Read Deadline Page 14

It was four o'clock when she arrived home and no one was about. She took the stairs two at a time to her room and immediately got on her computer. She searched for genealogy of Beauregard in Louisiana and found a few potential results.

  The best she could tell, she and Cade were not directly related. Not knowledgeable with proper terminology regarding extended family, she found Rachel Fontenot was General Beauregard's second cousin, or first cousin once removed, however it's supposed to be stated.

  By the time they made it through all the greats in the ancestors, the distance in their family tree wouldn't matter even if she and Cade could end up together. She shouldn't be interested in this trivial fact, and scolded herself for even taking the time to research the possibility. She would soon be Mrs. Trevor Callahan, and, other than learning about Rachel, the Beauregard family tree didn't matter to her. Or, it shouldn't.

  On that note, the time had come to give dear Trevor a call. She reached for her cell phone in her purse but didn't feel it. Panic briefly prickled the back of her neck. She checked the nightstand thinking she may have put it there when she rushed up to her room. Nothing. What was her deal? So unlike her, she never went anywhere without her phone. This place had her all out of sorts. She must have left it in the car.

  She bounded down the stairs and out the door, only to find her cell phone and a single long stemmed yellow rose wrapped with a purple ribbon lying on the hood of her car. A smile stretched across her face. Beneath the phone was a hand written note. She giggled at the stereotypical scratchy male handwriting. He was so sweet.

  Sweet Caroline,

  I found this in the cab of my truck. It must have fallen out of your pocket. Lucky me. Thanks again for making my day.

  Your new friend,


  She couldn't scrape the smile from her face as she breathed in the delicate scent of the rose. She floated up the stairs on a cloud. . .until her phone rang.

  "Why haven't you called me back?"

  "Hello, Trevor. It's lovely to talk to you, too."

  "Sorry. I'm sorry. I've just missed you. The past twenty-four hours have been. . .stressful. Anyway, I tried calling a couple of times yesterday. It's been two days since I've talked to you and I was worried. How are things?"

  "Things are going wonderfully. My dad is. . .well, he's great. I have a step mom, and a little brother and sister."

  "That's good. Listen, I don't have time to chat right now, I just wanted to call and make sure you were okay. I needed to hear your beautiful voice and see how things were going with your dad. I have to go, but I'll call you later. I love you."

  She paused a second too long and he hung up before she could respond. Hmpf. How nice of him to let me share my experiences down here so far. Good to know he cares so much about me. Probably best. She didn't really want to tell him about her research. Not yet, anyway. She also didn't want to tell him she couldn't find her ring. He'd blow a gasket.

  She twirled the stem of the rose between her fingers. This was going to be a difficult summer. She walked into her room and stopped cold in her tracks. Her engagement ring was on her nightstand exactly where she'd left it.

  What the heck is going on?
