Read Deceptions Page 5

  The village housed over twenty different families, all with their own private home and land. The adults were all free to leave to shop like normal people but The Coven’s laws were their own. The meeting grounds looked like a city court room. Meetings were conducted there as well as trials. I remembered being a child when one of the village women had been caught with another man besides her husband. She was sentenced to death and right there in front of the court, the village gathered to watch her be hung.

  I knew then, at seven years old, it wasn’t a life I could accept. It only worsened from there. To be fair I had good memories and good friends, but that couldn’t outweigh the bad. Nothing could.

  I was shaking as I arrived at the court. Knowing what was at stake I forced myself out of the car and up to the large wooden doors. Inside the space was empty except for my father standing in front of where the judge normally resided. “Ask your questions.” he said, I didn’t really expect a hello but it would’ve been nice.

  “Did The Coven give a warlock permission to go after an alpha werewolf?”

  He turned around, in the eleven years I was gone his face aged but he still wore a threatening stern expression when it came down to serious matters. “Yes.”

  The warlock hadn’t been lying. I didn’t understand. “Why?”

  “The man that came to us raised many good points and a deal was reached that proved to be worthy for both sides.” he spoke with no emotion on the subject.

  “Worth more than a man’s life, a child’s fear? They both could’ve died, that warlock was anything but careful and that could’ve risked exposure. What did the man want from the werewolf?” Tears formed in my eyes when I saw that there would never be peace between me and my family. I’d never be able to have any sort of relationship with them.

  “It wasn’t asked and he didn’t tell. He was able to benefit us and we let him use one of our own for his plan that has nothing to do with this place.”

  “But it has to do with my place, my life. Who was the man that came here for help, how did he know about you?” I didn’t use the word ‘us’ for a reason, I could never be like them and I wanted him to know it.

  “After so long on earth people learn about those that lurk in the shadows as we do. I do not betray any trust by answering your questions since it was not asked to keep silent. All I can tell you is the man’s name, Nick Tobias. Now there is nothing left to say.” He turned back to face the judge’s seat.

  “The warlock you lent out wants me dead, the damage you see on me was caused by him.”

  “I will not betray a fellow Coven member.”

  “Not even for your daughter?” we were pretending to just exchange information, be impersonal when the air was trying to suffocate me with a need to end the games. For him to acknowledge me.

  He didn’t turn back around but his voice did finally hold emotion. “My daughter died when she was fifteen.” The tears I had been holding slipped free. I walked out of the courts feeling the same way. My family was dead just as I was to them.

  There was some sense of closure from seeing my father, we knew where each other stood and I was still alive. If a stranger outside of The Coven knew about them it was possible I was safe living outside of the village knowing what I did. I gave myself about three minutes to let myself cry and feel the affects of the meeting before I forced it be over. I put my focus on helping Caleb and Jamie, hopefully with what I learned Caleb could figure out the rest.

  It was past five that afternoon when I got back into town. I pulled into Caleb’s driveway and knew before I got out of the car something wasn’t right. The front door was wide open and there was no way Caleb would’ve left it that way. I cautiously walked inside.

  The room was a mess, the sofa lay on its back, and the coffee table was broken on the other side of where it had been. I ran upstairs with my heart racing to reach Jamie’s room. She was gone and her room didn’t look any better with obvious signs of a struggle.

  I went back downstairs to look for Caleb. If the original plan was still in place and someone took Jamie, then the alpha should be around the house somewhere. Before I knew what hit me I was knocked down on the floor flat on my back. My head hit the floor hard enough to see stars. I opened my eyes to see what was so heavy on my chest.

  I found Caleb; he had me pinned to the floor with his paws pressing into my chest and his jaw in clear view ready to attack.

  Chapter 12

  I stayed very still not to alert him. I smelled the heavy scent of blood and knew he was hurt, that screwed up all sense of control he knew. A wounded animal’s first instinct was survival; he was on guard and ready to strike anything that seemed harmful toward him. I needed to make him feel safe and I had no clue how. “Caleb, I need you to let me up so I can help you.” I lowered all my defenses and let my body relax. I let myself become submissive toward him. I needed his wolf to understand me more than the man because he was gone.

  I closed my eyes as he moved closer. I kept telling myself not to be scared, fear would only set him off farther into a hunting mentality. He sniffed along my neck and let out a small whine. He grabbed my chain with his teeth and pulled it off. I couldn’t think of a reason why it would bother him. I heard his nails against the floor as he stepped back. I opened my eyes and watched as he walked away from me. I let myself finally breathe.

  He moved over to the sofa where it gave him cover to shift back into human form. Now that he realized the danger was gone he no longer needed the wolf to fight the battle.

  I got up from the floor and walked over to him once it was done. He covered himself with the same sheet I used last night. He looked at me with painful eyes laced with regret and fear.

  “I’m sorry.” Escaped my mouth, barely a whisper as my own regret set in. Jamie was gone and I hadn’t been there to help. I probably could’ve protected her the same way I had done last night. “What happened?” I kneeled down to the ground so I wouldn’t be towering over him. His eyes still held flickers of yellow, his control was still off and he was still as dangerous.

  “The warlock came back. He was prepared to get around the barrier you had set up.”

  I sighed and jumped into it; sitting around feeling sorry only wasted time. “I found out who hired the warlock to take Jamie from you. Does the name Nick Tobias ring any bells?”

  Clarity settled in Caleb’s eyes, he was back and ready to get his daughter home. “Before coming to Celestin to take over the Grayson pack as requested by Thomas, I was part of a pack with Nick.” His voice was cold as he remembered the man responsible for his nightmare.

  “What does he want?”

  “Revenge.” Caleb stood from the floor with the sheet wrapped around his waist. “This means he’s in town and it’s only a matter of finding him.” he stopped in front of me and brushed his hand across my cheek. “Thank you.”

  I felt too engrossed in his eyes; I blinked and managed to look away. “You’re hurt.” The cut was about six inches across near his abs.

  He dropped his hand back to his side. “He was successful with the knife this time.”

  I stood up and glanced around the living room, mostly to avoid looking at him. I spotted my pendent on the floor and went to pick it up. “Why did this bother you earlier?”

  “I don’t know.” He walked past me and went upstairs to get dressed.

  I pocketed the necklace and fixed the living room while I waited for him to come back down. I thought of Jamie as I did it, she liked when I used my magic. I hoped she wasn’t too scared; she just needed to hold on because with everyone on her side she’d be brought back home in no time.

  “Let’s find the warlock first.” I said, watching as he came downstairs. “He might know where Nick is hiding in town with Jamie.” I had a better chance of finding the warlock first. “Do you have a map of the city?”

  Caleb grabbed the map from the kitchen and laid it on the coffee table for me. “What are you doing?”

can trace him by his blood but I don’t have the time or patience to do it the vampire way and go looking to feel him out around town. You add a little magic and it’s much easier, and faster.” I closed my eyes and focused on the warlock’s face, the taste of his blood as it ran down my throat. I used my chain as a marker; it swung along the map as I released my power through the pendant. I opened my eyes when it hit the map. “43rd street.”

  “There’s not much there but a few broken down buildings.”

  “He’s hiding out until he can get back to the village. Nick probably has him on standby in case he needs more help.” I gathered my bag of weapons and the map. We went in my car since the warlock wouldn’t recognize it from the driveway. The element of surprise was a strong one. It would make all the difference on how bloody the meeting would get.

  Caleb drove while I kept my focus on the map, I didn’t want to lose the warlock and if he moved I’d know it.

  Caleb kept his eyes ahead with determination to reach the warlock. He’d never voice it but he was scared for his only child, every second she was away that fear grew and caused the mind to play tricks. I could only imagine what he thought could be happening to her.

  “Why does Nick want revenge against you?” I asked, it would help to know what type of man we were dealing with.

  “He was kicked out of our pack and no others would let him join. Like I said, a lone animal leads a hard life. He didn’t like to play by the rules and one night he went too far. I was the reason of his downfall.” Caleb spoke with hate in his voice. If Nick thought he had it bad before, it was only going to get worse. I wouldn’t want Caleb gunning for me.

  I braced myself and asked the question on both our minds. “Would he hurt Jamie?” Caleb said nothing and pressed his foot harder on the gas. Anyone around Caleb for any amount of time could see Jamie meant more to him than anything else in the world. A wolf that didn’t play by the rules and bent on revenge would extort that bond between Caleb and Jamie as much as possible.

  We bolted from the car when we reached the apartment building that held the warlock’s scent the strongest. After three fights of stairs his presence became as strong as it would get. I kicked in the door ready to fight, ready to take out all my frustration on him from the meeting with my father to Jamie’s disappearance and everything in between.

  I stopped short and my eyes grew wide. There wouldn’t be any fighting. The warlock was face down dead on the ratty old wood floors in a pool of his own blood.

  “Nick did this.” Caleb said. “His scent is all over the body and he had help. He’s working with other wolves.” We had more information but it wasn’t good news in the least.

  Chapter 13

  I was glad the warlock couldn’t come after me but it was a bittersweet feeling because deep down I wanted to be the one to kill him. I never killed anyone before but something ugly and burning deep in my soul wanted to hurt that bastard for the pain he was causing the people I cared about. If I killed him when I had his neck in my mouth Jamie wouldn’t be scared and alone right now. Caleb wouldn’t be going insane with fear. I blamed myself for not doing more for the Nikolas family. Nothing was going to change that until we found Nick Tobias and fixed the mess he created.

  I could understand going after Caleb but Nick should’ve been a man about it and went after him directly without involving Jamie. I had to remember the guy didn’t like playing by the rules. That was why he was kicked out of the pack in the first place.

  We went to the Grayson Compound to meet with the pack. I was wary after what Caleb said about other wolves sensing the animal within me but he promised nothing would happen while he was there. I took comfort in that.

  I stood back while he explained Nick Tobias, a lone wolf in town, needed to be found and brought in alive. With Jamie’s life at stake everyone was at their top game and knew if they fucked up, the punishment would be endless. The pack quickly cleared out to hunt the city for Nick. Jake offered to search the police databases for any information on the name.

  With his second in command out Caleb’s third stuck around as back up; Jared. I felt easier around him and Caleb because they knew my secret and wouldn’t get the wrong idea if I shifted or used magic.

  “Leverage means he wants something.” Jared spoke. “He’ll contact you with demands like any other kidnapping.” He said it to give his alpha some hope. Nick couldn’t hurt Jamie and risk his bargaining chip.

  I watched the strong man in front of me slowly break down. I knew I had to do something more than sit around and wait. I slipped outside leaving the two men to talk alone. I walked away from the house to gain enough space not to be overheard. I pulled out my cellphone and called Michael. “I need your help. Jamie was taken out of Caleb’s house and she might not have much time. I need you to put the word out that we need to find Nick Tobias, he has her.” If he couldn’t do that for me, Michael wasn’t the man I loved; a man who wouldn’t let someone suffer because of the tension between us.

  “I’ll call you if we find something.” he hung up. Between the werewolves and the vampires before sunset something on Nick should be found. Walking back up to the cabin I looked at the surrounding forest, it reminded me of the good memories from the village. After the meeting with my dad it was nice to remember something positive.

  Caleb was pacing the floor while Jared sat, we were all restless. As I stared at Caleb I knew I was looking for something, I felt it but I wasn’t sure what it was. Suddenly I was six years old again and my aunt was teaching me about blood spells. “Give me a sheet of paper.” I told Jared and told Caleb to sit. Jared returned with a blank sheet of white paper. I pulled my pocket knife from my sneaker. “Lay back.”

  Caleb gave me a questioning look but he was learning I usually had a point and rolled with it. He laid back against the armrest of the sofa while I balanced myself on my knee between his legs and lifted his shirt high enough to reveal the stab wound the warlock had given him. I put the sheet of paper over his stomach and used the knife to cut my hand.

  Jared moved closer and watched intently as I put my bleeding hand over the paper. As soon as I did the magic within the injury pulled me. I had been right about the warlock’s way of thinking. I knew there was a twisted satisfaction from him to make it so painful. I gasped as the blood became bright magical light. I was panting for air when it was finally over. I looked at the paper and was relieved with the result. I gave it to Caleb and moved off of him.

  The paper showed in bright red letters—written in my blood from the message the warlock laid inside Caleb—a note from Nick. He wanted to meet as soon as the message was found down by the Celestin Park.

  “He knew I’d find it.” I said speaking of the warlock. “He probably pitched the idea to Nick as a way to test me.” I took Caleb’s place pacing behind the sofa in hopes to calm the jitters from the magic caused.

  “Test you?” Jared questioned.

  “He thought I was too good for the runaway witch, the fight was a test too. He wanted to win and show me he was better. But he’s dead so I guess I win.”

  “Let’s go see what he has to say.” Caleb led the way outside, if anything he looked angrier. He wasn’t the type of man to play games, he was tired of the tricks Nick was using trying to lure him in when they weren’t unnecessary. He had Jamie and Caleb was ready to do anything at that point.

  The park was a perfect place for late night meetings because it was empty. Celestin citizens knew or at least felt it wasn’t safe to be out after dark and kept indoors. I sat in the back seat of the car impatient to come face to face with Nick.

  “What are you doing?” Jared asked, turning in his seat to face me.

  I was starting to realize he was uneasy when it came to my magic. “Warming up.” I held a small ball of energy in my hands and closed them together letting it disappear. I smiled at him. “I know what I’m doing.”

  We parked on the street and walked through the park entrance. It was dark and ver
y quiet. It wasn’t a good combination so I was wary with every step we took. I looked up to the sky as thunder clapped, adding to the bubbling fear in my throat. I scanned the park, the benches, low cut grass, and trees to see no one.

  Another clap of thunder surrounded us and I nearly blew up a tree when I put my hands out. I couldn’t understand why I was so scared. I didn’t see anything but something in the park was wrong. The realization hit me hard; it was a trap but for what?

  In seconds we were surrounded. I fought off a few men psychically, I didn’t want to use magic unless I had to and risk the wrong person seeing. The fight between the two men, two werewolves, didn’t last long as they turned and ran away. By then it started to rain pretty hard. I scanned the empty park and found Jared getting up.

  “Where’s Caleb?” he asked, running a hand over his wet hair.

  We both turned and searched the area, calling out his name over the rain. “It was a trap to take him.” I realized.

  Chapter 14

  Jared and I went back to Caleb’s house to see if we overlooked anything. There was a slim unspoken hope that maybe Nick would make contact and reveal what the hell it was he wanted.

  “We have to get him back.” Jared spoke for the first time since we discovered Caleb missing.

  “I know.” I was tense, he didn’t say it but I felt the accusation in the air. I decoded the note that led to an ambush and now Caleb was in the hands of a ruthless wolf. I didn’t want to think about what Caleb and Jamie could be going through. “We’ll continue with the original plan to try and find where Nick is hiding out. We’ll bring Jamie and Caleb home.” I walked down the hall to where I remembered Jamie pulling out extra sheets. I grabbed two towels and tossed one to Jared. I called Jake and asked if he found out anything new without mentioning Caleb was gone. The police database held nothing on Nick Tobias. I called Mikey next for an update from the rest of the pack members; they had nothing new either.