Read Deceptions Page 3

  “He hurt you.” Caleb said softly.

  “I’m not part of the Coven anymore. I ran a long time ago. There’s a good chance they want my head on a platter because of it. He had said as much.” I kept staring at the picture. “The smart move would be to call them and warn them. Except,” I sighed. “I can’t do that.” I could’ve also asked for their help to ID the kidnapper but that thought was mind numbing. They most likely wouldn’t want anything to do with me, to reach out would only be pointless. I looked up from my lap when I realized how quiet the room got.

  Caleb’s eyes were dark in thought. “Neither Jamie nor you are safe.”

  “I can handle it.”

  He met my eyes and the intensity pouring from him was enough for me to move back. “She can’t and until I find out who’s behind this, I might not be able to protect her. You can.”

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “Stay with her.”

  I continued to watch his eyes; he was dead serious about what he was asking me to do. I also saw the signs of hope he was holding, he needed me to say yes. “You want me to be her guard?” I needed to be clear before I made any choices. Did I actually have one?

  “Yes, she likes you. She won’t try to get rid of you like the others I’ve hired to watch her. She’ll accept it and I’ll have some peace of mind.”

  “You trust me with your daughter’s life?”

  “After last night, yes.”

  There was a wave of understanding settling between us. While we’d never be on the same side, I had proven myself very capable last night. He needed my help. I had planned to help them anyway, what was one more step? “Ok yes, I’ll be Jamie’s shadow.”

  “Thank you.”

  Jamie came back downstairs and looked at me first then her father. “What’s going on?” Caleb explained to her the new arrangement; I would be her new bodyguard and there wouldn’t be a place she went without me until the warlock was caught and who hired him was taken care of. Jamie was excited; she didn’t mind having me around and loved the fact she wouldn’t have to go to school.

  I sat back against the sofa, tired, as they spoke. Jamie left to the kitchen to make breakfast as my cellphone began to ring. I pulled it from my jean pocket and flipped it open to reject the call. As I put the phone back in my pocket I noticed Caleb watching me. We didn’t have to say anything, he knew it was Michael calling and what happened last night reached the heavy players in town.

  “He’s not going to be happy about you helping me.”

  I shrugged. “I know that but while I care about his disappointment at the same time I don’t. I don’t work exclusively for his family and he doesn’t have anymore input in my life. He’ll be mad but he’ll get over it.” Mad, I hoped he’d be mad rather than furious. I knew Michael better than that; he wouldn’t support my choice to help Caleb and his daughter no matter how I tried to explain it.

  “Who?” Jamie asked as she stepped out of the kitchen.

  “Has anyone ever told you you’re very nosy?” I asked.

  “Yes.” Caleb answered.

  Jamie rolled her eyes. “Not nosy, just very curious and there’s nothing wrong with that. Do you want something to eat, do witches eat?”

  I looked at the young girl. “Yes witches eat but I’m fine.” I considered telling her the rest of what I was but decided to wait until she got used to the arrangement and learned to trust me some more. I stood from the sofa. “Since your father is here and its broad daylight I better run some errands now. I’ll be back soon.”

  It was best to just go talk to Michael face to face before he got some second hand wrong information from one of his employees around town. He was up when I arrived, and I quickly learned I was right that he knew about the fight last night. During the long course of our relationship I never told Michael the truth about my heritage either. He had questions and I wasn’t sure if I had the answers.

  “I wanted to tell you before you found out some other way. Caleb asked me to watch his daughter and I agreed.”

  Michael leaned back against his desk with his arms crossed. “That puts you in whatever mess he’s got himself involved in.”

  “I already am involved and this way I can help too. The warlock that came to his place last night made it personal between us. I hurt him, I was stronger and now he wants to prove a point by hurting me. I wanted to tell you myself but I’m not changing my mind. Jamie is innocent and Caleb needs help, I’m going to give it to him.”

  He nodded, clearly unhappy but accepting the facts. He knew me well enough to know when my mind was set. “About the rest, your powers?”

  “How much do you want to know?”

  “All of it.” his green eyes gave way to the betrayal he felt over my secrecy. “It’s time to finally get it out in the open.”

  Chapter 7

  I chickened out.

  Facing Michael and my past at the same time was too much to swallow. I told him I was a born witch, he knew it was a little more than that because he worked with witches and none were like me. I made up some excuse about needing to meet someone and quickly left. He wasn’t happy. I couldn’t remember the last time he was happy to see me, but he let me go.

  I arrived back to Caleb’s to find Jake Thompson sitting in the living room. He was a werewolf I did get along with. We had known each other before I was turned vampire and he was turned werewolf. He was still young in the werewolf years only having six under his belt but he gained his control and strength quicker and better than anyone else. He quickly worked his way up to the number two position in Caleb’s pack.

  I sat in the lounge chair. “Did he tell you?”

  “He told me someone came after him and Jamie last night and that you helped out. He doesn’t go around telling secrets if that’s what you’re worried about. Plus I don’t need to know how you managed to help, I’m just glad you did. Caleb had some pack business to handle.” Jake casually explained.

  I looked to the staircase where I could hear Jamie’s movements. “I’m not going anywhere if you want to go.”

  “I’ll wait.” Jake told his Alpha he’d be there and it would take a lot more for him to dishonor that promise. A pack relationship was something rarely seen these days, there was honor, trust, loyalty, a respect that was almost unfathomable.

  “I’ll check on her.” I didn’t want to sit in one spot and risk thinking about Michael or how easily he made me feel guilty for lying to him, for running away every time it got too serious. Who wanted to have a serious emotional chat with their ex they still loved? Not me.

  Jamie was seated on her bed scribbling in a note pad. “Hey Evie.” She smiled.

  “Hey.” I took the time to check the security of her room. The room was big and fit for a princess, it wasn’t surprising at all to know Caleb spoiled his daughter. The walls were a pale pink with a flowered boarder along the edge of the ceiling There was a complete bed set, stereo system, large TV and DVD player. The laptop computer was on the bed. I moved over to her window. “How you feeling?” I placed my hand over the glass.

  “Imprisonment isn’t so bad yet.”

  “He just wants to keep you safe and before you say it; no you can’t take care of yourself, not against everything that’s out there. We both don’t like to sit on our ass and wait so this should be over with as soon as possible.” I needed it to be over so I could get some peace of mind away from the past starting to work its way too close to the present.

  “It sucks I had to cancel all my dates with Ray.” Her mouth twisted into a frown.

  I suddenly heard Caleb’s voice in my head and that wasn’t a good thing. “Maybe not, dating a vampire is pretty stupid, Jamie.”

  “We’re careful.” Her eyes were the same dark shade of blue as her father’s. She looked at me with all the seriousness in the world. I feared she was coming to love the vampire.

  I sat along the ledge of the window and sighed. “So was I, but a vampire’s instinct can’t just
be turned off. I dated a vampire for years and it was fine until one night it wasn’t. If he loves you he’ll try to protect you and when he can’t anymore it’ll kill him. Then you’ll be left with a broken heart.” It was better to say that than suggest he could be using her when I didn’t know the full story between the young couple. I couldn’t tell her yet I was considered somewhat of a vampire. I still needed some time to work up to that.

  Jamie was young and dramatic, she let that show now. “You dated a vampire!” she was shocked to say the least.

  Celestin was a breeding ground for all supernatural, what else did you date? I thought with a grin. “It was a long time ago and a life lesson. I’m not trying to control you or ruin your life like I heard you yell at your father. I just want you to know it can happen to you and it’s not worth it. You’re young with no need to settle down.” I did my part and voiced my experience to her. It was a choice she still had to make on her own, whether it was the right one or not.

  I left her alone to think of that and process what she felt or wanted to ask me later. I stepped off the stairs to find Jake was gone and Caleb was back. The alpha stood by the fireplace looking through a stack of mail. It looked like he didn’t notice me but with his wolf I knew he heard when I left Jamie’s room, maybe even what I told her.

  “How’d your visit go with Michael?” he asked.

  For a reason I didn’t know or understood, I answered Caleb, a man I barely spoke to in the past. “It didn’t, I chickened out and left.”

  “Why?” he turned away from the mantel, his eyes were very blue in the sunlight. I looked in them and couldn’t turn away.

  “Because I didn’t want to tell him everything about me was a lie. That everything I told him about me was never the complete truth.” I moved away from the staircase over to the first window. It was bright outside, it looked peaceful and clean. “I talked to her about Ray. I think it might’ve helped.”

  “You’re sad.” The softness of his voice made me turn around, the empathy from him shocked me. “I can smell it coming off you in waves.” He said just as soft, it was weird to see him with a look of concern across his features for someone like me.

  “You want me to step outside, air out the house of all smells?”

  Caleb Nikolas actually smiled. “No. You could just feel better.”

  I turned back to the window. “I’ll try that.” I touched my hand to the glass. “I boarded all your windows up with an invisible shield. If he comes back, he won’t get in as easy.” I hoped he would come back and we could have another face off but without Jamie in the middle. “Have you thought more about it, what someone would want from you to go through all this trouble?”

  “There’s been peace in town. With no clear conflict I can’t make any guesses but I’m working on it.” He was tense as he spoke, determined to track down who put his daughter at risk. Caleb was a business man that knew how to listen and reflect on all point of views before making a move, except now all bets were off. He didn’t care for reason once someone he cared about was personally affected.

  I watched as two men came up the walkway. “You have visitors.” I recognized his wolves, Mikey and Jared, after Jake they came around the house the most. Mikey was an odd wolf, he associated with vampires and worked for the master vampire of the city when he wasn’t working for Caleb. Since both men kept peaceful ground for the good of the city Mikey wasn’t torn between sides. He was tall and lanky with average features and brown hair; he didn’t seem the animal type but he was one of the best.

  Jared was the quite wolf, he could be very deceiving with his subtle demeanor but he was a strong wolf. His casual manner added to his already large sex appeal. His eyes were a light green that looked exotic along his tanned skin and dark hair. I was pretty sure he was Hispanic with some familial ties to Aidan Jamirez, another alpha in Celestin.

  Living on the same street as Caleb for years I learned a few things about the pack. Standing right next to the door I opened it. “Howdy.” I shut the door behind them.

  “Evangeline is staying to protect Jamie.” Caleb explained my presence since it was rather strange. The only time I was at the house was to deliver for Michael. “Excuse us.” He said to me. The two men followed him into the kitchen. I was surprised he didn’t just ask for me to leave.

  In the past he was always tight with me or indifferent but now that I was helping him it changed our dynamic. I was relieved for the difference because maybe my time with the Nikolas family wouldn’t be too uncomfortable. So I hoped.

  Chapter 8

  While Caleb met with his wolves in the kitchen and Jamie wrote her sorrows down on paper I stepped outside to sit on the porch steps. I couldn’t sit on my ass for the warlock to come after me or for Caleb to figure out who was after him. I knew what I had to do but I was stuck until sunset. It was chilly out looking like it might rain soon. I had a plan lined out, except, I wasn’t sure of it working. I feared it mostly.

  “Hey.” Jamie jumped down the step and sat beside me. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Sure.” I turned away from the cloudy sky to give her my full attention.

  “My dad doesn’t like me to worry or be scared and because of that he doesn’t tell me anything. I saw him talking to Mikey and Jared inside, Jake was here earlier and you’re here to watch me nonstop. How bad is it?” The young girl was worried; it showed in her voice and in her eyes.

  “We don’t know and that’s why he’s being extra careful.”

  “I wish there was something I could do.”

  “There is, don’t give him a hard time at least until this is over. He has a lot on his plate on a regular day and this isn’t regular.” It felt very odd to defend Caleb. He tolerated vampires but did not like them, he didn’t like me. I understood the powerlessness she felt, again reminding me of a person I once was. “I have to bring a few things from my place, you want to help me?” I was helping the werewolves but it was still tense inside the house. I wanted to keep busy and stay away while the meeting was going on.

  With a nod Jamie stood from the porch and walked with me down the street. I kept my eyes and ears open for anyone lurking near by but I didn’t expect the warlock yet. The Coven witches didn’t conduct business during the day.

  We went right up to my room where I packed an overnight bag and a few weapons, mostly a couple of guns because you could slow anything down with a good shot. Jamie leaned against the dresser as I slipped my weapons box back under the bed. “What are you thinking?” her eyes were distant, her forehead also wrinkled in thought.

  “Why do werewolves and vampires hate each other?” she asked, her mind still on Ray.

  “I really don’t know.” I remembered something about a feud a very long time ago and the animosity still lingered, as if installed in each race but I didn’t know much. “You should talk to Jake, his best friend deal’s with vamps and they’re still close. But I think it won’t matter what the guy is, your dad will hate him because dads are like that.” I couldn’t stop myself in time before my mind jumped to my father. He would never accept any man in my life unless he chose him, which he did a long time ago.

  Back at the Nikolas residence Jamie ran back up to her room. I didn’t blame her; if I had a room like that I’d never leave it. She took my overnight bag to her room while I kept the weapons one near the sofa. I glanced out the window and noticed the colors slowly changing as the night neared. From my spot at the window I heard Caleb and his wolves still talking. It wasn’t serious business since the whole pack wasn’t there; it was a job for Mikey and Jared to handle, tonight. I didn’t hear any details as the discussion ended.

  I watched them come out of the kitchen from my spot against the window. Everyone stopped cold when the house shook like a quake. I met Caleb’s eyes. “He’s not wasting time. Make sure Jamie stays upstairs.” He sent Mikey up for the task as I opened the front door. There stood the warlock seething at the bottom of the porch because he knew he co
uldn’t get inside. “You’re a sore loser.” I taunted.

  “I don’t lose.” He came up the porch and stopped two steps from the door unable to go any farther. “Why don’t you come out and I can show you.”

  I slipped off my jacket. “It was very stupid to send that picture of my parents. It’s death to threaten a Coven witch you know.”

  “You can’t prove I did. You’ll be dead before you can say anything and I’ll be the hero for ridding them of their embarrassment.” He smiled as he said it.

  His words stung because I believed them, I believed I was my parent’s biggest shame. I didn’t say anything more. I tossed my cellphone on the sofa and kicked off my sneakers. “Like clockwork here you are. I must’ve bruised your ego a lot more than I gave myself credit for.” I put my hands on the frame of the door and leaned forward, teasing him as he still couldn’t touch me. “You agree to leave the Alpha and his daughter alone and I’m all yours.”

  “Evangeline—” Caleb didn’t like my plan.

  The warlock smiled again. “Deal.” I stepped outside and made sure no one else could by enforcing the barrier. We circled each other on the lawn. I was grateful none of the neighbors were out but that could change at any moment. It was personal for my assailant and he wanted to make sure I knew that. He didn’t attack from afar using his magic, he charged at me for hand to hand combat.

  I landed hard on the grass and felt his hand rip into my stomach with razor sharp claws. The scent of my own blood surrounded all my senses. I kicked him in the chest and sent him flying of me. He landed on his feet in a crouched position ready to strike again.

  “Is that how you want to play it? Just because I left early doesn’t mean I don’t know how to handle what’s inside of me.” the feeling I opened inside my body was both welcoming and painful.

  We shifted at the same time; he took on the shape of a wildcat while I took on a wolf. It was the first image that came to my mind, perhaps because I was around them all day. I had denied everything of my past and what came with it, but I never forgot. Like riding a bike, I needed a second to get comfortable in the seat but I knew how to peddle.