Read Deeper than the Night Page 34

Chapter Thirty

  It was full dark when they drove down the mountain to Eagle Flats. Kara couldn't help feeling nervous. She was about to be married. To an alien. She was carrying his child. No matter that she loved him with all her heart and soul, she knew her life would be forever changed from this night on.

  She turned to glance at him, only to find him watching her.

  "Not getting cold feet, are you?" he asked.

  "No. Are you?"

  "Not a chance. " Not a chance in a billion, he mused as he returned his attention to the road. He'd waited two centuries for this woman. "I just want you to be sure. "

  "I'm sure. "

  A single light glowed from within the church when they drove up. There were no other cars in the driveway.

  "Wait here," Alex said.

  Getting out of thecar, he walked around the building to the back door. He had calledthe minister and let him know they were coming. Opening the door, he stepped inside a small room located to the left of the pulpit.

  Moving silently, he peered into the chapel. The minister, Keith Anderson, was sitting on the front pew, Bible in hand. There was no one else in the church.

  Going out the way he came, Alex returned to the car.

  Kara opened the door. "Is everything all right?"

  "As far as I can tell, Keith's alone in there. " He smiled at Kara and offered his hand. "Ready?"

  "Ready. " Picking up the package that held her dress, Kara took Alex's hand and slid out of the car.

  Anderson stood up when they entered the church. He smiled at Kara. "You may change in there," he said, pointing to the room Alex had recently occupied.

  "Thank you. " She smiled at Alex. "I'll only be a minute. "

  Alex nodded, then glanced around the church again.

  "We're quite alone," Anderson said. He sat down, gesturing for Alex to join him.

  "I really appreciate this," Alex said, sitting down.

  "Is there anything I can do to help?" the minister asked. "Anyone I can call?"

  "No, thank you. "

  "Your fiancee looks familiar. She's not a movie star or anything, is she?"

  "No. "

  "Her name seems familiar, too. Kara Crawford. " Anderson frowned. "I know I've heard that name somewhere recently. " He grinned. "She didn't win the lottery, did she?"

  Alex laughed. "No, nothing like that. So, how did you like my last book?"

  "Excellent, as always. "

  Alex shook his head.

  "You always seem surprised that I enjoy your books. "

  "Well, it just seems odd somehow, a man of the cloth reading about vampires and werewolves. "

  "There are more things on heaven and earth'," Anderson quoted.

  Alex nodded. "Indeed, there are," he mused wryly.

  "It would be arrogant indeed for us to believe that we're the only beings in the entire galaxy. For all I know, there might be vampires on other planets. Who knows?"

  "Who, indeed," Alex agreed, and then stood, his breath catching in his throat, as Kara stepped into the chapel.

  She was beautiful, he thought, more beautiful than anything he had ever seen. She wore a simple dress made of white silk, and white heels. Her hair fell loose around her shoulders, adorned with a single white rose.

  "Kara, you're lovely," he murmured as he went to stand beside her. "So lovely. "

  "Thank you. So are you. "

  Indeed, he had never looked more handsome than he did now. The black suit fit as though it had been custom-made. The color complemented his dark hair and eyes.

  "Are you ready?" Anderson asked. "Since this is to be a rather unorthodox ceremony, I've dispensed with the need for witnesses, if that's all right with you?"

  Alex nodded.

  "Very well. " He looked at Kara. "You understand that without a license, this is simply a religious ceremony?"

  Kara nodded.

  "Alex, if you'll take Kara's right hand in yours, we'll begin. "

  Turning to face Kara, Alex took her hand in his. He could feel her trembling. He gazed into her eyes and knew, without searching her mind, what she was thinking. He could feel the love radiating from her, the trust. Joy mingled with excitement. He knew what she was feeling because he was feeling the same.

  "Marriage is a holy ordinance, instituted of God," the minister said. "It is not to be entered into lightly, or foolishly, or without sincere intent. " He looked at Alex. "From this day forward, there is to be no other woman in your life, only Kara. " His gaze shifted to Kara's face. "And for you, there is to be no other man, only Alex. "

  The minister paused, giving them time to ponder his words. And then he went on. "We are met here this day to join Kara Elizabeth Crawfordin marriage to Alexander J. Claybourne.

  "Kara, will you have this man as your lawfully wedded husband? Will you love him and honor him, sustain him in sickness and in health, and keep yourself only unto him so long as you both shall live?"

  Kara met Alexander's eyes, gave his hand a squeeze, as she said, "I will. "

  "And you, Alexander, will you have this woman as your lawfully wedded wife? Will you love her and honor her, sustain her in sickness and in health, and keep yourself only unto her so long as you both shall live?"

  Alex took a deep, calming breath, wondering if he would be able to speak. Two hundred years he had waited for this moment. "I will. "

  "Have you a ring?"

  "Yes. " Reaching into his pocket, Alex withdrew a plain gold band.

  "You may place the ring on her finger. "

  And now it was Alex who trembled as he slid the ring onto Kara's finger.

  "Repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed. "

  "With this ring, I thee wed. "

  "And with all my worldly goods, I thee endow. "

  "And with all my worldly goods, I thee endow. "

  Anderson glanced at Kara, and she shook her head. She'd had no chance to buy Alex a ring and couldn't help wondering when he'd found the opportunity to buy one for her.

  "Then, by the power vested in me, I pronounce that you are now man and wife. " The minister smiled at Alex. "You may kiss the bride. "

  Heart pounding with happiness, Alex drew Kara into his arms. "I love you," he murmured. "I shall love you as long as I live. " And then, with all the tenderness at his command, he kissed her. And kissed her. And kissed her again.

  "I wish you both all the happiness in the world," the minister said. He shook Alex's hand, then gave Kara a kiss on the cheek. "I hope whatever trouble you two are in will be swiftly settled. "

  "Thank you," Kara said, blinking back her tears.

  Alex nodded as he shook the minister's hand. "Thank you. " Reaching into his pocket, he withdrew a hundred dollar bill and pressed it into the minister's hand.

  "I can't take this," Anderson said. "It's too much. "

  "It isn't enough," Alex said as he wrapped his arm around Kara's shoulders. "Believe me, it isn't nearly enough. "

  "I shall accept it on behalf of the church," Anderson said. "And I shall remember you daily in my prayers. "

  After another farewell, Kara and Alex left the church. Kara couldn't stop smiling. She was Alexander's wife. Mrs. Claybourne. Happiness bubbled upinside her like champagne bubbles. Married to Alex.

  He helped her into the car, then drew her into his arms and kissed her again. "I can't believe it," he whispered. "You're mine now. Truly mine. "

  "I've always been yours," she replied solemnly. "Even when I didn't know you, I think I was waiting for you to find me. "

  He kissed her again, a deep kiss filled with promise, and then he switched on the engine and drove toward the bank. It was time to meet Hamblin.

  Mitch paced back and forth in front of the bank, his gaze constantly shifting up and down the street. He'd been a fool to agree to this, a fool to believe Claybourne would keep his word. The man_hell, h
e wasn't a man at all_had probably lit out for parts unknown.

  He glanced at his watch. Five to ten. How many more nights was he going to waste his time by coming here?

  A flash of headlights drew his attention. Squinting, one hand fisted around the gun inside his coat, he stepped intothe shadows as the car drew up to the curb. If he ever got his hands on the money Claybourne promised him, he was going to get out of this business. It was too hard on the nerves.

  He blew out a sigh of relief as Claybourne stepped out of the car. " 'Bout time you showed up. "

  "I said I would. " Alex reached into his shirt pocket and withdrew an envelope. "I hope a check is satisfactory. "

  "I'd prefer cash. "

  "I'm sure you would, but it's difficult for me to get to the bank during working hours. Don't worry," Alex said, offering him the envelope, "this check's as good as the last one. "

  "It better be. " Mitch took the envelope, opened it, and glanced at the check. One hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Just thinking about that much money, combined with the other hundred thousand in his savings account, made his heart race with excitement.

  "You'd better get out of town," Alex suggested.

  "I'm on my way," Mitch said with a grin. "Thanks for everything. "

  "Yes," Alex said wryly. "I hope you enjoy the Porsche. "

  "Been a pleasure knowing you, man. "

  "Profitable, anyway. "

  Mitch laughed. "You got that right. So long. "

  Alex grunted softly as he watched the kid slide into the Porsche and drive away. He'd miss the car, he mused, but what the heck, he could buy another.

  And then he thought of Kara, waiting for him around the corner, and he forgot about Mitch and Barrett, forgot everything but the fact that this was his wedding night.

  The drive up the mountain seemed to take forever. Kara felt a glow in her heart each time she looked at Alexander. Her husband. For better or worse . . . She felt a twinge of unease as she wondered if things would ever be better, if they would ever be free of Barrett, able to get on with their lives without always looking over their shoulders.

  "Not having regrets already, are you?" Alex asked.

  "Of course not. " She scooted closer, pressing herself against him.

  "Worrying about Barrett?"

  She nodded. "I can't help it. Do youthink he'll ever give up?"

  "I don't know. I hope so. " Bending toward her, his gaze on the road, he kissed her cheek. "I love you, natayah. "

  His words, the husky tremor in his voice, chased all thoughts of Dale Barrett from her mind. Placing her hand on Alex's knee, she ran her fingertips up and down his hard-muscled thigh. "Can't you drive a little faster?"

  "Keep that up, and I'll probably run us off the road. "

  "Really?" She let her hand caress his inner thigh, smiled when his foot pressed down on the accelerator.

  "Vixen," he growled. Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he drew her even closer, until there was no space between them at all.

  They reached the cavern a short time later. Switching off the engine, Alex alighted from the car and walked around to open the door for Kara. Taking her hand, he helped her out, then swung her into his arms and carried her to the entrance of the cave.

  "We're home, Mrs. Claybourne. "

  "Mrs. Claybourne," she repeated. "It sounds wonderful. "

  He touched the rock face and the portal opened. With ease, he carried her inside, then paused in the corridor, gazing down into her eyes. "Did I tell you how beautiful you are?"

  "Yes, but tell me again. "

  "You are beautiful, Kara Claybourne. The most beautiful woman I've ever seen. "

  "Thank you, Alex Claybourne. "

  He smiled at her as he carried her into the kitchen, where he plucked a bottle of champagne from the shelf.

  "Did I tell you how much I love you?"

  Kara shook her head.

  "I love you," he said as he carried her down the corridor toward the bedroom. "I shall tell you that each day of our life together. "

  "And I shall say it back. "

  In the bedroom, he placed the champagne on the table, then lowered Kara slowly to the floor, delighting in the warmth of her body sliding against his own.

  "I'll try to make you happy, Kara. "

  "You already make me happy. " Gazing up at him, a smile curving her lips, she slid his jacket off his shoulders and tossed it on a chair, "So happy. " She began to unbutton his shirt, pleased that he wore nothing underneath as her fingers encountered warm male flesh. He trembled at her touch, and her smile grew wider. It gave her a feeling of power, of pleasure, to know that her touch excited him.

  Tugging his shirttail from his trousers, she slipped the shirt from his shoulders and tossed it after his suit coat, then scattered kisses over his chest, laughing softly as he sucked in a deep breath.

  "You're not playing fair," he said, and she felt his hands at her back, unzipping her dress, sliding it down her arms until it pooled at her feet. He removed her camisole, then cupped her breasts in his hands. "Beautiful," he murmured. "So beautiful. "

  And suddenly it was a contest to see who could finish undressing who first. It ended a tie, with both of them laughing breathlessly.

  And then their eyes met and the laughter died in their throats.

  "Kara. " Whispering her name, he swept her into his arms and carried her to the bed, his lips dropping kisses on her eyelids, the tip of her nose, her cheeks, her brow.

  Sweeping the covers aside with one hand, he placed her on the bed and sank down beside her, hardly able to believe that she was his now, truly his. Forever his.

  "I love you, Mr. Claybourne. "

  "And I you. "

  "We'll live happily ever after, won't we? Just like in the fairy tales?"

  He grinned. "Like Beauty and the Beast?"

  "No. Like Snow White and the Prince. "

  Alex nodded. "A good comparison, for you are truly the fairest of them all. " She cupped his face in her hands and kissed him.

  "You are. "

  "No," he argued softly, his hands lightly caressing her, "you are. "

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and drew him down until his body covered hers. "Kiss me, my prince. Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me!"

  "Your wish is my command, princess," he replied, and slanting his mouth over hers, he kissed her with all the love and passion in his soul, kissed her until her toes curled and her heart sang a new song. Kissed her so she would never doubt his love, or his devotion.

  He worshipped her silently with his hands and his lips, stoking the fires of desire, until she drew him inside her, surrounding him with velvet heat. And two became one, and that one soared upward, reaching for the heavens.

  Kara sobbed his name as heat flowed through her, bathing her in a warm glow, like sunshine on a summer day.

  And for the first time in more thantwo hundred years, Alexander Claybourne welcomed the sun, felt its heat explode within him as he cried Kara's name, his body convulsing with pleasure.

  Locked in each other's arms, they fell asleep. Hearts and minds melded, they slept peacefully sharing each other's dreams.