Read Deadline Page 7

The confines of the small sports car were suffocating Trevor. He muttered a curse causing his dad to look his way. Trevor shook his head to avoid discussing his frustrating nightmare. What was his deal? It was just a dream. Clearly, because there was no chance in hell Caroline would have sex with him before they were married. Lord knows he'd tried enough times already and surprisingly gotten farther than he'd ever expected, but never as far as his subconscious had last night.

  He couldn't remember the proper terms of bases, but at least he wasn't sitting the bench. Caroline had a great body and he was thankful she'd at least allowed him to intimately touch her, but he wanted more. Soon.

  "Who pissed in your cereal this morning?"

  Kenneth Callahan's gruff voice could cause a worm to shrivel under the pressure. Trevor respected his dad for how hard he'd worked to succeed in business, but he didn't appreciate him meddling in his personal life. It's bad enough his dad pushes him in reality, but now he was invading Trevor's dreams.

  "No one. What do you need my help with that was so important you had to wake me up at the butt-crack of dawn?" He hadn't woken Trevor up, not physically, anyway, but Kenneth didn't need to know that.

  Kenneth laughed loudly, effectively causing Trevor's already pounding head to throb even worse. "Testy, aren't we? What's the matter, you couldn't find someone to handle your morning boner while the girlfriend's away?"

  "Dad, she's my fiancée now, and I've never cheated on her, and don't plan to start. So if you want my help with anything, I strongly suggest you back off. I've been nice so far. Don't push me."

  "Easy, killer." His dad smirked. "Just a few designs I need you to approve and sign. The buyer needs them by ten today, but I have a few questions for you about a future project I'm working on."

  Trevor nodded. Kenneth's phone rang and Trevor noticed his hesitancy to answer it. His clipped one word answers added to the mystery of the caller, further piquing Trevor's curiosity. It was unlike his dad not to control any conversation. When he hung up, Trevor considered asking who it was, but opted against it. He wished he had when his dad continued pressing about his sour mood.

  "So what's the problem?"

  Trevor gave him a warning look and shook his head. "How long is this going to take?"

  "We'll be done by lunch. Maybe you can go get laid so you'll be in a better mood. I can send a couple girls your way if you need me to. Your fiancée will never know." He laughed boisterously again and Trevor ground his teeth. There would probably have been a time he would've joked with his dad and maybe taken him up on his offer, but not now. Caroline was different. She was special. And she was his.

  Trevor squirmed as an unpleasant memory of a time he almost blew it with Caroline crept into his mind. He'd had way too much to drink and tried to force himself on Caroline after Kristy's party. The terrified look in her eyes when he got so angry with her for stopping him still haunted him. He didn't remember being that aggressive, but his intoxicated memory was cloudy.

  Even still, it was a close call and he didn't like losing control like that. Suggesting she spend the summer in Louisiana was difficult, but it would ease some of his temptation to push her sexually. Trevor wanted her to build a relationship with her father, which can't be done in a short amount of time. Plus, he was ready to marry her and if this summer excursion helped speed that up, even better.

  His relationship with Kenneth Callahan wasn't the textbook father/son bondfest, but Trevor loved his dad. If he ever needed anything, he could expect his father to deliver. He had been fortunate to share a strong relationship with both of his grandfathers and wished for his child to have the same possibility someday. Especially if it was a boy. He wanted Caroline to know what it was like to have a father so she might be more inclined to include Kenneth and Eddie both in their lives. That's assuming his latest dream doesn't come true and he gets screwed in the end.
