Read Dawn of the Valiant (The Valerious Chronicles: Book One) Page 75

Friedrich Hermagoras III rolled the die one more time, watching anxiously for the result that would determine his mood for the remainder of the night. Vrill stood over his shoulder smiling with anticipation as the die slowed and finally rested on the middle of the table. The men participating in the game roared their disappointment as six black dots appeared at the top of the stationary die.

  "Well done," said Vrill patting Friedrich on the back. "You just bought me my next drink."

  Friedrich allowed his body to relax. The other participants handed Friedrich the money they owed him for besting their rolls and grumpily left the table . He counted his winnings and was happy to see that he had finished the round with three times what he had started with. He then shook his head. Why did he even care? If he wanted money he could simply take it from the treasury.

  "Hurry up," yelled Vrill, who had already moved to the bar. "My mouth is dry and I have no ale to quench it with."

  "Then buy your own," demanded Friedrich, casting an annoyed look at Vrill.

  "I would, but you won all my money," laughed Vrill.

  Friedrich couldn't help but laugh. He stood up and placed his winnings in a pocket behind the breast of his tunic. The tavern was a squalid and filthy affair, with very little light and an unsavoury crowd. It was aptly named the Muddy Boot and was the establishment that Vrill and Friedrich had decided to make their own. Though the city of Vladistov provided many fine taprooms, far more pleasing to the eye and nose, the two had always preferred to keep away from the other nobles in the city.

  As he approached the bar, Friedrich noticed two seated men staring at him. They were dressed in baggy clothes that likely concealed their weapons underneath. He knew exactly why these men were here and why they were watching him. He tapped Vrill on the arm and motioned in their direction. Vrill slowly turned his head, so as not to draw suspicion, and then returned his attention to his cousin.

  "Looks like Zephra intends to know exactly what we are up to these days," Vrill smiled.

  Friedrich nodded. "He has had his men following us all week. Father fears that Zephra might go so far as to try to kill me and you."

  "Why me?" asked Vrill suddenly. "You I can understand. I haven't done anything to him."

  "You know too much about our family for him to risk keeping you alive."

  Vrill motioned for the man behind the bar to pour two mugs of beer and the man eyed them suspiciously. Friedrich placed four coins on the bar and the man poured the drinks.

  "So what do you think we should do?" asked Vrill, eagerly watching the froth rise to the top of the wooden mug.

  Friedrich thought to himself for a moment and then answered, "We need to ensure we have the means for a quick escape out of the city if we need one. Somewhere we can hide from Zephra's men."

  Vrill clasped the mug and took a long drag. A young girl, wearing a distinctly revealing dress, approached Vrill and began to play with his ears. "Not now," he said, pushing her away. The girl threw Vrill an angry look and stormed away to find another potential customer.

  "I don't think we have much time," said Friedrich.

  "I think you're right," replied Vrill. "Your idea doesn't sound too bad, and I think that we are in the right place to secure such an escape."

  Friedrich knew of what Vrill spoke. The Muddy Boot was renowned amongst the more shady and unlawful members of the city for being the headquarters for the city's largest society of crooks, Clandestine Vitiate. The group was responsible for most of the underhand and illegal activities in Vladistov and held far reaching branches from Galdovan to Bultan and even as far down as Vurnal.

  The leader of the underhand society was not known to many outside of the group, but Vrill and Friedrich had come across his identity during a game of cards several months back. A young man had mistakenly made reference to a man named Allen Shade as the leader of Clandestine Vitiate during the game. They had not seen the young man since.

  A few months later they had caught a glimpse of Allen Shade in the Muddy Boot and had come to accept that he did indeed run the gang. At first they had expected to see a powerful and well dressed man at the head of the group, thus they were surprised to find Allen a skinny and pockmarked man who wore simple clothes and was beginning to lose his hair.

  "Do you think we should contact them now?" queried Friedrich.

  "Undoubtedly," answered Vrill. "Since Zephra left Vladistov, his men have been watching our every move. I think it would be in our best interest to have a way out of this city as soon as possible."

  "Then we will go to him tonight," said Friedrich, taking a large gulp from his mug, but failing to enjoy the taste.

  They waited by the bar, ordering a few more ales as the time drifted by. Once the main crowd of customers had grown large enough for them to move without attracting attention, Friedrich and Vrill stepped to the back of the room to a misshapen wooden door and knocked. After several moments of silence the door creaked open on its rusty hinges and a man with a scrunched up nose and large boil on his cheek popped his head around the frame.

  "What do you want?"

  "We want to speak with Allen Shade," Friedrich said clearly.

  "There's no one here by that name," replied the man sharply and he began to shut the door.

  Vrill placed his hand against the door and pushed it back. "Don't take us for fools. We have business with your master and you would do well to let us pass," he said.

  Friedrich noted that Vrill was showing the man a handful of gold coins he had pulled from his pocket and reminded himself to make Vrill pay for their drinks the next time.

  The man examined the gold for a while then slowly opened the door fully. He let them pass and pointed down the thin corridor that led to a storage room in the back of the tavern. Candles flickered through the corridor and cast a foreboding glow throughout the passage.

  The corridor brought them to an office. Shelves of books and scrolls lined the walls, except for the area in which a cushioned chair stood before an open fireplace. The cluttered desk in the middle of the room was littered with documents and various trinkets left in a state of chaos. The aroma of scented candles still lingered in the air, leaving evidence that someone had been working here recently.

  Vrill motioned for Friedrich to stop as they entered the room. They then heard a calm voice from behind say, "Please sit down so that I may hear what business you have to discuss."

  They turned and saw Allen Shade standing in the corridor with a blue cloak wrapped tightly around him. At his side were two large and very muscular men carrying wooden clubs and dressed in identical red tunics and brown leggings. The head of a society as furtive as Clandestine Vitiate had his own secret entrances to his office.

  Allen, who noticed their startled expressions, smiled slightly. "Do not worry, my lord, my companions are merely a precaution. One can never be too careful in times like these." He moved to his desk and took a seat whilst his body guards took up the space behind him.

  Friedrich and Vrill sat down in the chairs facing Allen and noticed that they were of the highest quality. "I find it strange that a man of such high regard would keep a desk as cluttered and disorganized as this," commented Friedrich as he motioned to the mess in front of him.

  "You may think it disorganized, but to me it is perfect."

  "Suit yourself," muttered Vrill.

  Allen's brow lowered, showing his displeasure towards Vrill's disrespectful tone. Friedrich took note and decided to speak. "We seek to do business with you."

  "Speak," replied Allen, folding his hands together on the desk.

  "We would like you to arrange a safe house where we can avoid detection for a while."

  "There are many factors to take into account here," commented Allen. "I must know more of your situation."

  Vrill cast an unsure look at Friedrich, but finally shrugged his shoulders saying, "We are in trouble either way."

  Friedrich agreed. "We have reason to believe that our lives are in danger if we stay in V
ladistov. We need to be able to leave the city completely unseen and be taken somewhere where no one would be able to find us for at least a few months."

  Allen's eyes widened showing his surprise. "And who is it that would threaten the life of the Duke's own son?"

  Friedrich hesitated with his answer. He had no idea how trustworthy this man was and did not want to tumble into further trouble. "A man of great importance. That is all you need to know. We will require the safe house within the next two weeks. Sooner if possible."

  Allen slowly opened a thin draw on his table and withdrew a long pipe. After filling it with tobacco and lighting it, he took a long breath from the tip and blew out the smoke with a satisfying grunt. Friedrich and Vrill both instantly smelt the unique, pungent and rich odour of Karmanian tobacco and knew that he was smoking an expensive and very rare commodity. "I will need to know exactly who is threatening you before I come to a decision," he pressed.

  "Zephra," blurted out Vrill without a second thought. Friedrich looked at his cousin bewildered. Vrill shrugged off Friedrich's gaze and continued to talk with Allen. "Now you know why discretion is of the utmost importance."

  "What you ask of me is more difficult than you can imagine. Zephra has eyes and ears in every corner of this nation. Even several of my highest ranking members are Zephra's spies," said Allen.

  "Then how do you still conduct your business?" asked Friedrich.

  "I have helped our King out on many occasions. I am sure he feels that we are of some use to him. Worthy of being kept in business no doubt."

  Friedrich chewed his lip as he considered their position. "What would you require?" he questioned.

  "For something like this I will require three thousand gold," said Allen, his tone perfectly steady.

  Vrill began to choke on his own spit as he tried to come to grips with the unreasonable amount. "That is more than any honest merchant would earn in a lifetime," he cried.

  "Who here is honest? We are all rich men. What you ask of me could put my people in danger and would also be extremely costly. You should be grateful that I am even willing to help you," replied Allen coolly.

  "I demand you lower the price," said Friedrich in a raised voice.

  Allen suddenly pulled a dagger from his belt and slammed it into the table. "Do not forget who you are talking to!" Allen screamed back, his eyes aflame. "Here I rule, not you. The price is three thousand gold. Now do you want Vitiate's help or not?"

  Friedrich paused and gazed at Vrill. The look in his cousin's eyes was one of resentment, yet he could think of no other option. "Very well. When will you be ready?"

  "Three weeks. Bring the gold when I call for you," replied Allen, clasping his hands in front of his face.