Read Deceptive Page 10

  The entire time I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Each landmark was amazing in its own way. I had seen pictures of all of them, but seeing them in person, the pictures didn’t do them justice.

  As we headed back toward the marina, an announcement was made that if the guests would like, there would be music and dancing on the top deck. Lucas and I both looked at each other and shrugged before he took my hand and led me to the top. The entire deck was decorated with lights and streamers and was reserved for dancing, except a corner that the DJ occupied.

  Lucas didn’t waste any time. He pulled me straight to the middle of the dance floor. A fast song was ending and a slower one started. It was almost as if Lucas had planned it. He pulled me in close and I put my left arm on his shoulder as his right hand found the small of my back.

  I breathed in his cologne and it was intoxicating. I recognized it immediately. It was the same cologne he had worn the night we went to Insanity. The same night that he asked me to be his girlfriend for the night. The difference between the two nights was that now I really knew Lucas and wanted to really be his girlfriend for more than just a night. Maybe one day I would be.

  I pulled back for a second and glanced up at him.

  “Is everything okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah I'm fine. I just can't believe how wonderful tonight has been. I couldn’t have asked for a better person to spend it with either.” I smiled.

  “Well if I have anything to do with it, we will have many more of these nights. And I'm hoping that I'm creative enough to make sure each one is better than the last.”

  “Well you definitely have your work cut out for you then. I don’t see how it can get better than this.” I smiled.

  “Don’t underestimate me. You have no idea what is going on up in here.” He tapped his head. It made me laugh.

  “Well, I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with.”

  “I do have one more idea, right now,” he said.

  “Okay. What is it?”

  “Follow me.”

  He led me back down the stairs to the middle deck where we ate dinner and looked at the scenery. The captain and the first mate were in the control room at the front of the boat, so Lucas took me to the back of the boat. We went down another staircase and into the lower deck. In the lower deck was a bunch of different cabins used for sleeping. I guess this yacht could also be used as a small cruise ship.

  Lucas ushered me halfway down the hall and found an open door. He guided me inside and turned on the light.

  “Lucas. What are we doing down here?” I asked.

  “I just wanted some alone time for us, away from the party and people.”

  “How did you know that this was down here?” I asked, smiling.

  “I didn’t. I just had a thought and went with it,” he said as he closed the gap between us. “You’re beyond gorgeous, did you know that?” he asked as his hand found the side of my face.

  “I’ve heard that a time or two,” I said right before I kissed him.

  We spent the remaining twenty minutes of the cruise in that cabin, wrapped up in each other. His lips were soft and moist as he kissed my lips, neck, and shoulder. My hands scanned his muscular back as they made their way into his tousled dirty blonde hair. I didn’t care if I was messing it up at this moment, and I don’t think he did either. Our kiss deepened with every second that passed by and I couldn’t help the sensation running throughout my body.

  The warning horn sounded and we stopped. We knew that we would probably get in trouble by being down here, so we needed to get back to the middle deck and try to blend in with everyone else.

  As we made our way to the top, I couldn’t believe what had just happened between Lucas and me. It was so spontaneous and in the moment, and I loved every bit of it.

  He made me feel so different than anyone had before. For the first time I didn’t feel like myself. I felt better, more relaxed and natural. Lucas wasn’t here to ‘watch over me’ or ‘make sure I was safe’. He was here because he wanted to be, not because he had to.

  He made me feel free.


  Roman was waiting for us as soon as we walked down the ramp. It was already after ten and I knew we needed to hurry and get back before Emilio started wondering where we were.

  “I had an amazing night,” I said as Lucas opened the car door. “Thank you.” I tilted my head up and gently touched my lips to his. I couldn’t help but smile against his soft, inviting lips.

  “Alright you two love birds, we need to get going,” Roman said from the driver’s seat. Lucas kissed me one more time and then helped me into the car. Just like last time, Roman took off leaving Lucas in the dust.

  “So how was it?” Roman asked just as Lucas was out of sight in his rearview.

  “It was wonderful.” I smiled. “And you were right. I would never have guessed that one.”

  “I told you,” he said as he smiled back at me. “I figured you would like it.”

  “I did enjoy myself, and I know I have already thanked you a million times, but I’m going to do it once more. Thank you for doing this for me. It means a lot.”

  “Lily, I’ve already told you my reasons for doing this. Lucas and I have already talked about it. As long as Emilio doesn’t suspect anything, I’m cool with helping you two out. It’ll be our secret. But once Emilio starts to suspect something, you need to break it off with Lucas, or find a way to tell Emilio.”

  “We will just hope he doesn’t find out.”

  Chapter 9

  The sound of my phone ringing woke me up the next morning. I rolled over and picked it up off my nightstand. It was Violet. We hadn’t talked about anything other than business the past week. She probably just wanted to catch up on a few things. But she could have waited until at least ten, though.

  “Hello,” I said, groggy.

  “Lily?” She paused for a moment. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. You just woke me up that’s all.”

  “Oh I’m sorry,” she giggled. “You’re usually awake before noon.”


  I lurched forward and checked the clock on my nightstand. It was five minutes after twelve. I can’t believe I slept so late. My whole day was going to be off now.

  “Sorry Vi, I had a long night last night. I guess I was more tired than I thought I was.” I threw the covers off me and headed to the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror, I laughed. There were lines imprinted all over my face and arms from where I had slept so hard.

  “Oh yeah? What did you do last night?” Violet’s voice piqued with curiosity. I debated on whether I would tell her about last night or start from the beginning. From the beginning would be best, since I hadn’t had the chance to tell her what happened last week.

  “I don’t even know where to begin.”

  “Well, I’m all ears! I want to know everything. Every dirty little detail,” she said excitedly.

  She already knew everything leading up to Roman being here and why he was here, so I caught her up on how Roman was helping me with Lucas when he saw how much I missed him and wanted to see him and how miserable Emilio had made me feel. I told her all about the two dates we had been able to go on and how exhilarating the boat ride was.

  “I can’t believe you and Lucas! Get it girl!”

  “Violet!” I exclaimed. “I’m trying to take this slow. I don’t need another screwed up relationship to deal with.”

  “I get that. I just feel like more has gone on in the last couple of months than in your whole life. I wish I was there to help you out with everything. I can’t imagine. I bet Roman loves being the buffer between you and Emilio.”

  “At first I was pretty upset that Roman was going to be with me all the time, but I love having him here and he does do a good job at being the buffer,” I slightly giggled. “Most of the time he just forces Emilio to do whatever I want to do.”

  “Well, I’m glad you?
??re doing good, but the reason I called, besides catching up, was because Halloween is in a few weeks and I should have everything wrapped up here. And since we have had a Halloween party every year since we were in kindergarten, I was wondering if I come in early and helped, do you think we could have one there? We could invite employees, friends, and family.”

  I could hear the pleading in her voice. The time had gone by so fast I hadn’t realized it was already the end of September. Halloween was a month away.

  “Violet, that sounds absolutely amazing! I will have to double check with the General first, well more like tell him, and then I will get back to you. I’m seriously so excited about this and I can’t wait to see you!”

  “I can’t wait to see you either!” she squealed. “This is going to be the best party ever!” Violet’s excitement was contagious. I missed quirky Violet, and thankfully, she would be with me soon.


  Emilio returned home late that night. I had been waiting up for him in the family room. I was sitting on the couch listening as he walked down the hall and towards the kitchen. As soon as he saw me, he stopped in his tracks. I nodded my head for him to come and join me. He casually made his way over, sat down next to me, looked at me, and patiently waited for me to begin.

  “I need to talk to you about something,” I began.

  “I know,” he laughed. “Hence me coming over and sitting beside you.”

  I rolled my eyes at him. “Violet called this morning and she is going to be able to come in around Halloween, and we are going to be throwing our annual Halloween Bash. So, I’m warning you ahead of time so you can make whatever arrangements you need to,” I said finally taking a breath. I wanted to make sure I could get it all out.

  “Okay,” was all he said, smiling.

  “Okay?” I asked confused.

  He looked at me and took a deep breath and shrugged. “I called Violet yesterday and asked her if she was going to be able to make it in time for Halloween. I had been thinking about your famous ‘All Hallows Eve Bash’ and I thought it would be nice to have one here. I know I haven’t made things easy around here lately and I thought maybe having a party would be fun and sort of a peace offering between us.”

  I just stared at him in disbelief.

  “It could be a ‘Welcome Violet’ party too. I just want you to be happy with me,” he said as he cocked a grin, “again.”

  “Emilio, I can’t believe you did this,” I said as he laughed and I flung my arms around him. “I’m honestly speechless. Thank you so much,” I whispered in his ear. He was sort of amazing when he wanted to be.


  Violet arrived three weeks later. We spent a day unpacking and catching up, but then it was time to get to work. We spent the entire week preparing for the party. Between the decorations I had picked up and the ones Violet had brought from home, our house was slowly turning into the ultimate haunted house.

  We had picked out an amazing caterer and hopefully the best costumes we could think of. We had a tradition of keeping our costumes a secret, only revealing it the night of the party. I was so curious to see what Violet had picked this year. I had already decided what Emilio and I were going to wear. I hoped he liked it.

  Violet thought I was crazy for not asking Lucas to be my date, but Emilio and I had been attempting to be friends. This, after all, was Emilio’s doing and I wanted him to know I appreciated it.

  Friday morning crept up on us fast. We spent the entire morning finishing the small details, but other than that the house looked spectacular. We had spiders, spider webs, tombstones, coffins, skulls, leaves, pumpkins, witches, and ghosts scattered throughout the house.

  Violet had brought our laptops and projectors. We sat them up in the sitting room and family room and would be playing old black and white scary movies throughout the night. The caterer and the DJ were scheduled to arrive around seven to get set up and the party was supposed to begin around eight.

  By the time Violet and I finished everything and looked at the clock, it was already five. We both looked at each other with panic in our eyes and took off up the stairs. We would not see each other again until we revealed our costumes.

  I needed the whole two hours, if not more. I started putting curlers in my hair immediately. I burnt my finger several times from being in such a hurry.

  As I put on my makeup, I skimmed through Google images still trying to decide on what to do with my hair. I eventually found one I thought I could do easily. I smoothed out the top to the middle of my head and then I pinned my long curled hair into a short curled bob. I used an entire container of bobby pins and hairspray trying to make sure my hair would not move. I also took extra care placing my headband on my head.

  It looked amazing! It was white with a pearl laced veil that started right above my forehead and came to just above my eyebrows. On the right side of my head was a medium white feather arrangement that gave it the perfect finish.

  My dress was made to look like an authentic dress made in the early twenties. It was white as well, with the same pearl laced design as my headband. The dress was sleeveless and square, flowing down to my knees. It felt funny being in a dress that wasn’t as snug as I was used to.

  When I looked in the mirror at my finished self, I couldn’t believe how different I looked. This era definitely suited me.

  At exactly seven o’clock my phone chimed. Violet. She was letting me know she would be waiting for me in the living room and to come when I was ready. I let her know I needed just a few more moments and I would be on my way. I grabbed my rose red lipstick and applied it, popping my lips when I was done. I took one last look in the mirror before I grabbed my feather boa and headed out the door.

  Violet and Roman were standing in the middle of the living room chatting when I walked in. Roman immediately stopped talking.

  “Wow Lil, you look,” he stuttered for a moment, “amazing!” I blushed at his compliment.

  He looked adorable in his S.W.A.T. team costume. I laughed at the irony. He was definitely S.W.A.T. to me.

  Violet shrieked as soon as she saw me. She looked gorgeous as always. She was all decked out in black leather and spandex. Her crop top shirt and pants were skin tight. Honestly, I have no idea how she was moving in that outfit. Her black pumps gave her an extra four inches. Violet’s hair was perfectly curled and pinned back on the left side of her head along with beautiful smoky eyes and ruby red lips. She was a knock out!

  “Violet. Or should I call you Sandy?” I giggled. “You look absolutely amazing!”

  “Thank you,” she said as she turned in a circle making sure I saw every detail.

  “All you’re missing is your Danny.”

  “Did someone say Danny?” I heard a familiar voice say. It was coming from the kitchen. Dante strolled into sight just as I registered his voice. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt with black jeans cuffed at the end with his hair greased into a perfect curl that hung in front of his forehead. He even had a black leather jacket that had T-Birds on the back.

  “Dante!” I yelled as I ran up to him and hugged him. “I can’t believe you’re here! When did you get in?”

  “About three hours ago.” He smiled as he let me go and stepped back. “Violet and I wanted to surprise you. She snuck me up the stairs while you were busy in the kitchen earlier.”

  “I'm so happy! Tonight is now complete!”

  “So you’re a flapper?” Dante asked.

  “Yes,” I said shaking from side to side, making my dress sway.

  “And you must be a pimp?” Dante laughed and nodded his head to someone behind me.

  “A mob boss,” Emilio grumbled.

  Dante’s and Roman’s laughter filled the whole house. I personally didn’t understand what was so funny about that.

  Emilio looked dashing in his black suit with white pinstripes. He had on a white shirt with a silky blood red tie and a black fedora with a thick red feather on the side. His hat
was tipped over his right eye and the red handkerchief in his chest pocket gave it that finishing touch. I couldn’t help but stare at how well the outfit turned out.

  He hadn’t even looked up at me. He was probably thinking of how he would get his revenge on me for making him dress up.

  Earlier in the day when I had dropped off his outfit, he wasn’t too thrilled about it. His exact words were, “I’m only doing this for you.” I wondered if he realized how handsome he looked. I walked up to him and took his hand. His stormy gray eyes finally met mine.

  “You look very handsome.” I smiled at him. “What do you think about mine?” He held his hand up and let me twirl in a circle for him.

  “You’re beyond indescribable Ms. Dapprima,” he said with a slight grin on his face. “Now I understand why I’m in this ridiculous costume.”

  “Hey now,” I proclaimed. “It’s not ridiculous. I’m a twenties flapper and you’re my delicious eye candy.”

  “I'm pretty sure it’s the other way around. You’re definitely going to be the eye candy tonight,” he said looking me up and down.

  Violet huffed playfully in the background.

  Emilio laughed. “Violet in that outfit, you’re going to steal the show.”

  She perked up at that compliment. Then the doorbell rang and she took off. I suspected it was the caterers.

  “You’re stunning in that outfit,” Emilio whispered in my ear. My heart raced with his close proximity. I wondered when my heart would ever quit telling on me. My mind knew all the consequences of being with him, but my heart still longed for him.

  “Thank you,” I said before I kissed him on the cheek and headed toward Violet.

  I had been right about the caterers and person after person carried trays of food into the kitchen. Everything looked delicious. My favorite had to be the desserts, which were all Halloween themed and looked amazing. The cake bites were decorated like eyeballs, the dirt cake had worms, and there was a witch’s brew potion to drink. I couldn’t wait to taste it all! Violet and I directed traffic, as the guys started the music and the projections.