Read Dawn of the Valiant (The Valerious Chronicles: Book One) Page 74

Thibalt smiled as best as he could. Amusing as Estallion's joke was, he was distracted by troubled thoughts. The company had been riding hard along the Dargonian edge of the Beon Ranges. By Errollan's judgement they were but one days ride from where Dievu believed the Primals would be. Yet as they drew nearer, the groups mood grew darker. Since leaving Precedin a shadow had haunted Thibalt's mind. He was losing faith in the likely success of their mission.

  Ludvic, riding besides Errollan, noticed Thibalt's depression and slowed his mount to come up next to Esree. "Do not dwell on troubled thoughts, Thibalt. You must hope," he said.

  "But how much hope is there really, Ludvic?" Thibalt replied, his voice dull.

  Ludvic led his horse down the sudden dip in the rocky trail and moved back next to Thibalt. "There is always hope. You must not give up."

  Thibalt nodded. "I just wish we could get there faster. The waiting is driving me to madness."

  "Patience is virtue, Thibalt. And much more powerful than hope," answered Mandigal, who had overheard the conversation from behind.

  Thibalt glanced briefly at the Mandigal and then returned his gaze to the trail. He did not believe that he would ever be able to speak with Mandigal as he could to Ludvic. The mysterious man held too many hidden secrets and sent bumps over Thibalt's skin whenever he spoke. He rode slightly ahead so as to keep distance from Mandigal. "How did it come to be that he was made an Honour Guard?" Thibalt asked softly.

  Ludvic let out a faint chuckle. "We hear this a lot," he replied. "All you need to know is that there are few men better suited for the Maloreichar. When Mandigal came to Feldom, he was thrown in prison for two long and difficult years. Most men would have died under the conditions he was forced to endure in the King's dungeons. Eventually, with the help of the King's advisors, he was set free. He was to prove himself to the Alliance. Soon enough he did that very thing and became a valuable spy for the Kingdom. His intelligence prevented the sacking of Desfall and alerted us to a vast fleet of ships sailing up the Karmanian Ocean."

  "He betrayed his own people?" asked Thibalt.

  "Aye...that he did," replied Ludvic, in a more sombre tone. "By that stage Mandigal had forsaken his homeland and sworn allegiance to Feldom." Ludvic pointed a finger at Thibalt and lowered his right eyebrow. "But don't you think he didn't have a hard time doing it. It would have been a horrid torture for him to have caused the death of so many of his brethren. Many say it is the reason he is such a bitter man today."

  "So why did he do it?"

  Ludvic shrugged his shoulders. "What choice did he have? All I know is that soon it became evident to us that he no longer held any love for his former homeland. After countless years in service to the King he was given a spot amongst the King's own advisors. Then, three years ago, after the death of the Garous Heldun, Mandigal was allowed a spot in our ranks."

  It was astonishing to Thibalt that Mandigal had been given a rank of such power given his heritage.

  Ludvic read his was thoughts and added, "Believe me Thibalt, though you may not understand or trust Mandigal, there is no man on this world more worthy of the position than he."

  "I understand," accepted Thibalt.

  They continued on along the trail and Thibalt spent his time with his head facing left, where the icy expanse of Dargon stretched over the horizon. Dargon was a cold and dank land, covered in thick forests of pine and riddled with swamps. The decay of Nyrune's frosty climate did not allow pretty flowers or vibrant grass to grow. Only those plants hardy enough to survive the constant winter flourished in the mountainous land. Yet there was something oddly familiar about the rise and fall of the open country. Thibalt let out a faint laugh.

  "What is it?" asked Estallion who had brought Falgo up to join Thibalt and Ludvic.

  "I was just thinking that, were it not for the terrible weather, it would be difficult to separate Dargon and Feldom."

  "Precisely, Thibalt. I've heard a lot of people say that... I've also heard a lot of people say that I have a boyish charm about me. But that doesn't really influence your thought," replied Estallion with a smile.

  Thibalt rubbed his weary eyes and said, "I worry about you, Estallion."

  Estallion's grin grew even wider. "It pleases me ever so to know that you care."

  Errollan, who was up front with Guard Captain Harrinus and Kilthies, signalled for the company to halt. "We will rest for an hour and ride on at dusk."

  Thibalt looked up at the sun and saw that the day had passed much quicker than he had expected. The Thaldun Blades slid from their mounts and began to set up small fires. Thibalt and Estallion were marvelled by the sight of the gold and green armoured warriors moving about the makeshift camp. Their very movement was full of grace and they performed every task with perfect efficiency. Thibalt had quickly noted that each and every one of the Blades carried varied weapons. They fought in their own unique style, unlike most armed companies, but this unpredictability only made them more dangerous.

  He led Esree to the other mounts and upon returning found Estallion and Ludvic sitting by a small green fire, next to two of the Blades. Other small fires burnt throughout the camp and Thibalt knew they had all been conjured by Karmanian warriors. In addition to their martial prowess, each of the Blades was a disciple of Nyrune and an expert at using her magic.

  Errollan sat in deep discussion with Kilthies and nodded to Thibalt as he walked by. Ludvic motioned for Thibalt to sit down and he picked a spot in between the two Blades. He had spoken with these two before, since they had departed Precedin. To his right sat Fliethu Ki, second in command of the Blades. His head was completely shaven, something highly uncommon amongst Karmanians, and he held decorative tattoos that snaked over his face and head. On his other side was the stunning Luss Ophio. The very moment that Estallion had spotted her amongst the Thaldun Blades, he had been smitten. Her golden hair was tied tightly behind her in two long tails and she held the most mesmerizing eyes that Thibalt had ever seen. Her exotic beauty was accentuated by her sharp features and even Estallion found himself stuttering in her presence.

  "Not long now, Thibalt," Ludvic pointed out.

  "I know," replied Thibalt, frustration showing in his tone. He felt a gentle hand touch his back and turned to see Luss's sparkling blue and purple eyes staring at him.

  "You must calm yourself. There will be a terrible fight when we find them. Of that there is no doubt. And if Dievu was correct there will be no room for error. You will not be able to afford a troubled mind," she said.

  Estallion who was also staring into her eyes added, "I agree wholeheartedly. She is a wise lady... Smart and beautiful, a rare flower in this gloomy world."

  Ludvic nudged Estallion's shoulder. "Stop gawking you fool."

  Estallion quickly took his eyes from Luss and blushed, causing the others to laugh. For several moments they sat in silence until Thibalt, trying to take his mind off Christill, asked, "Ludvic you've never told me how you joined the Honour Guard?"

  Ludvic suddenly turned and waved away the question. "Oh it is a boring story."

  "Please allow us the privilege. It will help take our minds off the coming fight," encouraged Fliethu, in an voice thick with an accent Thibalt had never heard.

  Ludvic shook his head. "I don't want to talk about it. It is no worthy tale."

  Estallion knew just what to say to get Ludvic talking. "He is just ashamed because it was his mother who got him the job. She needed to get him out of the house one way or another."

  Ludvic's face flushed red in an instant. "Why I never...I spent three years fighting the Miirvkin separatists that attacked Andron to get my position. That's why I am an Honour Guard. Nothing more and nothing less."

  "On the contrary...," butted in Guard Captain Harrinus who had just joined the group. The second in command of Precedin's forces sat down on the ground and once again ran his hand over his missing ear. "Back when the soldiers form Numukh declared war on Andron for taking control of the fishing in the North Sea, General
Hammerfell single-handedly drove them back to Miirvk. I believe you were the most decorated General to ever serve in Auldney. Am I right?"

  Ludvic cast a meaningful glare at Harrinus, causing the others to smile. It was well known that Ludvic was not fond of talking of his days as the General of the North, and therefore a select few insisted on bringing it up as often as possible.

  "You should be proud of your achievements, Ludvic," said Luss.

  "Self boasting is a weak and childlike activity and I'll have no part of it," replied Ludvic.

  They were interrupted by Kilthies who stood up to address the company. Once he was sure that he had everyone's attention he spoke. "Soldiers of Feldom and my loyal Blades. We are but hours away from those whom we have pursued. We will ride soon and do what we can to save Queen Triel. Remember what you are fighting for. Queen Triel must be rescued," he paused, turning his eyes to Fliethu. "It is possible many of us will die tonight...We will not let fear take our courage. I do not need to tell you that no enemy can be left alive, for if we are to make it back to Feldom we cannot suffer a Dargonian shadow. I urge you to get as much rest as you can."

  Kilthies sat back down and was clasped on the shoulder by another Blade named Utith. Mandigal approached the spot from where Kilthies had spoken and also addressed the company. "Listen carefully. There is one amongst those that we hunt named Novokai." A few of the Blades cringed at the mention of his name, having encountered him in the battle of Hiethris many years ago. "He is a powerful disciple of Gushkall and you would do well to steer clear of him. His powers are beyond any of you. I ask that you leave him to Kilthies and myself. Do not attempt to face him alone." Mandigal then moved back to his own private campfire, leaving the men shaken.

  The company sat in silence for several minutes until Estallion once again spoke. "Well I'm about ready for a story. How about the rest of you? I've got an excellent one about my exploits in Lundron. It's a terrific tale in which I managed to get my way out of being hanged by the local guards."

  Several voices shouted in unison, "No!" cutting him off quickly and Estallion let out a large puff of disappointment.

  Ludvic looked at Estallion and shook his fist. "I think we have all heard about enough of your adventures. Especially the ones in which you are running from the law."

  Estallion smiled and patted Ludvic on the back. "I can't help it if other people can't keep their hands off me."

  The Blade named Utith lowered himself flat on the floor beside Kilthies and let out a long yawn. "Please grace us with one of your verses, Fliethu," he called out.

  Fliethu stared at the long haired Karmanian who had requested the performance and inclined his head. He stood up and waited for complete silence. He then bowed to his crowd and began a musical verse.

  By the marshes so dour

  Lay a lad and his fiddle

  In the forest so lull

  Lay the flute bearing maiden

  It began with a tune

  That wend among mountains

  That travel downstream

  T' was whistled by many

  Lonely finch who was soaring

  Caught sight of the fiddler

  And perched down on his shoulder

  Finch harkened to dreary hymn

  The song from the marshes

  Was the tune from a boy

  Who was lonely and orphaned

  Whom no one remembered

  As the finch sat and listened

  The lad finished playing

  A breath of sorrow escaped

  And he lay down to sleep

  The marshes tore asunder

  And swallowed him neath

  And there was no fine music

  Only finch who had listened

  To the sky he then flew

  To a forest he came

  Where a girl sat alone

  With no music to play

  So the finch sang the song

  Of a boy who was lonely

  And in time through the forest

  Was a flute playing peacefully

  The girl played a tune

  That wend among mountains

  That travel downstream

  T' was whistled by many

  No longer was a lad

  Who lies lost in the marshes

  Forgotten and lonely

  Born forth hence in melody

  Thibalt let out a long breath and spread himself down on the rocky ground. He began humming the calming tune of Fliethu's song and noticed many others were doing the same. For a brief moment they could try to forget their worries.