Read Deadline Page 8

Back in the safety of her own room, she kicked herself for going inside that house. What was I thinking? She closed her eyes and had an instant snapshot engrained in her memory of what she did see. Caroline didn't know of any other time in her life when she felt more ashamed, mortified. She desperately hoped he did not get a look at her trespassing mug. Maybe she could pretend nothing ever happened. She thought about asking Eddie who lived in the log cabin, but decided she didn't want anyone to know she had been anywhere near that place.

  Regaining her composure, she prepared to emerge from her sanctuary. When she'd approached the plantation house earlier, she noticed her Jeep parked on the driveway again, nice and clean. Eddie must have washed it for her after he had it towed out of the mud. She would thank him later, once she could look at another human being with a straight face.

  If she planned to successfully come across like nothing ever happened she needed to act normal, not hide, and, most importantly, be as graceful as possible. Strangely enough, that last part had become a challenge the second she crossed the bridge into the bayou, starting with her near-wreck avoiding an apparition—if such things even existed. Caroline had stuttered, stumbled, and made the dumbest decisions of her life since she got here. Who was she kidding? She was a bumbling idiot.

  Caroline sighed and laughed hysterically at herself. She thought about what that experience must have been like for him. Whoever he was, he just got caught in his birthday suit, every beautiful rippling muscle of it, by a strange woman who had encroached his private space, in more ways than one. He would probably try to pretend nothing ever happened, either. Caroline was sure she had nothing to worry about. At least that's what she told herself.

  Before she could face the rest of the world, Caroline called Kristy. She knew Kristy was the one person she could confess her sins to who wouldn't judge her for stupidity.

  "Hey girl! Got your message. How's Cajun country?"

  "Oh my gosh, Kristy. You're not going to believe what I just did."

  "What happened? Are you okay? Was your dad pissed?"

  Caroline forgot she hadn't told her how things went. "Oh, no, things are great with my dad. We talked everything out and we're cool. I'm talking about something totally different and much worse."

  "Oooh, do tell. This sounds good."

  Caroline could hear the smile in Kristy's voice. "Well, I was exploring the property, you know, to get away and clear my head. The humidity is unreal down here. So, I saw this cute log cabin and it was so hot and humid out I could barely breathe, so I knocked to see if whoever lived there would let me crash for a few minutes to cool off."

  "Mmm-hmm. Oh boy. What did you do?"

  "Well, no one answered, but the door wasn't locked or even closed securely, and when I knocked it opened."

  "Oh, geez. Tell me you didn't go in."

  "I went in. It was fine until I literally ran into a hot naked guy just out of the shower."

  "Whoa, whoa, whoa. . .hold up. What? All I heard was hot naked guy and shower. Say that again?"

  Kristy was hanging on her every word, so she spoke slowly and clearly. "Kris, my body collided with a very muscular, naked body that had just gotten out of the shower. I fell to my knees from the impact and didn't realize what had just happened until I looked up to find my hands grasping his hips, and I was eye level to. . .well, to his. . ."

  "Oh. My. Gosh! Caroline! That is hysterical! And so freakin' awesome!" Kristy's laughter howled through the speaker. "Did you see his goods? Did he see you? What did he say?"

  "Well, I panicked and didn't exactly stick around to chitchat. He had a towel over his head so I don't think he saw me. Thank goodness!"

  "But you sure saw him, didn't you? Aaack! I can't believe it, you little criminal! I'm so proud." Kristy squealed through the phone, and Caroline smiled at her reaction. She knew Kristy would enjoy her humiliation.

  "Well, I didn't see his face."

  "That's okay, honey. You saw the best part."

  She smiled. Kristy's experience and finesse with guys outweighed hers by miles. Caroline was shy and tended to be quite awkward and naïve. Kristy probably would have confidently walked away from that embarrassing situation with a date. "So, I learned I have a step mom and a younger brother and sister, but I haven't met them yet."

  "Oh, that's great, C! That's almost cooler than hot, naked, wet guy. Well, okay, maybe not, but it's still awesome. How was your dad?"

  "He was great. I'm really glad I came. As mad as I was at Trevor for pushing me to do this, I'm glad I did."

  "Yeah, well, Trevor still could've presented the idea to you in a much better fashion rather than making it a damn condition to your engagement. Then booking a church without telling you in a desperate attempt to push up the date. . .I mean, really, who does crap like that?"

  "Well, I made him cancel that reservation. I'm not Catholic so they wouldn't perform the ceremony anyway. Besides, I'm sure his impatience has a lot to do with his eagerness to get me in his bed."

  "Of course he's eager. Honey, he's been trying to get in your panties since he laid eyes on you. It'll do him good to wait a little longer. For someone who probably had his booty calls on speed dial, I'm shocked he's been good for this long. He obviously knows he's lucky to have you, so don't let him push you around."

  "He's not pushing me around. Yes, I knew about his reputation before we got together. Think about it, Kris. He was used to getting some whenever he felt the urge. I've been with him for over two years and sexually we've never done anything more than heavy petting. I'm sure he's frustrated."

  "Who cares. That doesn't give him the right to force you into something you're not ready for. I mean, y'all just got engaged. Enjoy being a fiancée for a while before you have to worry about being a wife. Take your time, relax and enjoy your new family. Don't worry about planning a wedding yet. This isn't a research paper, there's no deadline. Trevor's sexual needs can wait. Lord knows he's had enough nookie to last a lifetime."

  Ready to end the attack on Trevor, Caroline lied about needing to get off the phone and promised to call Kristy later. She flopped back on the bed and closed her eyes as she remembered her last date with Trevor before she came down here.

  "Trevor, I need to ask you something. It may make you somewhat. . .uncomfortable."

  "Hit me with your best shot."

  She breathed deeply, desperately trying to figure out how she should word this difficult inquiry. She knew he'd slept around, but, since they hadn't slept together, she never felt justified in asking how much. "How many. . .well, have you kept track. . .um—" She suddenly realized a burn crept up her neck.

  Trevor chuckled. "Who was this supposed to make uncomfortable?"

  She playfully smacked his arm. "Just let me get it out, okay. How many women have you slept with? There. I said it, now stop teasing me and just answer the question."

  He stopped laughing, but still wore the crooked smile she so adored. He sat thoughtfully for a moment. "I went through a phase my Freshman and Sophomore years at the university, and I'm not proud of it. But, Caroline, if you're concerned about STD's or anything, I don't think you need to worry bec—"

  Her hand flew up to quickly interrupt him. "No, no please stop! I don't want details. Just a number will do."

  "Does it really matter how many? The fact is I have been with other women, and I was careful. Do you really want a number?"

  "Yes, I would like a number. I'm curious and I'd like to know."

  He cautioned, "You should be careful what kind of questions you ask because you may not like the answers you get."

  "Just tell me already, I can handle it."

  He fidgeted, flicking the metal tab on the top of his Dr. Pepper can. "The truth is, well, I went to a bunch of parties and drank a lot of alcohol. So I really can't be sure."

  It took everything she had to keep her eyes in her head, so she closed them and tried to remember to breathe. How can he not be sure of how many?

  "I think between the girls I act
ually dated, and the possible one night stands from the parties. . .I think I'm somewhere around twenty-five. But like I said, there was a lot of alcohol involved so I can't be sure."

  "You've had sex with twenty-five women?" She spoke as calmly as she could manage.

  Now worried, he rose up on his knees. Quite the contrast to the relaxed position on his side.

  "You see, this is why I warned you that you may not like what you hear. I didn't want to tell you how many because I knew you would react like this."

  "I was expecting you to say something like, eight or ten. Not twenty-five! Good grief, Trevor! I don't think I even know twenty-five people." She wondered how badly he cushioned that number, and what the real number was? The one he gave her was bad enough, though. He sat with his head down in shame. The silence was deafening.

  "Sweetheart, I've made mistakes in the past, but please don't let that dissuade how you feel about me now. I know plenty of guys who make me look like a saint. One of my frat brothers used to brag that he was up to eighty-five women with a goal of triple digits before the end of the year. Believe me, I promise you'll reap the benefits from all my. . .practice." He smiled. Smiled!

  "Eighty-five wom—what! Are you kidding me? Practice. Is that what you call it? Well, that's reassuring. In that case, I'm gonna be the worst lover you've ever had, considering I've only been to third base twice in my whole life!"

  He frowned, "Who did you make it to third base with besides me? I'll kill 'em." She smacked his arm and he flashed his magnificent smile. "I'm kidding. That's perfectly okay, baby. I'll make sure you get plenty of practice."

  Practice. Maybe that's what she needed, more practice. Just the memory of what happened after that conversation had her heating up. She'd practiced some on her own, not that she knew a whole lot about what she was doing, but the way Trevor could make her feel with a simple promise, she knew her meager touch was nothing like the real thing. Trevor had given her a little taste of what she had to look forward to, and it was hot, she only wished he hadn't practiced with so many different people.
