Read Deceptive Page 9

  “I understand. Just please don’t treat me like glass. I’m not as fragile as I may look,” I said. He nodded in agreement. Then I flung my arms around his neck and gave him a hug. “I’m happy that you’re here. I just don’t like the circumstances.”


  Several weeks had passed and all I was allowed to do was either hang out with Roman or go to work. Having Roman here wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. It was great reconnecting with him. He was like a brother to me. I was closer to him than my four older brothers, so I tried to not see him as a bodyguard, but as my friend.

  He kept his promise in keeping his distance. It was a relief to have him here. He was a good buffer between my and Emilio’s growing tension.

  During Roman’s time here, I hadn’t seen Lucas. I missed him a lot and it was probably at the expense of Emilio’s rage that he had kept his distance. I can only imagine the conversation Emilio had with him the next day at work. But, I knew Lucas could hold his own against Emilio.

  The weekend had finally arrived after a busy week of trying to finish up decorating a few of my father’s properties. Roman and I had planned to go out tonight and spend as much time away from the house and Emilio as we could. Roman said that he had a surprise for me tonight and that I would owe him big time. I was ready for a surprise. I needed one.

  “Lily, are you almost ready?” Roman called as he entered my room. I was held up in the bathroom finishing my hair and makeup, as usual.

  “Yeah just give me a few more seconds and I’ll be right down.” I was glad I finally had the chance to get out of the house. It had been awhile since I had to get ready for something other than work. I finished my hair, brushed my teeth, and put on my heels. As I made my way down the stairs, I stumbled a bit, but caught my footing.

  This must be what it’s like for Violet ninety percent of her day.

  “Damn girl, you look good!” Roman laughed as I made my way into the living room. I couldn’t help but smile.

  “You don’t look so bad yourself,” I said.

  “Are you ready?” he asked, opening up the door.

  “Yes, although I would like to know exactly what we are going to do.”

  “We’re going out to eat. And then I have a little surprise for you.” He smiled as he escorted me out of the house.

  Chapter 8

  We drove into the city and arrived at the restaurant. When we walked in, we were immediately seated and given our menus. I looked it over and noticed that we would be dining on French cuisine. This was definitely a change for me, but I was up for the challenge. I’d try anything once.

  “So what are you going to get?” Roman asked me as he glanced over his menu.

  “I really don’t know. I have never eaten French food before. What’s good here? What do you normally get?”

  “I have no idea. I have never eaten here before either.”

  I glanced up at him. He was serious.

  “So why did you choose this place if you’ve never eaten here before?” I questioned.

  “I didn’t choose the place.”

  I was about to ask who did when I heard his voice behind me.

  “Roman, how are you?” Lucas shook Roman’s hand before turning toward me. I was still in shock. This was not what I was expecting the surprise would be. I had mentioned to Roman a few times that I missed Lucas, and I guess he listened.

  “Lucas,” was the only word I managed to say before he leaned down and touched his lips to my cheek. The contact left a tingle that radiated to the rest of my body.

  “Lily, you look absolutely gorgeous,” Lucas said as he took the seat next to me.

  “Wait. I’m confused. Are we all eating dinner together?” I asked.

  “Well Lily, I remember you making a remark or two that you had been missing Lucas and so, on Wednesday, when I ran to the office for Emilio, Lucas was still there. We talked about you and he said he missed you too. So, I made a deal with him that if he didn’t tell Emilio and if he picked a restaurant that we all knew Emilio would never be at, then I would arrange for you two to see each other again.”

  I was stunned. I couldn’t believe that Roman would do that for me. I knew he felt bad about the way Emilio was treating me, but I never would have thought he would go behind his back to let me see Lucas.

  “Wow, thank you Roman. I can’t believe you did this. It really means a lot to me.” I hugged Roman and picked up the menu. Lucas took my hand without hesitation and smiled at me.

  We talked throughout the whole meal, not missing a beat. There was a question I had been burning to ask Roman. I just needed to build up the courage to ask it.

  “Roman.” I paused for a moment. “I have a question.” It was a change in subject, so I had Roman’s full attention. “I'm not sure if this is even possible, but do you think that Lucas and I could go on a date without you being there? I know that you’re not to leave my side, but I trust Lucas and think that he is more than capable of taking care of me.” I said it all so fast I wasn’t sure if Roman even understood me.

  It took him longer to respond than I wanted.

  “I had a feeling one of you was going to ask me that,” he said and then took a deep breath before answering. “It’s a big risk and if Emilio were to find out, I would be in serious trouble.”

  With each word he spoke it took a chunk of my confidence away.

  “But I know how you two feel about each other and I can't keep you from that. So, I don’t have a problem with you going on a date, and I will keep my distance. I just need to be somewhere close to you.”

  I couldn’t believe what I just heard. I could live with that. I truly knew Roman cared about me and he showed it tonight. I leaned over, put my head on his shoulder, and quietly thanked him for this.

  “So are there any stipulations as to what we can do?” Lucas asked as he smiled. I could tell he was just as happy as I was.

  “The only thing I ask is for you to stay around this area. New York is the furthest that I will let you go. And Lucas, whatever you plan to do on this date, just run it by me first so I can tell Emilio a time estimate and prepare myself for whatever I need to do while you both are on your date.”

  “No problem. And thank you Roman. I can’t tell you how much this means to me,” Lucas said.

  To both of us.

  I smiled throughout the rest of the night so thankful that I had such an amazing friend like Roman to help me out with what was left of my love life. Roman paid our bill and Lucas walked us back to our car.

  “I can’t wait until I get to see you again. You have no idea how much I have missed you,” Lucas said as he grazed his hand on my cheek. “Texting and sending pictures aren’t enough.” He grinned.

  “I think I have a pretty good idea how you feel. Just don’t wait too long to schedule our date. I don’t think I can go another few weeks without seeing you again.”

  He smiled in response and leaned down and kissed me. I took that as the answer to my question. I slid into the passenger seat of the car and Lucas closed the door. Roman hit the gas and we raced down the street leaving Lucas waving in the rearview mirror.

  When we arrived home, Emilio’s car was missing. He must still be at work. As soon as we walked through the door, Roman headed straight up the stairs.

  “Roman, wait,” I called after him. He turned in response and came back down the few steps to meet me. “I don’t know how to thank you for tonight. I owe you big time.”

  “I did it all for you Lily. I know how upset and mopey you have been around here since I arrived. I love you Lily. You’re like the sister I never had and I just want you to be happy and if Lucas makes you happy, then I’ll do what I can to make it happen between you two.” He gave me a hug and I whispered another thank you in his ear. He turned and headed back up the stairs to his room, nothing else needed to be said.

  I stayed up for a while and watched an old movie. They were my favorites and after the night I had, my adr
enaline was racing, making it hard to go to sleep.

  Emilio eventually came home around midnight. He passed by the living room as he headed into the kitchen, neither one of us saying a word. He walked back into the living room with a sandwich in his hand and came and sat by me on the couch. My adrenaline started to fade as another feeling took over. I wasn’t sure if it was anger or nervousness. We sat there in silence as he ate.

  “Gone with the Wind?” he finally asked after he finished his sandwich. “That has always been your favorite.”

  “Yeah, I wasn’t really tired when Roman and I got back, so I decided to watch an old movie.”

  An awkward silence took over and I could barely concentrate.

  “Lily,” he exhaled and paused. “I know the last few weeks between us have been nonexistent, but I miss talking to you. I just want to say I'm sorry for the way I've been acting and I hope you can forgive me, because I don’t think I could go another second without you talking to me. It’s been driving me crazy.”

  I finally took the breath I didn’t realize I had been holding.

  “I forgive you Emilio,” I spoke softly. “I'm still somewhat upset at how you handled the situation, but I was starting to get tired of the awkwardness between us. I just feel like everyone is always trying to control my life, when it isn’t theirs to control.” I glanced up at him and saw his gloomy expression.

  “I'm sorry for the way I acted. I know you are your own person and that you want to live your own life, but there are things that you don’t know and I can't tell you. So, will you please just trust me that I'm only looking out for you and your safety? I care about you, more than you could ever know.” He leaned in and kissed my cheek. The same cheek that Lucas’s hand gently touched just two hours before.

  When he pulled back I noticed a cut above his eyebrow. I gently touched it and he winced. It was fresh.

  “What happened?” I asked, changing the subject.

  “Oh that, it’s nothing, just a scratch.”

  Once again he was hiding something from me. I knew there was more to these “accidents” than he was letting on.

  “If you say so.”

  The movie was only halfway through, but I was done watching it. I was tired. Tired from the day and tired of him lying to me over and over again.

  I flipped off the television and the room went pitch black. I walked to the foyer and was about to climb the steps when Emilio’s hand grabbed my wrist and spun me around. My eyes found his and we stood there staring at each other. I was pleading with my eyes that he needed to stop this, everything. The lies and the heartbreak he constantly left me with. I couldn’t handle it much more. He hurt me when he walked away. It took me forever to get over him and all I wanted was to be happy again.

  I looked away. I still couldn’t figure out what it was about Emilio. Every time he looked at me that way I would feel those same feelings from when I first fell for him. He was my first love and that was something my heart will never let me forget.

  I glanced back up at him hoping that he would say or do something. We held each other’s gaze for a few moments, nothing being said out loud. I felt his hand work its way up my arm and onto my neck before settling on my cheek. In that moment I thought he was going to kiss me, but he didn’t. My heart rate picked up with his closeness and my breath became heavy.

  “Goodnight Lily,” he whispered in my ear before he turned and headed back toward the living room, leaving me paralyzed, stuck in my own confusion.


  “Hey Lily, I have something for you,” Roman called out as soon as he stepped through the door. I came running out of the kitchen. He just said my three favorite words, something for you. He held out an envelope as I skidded by and grabbed it. I tore it open as Roman stood there and quietly laughed. It was a letter from Lucas! It had been a week since I last saw him. Today’s letter gave me hope I would see him soon. I couldn’t read it fast enough.

  Dearest Lily,

  I can’t wait to see you again. I would like it if you would join me tomorrow night. I have the whole evening planned, just you and me. Don’t worry, I have already discussed the plans with Roman, and he approved them. He will be driving you to your destination tomorrow and I will take it from there. I hope you are able to make it, because these last few days without you have been excruciating. See you soon, beautiful!


  I closed the note with a grin. I couldn’t believe that in twenty-four hours I was going to see him again. I made my way into the kitchen where Roman had ventured off to.

  “So are you going to tell me where he is taking me?”

  “Sorry Lily. My orders were to give you the note and say nothing else. I do know you’re going to love it. And don’t try to guess either, because you won't get it.”

  “So is he taking me to dinner? Is he taking me to Central Park? A Broadway play? Come on, give me a hint!” I pouted.

  Roman smiled at me right before he zipped his lips and threw away the key. I sighed in frustration.


  My phone dinged telling me I only had fifteen more minutes until it was time to go. The clock had struck six and Roman had been persistent telling me that we were leaving at six-fifteen at the latest. I had finished my hair and makeup and was in the process of picking out an outfit. Since I didn’t know exactly what we were doing, I wasn’t exactly sure what to wear.

  I ended up choosing a solid green cocktail dress that matched my eyes. It was a halter top dress that flowed down to just above my knees. I picked out a floral belt to add a little something extra to it. I was searching my closet for my silver high heels when Roman called up the stairs for the fourth time in less than five minutes.

  “Lily, hurry up! You’ve got three minutes.”

  “Give me a second, I'm just putting on my shoes, and then I’ll be down!”

  Men will never understand what girls go through to get ready. I clasped the strap on my heels and took one last look in the mirror. I didn’t know if I was being too cocky, but I thought I looked pretty damn good!

  I made my way down the stairs to find Roman impatiently waiting for me by the front door. He tapped his watch as he handed me my silver clutch and led me out the door.

  By the time I locked the door and turned around, he was already in the car and had it started. I didn’t understand what the big rush was. I guess I would find out soon enough.

  The drive was short and when we pulled up to the marina, I was more than confused. As we got closer, I saw Lucas standing at the top of the docks, a huge yacht behind him. I couldn’t believe my eyes! Roman was right. I could never have guessed that Lucas would’ve taken me here.

  Roman stopped the car right where Lucas was standing. The door opened and Lucas put his hand out for me. He was wearing a green button up shirt with black jeans. We color coordinated without even knowing it.

  “You look beautiful,” he said as he kissed my hand.

  “Thanks.” I blushed. “You look amazing too. So we’re going on a yacht?”

  “Well, yes, but it’s more than just a boat ride. We are going on a tour of New York. Apparently you haven’t really seen New York until you’ve seen it from the water and at nighttime. We should go, boarding is at six-forty five, and we don’t want to get left behind.”

  Now I understood why Roman was so persistent when it came to time. I glanced back at Roman and he motioned for me to go on. I waved to him, a little hesitant to leave. He was risking a lot for me to go on this date. He gave me a reassuring nod before he drove off.

  Lucas led me up the ramp and helped me onto the yacht. We were greeted immediately by the captain and first mate who assured us a safe and fun ride. They told us the cruise would last three hours and would take us all around the coast of Manhattan.

  We would be leaving Lincoln Harbor and seeing different landmarks such as Ellis Island, the Statue of Liberty, the Governor’s Island, and the Brooklyn Bridge. I have been to New York several tim
es, but surprisingly, I had not seen some of the best parts of it.

  “So the cruise should take off soon. Would you like something to drink?” Lucas asked motioning to the bar.

  “Yeah, that sounds great,” I said as we walked into the dining area. The hall was enormous and completely open to see everything on the outside. There were three rows of seven tables. Some tables held up to four people and others had a more intimate setting for two. On the other side of the room was the bar. We made our way over and chatted while we waited.

  When it was our turn, Lucas ordered two glasses of wine and then we walked to the side of the boat. The breeze brushed up the side of the boat and swirled around us. It was cool and felt amazing.

  Lucas and I stood there and watched the yacht leave port. Shortly after that, a crew member announced over the loud speaker that dinner was about to be served. It was a buffet filled with a variety of food ranging from Italian to Mexican to American. We helped ourselves and sat down at a table for two.

  “I hope this is okay. I found it online and thought it was neat and different. I hope it’s a good surprise,” Lucas said, unsure of himself.

  “This is seriously the best surprise ever,” I said sincerely. “I tried to make Roman tell me and I even tried guessing, but he said I would never get it. I don’t think I would have even come close to guessing this. And to be honest, I have been to New York several times, but I have actually never seen some of the most famous landmarks.”

  “Really? I figured you would have, considering your love of museums and history.”

  “You would think.” I paused. “So I'm guessing you’ve never done this?” I asked as I took another bite of my pasta.

  “No, not from the river, but I have seen everything we will see tonight. It’s absolutely beautiful. And, what better way to see the city that never sleeps?”

  “Well, I'm excited to see it!”

  The dinner lasted a while and everything was delicious. Lucas and I talked more about the cruise and what we thought would be our favorite part. Mine would probably be the Statue of Liberty and he said his could possibly be the Brooklyn Bridge.

  We passed by the Colgate Clock before we headed south toward Ellis Island, the Statue of Liberty, and then the Governor’s Island. Then the ship headed east toward the Brooklyn Bridge where the boat turned around and headed back toward the marina. The last landmark we saw as we headed back north was the World Trade Center Site.