Read Define Trying... Page 14



  Thick pieces of salt scattered off of a French fry as it went flying past Breslin’s head and hit the girl behind him.


  “Sorry.” Breslin apologized as he dodged another fry.

  “We can do this all day.” Conner said, a piece of bread flying a mere seconds above his head.

  “Ok, I give I give.” Breslin chucked out. His hair was full of food bits. So much so to the point of which he was wonder how much of the meal had Conner actually eaten.

  “So I’ll ask you again.” Conner started. “And don’t throw anything at me this time. What happened between you and Daisy?”

  “I really don’t wanna talk about it.” Breslin said as he scooted back in his chair.

  “I don’t think I gave you a choice.”

  “Alright, alright. So I thought we were cool. She even kissed me.”

  “Oh really now.” Said Conner with a smile.

  “Yeah, on the lips and everything.” Breslin said with a confused look. “She’s a nice girl. At least I’ve thought”

  “So then.” Conner egged on.

  “I was going to ask her out on a date, but then I saw her with that slime ball.”


  “I don’t know his name. How do you?”

  “News travels fast at Clearveil.”

  “Of course it does.” Breslin said as he slouched a little bit more. He didn’t think that anyone would notice. The last thing he wanted was everyone feeling sorry for him.

  “So then what did you do?” Conner asked as he sipped on his soda.

  “I walked away, what was I supposed to do?” Breslin asked. Even though he didn't mean for it to sound like a question, that's the way it came out.

  “You could have heard her out?”

  “I'm tired of hearing girls out. I just want something simple. Something fun. Something real."

  “You’re too young for real.” Conner interjected. “However, fun is something we can do.”

  “What do you have in mind?” Breslin pondered. At this moment in time, he was down for anything. Even if it included skydiving from a helicopter in his boxers. On second thought that probably would hurt.

  “Laci's having a party tonight. I wasn't planning on attending but after the day I'm having I think it wouldn't hurt.”

  “Laci?” Breslin questioned. “The girl with all the drama.”

  “We don't have to talk to her.” Conner replied with a smirk. “I'm pretty sure she has other female friends to flirt with.”

  “I'm sure. But does introducing another girl into our equations make the situations any less dramatic.”

  “You haven't been to many parties around here have you?” Conner asked?

  “No.” Breslin said.

  “Then allow me to introduce you to a world you might never want to leave.”

  “I guess...”