Read Deceptions Page 2

  “It would seem so.” The way he said it caused me to turn around and follow my gut reaction.

  My face twisted with confusion. “You set this up?” he shrugged. “Why?”

  Caleb shrugged again. He leaned back against the teal colored paneling. “You weren’t supposed to be here. I just needed a little stall time and there’s no reason for you to get angry or possessive. No one’s being hurt.”

  I didn’t like the sound of that. He was lying to me, he had to be planning something and it involved Michael. I couldn’t think of one reason for his insane thought process or the need for stall time. “Don’t be so sure because I’m feeling a little violent. I don’t like games, especially if I’m involved, planned or not.”

  “Are you getting ready to rant and throw a tempter tantrum? Warn me so I can zone you out.”

  I inhaled sharply. “I really don’t like you. How long are we stuck for?” I looked back at the doors; it’d be so easy to open them if I wasn’t paranoid about exposure.

  “Ten minutes, tops.”

  “You’re setting something up; I know that for a fact. Aren’t you worried I might tell Dominic or Michael?” I crossed my arms and leaned against the opposite side of the elevator to face him. I never realized how small the box was until I was trapped with someone who got under my skin. There wasn’t enough distance.

  “How do you know they aren’t involved?” asked Caleb.

  “Are they?” His response was to shrug again. We fell into a silence I could only describe as annoying. I thought back to the envelope, could it be that he and Michael came to some sort of understanding? Try as hard as I might I couldn’t see what purpose there was for Caleb to be late to the party. “This is stupid.”

  “Why are you so nervous?”

  “I’m not nervous, you’re mixing up your scents. I’m angry. I should’ve went home at sunset but it’s easier when Dominic has meetings if it’s me to escort the guests. Rosie—the pretty little human—always gets mistaken for a snack. Trying to be nice, look what happens.”

  “Speaking of human, what are you?”

  I met his dark blue eyes. “Excuse me?”

  “Everything has its scent, I met you before you were changed and you weren’t human then either. I couldn’t figure it out.” Caleb explained, a faraway look that suggested he was remembering that time years ago.

  It was my turn to shrug. “Maybe you got your scents crossed. You seem to be good at that.” It was a lame answer. Werewolves could sniff anything out from race, moods, even thoughts if they tried hard enough.

  “Maybe but not likely. You hold a lot of secrets Evangeline Cortez and I’m curious.” Caleb replied smoothly, seeming approachable like someone you’d want to tell all your secrets to.

  “Don’t be, I’m none of your business.” We said nothing more to each other. Minutes later the elevator started back up.

  Chapter 4

  When I stepped out of the elevator with Caleb, Michael quickly turned from his seat and locked eyes with me. The vampire whispered something to the man seated at his right before standing. He joined me on the deck. “I thought you weren’t working tonight.” He said.

  “I changed my mind. These things scare Rosie. Caleb was the last to arrive, I’ll let you get back to your gathering.” I retraced my movements back downstairs. The rest of the night ran smoothly, the restaurant was packed and there was no shortage of things that needed to be done, for which I was grateful. If I stopped working I’d start to wonder about what was happening on the roof. If the peace treaty between the vampires and the werewolves was ever broken, all of Celestin would suffer.

  I didn’t stay until closing time because my normal shift would be starting not too long after that. It was well past midnight when I stepped into my small little two story house. I undressed on my way to the bedroom. It was dark without a single light on in any of the rooms but I could see perfectly. Vampirism enhanced my already perfect sight.

  I changed into some pajamas. It didn’t take long for the lack of sleep over the last two days to catch up with me.

  In minutes I was out cold.

  Three hours later I jumped up in bed panting and sweating all over the place. The sensation that woke me was something I hadn’t felt for a very long time. Not a single thought entered my mind, following blind instinct I bolted from the house and down the street. I followed the surge of power that pierced through me right to Caleb’s house. I mentally cursed.

  The front door was unlocked. I stepped inside and saw the stranger aiming a knife at a knocked out Caleb. Jamie was also knocked out along the staircase with her thin frame twisted at an odd angle. From my spot in the doorway I used a burst of power to knock the knife clear across the room. The stranger went flying too with a swing of my hand. He slammed into a table before regaining his composure.

  The stranger chuckled as he stood with cold eyes now on me. “A witch?” he smiled and sniffed the air. “The runaway witch? This is going to be fun. You’ve been wanted dead for disgracing our name.”

  I shut the front door. “But killing people is ok now? Who are you?”

  “Better.” He swung his hands forward, bending the air between us into a powerful blow.

  I jumped out of the way. “There’s just some shit you don’t forget.” Using my mind I grabbed objects closest to him and began throwing them. It felt weird to use magic after so many years but also very gratifying. I missed it.

  We soon got close to each other and the battle got physical. My fist connected directly to his nose, breaking it with a crunching sound. He pushed me using his power across the room into the china cabinet, the glass shattered and rained down to the floor. “I’m not going to let you hurt them.” I breathed, trying my hardest to regain my composure. He was so much stronger than I was.

  “It’s part of the job, don’t take it personal.”

  “Job?” There was no time for answers when he came at me again from across the room. Energy crackled through my hand looking like very thin strikes of thunder as I dodged his mental blows. The familiar tinge of pain made its way through my body letting me know my eyes had changed. They were a solid black, my hands were both visibly releasing power. If I didn’t use everything I had, Caleb and Jamie would suffer for it. I couldn’t let that happen. I levitated off the floor and aimed every ounce of power I had at him.

  The warlock went flying back, breaking the front door and landing somewhere outside. I ran after him and by the time I reached the porch he was gone. “Damn it!” I wanted to kill him. Fury boiled inside of me with no more targets to aim it at.

  I stepped back inside where both Caleb and Jamie were looking at me. “Whoa!” the girl exclaimed. “That was some tricky-freaky-abnormal stuff. I didn’t know witches could do that.”

  “Not all can.” I turned my eyes to the door. Using more magic, it flew back into its right position without a screw out of place. I chuckled and touched my hand to the door. “Dad would be proud.”

  “Evie?” Jamie stepped off the steps with a slight limp. “Do you know your eyes are completely black?”

  “Yeah, that happens when you tap into too much of your power.” I closed them and took a deep breath before opening them again. “How about now?”

  “Better, but not normal. Instead of your usual color, they’re red.”

  “It’ll fade later.” I was mad, after using a great amount of power your eyes tended to take on the color of your mood. I jumped a step back when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I met Caleb’s blue eyes. “You should be happy, you know my secret now.”

  “No, that was just the tip of the iceberg. I’ve never seen a witch levitate off the floor with powers coming through their hands. You threw that guy clear across the street before he ran.” Caleb recapped with a mixture of confusion, anger, and something like awe. “Jamie, why don’t you go upstairs.”

  “But Dad—”

  “Go.” Jamie turned on her heel and marched upstairs mumbling how unfair
it was she was treated like a child. It seemed to escape her mind that her father could hear a pin drop in a very crowed room.

  I spoke. “It’s a story that can wait until later. Why don’t you tell me what the hell happened here tonight?” I sat on the sofa as my body began to shake from the inside. Magic was like a drug, coming down was never easy.

  Caleb sat on the dark colored loveseat. “He wanted to kill me and take Jamie.”

  I looked at him. “What? Kill you I can understand seeing as you piss a lot of people off, but to take Jamie and not to use her against you as leverage, why? And to hire a warlock from the Coven, since when…” I grew very confused. I never expected to encounter The Coven in Caleb’s living room of all places.

  “I don’t know yet. The only idea coming to me is our residential vampire lover boy got restless.”

  “That could be true, Ray could want to run away with Jamie but killing you and using a powerful witch from a secret society coven—no that doesn’t make sense. Whoever is behind this has a much bigger idea than love.”

  “He doesn’t love her, he only wants to use her.” Caleb said tightly. His hands clamped together tight enough to rival the hard line of his jaw. Someone was very mad.

  I held up my hands. “I’m not arguing with you, but you’re wrong about who wants to kill you this time. Someone was willing to take a lot of risk to insure you wouldn’t be able to fight back.” I looked up from my lap and met his dark eyes. “He’ll be back.”

  He stared at me with hard eyes. His tense unreadable expression melted away as something else grabbed his attention. “I smell blood.”

  So did I, very close. I reached behind my back and my hand came back red. “That explains it.” I grimaced.

  Chapter 5

  “He threw you into the cabinet that was bound to leave a mark.” Caleb said as he pulled me off the sofa by my forearms to take a better look. “It’s a piece of glass in your back. It’s in deep.”

  “Just pull it out.” I replied tightly. The numbness was gone and now that I was aware of the wound; it hurt like a bitch. I rested my head on his shoulder as he stood beside me. I couldn’t stand without assistance and it wasn’t the time to be picky.

  Without voicing his plan, Caleb led me to the adjoining kitchen bar. I braced myself against the cold marble as he walked away. He came back with bandaging and alcohol, yup, this was going to hurt. He walked behind me, his hand slipping to my waist to hold me in place. I realized for the first time how hot his hands ran. We never touched before. “Are you sure?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “I don’t see a choice here.” I realized his hand was along bare skin. I changed into a small top that fell short of my stomach and a pair of running shorts for bed. I couldn’t ignore how acutely aware I was of his hand. I must be in more pain than I thought.

  “Are you always this sarcastic?” the alpha on the other hand wanted to be picky.

  “Yeah—fuck!” He pulled the large piece of glass from my back and I couldn’t breathe anymore. I rested my head down on the counter as he put a towel to contain the dripping blood.

  “Language.” Jamie was back and standing somewhere in front of me.

  I was breathing hard and ragged. “I’ve heard you say worse but shhh, don’t let your father hear that.”

  Caleb chuckled behind me and slowly began to lift the already too small t-shirt. “It’s pretty deep but the blood is already slowing down, you won’t need stitches.” At my thumbs up he began to wipe away the dry blood and clean the wound. I didn’t want to talk anymore, the wound hurt more than I would’ve liked. I could handle pain but that piece of glass was damn evil.

  I was holding on to the edge of the marble counter very tight, Jamie noticed and placed her hand over mine. “You kicked ass today. You know, you’d be a good show and tell project too.”

  I laughed, sort of, it sounded more like a cat stuck in a dryer. “I was trying to keep a low key but it doesn’t matter now.” I risked a lot using my powers tonight. There was no telling who it’d get back to.

  “Why did you keep yourself a secret?” the young girl asked.

  “I didn’t want to be found. I’m glad I was able to help you and I don’t hate my powers but I hate the life they demand. I’ve been gone for a long time so even if someone found out where I am, it shouldn’t matter.” I silently hoped not. I missed my family and always would but I knew how cruel they could be too.

  “No more questions.” said Caleb as Jamie opened her mouth. He pulled my shirt down and stepped away. “It’s done.”

  I started toward the door. “Thanks, I’m going home now.” I wanted to sleep all day, there was no chance in hell I was going to work either. I wasn’t that loyal to the job.

  Caleb followed me out to the porch. “You’re barefooted.”

  “I live a few houses down, no big deal. I’m sorry for the big mess you have in there. If you wait until later I can fix it for you.”

  “You’re going to continue to use your magic?”

  “Yeah, why not? The secret is out and after eleven years I forgot how much I loved it. I stayed here after everything with Michael because I didn’t want to run anymore. I don’t want to run from my magic either; it’s part of me.” I stepped down the steps. “Be careful.”

  “We need to talk, Evangeline.” He wasn’t able to keep his frustration out of his voice.


  He had questions and I had my own. Most importantly we needed to figure out who sent the warlock that wanted Caleb dead. I stopped just short of my walkway, we? I shrugged it off. I was part of the mess now, (one) because the warlock was pissed and there was a good chance he wanted revenge, (two) they needed help and I was the best shot.

  Caleb was smart but in Celestin witches were rare. Plus, no local witch had the level of power me or the warlock had. Caleb didn’t know what he was up against, which also put Jamie at risk. I was fond of her. I had to do something to help them.

  I stepped inside and made a point of searching the whole two story home before locking up. I was safe. I fell stomach first onto the bed and didn’t move until the sun was high along the bright blue sky.

  I washed up and changed into a pair of jeans and a fresh t-shirt. I stood in front of the mirror gripping the sink as I stared into my eyes; they were back to their normal grayish blue color. I thought back to a day in my childhood home, where I stood in the mirror a lot like that one and made my choice to leave. It wasn’t easy but necessary. The girl staring back at me now wasn’t so different from then, she was still unsure and scared.

  I flicked the light off and left the bathroom.

  I made sure to call Rosie to cover me for my morning shift. After the favor I did her last night she didn’t mind. After hanging up, I sat on the edge of the bed fingering my chain. I wasn’t itching to go back to Caleb’s yet and one thought kept me frozen in my room. There was one thing I could do to help, to get the answers in the matter of minutes but at what cost? I closed my eyes and shook my head.

  No. I could figure it on my own.

  I sucked it up and walked to Caleb’s. He and Jamie attempted to clean up their living room. The furniture was upright again but not much else. They didn’t notice me standing at the door. I ran my eyes along the room, fixing the mess as they went.

  Jamie grinned, dropping the broom in her hand. “I love having her around.” she ran excitedly up to her room to get dressed.

  Caleb came toward me, picking up a piece of paper off the coffee table as he moved. “This came for you.” he said apologetically. His uncharacteristic soft manner left me scared.

  It wasn’t a piece of paper, it was a photo. Tears stung my eyes before I could register the image. “When?”

  “About two hours ago along with the rest of the mail. It looks like someone mixed it in so it’s not a big stretch to guess who. He doesn’t know where you live and he must’ve wanted to send a message.” Caleb spoke about the warlock. “Who’s in the picture?”<
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  I ran my finger tips over the glossy photo. “My parents. I must’ve hurt him more than I thought because he’s made it personal.”

  Chapter 6

  I sat on the sofa that I had magically cleaned before I left earlier. The wound on my back dripped blood all over the cushions before we noticed it.

  I stared at the photo and noticed it was recent. They looked the same with only a few winkles to suggest a decade passed. “Have you given anymore thought to who would want to take Jamie?”

  Caleb sat on the coffee table before me and glanced at the staircase. He would try his hardest to keep Jamie out of the loop for her own safety. “I thought about it after the adrenaline was gone. I wasn’t supposed to be here last night. I had a meeting that cancelled.” His voice dropped to a whisper Jamie would never hear. “I’m thinking I caught him off guard and he reacted the way he did.”

  I watched his midnight blue eyes waiting for him to lie, while also noting at the same time how beautiful he was that close up. He had devastating handsome features, strong jaw line, high cheekbones, full lips, and those haunting midnight blue eyes. A runaway thought wondered who kissed those lips.

  “So the idea she was going to be taken as leverage still works. He held a knife on you but that doesn’t mean he planned to kill you. Maybe just wound you enough so he could run. It wasn’t personal to him, he was just hired help. You have to figure out who hired him. I have to figure out who he is.” I knew I’d see that warlock again. I had to kill him before he killed me. There was no other outcome.

  Caleb looked at the photo in my hands. “What do you think it means?”

  “It’s weird to have you ask my opinion seeing as we don’t really get along.” I didn’t want us to forget that. We weren’t suddenly pals because he knew something about my big secret. “I don’t know what it means; it could be anything but I have this gut feeling he isn’t going to hurt them. He can’t. They have more power than he could dream of and he’d be condemned to death by The Coven if he hurt other members.”