Read Deceptive Page 15

  “I’m alright Lucas,” I said as he helped me from the car, his eyes searching mine to see if I was telling the truth or not. “Although I’m not sure scrubs are my thing,” I said with a slight grin. He smiled back at me. I really needed that, a smile.

  “You look beautiful in anything,” he said. I rolled my eyes at him. He was such a good liar.

  Lucas ushered Violet and I onto the plane before leaving to help Emilio walk Dante on. Dr. Silas greeted us as he passed and headed to the back of the plane. I didn’t know how they did it, but a twin bed was already fixed in the back with medical equipment all ready to go.

  “Liliana, could you please move?” Emilio’s voice came from behind me. I hadn’t realized that he and Lucas had already made it back onto the plane with Dante. As I stepped out of the way and watched them pass by, I noticed that Dante was starting to look a little green. I didn’t blame him. He had been through a lot in just a short time.

  As soon as they laid him down on the bed, Dr. Silas went straight to work, hooking up machines and checking his vitals. Violet was right there by his side. Lucas nodded and smiled at me as he passed. I couldn’t help but watch him as he walked away.

  Much to my amazement he hesitated at the door before returning back to me. He picked me up in the biggest bear hug and held me tight.

  “I’m so grateful you’re okay and unharmed,” he whispered in my ear. “I don’t know what I would have done if anything had happened to you.”

  “I’m thankful you’re okay too. You saved my life last night. I’m forever in your debt.”

  As quickly as he had picked me up, he sat me back down and gently kissed me.

  “Text me when you get home. I want to know you’re safe,” he said touching his forehead to mine.

  “I will,” I replied.

  He left and just seconds later, Emilio’s hand touched me. I was nervous that he had just seen what had happened.

  “Lily?” he said resting his hand on my shoulder. “Are you alright?”

  I nodded as I turned around.

  “Yes, I’m fine, I think.” I half-heartedly grinned at him.

  “I wanted to let you know that Lucas packed all of your things, including Dante’s and Violet’s. I’m not exactly sure what he grabbed. I just told him to run to the house and pack the important things.” He smiled for the first time and even laughed. “And I’m not sure what all is important, like your hair straightener might not be in there.”

  I even smiled at that one, but then I thought to myself that I really hoped that Lucas had grabbed my hair straightener. It was my favorite one.

  “I’m sure he did fine,” I hoped.

  “Also, I won’t be accompanying you back home. I’m going to be taking care of a few things here and bring back all your Christmas presents, which between you and Violet will take up an entire plane itself.” I popped him in his arm.

  “Don’t be rude. I can always return your gift,” I replied.

  Emilio just stood there for a moment, the smile slowly fading from his face. He reached up and caressed my cheek with his hand.

  “I thought I lost you last night,” he said earnestly pulling me in closer. “I would never have forgiven myself if anything had happened to you.” He leaned in so close, goosebumps rose on my skin. “I still love you,” he whispered before he kissed my forehead.

  “I know you do,” I replied as I hugged him, not wanting to let him go. I was so screwed up. Lucas. Emilio. Lucas. Emilio. I couldn’t keep doing this to myself, and yet, I did it all the time.

  “I will see you in Toronto in a couple of days.” He squeezed me one last time before backing up and looking at me. He was hesitating. I could see it in his eyes. He placed his hands on both sides of my face and just peered into my eyes for a moment before he kissed me and walked out the door. Yeah, I was definitely messed up.


  I woke up to the sound of the tires hitting the runway. I was in a daze. I didn’t even remember dozing off. I laid there for a moment trying to get my bearings, when the memories of the last twenty-four hours started flashing through my mind. I sat straight up and looked around. Violet must have fallen asleep too. She was sitting up rubbing her eyes. Dante was still sleeping peacefully with Dr. Silas by his side still taking vitals.

  “I vote when we get home, we go straight back to bed,” Violet yawned. A bed sounded wonderful. I felt emotionally and physically drained.

  “You okay?” she asked. I looked up to see her eyes intensely staring at me.

  “I’m good,” I lied.

  Once the plane came to a stop, the door opened and Benito and two other men boarded the plane. As soon as Benito saw me, he grabbed me and held me so tight I thought my ribs were going to break in half. I didn’t care, though.

  He let me go after a few moments and kissed my forehead without saying a word. He hugged Violet on his way back to Dante. Dr. Silas and Benito were working on getting Dante up when Violet and I exited the plane.

  My mother started running toward us as soon as Violet and I stepped off the plane. When I saw her running, I took off in a dead sprint toward her, and we collided into each other. I grabbed a hold of her, never wanting to let go. I instantly started crying, and then I felt my father’s arms slide around both my mother and me. I looked up at him just as a single tear fell down his face, then he quickly wiped it away.

  “Are you okay?” my mother asked as she pulled me away and looked me over.

  “I’m... I’m...,” I was struggling to speak and gain control of my emotions. “I’m fine.”

  “You’re obviously not fine,” she said.

  I looked up into my mother’s eyes. I could never lie to her, no matter how hard I tried, but today I would hold my ground.

  My mother looked terrible. Her mascara was running down her face, and her eyes were puffy and bloodshot from crying and lack of sleep.

  “You have been through—”

  “I’m good mamma,” I said cutting her off.

  About that time she looked up and started sobbing even more. The guys had finally brought Dante down off the plane, sending my mother into pure hysteria when she saw him. I watched her as she ran over to him and crumbled next to him. Violet came and wrapped her arms around me, bringing me in close.

  “Violet?” I whispered quietly.


  “Will we ever be okay again?”

  “I don’t know.”


  My father and mother insisted we come home and stay with them. Violet and I were too tired to argue. When we arrived at the house, we helped get Dante settled in.

  Once we had helped him, Benito told us as soon as we got cleaned up and ate some lunch, my father would like to speak to us.

  I took my time in the shower, letting the scorching hot water run over me. Flashbacks from the night before continuously rolled through my head like a movie reel. I stood there silently weeping as I mourned Roman and the events of the night before. My body quivered as I struggled to hold myself upright. When Violet found me, I was sitting on the shower floor curled up in a ball.

  “Lily!” she cried out right before the water stopped running. I didn’t even look up at her as she threw a towel around me. “Are you trying to make yourself sick? The water is like ice!” I turned to look at her. She looked distressed as she knelt down beside me. “Lily? Are you okay? Did you know the water was cold?”

  “No,” I said blankly.

  “No you’re not fine, or no you didn’t know the water was cold?” she asked as she started trying to warm me up. I stared at her lost in my own thoughts not really seeing or hearing her.

  “Lily!” She grabbed my face and made me focus on her. “Answer me!”

  “No I didn’t know the water was cold,” I whispered.

  “We need to get you warmed up and dressed.” Violet helped me up and into my room. I slowly got dressed and watched her brush my hair in the mirror.

  “I don’t kno
w what happened,” I finally spoke up. Violet just looked at me. “I was in the shower. I didn’t even know the water had ran cold.”

  “It’s okay Lily.” She sniffed. “It’s okay to be hurt, mad, upset, or all of them combined. I know I am. I’m mad, pissed off, mortified, and devastated!”

  “I feel numb,” I said solemnly.

  Violet just hugged me and brought me in close. We sat there for a few more minutes and then she tugged on my arm. There was a knock on our door and Benito entered.

  “Pop wants to talk to you two, now.”

  I nodded my head and stood.

  He reached over and took my hand.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, and then it was like a switch was flipped.

  “I’m fine.” I smiled at him as I patted him on his shoulder. “I’m just tired and ready to get some sleep.”

  My father was waiting in the living room for us. The three of us came in and sat down. Violet and I sat across from my parents, and Benito sat beside my mother. My father began by asking us to go over our stories. Violet volunteered me to go first.

  I told him how Lucas had been helping me in the kitchen when the doorbell rang and we heard the gunshots go off. Lucas pushed me into the pantry and told me to hide and not to come out until someone came and got me. Then all I heard was screaming and more guns being fired. I told him I sat there waiting, and once the shots stopped, a few minutes later, the door flew open and Emilio and Lucas stood there. I told him what I could remember about Dante and Roman and ended with the hospital.

  When I was finished, it was Violet’s turn to tell her side. My father looked up from his notepad not saying a word, just waiting for Violet to start. I gave her an encouraging nudge. Recounting my side of the story was hard enough for me, I had a feeling she didn’t want to relive the moment either.

  “Dante and I were dancing, and Emilio was across the room when the doorbell rang. Roman had been standing there, so he went to open it. He barely turned the knob when the door flew open.” She started shaking. “They shot him. I watched him hit the floor, but he was still moving. Then they shot Dante in the arm. When he went down, he took me with him.

  “Everyone was on full alert by then. Someone started screaming orders, and Emilio started yelling for Lily. Dante and I were behind a table, and I could see Roman and Emilio across from us. Then I saw Lucas crawl up to Emilio and say something and he stopped shouting. I figured Lily must have been safe.

  “I don’t remember much except there was a lot of yelling back and forth between the guys and then nothing. When I looked up, Emilio was holding Roman, and Dante was sitting up, facing me with blood everywhere. I looked around and didn’t see Emilio, but then a few minutes later, Lily came running toward us, and well, you know the rest.”

  My mother threw her arms around Violet and me and just cried as she held us. Violet sniffed, and I just sat there silently patting my mother’s back. I thought hearing the whole story would have phased me, but it didn’t.

  “I’m so glad you two are okay,” my mother wept.

  “May I be excused now?” I asked standing up. My mother’s tear filled eyes looked at me.

  “Yes, you may,” my father spoke up. He and Benito had been talking amongst themselves quietly.

  “Lily,” my mother’s voice called out to me, but I didn’t turn around. I was halfway up the stairs when I heard a set of footsteps behind me. I knew they were Violet’s without even having to turn around. She just put her arm around me and walked with me to the bedroom.

  I made a promise right then and there that I wouldn’t shut her out. She of all people didn’t deserve that.

  As soon as we got to the room, I shut the door and the blinds and we both crawled into bed. I was glad I had her with me tonight.

  “Lily?” Violet asked.


  “I’m scared.”

  “Me too,” I said as I grabbed her hand and held it tight.

  Chapter 14

  “Wake up sleepy heads,” Dante called from the doorway. I opened my eyes slightly. I felt like I had just fallen asleep.

  “Go away,” I mumbled.

  “I second that,” Violet agreed.

  “It’s one o’clock.”

  “Seriously? One in the morning? Dante, go away!” I yelled at him before the realization struck me, causing me to jolt up. Violet sprung up just as fast as I did.

  “Dante!” we both yelled as we ran toward him. We were so happy he was up and moving. We hugged him as gently as we could. When we let go, he told us we needed to stop hovering and that he was okay. He walked around the bed and stopped at the window.

  “Oh by the way ladies,” he said as a sly grin came across his face, “it’s one in the afternoon.” He pulled open the curtains. Searing sunlight beamed through the window causing Violet and me to squint.

  “Really, Dante?” I said forcefully. He was already laughing to himself. I guess I could handle being blinded over the alternative.

  “You know you love me,” he said as he passed by us.

  “If you weren’t hurt I would so punch you right now,” Violet said as our eyes were trying to focus.

  “Whatever, see you at lunch,” he called as he headed down the stairs. Food sounded amazing right now, but a shower sounded even better.

  I had already taken my shower and was rummaging through my suitcase, when Violet yelled from the bathroom that I needed to check behind the socks in her suitcase. It didn’t take me long to find a white envelope with my name scribbled across it. I didn’t recognize the handwriting. I wondered who could have given this to me. I opened it faster than I should have and got a paper cut in return.

  Hello Beautiful,

  I wanted you to know that my heart is with you. I’m so sorry for your loss. Roman was a good man. He will be missed. I’m so glad that you’re safe back in Toronto. Being away from you makes my soul hurt just thinking about it. If you need anything, don’t hesitate, I’m only a phone call away. I just wanted you to know I’m quietly and patiently awaiting your return.

  All My Love,


  “Violet,” I yelled as I busted through the bathroom door. “Where did you get this?”

  “I should have waited until I was out of the shower to tell you,” she said as she stuck her head out.

  “Where did you get this?” I asked again waving the note in her face. I didn’t even care I was interrupting her shower time.

  “It was laying in your suitcase. I saw it when I pulled your clothes out. I put it in mine so no one else would find it. I guess Lucas put it in there when he was packing our things.”

  I grinned at Violet, satisfied with her answer and left her to finish her shower. I thought about Lucas’s letter as I packed her things back into her suitcase and finished getting dressed. It made me smile, and I really needed that right now. But I knew it would be hard the moment I told him that I wouldn’t be returning to New Jersey. Maybe he could come and visit. I would really like that.

  By the time Violet and I had made our way downstairs, everyone had eaten except us. My mother told us that Dante had waited, but we had taken so long getting ready that he went ahead and ate without us. When I asked where he was, she told me he was somewhere in the house with Benito.

  My father and mother joined us at the kitchen table as we ate. None of us spoke. I don’t think any of us knew what to say. After we were done eating, Violet and I did the dishes and put everything away so we could leave and head home.

  “Well, I think Violet and I are going to get our things and head home,” I said as I took off the dish gloves.

  “You most certainly are not going home,” my father’s voice rang out.

  “Yes, I am,” I said sternly back to him.

  “No, you’re not.”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “It’s unsafe for you two to be alone.”

  I couldn’t help myself. I laughed at him.

  “Why are you laughing?” he spat at me.

  “Do you really want to talk about unsafe? Let me tell you something about unsafe. While I was in New Jersey, I was attacked once, my house was shot up by some lunatics, AND my best friend was KILLED, and you want to talk about safety? This is all your fault!” I was screaming at him in a tone I had never used before. I even scared myself.

  “Everything was fine here! Everything! I hate you for making me move! If I had stayed here, Roman would still be with us! Now I’m going home and you can’t stop me!”

  My father was shocked at my comeback.

  “Fine,” he said sounding almost sad. “But you must take your brother with you until Emilio gets here.”

  I smiled wickedly at him, because I knew he meant Benito and not Dante, but that didn’t stop me.

  “Fine,” I said heading for the stairs, dragging Violet behind me.

  “Dante!” I yelled up the stairs. No answer. “Dante!” I yelled louder.

  “I didn’t mean Dante. I meant Benito,” my father said as he came barreling out of the kitchen.

  “You said your brother. You didn’t specify which one, and I pick Dante.”

  “Dante is injured. He needs rest and will not be leaving this house.”

  “And he will get it at my house away from this crazy upside down house! Dante!”

  The look on my mother’s face was painful. I knew I had hurt her feelings, but I would feel bad about it later.

  “What!” Dante sounded more than just annoyed.

  “Come here!” I yelled again.

  “I’m coming, shit. Calm down!” he grumbled extra loud just to make sure I heard him. “What do you want Lily?” he asked as he emerged at the top of the staircase.

  “Get your things. We're going to stay at my house!”

  “No you’re not,” my father said shaking his finger at Dante.

  “What?” Confusion swept across Dante’s face.

  “I said get your stuff. Violet and I are going to the house to make sure everything is together and then I will come and get you!”

  I didn’t even wait for his reply. I stormed up the stairs to our room. My father was still yelling at me, but I tuned him out. I shooed Dante toward his room as I passed, telling him I would be there in a few minutes to help with the things he couldn’t get himself.