Read Deceptions Page 6

  “Now what?” Jared asked.

  “I don’t know, do you have any bright ideas because if not you can stop acting like this is my fault. I did what I was supposed to. He wanted to catch Caleb off guard and take him but what I don’t understand is why take Jamie first.”

  Jared grew silent and thought about it and actually came up with a good answer. “Having Jamie made Caleb ready to do whatever he wanted.”

  I nodded. “It wasn’t a kidnapping, he wanted Caleb to walk into his trap and having Jamie allowed that.” I ran my hands over my face, as one aspect became clear ten more made no sense. “What the hell does he want?” I sat on the sofa. I thought about calling Jake back to arrange a meeting but it could be risky if it got around town the alpha was missing. Enemies might decide to strike during the vulnerable time. I said as much to Jared. “We have to do this ourselves and tonight is our only chance.” We finally agreed on something.

  It was time to come up with a plan. “Those wolves stayed hidden until they wanted us to notice them.” Jared started.

  “Nick is still using some sort of magic and I just hope it’s not another witch from The Coven. He also had a lot of wolves with him tonight.” We had to factor those wolves into our plans because there was no way we could take them on alone.

  “Don’t you have something up your sleeve?” He asked, literally pulling on the cuff of my shirt. It looked he liked me again.

  “I don’t know, it depends on where and how many people are there.” I racked my brain trying to remember everything I ever learned from The Coven. “Caleb said that Nick was a lone wolf and no one would work with him. How would he get all those wolves tonight to be loyal to him?”

  “They probably agree to work with him on equal footing and not as a pack level.”

  “So no blind loyalty. Why do you guys do it? Because it’s instilled in the wolf?” At the village everyone followed the same rules because our Elders said so and to disobey them was death. I didn’t know much about packs or how it felt to be willing to do as the alpha said, when he said.

  “Mostly yes but with me it’s personal. I wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for Caleb.” Jared left the sofa and took up pacing. “We travel in packs for many different reasons and it’s not always blind loyalty. There’s always good and bad in any dynamic and Caleb is one of the good guys. He gives what he asks for.”

  I turned around on the sofa and watched him. “How did he help you?”

  “I was a new wolf in a bad place. I should’ve been put to death for my lack of control and the problems I caused but instead Caleb took responsibility for me and taught me what I needed to know. You should trust him.” He glanced at me to add more push to his words before walking over to the window to look out at the rain.

  “I don’t need his help. I’m not like the rest of you and if something does become a problem I can certainly handle it.” I looked at the paper I had written down the facts we knew, it wasn’t much to go on. I hated feeling so defeated. I didn’t want the morning to come with them still at the mercy of Nick Tobias. “Let’s get out of here.” I couldn’t sit and wait for that one piece of the puzzle I needed to fall into my lap.

  When I decided to settled in town I made a point of knowing everything around me. It was safer to be aware of the people around you because they could easily become an enemy. Vampire hangouts were more spoken of because anti-groups made a habit of causing trouble. Vampires were made public after a tape of a tortured vampire going viral put out any doubt they existed several months ago. But werewolves had their spots too and knew how to stay hidden from the scared trigger happy public. So far the general public only knew of the vampires existence.

  “You’re crazy.” Jared said with a groan when we pulled up to Forbes Pub, a werewolf owned business.

  I gave him a mocking smile. “I have you to protect me.” The Grayson Pack wasn’t the only one of Celestin but they were the best and highly respected. When we stepped inside I gained ten different looks from the patrons and none of them were nice. In their eyes I was a vampire and had no right stepping foot into their hangout. I walked up to the counter. “I need to talk to the boss, now.”

  “It’s about Caleb.” Jared said before the young wolf behind the counter could protest or attempt to stake me. No that a stake would work anyhow. The bartender walked away through a side hallway. “You’re trouble.” Jared was more uncomfortable than I was, probably because he knew something I didn’t.

  I also didn’t really care about wolf law and all that bullshit. “I agreed to protect Jamie and that’s what I intend on doing.”

  The bartender came back and motioned for us to follow him down the same hallway to Forbes office. Forbes was older than most when he was turned into a werewolf; he wore a long white beard and a matching head of hair. “What is this about the Grayson Alpha?”

  I spoke. “A rival from his past is here to collect on an old beef. He’s kidnapped Caleb and his daughter. It’s taking too long to track him down with only the pack’s help. I’m asking for yours.”

  Forbes leaned back against the old wooden desk. “You’re the Winston daywalker, why are you involved in any wolf business?” he revealed nothing about what he thought or felt on the situation. His tone was flat, so was the look in his brown eyes.

  “Caleb asked and I was in a unique position to help him.”

  Forbes didn’t need to know more than that and he knew it too, whatever going on was between me and Caleb. Forbes stayed silent while he considered the information he had to go on and the benefit of helping an alpha. “What can I do?” he asked minutes later.

  “We need to find Nick Tobias tonight.”

  Chapter 15

  Forbes had an in with all the local packs. He put the word out to all of them about Nick. With the town city of packs and the vampires looking for Nick Tobias we still managed to come up empty. Where was this guy hiding out? The fucking moon?

  Nick wasn’t stupid and I was willing to bet he had every detail planned before making his first move. I feared he still had Coven magic on his side and if that was true, getting Jamie and Caleb home wouldn’t be easy.

  Staying at the pub felt like we were doing something productive. Forbes gave us permission to ask a few questions. We kept it about finding where Nick could be held up, the fact Caleb was missing stayed between the Grayson pack and Forbes.

  Just when I reached the moment where I wanted to scream out my frustrations Jake called with something helpful. We met back at Caleb’s for privacy; any wolf would be able to overhear both ends of a phone call back at the pub.

  “What do you have?” Jared asked. Jake arrived first and was already seated in the living room.

  He had a file spread out on the coffee table. “It took me a minute to realize why nothing was coming up on Nick Tobias. That’s not his real name.” he handed a paper to Jared and me, our eyes went wide at the same time. “Tobias Nikolas is Caleb’s older brother. If he’s set up in town it has to be at that address under his name.”

  “He’s pissed at his brother.” I voiced, thinking out loud. “What better place for revenge than their childhood home?” Now I understood why Caleb was so willing to come to Celestin to take over for Thomas. He had grown up here.

  “How did you know about the names?” Jared asked.

  “Trade secret.” Jake said. I took it to mean Caleb said something to him privately and he wouldn’t ever repeat it. He turned to me. “He trusted you to help him and I trust his choices. Something tells me you can handle this better than I could anyway. You both go and see if he’s there, if you need back up call and I’ll bring everyone over. Right now it’s better to play it smart and not alert him we’re getting close.” With Caleb out of commission Jake was in charge, whether Jared or the others liked it or not. Neither of us said anything but we knew the facts. With Caleb in danger it was better for Jake to stay back just in case the alpha died and he’d have to take over. It was a lot like being president of your
own private race.

  I nodded. “I like that plan.” I grabbed my keys and went back out to the car. I refused to get involved with the power play, the stares and heated tension, between Jared and Jake. After I got Jamie home whatever the werewolves did wasn’t my problem.

  Nick was playing with magic. I didn’t want anyone dying because they didn’t know what they were dealing with. I suspected Jake agreed and volunteered everyone as backup just in case it was more than magic and just a crazy wolf. Right now we were going to check out the house with no guarantees it was our location. If it was then we’d plan from there. It was something.

  As I drove I remembered my father telling me as I got older to never get personally involved when it came to doing a job, because it was a guaranteed mistake. I ran from that life a long time ago but I tended to find myself remembering things they had told me. I was personally involved because I wanted Caleb and Jamie to be safe. It wasn’t just a job I was carrying out, I needed it to be over for my own reasons too.

  Soon the street was disserted of all people and family homes. There was nothing but trees and forest land for the next two miles. At the end of it a lone cottage style house sat in the middle of more forest land. It was like finding a bottle of water in the middle of a desert.

  “No wonder we couldn’t find him.” Jared observed.

  I parked down the road where we walked the long distance up to the fence of the house. A wire mesh fence surrounded about a quarter mile around the home. It was quiet just as it had been in the park, they had been expecting us then and I didn’t want to give them that same advantage now. “There’s magic barricaded all around the fence.”

  “Can you break through it?”

  “It’s strong, I can walk through it but you can’t.” I tried not to think about how it would hurt passing through something that was meant to keep you out. The only reason I was able to do it was my magic could fight against the wards. “They’re here and we both know it. I have to do this.”

  Jared didn’t like the plan but he agreed with it. “You get inside and get the barrier taken off. I’m calling in back up.”

  “Once it’s off you’ll notice the difference, it won’t be as quiet out here.”

  Jared grabbed my arm before I could touch the fence. “Be careful in there. It’ll put a dent in my plans to ask you out if you get hurt again.”

  I smiled and took my arm back. “That’s not happening.”

  “A date or getting hurt?”

  I didn’t answer him as I climbed over the fence. That was the easy part. When I got closer to the house the magic intensified, causing a painful numbing needle prick along my bones. I crouched down and went around the back of the house looking for an opening that wouldn’t broadcast my arrival. I took off my shoes and tried the back door. That’s when I noticed I couldn’t use magic. Son of a bitch.

  Whoever was inside wielding the spell wasn’t some new time witch. I silently cursed at the fact I was going to have to do everything the hard and long way. I listened at the door for any voices or foot prints. When I felt it was safe enough, I turned the door knob hard to break the lock. I still had my heightened strength on my side thanks to the vampire virus.

  Once inside the magic barrier held no effect but I still couldn’t use my powers for whatever reason. I stood in the kitchen, it looked like any family kitchen with linoleum floors and an old style stove. It’s been a very long time since Caleb or his brother were children, the house must be even older.

  A screaming cry caught my attention and ignited my desire to hurt someone; the scream was undoubtedly Jamie. I followed the scream upstairs. The house was large with about five different doors on each side of the hallway. I hid behind the door of an empty room as a man walked past me and down the staircase. I retraced his steps back to the room he left; Jamie’s. Again I broke the lock.

  She was about to lash out and scream as the door opened but stopped short when she saw it was me. “Evie.”

  “If they find me we’re both dead, we have to be quiet. Have you seen your father?” I touched her hand and looked over her twice, except for a bruise on her cheek she seemed to be ok.

  “Dad’s here?”

  “I hope, he was taken while we were out looking for you. Who hit you?” I wanted to follow the man downstairs and hit him a few times until he was nice and black and blue.

  “I fell trying to run away. We have to help dad.”

  I brushed her hair away to get a better look of her face. “Have you seen anyone besides him? There’s someone using magic on this house.”

  “No, I’ve been locked up in here.”

  I sighed and took a deep breath. “I need you to stay here—”


  “I can’t watch you and look for Caleb, that’s a guaranteed way for both of us to get hurt. I found you didn’t I? We’re going to get out of here but I need you to wait a little longer. Sit tight while I take a look around, please.” I felt it in my heart the troubles concerning Nick were just beginning.

  Jamie sat back down on the bed. “Fine.”

  “Thank you.” I left the room and went back downstairs. Caleb couldn’t have been hidden in one of the rooms because I would’ve felt him like I had in the past. For some reason since I met the man I’ve always been able to sense him out. It was no wonder Michael always believed there was something between me and the alpha.

  I followed my gut feeling and went looking for the door to the basement. It was in the kitchen across from the back door. I looked around but didn’t see anyone or where the man from upstairs could be now. I was scared to go down to the basement because there was a good chance they were all down there hungry for some vampire/witch meat.

  I stood there for a few extra seconds and came up with a quick thinking plan I hoped worked.

  Chapter 16

  I walked down to the basement to find it wasn’t your normal household basement. It stretched out longer and wider than the house. Nick must’ve been doing some remodeling. There were multiple hallways and different doors where I could hear different voices. I was right, the party was going on downstairs while I was all alone with no magic. Yay.

  All the extra space would give me some cover but I didn’t feel any better about that predicament. I felt like a little girl walking into the big bad wolves’ cage.

  I needed to find the witch and interrupt whatever spell she was using to create the barrier. After I had some backup I’d be able to breathe a little easier.

  I dashed and hid down another hall as two men walked by. I listened to see if they’d say anything useful. They talked about what they’d do with their share of the money. Money? Nick was paying for the werewolves’ help, that actually made sense because I didn’t see him trying to gain it. The more I learned about Caleb’s brother, the more I disliked the guy. He wasn’t the first vindictive type I encountered but he was the first to go so far to hurt his own family.

  My father was a cold man but I doubted, or maybe the word was hoped, he wouldn’t stand by while I was being killed if he could stop it.

  After the men passed I continued in my search for the witch. Another set of voices caught my attention and that time there was a female in the mix. She wasn’t happy to be talking to the werewolf. She demanded he leave the room, with a snort of a growl he did. The surge of magical power I had been feeling stopped right where the woman was held up. Bingo.

  I didn’t just find a witch, I found someone who didn’t like me very much and trust me the feeling was mutual. When the man was out of sight, I made my move to get inside the room. Vampire strength was really coming in handy.

  She was sitting on top of a table with her eyes closed in a focused trance. She opened them and looked dead at me. “Evie Cortez, as I live and breathe. I heard the traitor was connected to this job.” Miranda spoke, and to think we had been friends once.

  “I don’t see ruining a family’s life as a job.” I did start to see her as a job. When I
worked a job I threw all emotions and personal thoughts out the window, solely focusing on the task. “How is he getting The Coven to let him use their witches?”

  “If you didn’t cower and run away, you’d know that.” Miranda always led with her emotions. She was angry as she climbed off the table and gave me a dark look. “What’s your plan now?”

  “To give that girl upstairs the chance we didn’t have for a happy life. I don’t know what the hell is going on, and I don’t care much for the details anymore. It was another life time but we knew each other, Miranda. I know you’re better than this. Help me end this long day. Drop the spell.”

  Her eyes were swelling into darkness as she used her energy for the spell and to speak with me, the spell wasn’t an easy one. “What, no please? I have orders Evie and they aren’t yours.”

  I slowly nodded and seemed to be thinking of another approach, only to throw her off. When she least expected it, I pushed her down to the floor and ripped off her pendant. With such a strong spell like the one for the barrier a focal object was needed. Instead of using the clichéd wand, we used our pendants that carried their own boost of magic. I threw her necklace to the floor and stomped on it. Something like a sigh of air grew visible from the pendant as the spell broke. I let out a long exhale, finally Caleb’s pack could get inside. I didn’t want to face multiple angry werewolves alone.

  “You bitch!” Miranda gripped the back of her head. I wonder if she heard ringing from falling that hard? If she did, it wasn’t enough to stop her from grabbing at my ankles to knock me off balance.

  I kicked her in the stomach and stepped back out of her reach. “I have gotten into enough fights this week.” I had lost my patience some point the other night and had none to waste with Miranda. Now that I had use of my magic, I placed my hand over her arm and knocked her out with a long sleeping spell. I didn’t want to have a magical fight on top of dealing with the wolves. I looked at her for a moment and saw she became everything I didn’t want, the Coven’s loyal soldier with an unhappy life to boot.