Read Deadline Page 13

"Hey, are you okay? You just got really pale."

  She looked up at him with indescribable mortification. Just as quickly as the blood drained from her face, it came back and she blushed so badly she had to be purple. Caroline abruptly stood up, hitting the table with her legs and sloshing her soup. "Excuse me, I think I need to go to the bathroom and die. I mean, I need to. . .um. . .I have to go. Now."

  His brow pulled together, baffled but amused by her unusual and sudden act of hysteria. Then, as if someone turned the light on, understanding washed over him. He knew. He put the puzzle pieces together in his mind and knew exactly what caused her lunacy.

  He grabbed her hand before she could run away, stood and put a hand on each of her shoulders to steady her, and looked into her eyes. Caroline stopped fidgeting, but she was positive her heart would explode if she didn't lie down. She stared at the hands she twisted into knots and focused on not fainting.

  He spoke slowly and softly to calm her. "Caroline. . .breathe." She breathed deeply through her nose. It didn't help. "Again, slowly." Hyperventilation was inevitable, but his repose was quite effective. He did a great job calming her down though she couldn't know how or understand why. She had trespassed in his house! She caught him by surprise—naked! He should be furious, not helpful.

  Thankfully, no one else had decided to eat lunch this early so the restaurant was fairly empty. She couldn't handle an audience right now. The employees witnessing her breakdown was bad enough, much worse, the impossibly beautiful object of her total disgrace standing in front of and reassuring her.

  "Better?" He asked.

  She nodded quickly, not taking her eyes from her wringing hands. She'd never wanted to disappear so badly in her life.

  "Now, look at me."

  She shook her head squeezing her eyes closed in shame.

  "Caroline, please. Look at me."

  Slowly, she trailed her tear-filled gaze up to his and he smiled. "It's okay. I know what you're upset about and I'm telling you, it's okay."

  She breathed in another deep breath and nodded again. Caroline tried to speak but swallowed her words. His knowing eyes said way more than his voice, and Caroline felt serene beneath his intense stare.

  "Don't try to speak until you calm down and listen to what I have to say." Cade had complete control of the situation for which she was thankful because she certainly did not. "You've been to my house."

  She closed her eyes and dropped her face into her hands.

  "Caroline, please. Look at me."

  Forcing herself to look up again, she wiped the tears from her cheeks.

  "It's obvious that what happened upset you. Or maybe you're a little embarrassed?"

  She huffed. A little embarrassed was a colossal understatement.

  He smiled at her reaction and gently pulled her with him to sit back down. "I need you to know that I'm not angry or upset. I am curious, though. . ."

  Oh good Lord! Here it comes.

  "Why were you in my house?"

  Caroline took a deep, solid breath and then a drink of water to try to regain her composure. "I was taking a walk in the woods to explore the grounds. I'm used to this weather, and I was so hot and needed a break before I made my way back to Eddie's house. I-I. . .stumbled upon an outbuilding that looked like a log cabin—your log cabin. I had no idea whose it was, but I was insanely curious, and only needed a minute or two."

  She closed her eyes and rubbed the stress lines between her brows. Getting this next part out would be difficult. How does one explain her stupidity and lack of respect for someone's privacy? "I tried to peek in the windows but saw nothing, so I knocked lightly, planning to ask for a few moments of cool air. When no one answered, I knocked harder and the door opened. I mustn't have been latched well. Anyway, I foolishly entered. . ." Caroline stared at his collarbone, too ashamed to look at his face. "I'm really sorry."

  The corner of his mouth curved into a one sided grin.

  Her tone shifted a little harsher than she intended, probably a result of her embarrassment. "You know, if you're going to walk around your house naked you should probably lock the front door."

  He smiled, his gaze not faltering. "Forgive me, sweet Caroline. I had no idea a beautiful woman would wander into my house, and be coming from my bedroom, as I emerged naked from my shower."

  She dropped her head again as she remembered that moment, remembered what she saw. She swore, as incredible as it was, the image had burned into the back of her eyelids.

  "So, Miss Fontenot, since you've seen me in all my glory, there mustn't be much left that you're curious about. Unless. . .unless you didn't see as much as I thought you might have?"

  Caroline closed her eyes in preparation for his next question.

  "Of course, I didn't see your face because of my towel-covered head, and it all happened so fast. I'm curious, what exactly did you see?"

  I knew he was going to ask that. She could only manage a whisper. "Everything."

  His loud burst of laughter filled the near-empty restaurant. "Well, in that case, would you care to join me for dinner Friday night?"

  She was furious. "You're enjoying this, aren't you? Do you not see how incredibly embarrassed I am?"

  His eyebrows raised. "How incredibly embarrassed you are? I'm the one who was naked, remember?"

  She flinched. "Of course. How can I forget?" By this point the constant fire in her cheeks was standard around Cade, so fighting it was useless.

  "Well, on the bright side, at least you did apologize as you sprinted out of my house after attacking my vulnerable naked condition. By the way, you left your water bottle."

  He smirked. Nice to know one of them enjoyed the embarrassment.

  "I really am sorry. If I had known you lived there—especially if I'd known you were in a steamy shower, I wouldn't have invaded your privacy."

  "Steamy?" Playful now, he pondered her choice of adjectives.

  "Whatever." Defeated, she sighed and smiled back. "Can we go to the courthouse now so I can find out where I came from?"

  "Yes, ma'am. You know what, sweet Caroline? I'm kinda crushin' on you."

  "Well, control yourself, Mr. Beauregard. I'm taken."

  He smiled as he ushered her toward the parking lot and mumbled, "Not if I have anything to say about it."

  The courthouse, with marble steps leading up to a colonnade, sat majestically in the center of a square block. It didn't really fit in the quaint little town, but was beautiful just the same. Caroline asked the clerk at the front desk where she could find birth records from the mid 1800s. The attractive young woman asked for the birth date and name.

  "All I know is her birthday and her married name, can you find it from that?"

  Maybe a couple of years older than Caroline, she tried, rather unsuccessfully, not to gawk at Cade.

  Her attention briefly flitted back to Caroline. "We'll find out. I'll try it and see what the computer gives me."

  "Thanks. Her name was Rachel C. Fontenot and her birthday was May 13, 1868."

  "I think I found it. Rachel Caroline Beauregard at birth and Fontenot at death."

  Cade stiffened. "I'm sorry, did you say her maiden name was Beauregard?"

  A smile stretched across her face obviously thrilled he spoke to her. "Yes."

  He cursed under his breath. "Caroline, I'll meet you outside. I need some air."

  Too distracted to realize why he was so upset, Caroline couldn't believe she shared the same exact name and birthday with this woman. Not to mention that apparently her ghost was trying to tell her something through her dreams! This was all just too strange. "Is there a way you can print everything you have on her for me? What do y'all keep here besides birth records?"

  Noticeably upset at the exit of her eye candy, she sighed, perturbed with answering Caroline's questions now. "We hold birth, death, divorce and marriage records. I can print all those out for five dollars."

  "Thank you, I appreciate your help." After a few moments, the young woman
smugly handed Caroline the papers.

  Cade paced in front of his large Chevy Z71 pickup truck.

  "Hey, you okay?"

  "Fine. Did you get what you needed?" She nodded and he opened the door for her to get in.

  She skimmed the paperwork and finally asked Cade what had him so upset.

  "It sounds like we might be related somewhere down the line."

  Related? Surely not. It shouldn't bother her since there was no chance of having any kind of relationship with him. But it did.

  "Did her birth records have the names of her parents?" He stared at the road, but didn't seem very focused on driving.

  Unsure, she checked again. "Yes, why?"

  "I'm just curious how we could be related."

  "This says her biological parents were Ralph and Elizabeth Beauregard. Those names ring any bells?"

  Cade seemed to relax a little, but not enough to please him. "Nah, I'll find out though." He didn't bring it up again.

  Caroline slipped into a comfortable ease on the drive back to the library. She felt like she had known Cade for years instead of hours. It was a strange chemistry they shared. With Trevor, it took her months to feel this comfortable.

  He parked next to Caroline's car. She hastily gathered her things, but when she reached for the handle, it opened. Cade had made it around to her side quickly to open the door, only he didn't let her out yet. As she swung her legs around in preparation to stand up, he stood between her and the ground blocking her from getting out. It was almost uncomfortably close. Almost.

  Placing both hands on her knees, effectively causing her skin to tingle from the contact, he smiled, but not his usually charming expression. He seemed perplexed. Trying to think of what he wanted to say. "I'm really glad I ran into you, well, met you. . .officially. . .today." He nervously laughed. "I suppose we already ran into each other a few days ago."

  Fighting back the blush that crept up her neck again from the mention of her most embarrassing moment, Caroline surveyed where his hands rested on her bare skin. Certain there should be palm-shaped burns from the searing heat. She wished she'd worn jeans, but doubted it would've made a difference. Her body responded to this man like it never had with anyone before, not even Trevor, and that concerned her.

  He gathered her hands in his. She took the opportunity to study his face while he stared at their adjoining palms. His bone structure was classic, handsome, and she would describe him as a pretty boy. But there was a certain ruggedness about him that counteracted the refinement. His hazel eyes were intelligent, knowing, and she could see the potential seriousness, but the twinkle in them perfectly showed his playful nature. Like a moth to a flame, he drew her in like no one else. Ever. His strong rough hands were surprisingly gentle. He lifted the top of her hand to his soft lips and kissed it.

  "It was such a pleasure spending the afternoon with you, sweet Caroline." Her cheeks tingled again. With the hand he kissed, he helped her out of the truck.

  She hugged him in thanks and he returned her affection with a kiss on her cheek. He smelled amazing. She stepped back before she was lost in the sensual man-fog of Cade. "Thank you for inviting me to lunch and toting me around town. I really enjoyed myself. Again, I'm really very sorry I caught you—well, that I trespassed in your house."

  He hugged her again tightly this time and whispered. "I'm not. I only wish you hadn't rushed out so fast. Then I would have already had two days with the pleasure of knowing you." He released his hug and waited for her to unlock her Jeep so he could open the door for her.

  As she slid behind the wheel, he took her left hand and kissed it again. Exceptionally charming, he leaned on her door. "You never answered my question. Will you have dinner with me Friday night?"

  "I suppose so, since you asked so nicely."

  He smiled. "Great! Meet me at my place at six."

  "Your place?"

  Still smiling, and that twinkle back in his eyes, "Yes, my place. I believe you know where it is." He winked.

  Heart pounding, she rolled her eyes and fastened her seatbelt as he closed the door.