Read Deceptions Page 7

  I left the room before any suspicious guards came by. My next order of business was finding Caleb. I tried not to think of all the scenarios he could be in with his very pissed off brother running the show. I used a shadowing spell and walked along the halls hidden from any curious eyes.

  I noticed one door that looked different than all the others. I pout my ear to it and heard a few voices inside. I guessed the man that spoke with authority and gave out orders was Nick. Another voice reported that the girl, Jamie, had finally calmed down and stopped screaming. She was taking my advice; I just hoped she could wait just a little longer before losing her cool again.

  Footsteps moved closer to the door from the inside. I ran down the hall before the door opened. I kept walking until I finally felt Caleb. When I reached the point of nowhere else to go, I found him. I unlocked the door and slid inside. My heart was lodged in my throat with the fear of being caught.

  I mentally swore when I saw Caleb, he was severely beaten and chained to the wall by his left wrist. I noticed the chain was silver and burned his skin nearly to the bone. The silver made it to he couldn’t shift or use much strength to rip the chain from the wall. Werewolves had their own amount of super strength too.

  I dropped the shadowing spell and kneeled in front of him. He looked at me. In the hours we had looked for Caleb he suffered some serious damage. There was a deep cut along his eyebrow, another across his cheek. His other eye was black and that was all I could see. Caleb had obviously been in a bad fight but thankfully his control was still in tact because he wasn’t trying to attack me. “I saw Jamie, she’s here upstairs.”

  “Is she ok?” he asked softly enough to make my heart skip a beat.

  “She’s furious but yeah, she’s ok.”

  “How did you get in here?” he laid his free hand over mine.

  I took off the chain from his wrist. “Jared and the others are waiting outside, they should be in soon. Jake remembered something you had told him and used the right name to track this house down. Your brother is doing this to you? We come from some pretty fucked up families.”

  Caleb cracked a small smile. “Agreed.” His eyes grew serious as he avoided looking at me. I started to think he wasn’t as in so much control after all. He was fighting not to let his wolf win. “He wants me to get angry enough to give him what he wants.”

  I looked up from our hands. “What does he want?”

  “For me to renounce my pack to him. No pack will take him, so he’s come up with the idea to just take one and who better else than from me?” Caleb explained bitterly, staring into his eyes I knew there was no love lost between the Nikolas brothers.

  “Then he doesn’t know you very well.” Caleb would die before betraying his pack. I was growing frustrated wondering where Jared was. I couldn’t fight off all the wolves alone but I was thinking about making a run for it. I helped Caleb up from the floor. “You’re heavy.”

  We were barely standing upright when all hell broke loose upstairs.

  Chapter 17

  The sound of howls, growls, and running, drew us upstairs in the matter of seconds. The large open space turned into to a battle field ripped from a war movie.

  Caleb gained a second wind as he foresaw the end of the battle. He led the way upstairs and gained some of his strength back from being near his pack. He wasted no time directing orders, the first being at me to go protect Jamie.

  I was happy to submit that time rather than watch the blood shed that caught my eye as we hid along the kitchen archway. Most were in human form while a few others took their wolf shape. I ran back to the room I left Jamie in only to find I was too late in reaching her before Nick got another clever idea.

  He was not letting me catch a break.

  Nick stood holding a gun to Jamie’s neck. “I was waiting to see who would come to the rescue. I hoped it would be my brother but you’ll do. After all, I have you to thank for ruining a very well thought out plan that was guaranteed to work.”

  I couldn’t do much as he held onto her and the gun. “It would’ve never worked. Caleb would never risk anyone’s life for his own.” I kept my eyes between Jamie’s and the gun. “All you’re doing is pissing off a lot of people. If you want to survive this then let her go and go join your merry men.” I was positive if Nick ended up downstairs he’d be ripped to pieces, literally.

  His grip tightened around her. “I don’t think so.”

  Tears began to fall from Jamie’s eyes, she was only fifteen years old and shouldn’t have to be dealing with something like being held hostage. My jaw tightened and I looked at Nick. “What do you want?”

  Nick knew he was backed into a corner and after a few seconds of giving that some thought he chose to use the resources he had on hand. “You get me out of here, untouched or I will kill her.”

  Magic or no magic, I couldn’t take on over twenty angry werewolves, although the total was probably lower as the fight went on. “Whatever you want, just let her go.” It was stupid to show you were personally involved because it could be used against you. I didn’t care though, I wanted her safe.

  Jamie and I switched places as hostages. “Evie!” she cried out.

  “You stay here until your father comes and everything will be fine.” I looked at Nick’s hand gripping my arm. “This’ll be a walk in the park.”

  Nick pushed me forward and we left the room. “It was nice giving the kid false hope like that.” he stood behind me with the gun pointed near my neck as we walked down the stairs. I think we were both surprised to see the house was empty. All that remained along the floors and walls were bright red blood still wet, and no bodies. “What’s going on?” he demanded as if I had been told some sort of plan.

  I didn’t know any more than he did, however I knew for a fact Caleb wouldn’t leave without Jamie. The pack was around here somewhere. “I don’t know, I didn’t get the memo either. But seeming as no one is here you don’t need me anymore. Just leave out that door right there.”

  “No.” his grip tightened. “Caleb isn’t that easy to get rid of.” perhaps he did know something about his brother.

  “I thought my family was bad but you’ve got us beat. That was your own niece you terrorized who hasn’t done anything to you. You lost, so now deal with it and run before someone decides to come back or I decide a bullet would be worth hurting you in exchange for.” I had reached my limit, the day was going on too long and I just wanted to go home and forget it all.

  “Let her go.” Caleb’s voice was chilling from the shadows; each word was slow carrying the same impact of a physical blow.

  “And let you win again? I don’t think so.” Nick was growing nervous now that he had no one on his side, no one to give orders to.

  I desperately wanted him to let me go. I didn’t like to be held at gunpoint, once had been enough about six years ago when one of Michaels rivals grabbed ahold of me. “Why don’t you let me go? The two of you can duke it out and I go home.”

  “Quiet.” Nick harshly whispered as he scanned the living room looking for Caleb. In the painfully silent room I could hear his heart beating wildly against his chest, the man was scared. I probably would be too if I was in his shoes.

  I was starting to believe Nick hadn’t been a wolf for long because he was too shaky and he didn’t notice the small things, like the faint footsteps from the side hallway next to the staircase. I felt Caleb like a small breeze against the back of my neck. I met his dark blue eyes and felt somewhat better but even that didn’t stop the need I had to do something. It was me after all with the gun aimed too close to my neck.

  “This is insane!” I snapped, bringing Nick’s eyes back to me for only a moment as he kept looking for his brother. I don’t think I’d ever seen someone that nervous. “This has nothing to do with me and I don’t even like Caleb. Let me go already!” that was the jest of what I kept saying until Nick lost any patience he had and kept trying to get me to shut up. He lost focus and I mad
e my move.

  I elbowed him in the stomach and jumped out of the way landing on the floor. He managed to get a shot off before he took off running. The bullet went straight through my arm until landing in the plaster of the wall. I held my hand over the wound and looked for Caleb. He must’ve took off after Nick. Maybe Nick could’ve survived attacking his brother and trying to take his pack but the moment he had involved Jamie all bets were off. Caleb wouldn’t be forgiving or merciful.

  I struggled to stand using my knees to prop me up. The last few days came back furiously as all my battle wounds throbbed with pain. It didn’t stop me from running as best I could upstairs to grab Jamie. She gasped and her eyes became too wide. “It’s a flesh wound.” I told her. “It completes this beat up mess look I was going for. Let’s get the hell out of here.”

  Chapter 18

  Jamie and I walked out side by side to find the rest of the pack scattered around the lawn. Caleb and his brother were nowhere in sight and neither were any of the wolves I saw working with Nick.

  “What happened?” Jared asked, bending slightly to look at my arm.

  “Gunshot. This week I’ve been stabbed with glass and beaten to a pulp, this completes the cake huh?” I said flatly. The gas I ran on was determination to find Jamie, and now that she was safe I was ready to collapse.

  “She gets sarcastic when she’s hurt.” Jamie added. “She’ll be cursing soon enough.”

  Jared hesitated for a second then said the dreaded truth. “You need to get to a hospital.”

  I shook my head; I didn’t like hospitals but then again who did? My dislike started when I was a child and I was forced into a hospital after breaking a bone the village nurse couldn’t treat. “Gunshots are reported back to the police.”

  “Jake and Zoe can take care of that and make sure nothing is made of it. You need a doctor and some stitches.” He looked back at my arm and grimaced. “I’ll take you.” he grabbed ahold of my good arm.

  “Wait, what about—”

  “He left orders not to interfere. Jake will be taking Jamie back home and staying with her.” Jared explained, answering all the questions I had which left me with nothing more to say. With a sigh, I followed him back to the car and watched as Jake drove away with Jamie. She had looked more tired than anything else as she knew the nightmare was over. Caleb would make sure no more threats touched his daughter.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about Caleb on the way to the hospital. What was happening, would he really kill his own brother? What choice did he have? It was obviously not the first time Nick was a problem. I rested my head on the window and listened while it continued to softly rain. Whatever I felt, or didn’t feel, didn’t matter because the situation was no longer any of my business. Caleb would have to live with his choices. We no longer had to associate.

  Jared was good at reading people, he quickly saw the mood I was in and didn’t attempt to make any small talk. The ride was silent and filled with the lingering questions on both our minds; mostly the curiosity of what was happening in that forest surrounding the house.

  The bright hospital was a drastic change from the dark gloomy sky outside. I closed my eyes and took a minute to adjust as Jared explained to the nurse I needed to see a doctor and offered no more information. I wondered what the pack did when they got too hurt; I doubt they went to the hospital. The wolf would take control and the human part of them would be gone, leaving those around them in danger when the pain became too much.

  After a few minutes I was taken to a room, Jared stayed with me. I wasn’t sure if it was because he was worried or wanted to make sure I didn’t slip and say the wrong thing. I sat on the bed and swung my feet. “How long do you think this will take?” I asked while we waited for the doctor.

  “You lost a lot of blood so they might want you to stay overnight.” Jared said just before his cell phone started to ring. I questioned if it was about Caleb and hoped some good news was on the other line.

  Knowing I could listen in to both sides of the call Jared stepped outside before answering. “Ass.” I called out to him. I still just wanted to go home. I decided to give the doctor another minute and after that I was leaving. He came in as I got off the bed. Damn it. “Great.” I groaned.

  “That’s actually one of the nicer greetings I’ve gotten today. People are grouchy at night.” He explained with a small smile, trying not to let the hard nights bring him down or maybe he had some mental problems.

  It was an act he was putting on, I decided. I looked at him and the picture became wide-eyed-clear as all our past memories came crashing back. “No.”

  He gripped my shoulders and held me against him before I could reach the door. “Relax Evie.”

  “Why is The Coven sending you after me?” I whispered, it would be a deadly and stupid mistake to be overheard talking about The Coven. I couldn’t look at him anymore when I realized who he was. Many years passed but his face hadn’t changed at all. He was an older version of the kid I used to know.

  “They aren’t, I do work here and when I saw your name I took the file.” His hands fell back to his sides.

  I stepped back. “Since when has everything changed? They’re letting you work outside of home?”

  “Yes, with conditions but yes. A lot has changed since you left, they say we’re evolving. Only those they see fit to trust to keep the secret are allowed to live and work outside of the village.”

  “And you of course fit the bill as their poster child. I can’t tell you how many times my parents asked me why I couldn’t be more like you, Kevin.” I sighed and caught a glimpse of my arm. “I need to get out of here.”

  “You can’t.”

  I looked at him under my lashes and smiled. “Care to bet on that?”

  Kevin smiled and rolled his eyes. “Not legally. Not to be a jerk but you look like death warmed over. Just stay the night and rest. Whoever you’re running from can’t reach you here.”

  “I’m not running anymore.” The phrase fit so many subjects about my life right now. “Stitch me up but I make no promises.”

  “You never have.” There was a bitter undertone but he left the room before it could be addressed. Kevin McCoy and I had known each other since we were in diapers; our birthdays were only four months apart. Most of my childhood memories involved Kevin in some way or another. The last time we saw each other I told him I planned on running, at first he didn’t believe me and when he started to, he asked me not to go.

  Kevin came back and sat on a stool in front of me. “How did this happen?” he unwrapped the mock bandage Jared had made out of a shirt in the back seat of his car.

  “I was trying to be helpful. How did you end up here in Celestin?”

  “There’s something about this place, it’s beautiful but dangerous. It’s also not too far and I can visit my parents on the weekends.” Kevin explained casually. It didn’t seem like he was lying but I reminded myself it had been years, I didn’t know Kevin anymore or what The Coven could come up with.

  I agreed about Celestin. I had stayed and when I realized just how dangerous the city could be I was too invested to run away again. I shut my eyes to keep from cursing or pulling away when whatever he put on my arm burned like hell. I opened them when Jared came back. “Anything?” I asked.

  The werewolf looked worried. “Not yet.”

  Chapter 19

  There was nothing I could do but that didn’t stop me from wanting to go back to the house. Jared kept trying to ensure me Caleb knew what he was doing and the rest of the pack was near by but for some reason that wasn’t enough for me. My job was done, Jamie was back home, yet it felt uncompleted with Caleb still out there and probably in danger.

  With my hands tied I honored Kevin’s wishes and let him finish working on me, my reward was being tricked. I think looking back on it Jared was involved. What I was told was a drug to help with the pain was really a sedative.

  It was the best sleep I had gotten that
week but when I woke there was nothing good about it. I jumped up and sent a nice wave of pain all through my bruised body. “Caleb.” The room was very dark and my vision was blurry with pain but I knew he was there. I placed my hand over my forehead in an attempt to clear some of the foggy feeling.

  I saw his eyes before I saw him, they were a burning bright yellow of his wolf. He stood from the chair he sat in and moved toward the bed. “What you did back there was careless.”

  I was scared and nervous about seeing Caleb on the brink of losing his control to his wolf; I did not want to end up his dinner. “I’m still alive.” The way I saw it; no matter how bad my choices were I was still breathing. It was a win.

  He laid his warm hand flat on my cheek. “Barely.”

  “Have you seen Jamie?” I had to keep talking or I’d let my fear became known and that would be a problem. The fearful were easier to prey on.

  “Yes, she told me you were here. Jared explained how he tricked you into staying.” Caleb was acting like Caleb but his eyes were not his. Something was wrong.

  “I knew he was in on it.” I said mindlessly and came to realize why Caleb looked tormented, why his wolf was staying present. He had killed his brother in order to insure he couldn’t hurt Jamie again. “Why did you come here?”

  “To take you back home, I know you didn’t want to be here in the first place.” His hands slipped from my cheek and gripped my hand to help me up.

  “No,” I agreed. “but the drugs are good.” I followed his lead and was careful not to do anything that would startle or challenge him. He didn’t speak on the ride to my place and I didn’t ask any questions. The first signs of morning began to show at the sky lightened and the street lights turned off. When he passed his house I noticed Jake’s car, he’d be keeping watch until Caleb was himself again.

  He followed me inside of my house and that’s when everything broke loose. “I had too.” Caleb said tightly, standing in the middle of my living room.