Read Defending the Island: A story of Bar Harbor in 1758 Page 3



  While Mark stood on guard, able to see the entire broad expanse ofwater, thanks to the light of the moon, he knew that so long as acareful watch was kept the Abenakis could not leave the harborisland secretly; but he also realized that if the clouds shouldgather, or a fog settle down over the waters, then, of a verity,would they be at the mercy of a foe from whom no mercy could beexpected.

  The fact that they had been able to resist the first assault did notgive him encouragement for the future. The Indians had advancedfoolishly, understanding that the white people knew full well whatthey were about, and after this first repulse it was reasonable tosuppose the murderous scoundrels would bring all their cunning intoplay when the next attack was made.

  There were six muskets in the stockade, and ammunition sufficient tolast during an ordinary siege, provided none was wasted, yet butthree persons--Susan, Luke, and himself--could be depended upon toman the walls. The others would have served faithfully, of thatthere was no question; but none of them were so expert with a musketas to be counted on for any great execution.

  Although the lad would not have admitted as much to either of hiscompanions, the fear in his heart that the enemy might succeed inaccomplishing his purpose was very great.

  "We can count on it that at the next attack they will succeed ingetting inside the palisade," he said, unconsciously giving words tohis thoughts, and he started almost in alarm as a familiar voicebehind him asked, reproachfully:

  "If you lose heart, how can the rest of us be expected to showcourage?"

  "What are you doing out here, Sue?" he asked, in turn, not minded toanswer her question, if it could be avoided.

  "I've come to take Luke's place. He is sleeping so soundly that itis a pity to awaken him, and the pain in my arm keeps my eyes openvery wide."

  "But I haven't been here two hours yet."

  "Nearly half that time has passed since you came on duty, and thereis no reason why you should remain awake when it's impossible for meto sleep. I can keep a sharp watch."

  "So you can, Sue; but it is my place to take the biggest end, and Idon't fancy the idea of letting a woman do my work."

  "If I could go to sleep it would be different; but since I can't, Ishall stay here, therefore you might as well take advantage of theopportunity."

  Mark made no move toward leaving the platform, from which he couldhave a full view of the harbor, and, seeing that he was not disposedto act upon her suggestion, Susan clambered up beside him.

  "Now tell me what you meant by saying that the next time they comethe Indians will get inside the fence?"

  "There's no sense in talking about that. I didn't count on speakingaloud."

  "You did, however, and now it will be treating me no more thanfairly if you tell me exactly what is in your mind."

  Mark had no desire to discuss the situation just then, when itlooked very dark to him, and, in order to avoid answering thequestion, he proposed to take advantage of Susan's proposition.

  "Since you are determined to stay here, I may as well get what sleepI can. Call Luke when you are tired," He said, and before she coulddetain him he had slipped down from the improvised platform, walkingrapidly toward the dwelling.

  The girl could do guard duty as well as either of her cousins, andwas eager to perform a full share of the labor devolving upon thosewho were striving to hold the savages in check. Perhaps shemagnified the pain of her wound in order to be allowed to takeMark's place, and, if such was the case, the defence would be in nowise weakened through her.

  Until the first faint light of a new day could be seen did SusanHarding stand on the narrow platform, watching eagerly for any signsof life from the harbor island, and unable to change her position,save by taking two or three paces to the right or left. Even thenshe would have remained on duty longer, but that Mark came hurriedlyout of the house crying, angrily:

  "It was not fair for you to stay on watch all night, Sue! You thesame as promised to call Luke when you were tired."

  "I didn't really agree, and I'm not tired yet. There's no need ofyour coming up here, for now that it is daylight, Ellen can betrusted to keep a lookout over the island."

  "When she has eaten her breakfast I will let her take my place,"Mark replied, as he literally forced the girl to descend, and a fewmoments later all the occupants of the stockade were astir.

  The cows were milked, but kept within the enclosure, the young boysfeeding and watering them. The hens were allowed to stray here orthere at will, and, save for the sentinels on the palisade, onemight have thought that the scene presented there representedperfect peace and happiness.

  When the morning meal had been prepared, Ellen Harding took Mark'sstation on the stockade, being enjoined by him to keep her eyesfixed constantly on the harbor island, without heeding what might behappening around her, as the little company gathered in thePemberton house, where thanks were given for their preservationduring the night.

  While breakfast was in progress no reference was made to the dangerwhich menaced; it seemed as if the women feared to alarm the youngerchildren, and the three to whom the defence of the island had beencommitted were not desirous of starting a conversation which mightlead up to the possibilities of the future.

  Susan was forced to submit to a second treatment of her wound, assoon as the meal had had come to an end, and Mistress Hardingperemptorily insisted on her going to bed, since she had not closedher eyes in slumber during the night just passed.

  Mistress Pemberton set about melting lead for bullets, the store ofmissiles being smaller than that of powder, and Mark and Luke wentout to make a more thorough examination of the palisade.

  "It isn't very likely that the Abenakis will make any move duringthis day," the elder lad said, "and while Ellen is standing watch itwould be wicked to lose any chance of making our position yet moresecure."

  Luke was ready to act upon his brother's suggestion, but appeared tohave no desire for conversation, and Mark did not urge him to talk,for the same reason that had caused him to hold his peace during thebreakfast hour.

  There was much that had been overlooked during the hurry andexcitement of the previous day, which could be done to strengthenthe palisade, as, for example, driving stakes at the foot of suchposts as were not standing firmly, and securing the tops of otherswith braces on the inside.

  In order to do a portion of this work, it was necessary the ladsshould go into the thicket for material; but while Ellen remained onwatch to give the alarm, in case she saw any signs of life on theharbor island, they did not hesitate to leave the stockade.

  It was while they were chopping down small trees in the rear of thedwellings, that the flock of fourteen sheep came in sight, and theseMark decided to drive into the enclosure.

  It would be a serious blow to the settlers if these wool-growersshould be killed by the enemy, for it might be a difficult task toreplace them, and without the fleeces each summer the children wouldbe destitute of materials for clothing.

  By catching the leader of the flock, and dragging him along by thehorns, the lads had little trouble in getting the animals within thestockade, and Mark announced his success by saying, in a tone ofmild triumph:

  "The family is all behind one fence now, and unless the Abenakis getinside, they can't do us a great deal of harm."

  "But the sheep will pull heavily on our store of hay," Lukesuggested, and his brother replied, cheerily:

  "They can pick up a good bit around the place, and it won't do anyvery great harm to let them go hungry now and then. It's better thantaking good chances of losing the whole drove."

  There was no further discussion as to the advisability of bringingthe sheep into the stockade, for at that moment a cry from Ellencaused both the boys to run, with all speed, to her side.

  "Look! Look! A vessel! It must be that fishermen are coming here,and now the Indians will be driven away!"

  "Look! Look! A vessel!"]

  To the
ir great surprise and delight, the boys saw a small schooner,coming as if from the mainland on the northward, heading directlyfor the harbor island.

  "We're saved, God be thanked!" Mark cried, in a tone so loud as tobe heard by the inmates of the house, all of whom came swiftlytoward him to learn the cause of the fervent exclamation.

  "What is it, my son?" Mistress Pemberton asked, sharply, and Lukeshouted, as he pointed seaward:

  "A fishing-vessel, mother, and those on board must soon know thatthe Indians are besieging us!"

  "But she appears to be going directly to the harbor island! The crewshould be warned, lest the Abenakis make an attack upon them!"

  This possibility had not entered Mark's mind; but while his motherwas yet speaking he darted out of the stockade, running with allspeed to the shore, waving his arms and shouting, to attract theattention of the newcomers.

  He was followed by the two families, including Susan, who had beenawakened by the joyful cries, and the little party ran swiftly alongthe beach until they were come to the nearest point of the island,which was the small bluff, or incline, on the westernmost end.

  Here it was possible to have in view the schooner's deck, and thattheir signals had been seen seemed positive, although no attentionwas taken of them.

  "Had you not better pull out in the small boat?" Mistress Pembertonasked of Mark, when the strangers failed to pay any heed to thegestures of warning. "It would be dreadful if the men went on shoreand were murdered!"

  There seemed to be no reason why the lads should not visit thevessel, and, in fact, such an idea had entered Mark's mind beforehis mother spoke, but yet he hesitated to act upon her suggestion,although it would have been impossible for him to explain why heremained idle.

  "The schooner carries a big crew for a fisherman," Susan said,thoughtfully. "There must be as many as twenty-five or thirty on herdeck."

  "She's no fisherman!" Mark cried, becoming perplexed as he observedthe truth of what Susan had said. "So many people never could workon a craft of that size."

  "But what else can she be?" Luke asked, curiously, "I don't know asit makes much difference to us, though, so long as she carries acrew of white people. Why don't we pull out to her, Mark? Look,she's coming to anchor, and if her crew lands without knowing of theAbenakis, they will all be killed!"

  "There are the Indians!" Susan cried, as three canoes, filled withsavages, were seen putting out from the shore.

  "They are going to make an attack on the vessel, and we can donothing to help the poor people!" Mistress Pemberton cried, in anagony of grief, while an expression of terror overspread Mark's faceas he began to have an inkling of the true situation.

  "Can't you boys do something to aid the men?" Mistress Hardingasked, and Mark replied:

  "It isn't likely they're needing any help. Those on the vesseloutnumber the Abenakis three to one, and I'm afraid they won't haveany trouble in taking care of themselves."

  No one save Susan gave any particular heed to Mark's words, butwatched with feverish interest as the canoes approached the vessel,and then, when the Indians clambered aboard without any attemptbeing made to prevent them, the expression of the face of thespectators changed from that of sympathy to perplexity.

  "The Abenakis seem to know the fishermen," Mistress Pemberton saidto herself, and Mark replied, bitterly:

  "Ay, mother, that they do, and now, instead of being called upon todefend ourselves against Indians only, we shall have that crowd ofFrenchmen against us!"

  "God forbid that white people could attack women and children!"Mistress Harding cried fervently, and Mark added:

  "He hasn't forbidden it so far, aunt. Don't you remember what fatherand uncle heard from those aboard of the last vessel they spokewith? They were told that when Master Peabody and his wife weremurdered, there were ten French soldiers with the Indians."

  "Can it be that they have come to aid the savages against us?" andMistress Harding's face grew pale.

  "Ay, that is the way the French king fights us in this country, andif we are murdered it will be because his agents have decided uponit in revenge for that which was done here so many years ago to themissionaries!"

  And now while the little party of besieged stands on the shorefacing this new and unexpected peril, suppose we set down thatwhich Mr. Williamson wrote in his "History of Maine."

  "A communication was received at Boston in August, 1758, fromBrigadier-General Monkton, stationed in Nova Scotia, which statedthat a body of Frenchmen, in conjunction with the Indians of therivers St. John, Penobscot, and probably Passamaquoddy, weremeditating an attempt upon the fort at St. Georges, and thedestruction of all the settlements on the coast."

  "Immediately Governor Pownal collected such a military force as wasat command, and embarked with them on board the King George, and thesloop Massachusetts. Arriving, he threw these auxiliaries with somewarlike stores into the fort at a most fortunate juncture; forwithin thirty-six hours after the departure the fort was actuallyassailed by a body of four hundred French and Indians."

  "But so well prepared was the garrison to receive them, that theywere unable to make the least impression. Nor did anyrepresentations of their numbers, nor any threats, communicated tothe fort by a captive woman, whom they purposely permitted to escapehither, occasion the least alarm. Hence, the besiegers gave vent totheir resentiments and rage by killing the neighboring cattle, aboutsixty of which they shot or butchered."

  It was well for the little families who were so sorely beset thatthey remained in ignorance of what the French assisted by theIndians of several tribes, were trying to do, otherwise theirdespair would have been even greater than it was as they watchedthe reception of the Abenakis by those on board the schooner.

  It will never be known whether this attack on Mount Desert was madein revenge for what had been done by Argall to the Frenchmissionaries; but certain it was that all the settlements on thecoast, large or small, had been marked for destruction under theguise of legitimate warfare.

  During five minutes or more, while the besieged watched themovements on the deck of the schooner until there was no longer anyquestion but that the number of their enemies had been largelyincreased, not a word was spoken, and then Mistress Harding brokethe painful stillness by exclaiming:

  "There is nothing left us to do but submit! With French soldiers athand, it is not probable the savages will be allowed to murder theirprisoners, and to surrender the island is better than being killed!"

  "The French have never done anything toward preventing the Indiansfrom working their will on the helpless captives. Do you rememberthe story father tells of Falmouth, when these same Frenchmenpledged their words of honor that no blood should be spilled, andyet many of those who surrendered were murdered in cold blood?"

  "But what other can we do save give ourselves up?" Mistress Hardingcried, helplessly, and Susan stepped proudly by the side of Mark, ashe replied, stoutly:

  "We can fight to the last, and die with muskets in our hands,instead of going willingly to meet the scalping-knife or thetomahawk. It may be that those on the mainland will learn what isbeing done here, and come to our relief."

  "Do not put faith in such a possibility, my son. It is better toface the worst than build on hopes which must be dashed," andMistress Pemberton laid her hand on Mark's shoulder as if in pridebecause of the courage he displayed. "We will do battle againstthese people, white and red, and when our best has been done, theend will be no worse than if we submitted tamely."

  "That's the way to put it!" Mark cried, kissing his mother's hand."We had planned to defend ourselves against the savages, and now letus see what shall be done since they have had such a largereinforcement. Certain it is that we must not stand here, for theymay have muskets aboard the schooner which will carry a ball fartherthan ours."

  Mistress Pemberton led the way back to the stockade, and there, inthe open air near the gateway where a close watch might be kept overboth the island and the vessel, she commended the little pa
rty tothe care of Him who watches over even the sparrow's fall.

  It was to the distressed company as if the entire situation had beensuddenly changed; as if their means of defence were totallyinadequate, leaving them to the mercy of the French and Indians, whowere making the attack simply because the King of England and theKing of France had sundry differences of opinion, which might besettled by spilling the blood of innocent people.

  Susan, who had been the most courageous, seemed to have growntimorous when she asked, while she and Mark were where the wordscould not be overheard:

  "What shall we do? Is there any hope we can hold back such a forceas is being arrayed against us?"

  "It doesn't seem possible, Sue, and yet we must fight to the last,rather than give over our mothers and you girls to what we know willfollow if we show the white feather."

  "I am not afraid of your ever doing anything of that kind, Mark,"and the girl laid her hand on his shoulder with a loving gesture."You will always be brave and true; but what I am asking is whetherwe may do anything which, as yet, has not been tried."

  "I exhausted all my ideas in arranging for a defence against theAbenakis, and now we must stand up like images, fighting until weare destroyed. Anything is better than tame surrender, when we knowby the terrible experiences of others what will follow."

  "In that I am of your mind, Mark, dear; but I am asking if thereisn't something else, which, as yet, we have neglected, that can bedone. Our mothers depend on you, as do I, which is only natural,since you are the eldest, and should of right take your father'splace."

  "It is just that, Sue dear, which causes me to be afraid of my ownideas. If I make a mistake, it may be fatal to you all, for you willfollow my advice."

  "That is true, Mark, and yet you should not be timid because of it,for you are best fitted to act the part of leader, and we know fullwell you will only do that which seems safest."

  "Are you agreed that we cannot surrender?" and Mark asked thequestion in an angry tone, as if expecting she would refuse to viewthe situation in the same light he did.

  "Of course I am. Could I say otherwise after all the stories we haveheard from the mainland?"

  "Then we must fight?"

  "Of course, and to the last. I would rather see mother and thechildren killed by musket-balls, than to have them fall unharmedinto the hands of those who await us there," and she motioned towardthe harbor island. "How long can we hold the stockade against such aforce?"

  "Four and twenty hours, it may be, and a much shorter time if you,or Luke, or I should be killed early in the fight."

  "And we will hope that our fathers do not come back until all isover."

  "Ay, Sue dear, that is what we must hope, unless we would have themcome in time to meet their death. Two more men on the stockade wouldnot greatly prolong the struggle, and I fail to see how they,without other aid, could help us very much."

  "If it should be, Mark dear, that I am wounded again, will you seeto it that the Indians do not take me prisoner?"

  "Ay, Sue, though the moment will be a terrible one when I turn mymusket against you; but it shall be done."

  "And if you are left until the last you will see that the childrenare not taken alive?"

  "If I am left, Sue dear, it shall be as the last of our families onthe island, for I believe death is more pleasant than can be life inthe hands of such as those who are counting soon to hold us in theirpower."

  Then the two children kissed each other as if in a last farewell,and Mark, trying to assume a careless air, said, with a feebleattempt at a smile:

  "Since you were the last to awaken, it is no more than fair youshould be among the first on duty. You, Luke, and I will stand guardalone until the attack is made, as we can count it will be thisnight, and then our mothers must charge the muskets. Remember, Suedear, that I haven't yet despaired of holding the whole wicked crewin check. It doesn't seem possible that God would withhold His handwhile we are being beaten."

  "And yet it has been that many people in this country, whose causewas as just as ours, have been overcome by the same merciless foewho await us."

  "Ay, Sue, and since we can only take what comes as stoutly as decentEnglish people should, we'll seem to be brave, however timorous ourhearts may become when the last moment is at hand."

  Then these two children, striving to fill the places of theirparents, began that vigil which both believed would be ended withtheir death.

  Mark made the announcement to his mother and aunt, after the gatehad been shut and closely barred, that they and the children shouldremain in the dwelling until the moment came when they could be ofassistance in loading the weapons, and in the meanwhile the task ofguarding the stockade would devolve upon his brother, cousin, andhimself.

  "We are not so much worse off than before, except that many morewill come against us," he said, as the women and children wenttoward the Pemberton house. "We shall fight until the last, and, ifGod is kind, it may be we can hold the villains in check four andtwenty hours, if no more. Get what rest you can, and remember thattears are of no avail when bullets are needed."