Read Deeper than the Night Page 35

Chapter Thirty-one

  They heard the news on the radio the following night. A young man, identified as Mitch Hamblin, had been found dead in an alley behind the Eagle Flats Bank. The apparent motive was listed as robbery.

  Kara stared at Alex, her heart pounding. "You don't think . . . ?"

  Alex nodded. "Barrett. "


  "He must have followed Hamblin. "

  Kara sat back in her chair. It was never going to end, she thought bleakly.

  Alex crossed the room and placed his hand on her shoulder. "It will end, Kara. Soon. "

  "What do you mean?"

  "I'm going after him. Tonight. "


  "We can't go on like this. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of hiding, tired of being hunted. One way or another, it ends tonight. "

  "How are you going to find him?"

  "He must have followed Mitch hoping the kid would lead him to me. I'm guessing Barrett's still in town. And if he is, I'll find him. "

  "And then what?"

  His silence was all the answer she needed.

  "Alex, you don't have to do this. We can leave the state, change our names, relocate somewhere else. "

  He shook his head, and even though he didn't say anything, she knew what was in his mind. There was a child to think of now, and he wanted the trouble with Barrett over before their child was born. She knew why, knew he was afraid that Barrett would find them, that he might find a way to get hold of their child . . .

  She refused to think of what that might mean. She knew what Barrett was capable of, knew the greed that drove him, the lust for fame and glory.

  "I'll be back as soon as I can. "

  "I'm going with you. "

  "No. "

  "Yes. "

  "Dammit, Kara, you're pregnant!"


  He stared at her in exasperation. "I don't want to put your life, or . . . or my child's life, in danger. "

  "I'll feel safer with you than staying here alone. "

  Alex shook his head. "There's no way Barrett can get in here once the door is sealed. "

  "You can take me with you, or I'll walk down the damn mountain, but I'm not staying here alone. "

  "Stubborn," Alex muttered. "More stubborn than an ErAdonian mud-dog. "

  "I heard that," Kara said, "and I don't think it was a compliment. "

  Alex glared at her, and then he laughed. "And prettier than a Glantan wildflower, even when she's angry. " Taking her by the hand, he drew her to him, enfolding her in his arms. "All right," he agreed, hating to lie to her, yet knowing it was for her own good, "you can go. "

  Kara smiled smugly. "I knew you'd see things my way. "

  "I don't think I've had my own way since I met you. "

  "Are you complaining, Mr. Claybourne?"

  "No, ma'am. Just stating a fact. "

  "You can have your way next week. "


  "Unless I change my mind. It's a woman's prerogative, you know. "

  He hugged her close, his lips moving in her hair as he drew in her scent. Sweet, so sweet, this beautiful, stubborn woman who was now his wife.

  So sweet, he would not, could not, put her life in jeopardy.

  Swinging her into his arms, he carried her into the bedroom.

  "What are you doing?" Kara exclaimed.

  "I'm going to make love to you. "

  "Now? I thought we were going after Barrett. "

  "All in good time. "

  She started to question him further, but his lips swooped down on hers, warm and hungry, driving all thought of Barrett from her mind.

  He made love to her with a fierce intensity, every touch branding her as his, every kiss filled with hope, every caress an unspoken promise for the future. His hands played over her gently, tenderly, as if she were a precious instrument, and he was the only one who could hear the music in her soul.

  He called her name as his warmth spilled into her and then, holding her tightly in his arms, he whispered that he loved her, would always love her.

  The sound of his voice was the last thing she heard before sleep claimed her.

  Alex waited until Kara was sleeping soundly before he left the cavern. He kissed her gently, knowing there was a chance he might never see her again, knowing she would never be safe while Barrett lived.

  It was after nine o'clock when he reached Eagle Flats. He drove around the bank to the alley and parked the car. He left the engine running, switched off the headlights, then stepped out of the car.

  Standing in the shadows, he glanced up and down the alley. The scent of blood, too faint to be detected by mortals, stung his nostrils. Hamblin's blood. Regret and remorse rose within him. But for him, the young man would still be alive, he thought, and then shook his head. Barrett was to blame.

  There was only one motel in Eagle Flats, and that was his next stop. He drove slowly through the parking lot, his nostrils flaring as he searched for Barrett's scent, his lips curling back in a feral grin as he foundwhat he was looking for.

  He pulled up in front of the motel room and honked the horn. Once. Twice. After the third blast of the horn, the door opened and Jarvis poked his head out.

  Alex heard the man swear under his breath, then Jarvis slammed the door and Alex heard him yelling for Barrett.

  Less than a minute later, Jarvis and Barrett burst out of the room. With a grin, Alex drove out of the parking lot.

  Kara woke with a start. "Alex?" Sitting up, she placed her hand on his side of the mattress. The sheets were still warm. "Alex?"

  Jumping out of bed, she ran toward the door. It was then she saw the note tacked to the door.

  "Kara, I've gone after Barrett. If I'm not back by tomorrow afternoon, the main door will open. You'll find my instructions and your cellular phone under that big rock outside the door. I love you. Alex. "

  She read the note a second time, and then crumpled it in her hand. She should have known he'd do something like this! Going into the living room, she looked at the clock. Ten P. M.

  "I'll never forgive you for this, Alexander Claybourne," she muttered. "Never. "

  But even as she said the words, she knew them for a lie.

  "Please, just come back to me," she whispered. "That's all I ask. "

  He drove fast enough to stay ahead of Barrett, but not fast enough to lose him. And all the while, he thought of Kara, and all she'd been through.

  Thought of the baby she carried. Thought of Mitch Hamblin. Thought about the torture he had personally endured at Barrett's hands. The man deserved to die.

  The mountain loomed ahead, dark and mysterious in the waning light of the moon.

  Alex turned up the narrow road, slowing to make sure Barrett was still behind him.

  When he reached the cavern, he parked the car out of sight, then took cover in the shadows.

  Moments later, Barrett's car reached the top.

  From his vantage point, Alex watched the two men exit the car. Both men were armed.

  "Where'd he go?" Jarvis asked.

  The doctor shrugged. "I don't know, but this is the end of the road. He's got to be here somewhere. You go that way, and I'll check over here. "

  Jarvis grunted, then started walking slowly along the ledge toward Alex's hiding place.

  Alex waited until the man walked past, then he stepped out of the shadows and struck the man over the head with a tree branch. Jarvis grunted softly as he toppled forward.

  Alex caught him before he hit the ground and dragged him into the brush that grew alongside the ledge, then went back to the road and picked up the man's gun. It was a snub-nosed . 38.

  Moving cautiously, Alex made his way toward the far end of the ledge. And Barrett.

  As he drew nearer the cavern, he could hear Barrett's footsteps, and then he saw the doctor standing at the e
nd of the ledge near the entrance to the cavern.

  "Looking forme, doc?" Alex drawled.

  Barrett whirled around, his gun seeking a target, but there was nothing to see except the darkness.

  "Drop your weapon," Alex said.

  "No way. Where's Jarvis?"

  "Taking a nap. Drop your gun, Barrett. It's over. "

  "I don't think so. " Barrett glanced around. "So, this is where you live. "

  "And this is where you die, unless you drop your gun. "

  "You must think I'm a fool. "

  "That's the best thing I ever thought of you. Why'd you kill Hamblin?"

  "I didn't kill anybody. "

  "Maybe you didn't pull the trigger, but you killed him just the same. "

  "You can't prove a thing," Barrett said, his voice thick with contempt. "Even if you went to the police, who'd believe you?"

  "I'm not going to the police. We're going to settle this here and now. "

  A gunshot ripped through the night. Alex ducked as he felt the heat of the bullet near his head, swore under his breath as Barrett fired off another round, and then another.

  Alex!He heard Kara's voice inside his mind, knew she was standing at the portal, beating her fists against the door.

  I'm all right, natayah.

  Let me out of here!

  Soon . . .

  Moving silently through the underbrush, he changed position. "Barrett," he called, "drop the gun. "

  Muttering an oath, the doctor whirled around and fired in the direction of Alex's voice. "Damn you," he cried, "show yourself!"

  "I'm here," Alex called, then flung himself to the ground as two gunshots rent the stillness of the night.

  "We're doing this all wrong," Barrett said placatingly. "I'm not your enemy. We should be working together. " He peered into the darkness. "We could do wonderful things for humanity. Think of the lives we could save. "

  "The money you could make. "

  "I'll split it with you. Fifty-fifty. "

  "That's mighty damn generous of you, doc. "

  "All right. Sixty-forty. "

  "No deal. "

  A wordless cry of frustration rumbled in Barrett's throat as he fired into the shadows.

  "That's six," Alex remarked, stepping onto the ledge.

  Barrett froze, and then cursed softly. "So, what now? You gonna kill me?"

  "Right the first time. "

  Barrett took a step backward, the blood draining from his face. "You wouldn't. You can't. "

  "Who's going to stop me?"

  Barrett stared at him for stretched seconds; then, with a wordless sob, he whirled around and plunged into the darkness.

  The scent of fear stained the clear night air. Between one breath and the next, Alex felt the thin veneer of civilization slip away, felt the ancient urge to hunt sweepover him, and with it the almost overwhelming desire to kill, to feast on the blood of the man who had caused Kara pain. Neither of them would know a moment's peace until Dale Barrett was no longer a threat.

  Tossing the gun aside, Alex ran after the doctor.

  He could hear Barrett moving through the underbrush, hear the harsh rasp of his breathing, feel the vibration of his footsteps as he ran through the darkness.

  The scent of Barrett's fear grew stronger as Alex closed the distance between them. Age-old legends of his warrior ancestors raced through his mind, tales of ArkLa the Terrible, who had gorged himself on the blood of his enemies.

  He felt a thrill of exhilaration as he realized that Barrett was running in circles. Soon he would be back at the entrance to the cavern with nowhere else to run, nowhere to hide.

  And then Barrett was in front of him, his back pressed against the wall of the cavern, his eyes wide with fear as he realized he was well and truly caught.

  Slowly, inexorably, Alex closed the distance between them. Barrett let out a high-pitched squeak of fear as Alex's hand closed around his throat, slowly, slowly, choking the life from his body.

  Alex stared down at the man squirming in his grasp, felt the lust for blood rise up within him swift and hot and sure.

  And then he heard Kara's voice penetrate the red haze that engulfed him.


  He took a deep breath. Everything's all right, Kara. Don't worry.

  Where's Barrett?

  Alex's hand closed a little tighter around Barrett's throat. Right here.

  You haven't . . .

  Not yet.

  Alex, don't. Please don't.

  He stared down into Barrett's face. The doctor's eyes were white with terror, his face red with the effort to draw a breath.

  Alex? It isn't worth it. Please . . .

  The sound of her voice, sweet and pure, stilled the rage within him. He took a deep breath and relaxed his grip on Barrett's throat. Kara, bring me something to tie him up with.


  Just do it.

  I can't. The door's locked.

  It's open now.

  "You're a lucky man, Barrett. "

  "What . . . what are you gonna do to me?" Barrett asked tremulously.

  "You'll never know. "

  Barrett swallowed hard. "What's that supposed to mean?"

  Alex grinned as he stepped forward and struck Barrett across the temple with the butt of the gun. "Enough questions, doc. "

  Moments later, Kara ran outside. She gasped when she saw Barrett sprawled across the ledge. "What have you done?"

  "Nothing. He's unconscious, that's all. Tie his hands behind his back while I go get the other one. "

  "Alex . . . "

  "No time for questions now, natayah. "

  She frowned at him; then, with a sigh, she knelt beside Barrett. Removing the sash from her robe, she tied his hands together.

  Kara glanced at the passing countryside. "Where are we going?" She glanced into the back seat. Alex had found Barrett's black bag in the trunk and had given the doctor and Jarvis injections to keep them unconscious. Now they were sleeping peacefully in the back seat. "And why are we taking Barrett's car?"

  Alex ran his hand over the steering wheel. "It's a nice car, don't you think?"

  Kara nodded. Barrett drove a late model Lincoln with leather upholstery and every extra one could imagine. "You haven't answered my question. "

  "His car has a bigger trunk than your Camry. "


  "It'll be light before we get to Silverdale . . . "


  Alex nodded. "When the sun comes up, I'm going to climb in the trunk. " He shrugged, then grinned. "No sense being cramped in the back of your Camry. Besides, we can't leave his car up on the mountain. "

  "Why are we going back to Silverdale, of all places?"

  "You'll see. "


  "If I tell you, it will spoil the surprise. Do you think you can find your way to the lab from here?"

  "I found it before, didn't I?"

  "It's going to be light soon. " He pulled off the road and switched off the engine. "I'm gonna get in the trunk now. We should reach Silverdale about midnight. "

  "I'm not going another mile until you tell me what's going on. "

  "Trust me, Kara. You'll love it. "

  "Stubborn man! Are you sure they won't regain consciousness before we get to Silverdale?"

  "I'm sure. " He kissed her then, one long sweet kiss, then got out of the car and opened the trunk.

  Kara followed him. "Are you sure you'll be all right in there?"

  "I'm sure. " He kissed her again, quickly, then climbed inside the trunk. "Close the lid for me, will you?"

  "All right," she grumbled. "But I can't promise I'll let you out again. "

  "You will," he said with smug male arrogance.

  "Maybe, maybe not. " With a shake of her head, Kara closed the lid. Maybe she should write a
book, she mused as she slid behind the wheel and started the ignition. Only who would believe it?

  At dusk, she pulled over and opened the trunk. Alex grinned up at her, then climbed out of the trunk. "Everything all right?"

  "Yes, they're still out. " She watched him stretch his arms and legs. "Are you okay?"

  "Never better. "

  They reached the lab an hour after midnight. Kara shivered as she looked at the building. She had hoped never to see this place again.

  She waited beside the car while Alex carried Barrett into the building, then came back for Jarvis.

  "Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Kara asked as she followed Alex into the lab and shut the door.

  "Yes, ma'am. "

  She followed him down the dimly lit corridor, watched as he placed Jarvis on a metal table. Barrett, still unconscious, was strapped to a second table. An image of herself and Alex strapped to those very same tables flashed through her mind.

  "Now what?" she asked.

  "A little ErAdonian magic," Alex replied.

  And then, while she watched, he filled two syringes with his blood.

  Slowly, incredulously, she realized what he was going to do. "Why?" she asked, watching as he prepared to give Barrett a transfusion. "Why are you giving him your blood?"

  "It's part of the magic," Alex said, grinning. "Wait and see. "

  He refused to say more. Taking her by the hand, he led her into the corridor, backed her up against a wall, and kissed her.

  "I love you," he said, nuzzling her neck. "Did you know that?"

  She nodded, her mind going in circles trying to figure out what he was going to do while her body responded to his touch.

  Just when she was about to pull him down on the floor, she heard a low groan.

  "He's awake," Alex said, taking her by the hand. "Come on. "

  Barrett and Jarvis were both awake and tugging against the straps that held them.

  "Turn me loose!" Barrett demanded.

  "All in good time," Alex said.

  "What are you going to do?" Jarvis asked, his voice ragged with fear.

  "I'm going to conduct a little experiment of my own," Alex said. "Now,who wants to go first?"