to Ludvic and helped him up. "Now didn't I tell you that the world needs Estallion Bastion," he laughed. "It is not time to die yet, old man."

  Ludvic stared confoundedly at Estallion. He wanted to reply but there was no time. More Elites streamed out of the darkness, screaming ch
ants of death. However they turned to hear a rallying cry from the entrance of the cave as the soldiers they had left outside joined the battle. With a passion driven by anger the Feldonian soldiers leapt into the fray crying, "No Surrender!"

  The new combatants crashed into the Dargonians with swords and shields pressing hard. The lack of light caused utter chaos in the cave with many not knowing whom to fight. Yet sparks flew in the air as cold steel struck armour and shields. The soldiers from the entrance exerted all effort to give their fallen comrades time to regroup and succeeded in providing them with a momentary respite.

  Errollan fought his way back to Azbaar's body and began to drag him away from the fighting.

  Thibalt stood side by side with Estallion, fighting the apprehension inside of him. He worked frantically to parry blow after blow, waiting for his opponent to pause and then striking hard. The Elite facing him was then stuck from behind as a Feldonian soldier came to his aid. Thibalt brought his sword hand forward, catching the Elites side and opening up a long gash in his hip. The man fell to the floor and Thibalt knew that he was not going to rise.

  The sheer frenzy of battle began to fill his every sense. His body numbed and his vision swam. The fighting around him became clouded and he struggled to focus on the attackers around him. He then fell back with a cry of pain as an Elite brought his shield down on Thibalt's shoulder, just managing to cut through his leather cuirass. He looked up to see the soldier moving up for a killing blow and found himself frozen still in fear. The world began to slow as he waited for the final strike.

  No, this cannot be, he thought. I cannot fall in my first fight. He looked up and saw the soldier pull his short sword back to thrust, however the sword fell from his hand as something struck his throat. The Elite fell to the floor, clutching his neck, unable to breath.

  The world returned to normal, he hadn't died. He turned around and saw Estallion facing him with a small crossbow raised high. He stood up and nodded his thanks to Estallion who waved the hand crossbow and said, "Useful little thing."

  Thibalt shook the pain in his shoulder away and found his sense of dread easing. He forced himself to place those thoughts at the back of his mind and charged at the nearest enemy, pounding at the man's head with his hilt.

  General de Lamina fought in the middle of the cave, his golden breastplate a beacon for the enemy. "Form on me!" he screamed over the sounds of battle. "Do not stray from the light."

  Thibalt moved to the centre, where the remaining Feldonian soldiers were forming a defensive circle around the wounded Azbaar. Estallion joined the circle and drew a small dirk from his belt to accompany his short sword.

  Ludvic, now totally enraged, did not fight in the circle, but ran around the cave swinging Crunch and Crack frantically, clearing a path as he split and smashed armour and bones. The Dargonian armour did little to stop his powerful blows and soon the enemy began to fear his presence. "Great Skiye guide my strikes!" he screamed as he swung his axes around him.

  Slowly the enemy was forced back. The General ordered the circle broken and the soldiers fanned out to overpower the Elites. Thibalt picked up a Dargonian shield and ran into one of the Elites with a cry of rage. He fell on top of his opponent and repeatedly rammed the shield into his stomach. As he let go of the shield he found his arms burning with fresh cuts and realised that he had hurt himself trying to use the shield. He struggled to shrug away the pain. How could a man wield such a thing?

  He then noticed a Feldonian soldier pinned against the wall by two Elites and leapt to his aid. Thibalt plunged his sword into the first enemies back, and then threw him to the side. But it was too late. The second Elite, turned from the pinned Feldonian that he had finished and brought his sword forward at Thibalt's waist. A quick reaction allowed Thibalt to dodge the strike but he was forced backwards. The Elite pressed his attack using his sword to thrust at Thibalt's vulnerable areas. Thibalt who was fighting without a shield was forced to step further backwards to avoid the stabs.

  General de Lamina, seeing Thibalt, charged at the Elite, using his momentum to slam the man against the cave wall. The Elite let out a loud gasp as the air left his lungs and then swooned after his head struck the rough stone. Thibalt took advantage of the pause and ran up to the General, sticking his sword into the Elite's gut. They then turned and saw a scene of carnage on the cave floor. Bodies lay on almost every patch of dirt.

  The fighting was over, none of the Dargonians stood, yet only a handful of the Feldonian soldiers remained. Those who still breathed had all sustained injuries, but none as great as Azbaar. Errollan and Ludvic stood over him with distressed expressions. Azbaar was breathing hoarsely, coughing on his own blood.

  General de Lamina motioned for his remaining soldiers to move closer and said, "Stay alert, we do not know that we are free of them yet."

  Estallion walked over to Thibalt, who was staring at the dead bodies with glazed eyes. "It isn't always fun and games," he said, still smiling, though lacking his usual cheerfulness.

  Thibalt looked down at his sword. The hot blood oozed slowly down the blade and onto his hand and he dropped it in disgust. He glanced down at the body of the last man he had killed. But for his ghastly pale skin, he was just like all other men that he had met. "Are we justified in killing these people?" he asked.

  "No," replied Estallion resolutely, "But it is a part of our life, and we cannot avoid it. Though I would say we were lucky today. By rights that many Elites should have slaughtered us. Were it not for the sacrifice of these brave soldiers we would have joined the dead on their journey to the Third Plane."

  Thibalt nodded. "I was always eager to fight, test my skills in battle, but now that I have done so, I wish it had never happened."

  The General walked up to Thibalt and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "And that is what makes you honourable," he said softly.

  Errollan heaved Azbaar up onto his shoulder. "We need to move him outside I cannot see his wounds without proper light." The General acknowledged his request and signalled for everyone to return to the entrance. The soldiers checked their fallen comrades one last time to ensure that none still breathed and began to head out of the cave.

  Thibalt wiped the blood from his hands on his trousers and moved to follow when a horrifying roar echoed through the cave. The company turned and out of the darkness in the back of the cave stormed a terrifying creature. It was grey in colour with a face that showed a mouth of slimy fangs. Two large pointed ears jutted from the side of its square head, yet they could make out no eyes. Its massive arms reached down to the ground and helped it move in the fashion of an ape, yet it was hairless and had slick claws on each fist, each the size of a dagger.

  They all stood stunned, staring at the creature in utter terror. None had ever set their eyes upon such a hideous beast and its savage roar shook them down to their bones.

  It ran at Errollan and smashed into him with its shoulder, sending him and Azbaar to the ground. Errollan cried out as he landed on his arm and the beast raised its head into the air to let out another roar.

  Ludvic and the General mustered up what courage they had to move and rush at the beast. They ran towards it, Ludvic screaming at the top of his lungs. "Back to the darkness with you!"

  The beast swung it gigantic arm, striking the General in the head and knocking him to the floor unconscious. Ludvic came around behind the beast whilst it recovered and sent Crunch flying into its leg. The axe imbedded itself deeply into the calf and drew thick black blood. The creature cried out in pain and swiped at the axe, dislodging it from its leg. It then puts its head up into the air and began to turn in all directions rapidly.

  Thibalt watched in fear but realised that he had seen behaviour like this before at Steelfist Ranch. "The beast is blind!" he yelled. "Keep your distance."

  The creature turned towards Thibalt and began to charge in his direction. Estallion raised his hand crossbow and fired. The small dart struck the creature's chest, but it di
d not seem to notice. It charged onwards and both Estallion and Thibalt managed to scarcely leap out of its path. It crashed into the wall, sending a cloud of dust and stone through the cave.

  They all remained still, trying to make as little noise as possible. The beast turned and raised its head, once again smelling the air and listening for any movement. Thibalt raised his finger to his mouth and held up his other hand, motioning for silence. Then Azbaar screamed as a spasm of pain hit him. The beast roared and charged in his direction. It reached his body and began clawing at him with its powerful arms. Estallion and Thibalt stared at the horrific sight frozen to the ground. The beast's claws tore through Azbaar's armour as though it were water.

  Errollan screamed in anger and jumped onto the back of the beast. He began bashing the creature with his fists, striking with a crazed rage. The creature tried to reach behind itself to grab Errollan, but he held on tightly, continuing to pummel its head. Thibalt could no longer watch, he picked up a sword from the ground and ran at the beast screaming loudly, in an attempt to distract it. The beast momentarily stopped as it heard Thibalt's cry draw nearer, which was enough for Errollan. He drew a dagger from his waist and plunged it into the back of the creature's neck. The blade struck true and severed the beasts spine. It fell to the floor, instantly dead, and Errollan hastily rolled from its back and over to Azbaar.

  What strength had remained in the old Honour Guard was gone. His chest was a ruined mess. Errollan brought his hand to his eyes to hide the tears that were forming.

  Ludvic walked over to Errollan and whispered solemnly, "You could not have done any more."

  Errollan took a deep breath to compose himself and nodded. He clasped his hands over Azbaar's and said, "Skiye take this man's soul from Fellarrnur and give him a resting spot amongst the kings of our kind."

  "There passes one of the greatest men to have ever walked this world," said Estallion sadly. He then walked over to the General and shook him awake.

  Thibalt could not bear to watch so he looked away and spotted a Dargonian soldier moving on the cave floor. He ran over to the soldier and turned him over. The man had a deep gash in his stomach. "This one is alive," he called. The soldier coughed and Thibalt saw light red blood on his lips. "Barely though," he added.

  Errollan ran over to the soldier and violently picked him up. "How did so many of you make it here?"

  The soldier looked up at Errollan. "King Zephra wanted you dead. We may have failed, but soon your fate will find you." He laughed which caused him to cough up more blood. "Zephra will not let anything stand in his way. He will take Feldom, and you will be powerless to stop him."

  "Your master must have grown ignorant indeed if he thinks he can take our land without a fight. Feldom has never fallen to Dargon, and as long as the Honour Guard live, so it shall remain... forever!" said Errollan, viscously.

  "You think you are safe, locked up in your mighty castles, protected by the gods," said the Elite, sadistically. "My king will come to Feldom unhindered, and not even the guardian gods will be able to protect you from his wrath."

  Errollan's eyes flared. "How did you know we would be here?" he asked.

  "Allies can be found in the most unusual of places," said the man laughing painfully.

  "More riddles," Errollan raised his fist to strike the man.

  Thibalt grabbed Errollan's arm and quietly said, "It is not worth it, my lord."

  The General, shaking his head, walked over and pointed to the dead beast. "And what foul creature is this?" he demanded.

  The soldier laughed, "A taste of things to come."

  Errollan shook the man. "Explain yourself," he said, but the soldier never replied. He coughed one last time and slumped in Errollan's grip.

  "Damn!" yelled Errollan, throwing the man's body to the ground.

  Ludvic walked over to Azbaar's body and lifted it onto his shoulder. "Let us leave this place. Skiye knows how many more are nearby."

  "What about this?" asked the General, pointing to the corpse of the horrid beast.

  Errollan walked over to it and kicked it with all of his might. "Burn it," he said, with great anger blazing in his eyes.

  "Should we not take it back for the disciples of Skiye."

  Errollan glared fiercely at Guthrum. "Burn it now!"

  They moved out of the cave, the General's soldiers dragging the body of the beast with them.

  Before they left, the company watched the thick black smoke rise from the pyre that they had set the creature upon. Errollan watched with glee as the flames consumed the grey corpse of the monster that had claimed Azbaar's life.

  "We should have known that you would not send for us," said Ludvic regretfully.

  Errollan's cold expression did not change. "Zephra wanted us all here. He wanted to rid himself of the Honour Guard." His eyes narrowed menacingly. "We will pay him back in full for what he has done."

  As Thibalt watched he become conscious of something and walked over to Estallion. He moved him to one side and said, "Do you recall the first time that I met the Honour Guard. Mandigal spoke of a dream."

  Estallion thought back to the time they had met the Maloreichar and vaguely recalled Mandigal's prophecy. "Great pain and sorrow in the eyes of many," he whispered, recalling Mandigal's words.

  Thibalt looked Estallion in the eyes. "Do you think?" asked Thibalt, leaving the rest unsaid.

  "Only the gods know, Thibalt," said Estallion, raising his hand to his mouth with a concerned look.

  Thibalt sighed, so many unanswered questions, so many riddles. As he watched Estallion, whose lips were pursed in deep thought he let out a sigh. Gone was the Estallion that he had come to know. The carefree and childish charm had been replaced by a grave demeanour. Perhaps he should have followed Christill. The war changed everyone, and as he looked down at his bloodied hands he realized that it was changing him as well.