Read Defending the Island: A story of Bar Harbor in 1758 Page 2



  Not until the shadows of night were beginning to lengthen was Susanrelieved from guard duty, and then the gate had been closed andbarred by Mark, who said to his cousin:

  "There is little chance an attack will be made until after night hascome, when they count on finding us asleep, mayhap, although itwould be queer people who could close their eyes in rest while acrowd of men was waiting for a good opportunity to kill them."

  "Why am I to go off duty?" Susan asked. "Surely it can do us no harmto stand guard, and even though the savages do not make any move, weshould act as if believing they might do so at any moment."

  "You are right, Sue, and I warrant you won't have many idle minutes.Your mother and mine want all the children together while they prayfor the good God to help us, and surely He is the only one to whomwe can appeal now."

  The girl made no further parley, but marched directly toward thePemberton house, stopping very suddenly, however, as a low sound,not unlike the call of a human being, was heard from the woods inthe rear of the dwellings.

  "There are the cows, Mark, and surely they must be brought insidethe enclosure if for no other reason than that we may need the milkbefore those murderers--"

  Susan did not finish the sentence, for the thought had come that itwas not unlikely those who were skulking on the harbor island mightsucceed in their purpose, as they had done so many times before whensetting forth to capture and to murder.

  "I'll go after the beasts, and you shall stand here to keep watchover the harbor, for I am not minded to take the chances of beingsurprised, ever though we have good reason to believe no mischiefwill be attempted until late in the night."

  To this Susan would not agree. She insisted that, having beencharged with the care of the cows during so many years, they wouldfollow her more readily than any other, and it might be possiblesomething would happen to frighten them.

  Mark, who feared there were Indians hidden in the thicket, wouldhave prevented her from venturing out of the stockade; but she putan end to the controversy by slipping through the gate immediatelyhe had opened it, and the lad could do no less than remain on guardwhile she was absent.

  The animals followed the girl contentedly when she appeared beforethem, even though they were not accustomed to being brought withinthe enclosure during the warm season, and as they filed through thegate Mark felt decidedly more comfortable in mind, for now, in casethey were able to hold the Indians in check, there was nopossibility of a lack of food if the siege should be prolonged.

  With the cows in the shed that served as stable during the wintermonths, where was a plentiful supply of hay which had been madeduring the summer, the children went into the house, which seemedstrangely changed by the addition of Mistress Harding's belongingsand preparations already made for defence.

  Nearly all the rude furniture was piled against the two windows andone of the doors, and the beds had been spread on the floor wherethey would best be screened from any stray bullets. A supply of fuelwas stacked up near the fireplace, to the end that it might bepossible to prepare food without necessity of going out of doors,and, as Mark had suggested, every available vessel was filled withwater.

  When the three children, who had been doing such valiant work instrengthening the defences, entered the building, they found thewomen and smaller children gathered close beside each other as ifsuch near companionship lessened the danger, and Mark said, gently:

  "It is not well that we stay indoors many minutes, mother dear, formuch remains to be done before night has fully come."

  Then it was, and without delay, that Mistress Pemberton knelt amidthe frightened brood, pouring forth her supplications for strengthand guidance in this their time of peril, and the children listenedto the petition as they had never done before. It was as if theprayer had a different meaning than ever before, for unless itshould be answered then was the time of suffering or of death comevery near.

  Even the youngest children understood that this was the only appealfor help which could be made, and never a question was asked or aword spoken when Mark, Luke, and Susan, rising to their feetimmediately the petition had been brought to a close wentout-of-doors muskets in hand.

  When they were in the open air once more Mark proposed that theymake such platforms behind the palisade as was practical with thelimited amount of material at hand, in order that, in event of anattack, it would be possible to use their weapons with good effectto prevent the enemy from scaling the barricade.

  Two up-ended casks formed as many stations, while at other pointsthe wash-benches, tubs, horses for wood-sawing, and householdutensils were piled up or pushed unto position at such height aswould afford a view of the harbor island and the intervening space.

  When this work had been completed the children had eight improvisedplatforms whereon they could stand while defending the stockade, andthe night was fully come.

  The children had improvised platforms.]

  As Susan had said, the moon was in the third quarter, therefore itwould be impossible for the Indians to paddle across the waters ofthe harbor without exposing themselves to the view of the islanddefenders.

  It was a portion of Mark's plan that a guard should be stationed onthe shore, in full sight of those who might approach, and, in eventof an advance, the battle would be begun while the enemy was in thecanoes.

  This much he explained to his companions, as they stood by the gateready to face the more immediate danger to the end that their lovedones might the better be protected, and he added, in conclusion:

  "After all we've seen it would be foolish to pretend we do not knowwhy the Abenakis have come, therefore when they put out from theisland, I shall hail them once, warning all hands to stay where theyare until the sun has risen, after which we will open fire, tryingto do the greatest possible amount of execution in order to showwhat may be expected. I've got four of five charges of ammunition,and if the rest of you have as much we shall be able to make quite ashowing."

  At that moment the noise of someone moving across the enclosurestartled the children; but an instant later they saw that MistressHarding was going toward the shed to milk the cows.

  "Now come on," Mark said, opening the gate after learning the causeof his momentary alarm, and the children went boldly forth to dobattle--two boys and a girl who counted on defending the islandagainst fifteen or twenty savages.

  It was not to e supposed that the Indians, seeing the sentinels,would come directly across from the island; but might be expected todart swiftly toward one or the other headlands, and therefore it wasthat Mark divided his small force, sending Luke to patrol thenorthern point, while he paced to and fro on the southern side ofthe harbor where it was more reasonable to suppose a landing wouldbe attempted. Susan was to walk back and forth on the shore betweenthe two lads.

  Once this division of forces had been made, the children began theirvigil, on the alert for any suspicious noises either behind or infront of them, for there was yet a possibility that a force ofIndians was already secreted near the stockade.

  No sooner had he begun to pace his beat than Mark realized to whatdanger the occupants of the dwelling were exposed in case thesavages had already landed on Mount Desert, for the gate of thepalisade was unlocked and unguarded, and then Susan was sent back towarn her mother and aunt that the entrance must be secured.

  When she returned to the shore it was with the report that the gatewas barred on the inside, and Mary Pemberton standing close besideit in case the sentinels outside should be forced to beat a hastyretreat.

  Now indeed had the lad done all within his power to protect thosewhom he considered were entrusted to his charge, and it onlyremained to keep careful watch for the first show of mischief.

  And this came in a manner wholly unexpected, although it seemed tothe young leader as if he had taken into consideration every methodwhich might be adopted by the savages.

  During three hours or more the children had p
aced to and fro on theshore, each making certain meanwhile that the other two were on thealert, and then Mark saw a canoe put off from the harbor island,heading toward Pulpit Rock, as if to gain the shelter of thatheadland before coming to land.

  Uttering a low cry to attract the attention of his companions, hewould have hurried on to the point in order to fire at least oneshot before the Indians could disembark; but at that moment anexclamation from Luke caused him to gaze across the harbor, when hesaw a second canoe setting out toward the northward.

  A moment later a third craft was paddled straight across the water,in the direction of Susan's post of duty.

  It seemed certain that the Abenakis understood how small and weakwas the force opposed to them, and therefore, counted on bringingtheir bloody work to a speedy conclusion regardless of theirordinary methods of warfare.

  Mark saw a canoe put off from the harbor island.]

  A landing would be made at three different places simultaneously,and the young defenders must perforce give all their attention toone party, leaving the others to do as they pleased, or, byattempting to guard every point, place themselves in the greatestpossible danger.

  "Make ready to run for the house when I give the word," Mark criedto his companions. "Come this way, Sue, and Luke, do the best youcan at peppering the canoe in front of us!"

  Susan speedily joined her cousin on the southerly side of theharbor, while Luke stood his ground, but with the disagreeableknowledge that in a few moments the savages would probably becreeping up behind him.

  Now Mark understood that he could not afford to spend many momentson this portion of the defence. It was necessary the three should beinside the stockade before those who were landing at either point ofthe harbor could come up within range, and he said to Susan:

  "We must get in our work quickly, for I reckon these villains infront of us will take good care to move so slowly as to keep at asafe distance until the others are ready for work."

  For reply the girl raised her musket on the crutch-like rest whichwas used in those days, took careful aim, and pulled the trigger.

  It was possible to see the bullet as it struck the moonlit water,hardly more than three paces in advance of the canoe, with itsfreight of painted terrors, and instantly the Indians ceasedpaddling, thus proving that they had no intention of coming withinrange until their comrades from the other craft were in position toprosecute their murderous work.

  "There is little sense in our staying here," Mark said, bitterly."Those scoundrels don't intend to give us any show at them, and weare foolish if we remain. Yonder canoe put off boldly only to keepus occupied until the others could make a landing."

  "Are we to go back?" Susan asked, striving to prevent a tremor offear from being perceptible in her voice.

  "Ay, it is high time. You start on ahead, and I'll call Luke."

  "I shall walk by your side," the girl said, stoutly. "We will sharethe danger equally, as you promised."

  "You are a good girl, Sue; just the kind that will do a full half ofthe work of defending the island," and Mark kissed her on the cheekmore tenderly than he had ever done before, as one would who waswhispering a final good-bye.

  "Close in, Luke; we must get back to the house; there's no show ofour being able to do anything here," Mark cried to his brother, ashe set the example by leading Susan in the direction of the stockade.

  The canoe came forward more swiftly as the little party of childrenretreated; but it could be seen that its occupants did not count onapproaching within range, and Mark hastened his brother's movementsby shouting:

  "Run for it, lad! We must be in position behind the fence when thebrutes first come within view!"

  Then the three went toward the place of refuge at full speed, andbehind the gate, having been warned by the report of her cousin'smusket, Mary Pemberton stood ready to let down the heavy bar whenthe little party was near at hand.

  The retreat had been begun none too soon, as was seen when thechildren came within the enclosure, for while Mark was replacing thebar which locked the gate, his mother, standing on one of theimprovised platforms, discharged a musket.

  "What have you seen?" the lad cried, as, the gate having beenfastened, he ran toward that portion of the stockade where was hismother.

  "An Indian came out just beyond the dead tree, over there."

  "Did you hit him?"

  "I'm afraid not, Mark; I never could send a bullet straight, and amnow blaming myself for not having practiced more often after yourfather insisted that the time might come when I would need to handlea musket deftly."

  By this time Mark stood by his mother's side, peering cautiously outover the top of the palisade, which was not a simple matter, sincehe took the risk of presenting the enemy with a target.

  He could see nothing suspicious, and was yet peering eagerly around,when the report of a musket rang out on the other side of thestockade.

  It was Susan who fired the shot. At the same moment Mark clamberedup beside his mother, the girl had taken her station on one of thecasks at a point overlooking the thicket, and the result showed thatshe had arrived there none too soon.

  "Did you see an Indian?" Luke asked, as he mounted one of thewash-benches near the gate.

  "Ay, and hit him, too!" Susan replied, grimly, as she turned torecharge her weapon; but Mistress Harding took the empty musketfrom her hands, as she said:

  "Your aunt and I cannot shoot as well as you children; but we may,at least, be of service in loading the guns."

  From this moment there was little delay in making the assault.Contrary to their custom, the Abenakis pressed forward immediatelyafter the first shot was fired, doubtless hoping to gain anadvantage while the defenders were reloading the weapons, and eachof the three children fired two shots as rapidly as the musketscould be handed to them.

  Three times had a piercing scream followed the report of the weapon,thus telling that an equal number of bullets had hit the targets,and then the savages became more cautious.

  Until this moment the Indians had not fired a shot; but now thebullets began to whistle over the heads of those who were exposed toview, as the Abenakis, themselves screened by the bushes, began thereal attack.

  "Be careful of yourselves!" Mark cried, forgetting to set hiscompanions an example. "Keep down behind the posts as much aspossible; we can count on their staying under cover while doing somuch shooting!" Then, turning to his mother, he added, "There is noreason why all the children should be out-of-doors, where a straybullet may find them. Why not order them into the house?"

  This Mistress Pemberton did, and when the younger members of thecompany were in comparative safety, Mark looked anxiously around athis army of two.

  Luke was crouching behind the palisade, where a wide crevice betweentwo of the posts afforded him a view of the outside without hisbeing obliged to expose himself, and Susan was leaning against thetimbers, only partially sheltered, as she appeared to be tyingsomething around her arm.

  "What are you doing, Sue?" Mark cried, in alarm.

  "Standing guard here; but just now I can't see anything that lookslike an Indian."

  "What is the matter with your arm?"

  "It's only a scratch," the girl replied, in a matter-of-fact tone."It bleeds a little, and I've wrapped a piece of my gown around it."

  "You're wounded!" Mark cried, and he made as if to jump down fromthe platform, when Susan said, sharply:

  "Stay where you are! Even though I was hurt badly, which I'm not,you have no right to leave the fence unguarded."

  Mark stepped back with a certain sense of shame that it had beennecessary for Susan to remind him of his duty, and then MistressHarding went to her daughter's side.

  "It is a slight wound on the left arm," the good woman said, afterinsisting on an examination of the injury. "I will take her to thehouse while I tie it up properly, and Ellen may stand here in herplace."

  "But Ellen can't use a musket as well as I, and we're needed here,"Susan cried, more concer
ned lest she be forced to leave her stationat the palisade than on account of the wound.

  Mistress Harding might have insisted on her daughter's going intothe building if at that moment the assault had not been renewed, andduring the next ten minutes the defenders were actively employed.

  The Indians, profiting by the teachings and example of theFrenchmen, whose allies they were, had divided the force, a portionremaining hidden in the thicket to fire at the children, while theremainder made a rush for the gate, as if believing it might beforced open.

  Now it was that the defenders were obliged to move quickly, and itwas impossible for them to remain under cover all the while.

  "Pour all the fire into those fellows who are coming up with thelog!" Mark cried, as half a dozen Abenakis, carrying a heavytree-trunk, to be used as a battering-ram, made ready to advance atfull speed.

  This command was obeyed with such good effect that three of thesavages fell, and their fellows, dropping the timber, ran to coverwith the greatest possible haste.

  At the same moment the children fired, the Indians in hidingdischarged their weapons, detonations being echoed and reechoedfrom mountain to mountain, until it sounded as if a severeengagement was in progress.

  "Any one hurt?" Mark cried, and Susan and Luke replied cheerily inthe negative.

  One of the three Indians wounded while advancing with the tree-trunksucceeded in crawling off to the shelter of the underbrush; but theother two remained where they had fallen.

  When, two or three minutes later, an Abenakis darted out from hisplace of concealment, Mark raised his weapon quickly; but Susancried, warningly:

  "Don't fire! It can do us no harm if they take away the wounded, andit's possible they'll go back to the harbor island, if the injuredcan be carried off!"

  "I'm beginning to think it is you who should be in command here,"Mark said, half to himself, as he lowered his weapon. "You've gotmore sound sense than Luke and I together." Then, raising his voice,he cried, loudly, "Listen, ye Abenakis, whom our fathers have fedwhen you were hungry, and sheltered when you were cold, but whowould murder us now! Take away your wounded, if you are minded to goback to the harbor island, and no one shall harm you while so doing.The white men of Mount Desert have never broken faith with you, norwill we, their children."

  Then was done that which proves how much stranger than fiction istruth. The Abenakis, although they had come there to kill or makeprisoners the wives and children of those men who had ever beentheir friends, did not question the faith of the lad when heannounced that they might bear off the wounded in safety, but boldlyadvanced within short range to the aid of their fellows.

  "Why do you seek to kill us, who have never done you harm?" Markcried, when four of the band stood in full view while lifting thewounded from the ground. "Do Indians kill their friends? Do theyspeak soft words only while the men of the family are at home, beingtoo cowardly to make an attack until the fathers have gone away?"

  There was no reply to this speech until the Indians were hidden oncemore by the bushes, and then a voice cried:

  "Give us the cow and two boys. Then we will go away, telling theFrenchmen that all have been killed."

  "You shall not have the smallest chicken inside this stockade!" Markcried, angrily. "And I promise that there shall be few left toreport to the cowardly Frenchmen, if you remain here very long. Youshall be shot down like dogs, and from this out our squaws will notinterfere to let you carry off those who have been crippled!"

  While speaking, Mark had unconsciously raised himself to his fullheight, instead of being partially sheltered by remaining in acrouching position, as during the short fight, and the reply to hiswords came in the form of bullets, one of which grazed his cheek,raising a red ridge, as if he had been scored by a whip-lash.

  Susan and Luke both fired in the direction from which had been seenthe flash of the muskets, but no one could say if the missiles thussent at random took effect.

  Five minutes later, while the watchers still gazed through thecrevices of the palisade, believing the enemy to be near at hand, acanoe was seen putting off from the shore, directly in front of thedwellings, and, after such delay as was necessary, in order toenable them to reach the other craft, all three divisions of theattacking force were headed for the harbor island.

  "You shall not have the smallest chicken inside thisstockade!"]

  The first assault had been made, and successfully resisted. It nowremained to be seen whether the Abenakis were willing to accept thisas defeat, of if new tactics were to be tried.

  "They've gone!" Susan cried, joyfully. "We've beaten them!"

  "Yes child," her mother said, despondently, "and if they had notbeen sent by Frenchmen, we might believe the worst was over."

  "Do you think they'll come back, Mark?" the girl cried, as sheleaped down from her post of duty.

  "Ay, that I do, Susan, and for the very reason aunt has given. If wecould only know what the next move would be! I have heard father saythat once upon a time the English drove away from Mount DesertFrench settlers, and now those who are stirring the Indians up tothis kind of business are trying to make things even. We can counton having peace during the rest of the night, I believe, and thesooner you go into the house, were that wound of yours can be lookedafter, the better I shall be pleased."

  Indeed, there was no good reason why all the defenders, save one tostand guard behind the palisade, should not get such repose as mightbe had under the circumstances.

  A sentinel, on one of the hastily constructed platforms, could keepthe harbor island well in view, therefore the savages would not beable to leave it secretly, and Mark proposed that he remain on dutyfor a certain time, while the others slept.

  "You shall have my place in a couple of hours, Luke." the lad saidto his brother.

  "And when do I take my turn?" Susan asked, showing that she wasdetermined to do a full share in the defence, regardless of herwound.

  "You may stand guard when it is time for Luke to lie down," Markreplied, intending that she should not be awakened if he couldprevent it.