Read Define Trying... Page 15



  Huge expensive house were few and far between in Clearveil. Most of the kids that went to Clearveil Academy either lived in an apartment or in the multiple suburban neighborhoods that surrounded the school. Laci wasn’t an exception to this rule. However, her father did own the Skyline Suites that housed multiple of the schools inhabitants. Thus making the building in the far back, B-7, Laci’s own personal space. Building B-7 was a pearlistic white, compared to the off white of the rest of the complex. Laci even had a security station right outside of her door.

  As Conner pulled up to the guard, he flashed a smile.

  “Willis.” Conner greeted casually.

  “Mr. Lombard, haven’t seen you around these parts in a long time.” The guard responded kindly.

  “Just been busy, I’m going up and I’m taking a friend.”

  “I’ll let Miss Vincent know you’re on your way.”

  Breslin gave Conner a blank stare as he pulled into a parking spot under a dim white light.

  “What?” Conner asked.

  “And what do you call all that. Did I miss a few chapters?” Breslin said as his left eyebrow raise; exposing his hazel eye to more of the light above them.

  “You mean the thing with Willis; oh he and I go way back. Laci likes to do this whole proper thing so I just play along. Keeps her off my back.

  “Whatever floats your boat!” Breslin said as he followed Conner into the elevator and up into Laci’s penthouse on the top floor. The elevator door opened to a second set of double doors that lead into a giant room. Breslin floated into a room full of teens dancing and conversing as a heavy bass played in the background.

  “So this is where Eric disappeared to.” Conner said as he spotted the sharply dressed young man flashing away at the guest.

  “You’ve been here this entire time?” Breslin asked as he walked up to Eric.

  “Laci asked for me personally, who’s taking pictures of the game?” Eric asked as he continued snapping away.

  “Another team member jumped at the opportunity.” Breslin explained. “Are you ok?”

  “Of course,” Eric lied. “This is just really important.”

  And with that Eric disappeared deeper into the party.

  “I thought I was the broody one?” Breslin jokingly asked Conner.

  “He’s fine.” Conner retorted. “Seriously, go have some fun. Go meet a nice girl.”

  “Alright,” Breslin said as he spotted a girl dancing by herself. “Let’s do this.”

  Blowing up his chest, Breslin moved closer to a girl who was in tune with the beat. Her movements were mesmerizing and Breslin couldn’t help but stare at her. Catching on to what he was doing, she got close to him and pushes him against the wall, almost making him drop his phone. Holding on to him, she moved in closer, allowing herself to kiss him, and he did the same. A soft flash could be seen in the background. But he stopped himself; try not to go down that road.

  “I’m sorry.” He started “I can’t.”

  “Relax kid.” She responded. “It was only a kiss.”

  And then she left, leaving Breslin to stand there alone. Nobody else was looking at him because nobody else cared. It wasn’t that big of a deal to them. So you kissed a random girl that you will probably never see again, in a random house that you’ve never been to before.  No biggie happens all the time. But that was not how Breslin felt about the situation. When he kissed someone he wanted it to mean something. When he told a girl he loved her, he meant it with his whole heart. And when he was with a girl, he went all out. So, maybe the high school scene wasn’t the place for Breslin to be worried about relationships. It seems that he was out of sync with the rest of the “high school” world. Maybe it was time for him to put all this Daisy business behind him, but it was hard. It seemed as if she was this wasted opportunity. If this Wes guy wouldn’t have gotten in the way they might have even be dating by now. At this point, drama was drama. He hadn’t gotten over it. And as he leaned on the wall watching the people dance around him he realized that he still had feelings for her, and he might even wanted more with her. And then Wesley appeared out of the back room.

  “You’re that guy.” Breslin said as Wes walked up to him.

  “And you are?” Wes responded.

  “Breslin, Daisy might have said something about me.” He said as he put his hands in his pockets. Breslin fidgeted when he was in a confrontation, he hated people being mad at him.

  “Nope, don’t know you.” Wes said as he continued to stroll right past him.

  “Well that went well,” Conner said as he stood beside Breslin.

  “Yea, tell me about it.” Breslin replied through an exhale.

  “No, I mean that went really well,” Conner cleared up. “Made a bet with Eric that he was going to try to fight you. Needless to say I owe him ten bucks.”

  “Great.” Breslin said as he turned his back to Wes who was now whispering in some girl’s ear.

  Breslin didn’t really hate Wes; he hated what he stood for. No rules, all pleasure. Just like Rory. But someone had to be the responsible one. Someone had to pick up the pieces when guys like Wes and Rory come crashing through on their “good” time. Breslin thinks what he hates the most is that he always has to be that guy.

  Cutting off his thought completely, Breslin’s phone vibrated in his pocket. He didn’t know why, but he was staring at a picture of Daisy kissing Wesley. And as he scanned the room, he realized that several other people were staring at the picture as well.

  “I can’t believe you,” He heard Laci scream as he ran up to Wes.

  “I’m sorry.” Wes responded, but it was obvious his heart wasn’t in it.

  “Ugh.” Laci shrieked as she stormed off, followed by several other female who all gave Wes disgusting looks.

  Backing away from the crowd, Wes took the elevator down to the entrance.

  “I have to go talk to him.” Breslin told Conner as he made his way to the elevator.

  “No you don’t.” Conner called after him. “No you really don’t.”


  As the elevator screeched to a halt, Breslin saw Wes staring at the moon.

  “Hi.” He said as he walked up to him.

  “Do I know you?” Wes asked.

  “No, no you don’t.” Breslin responded. “I’m Breslin; I go to your school.”


  “I know who you are.”

  “Well that makes one of us.”

  There was an awkward pause, which lead Breslin to notice the crown on Wes’s beanie.

  “Why is it upside down?” Breslin asked.

  “Excuse me.”

  “The crown, its twisted.”

  “That’s the point.”

  “Look.” Breslin said while cutting through all the mindless chatter. “Why did you kiss Daisy if you’re supposed to be with Laci?”

  A twisted smile appeared on Wes’s face. He knew that Breslin was interested, and that intrigued him, “Because I can.”






  “Maybe we’ll live and learn; maybe we’ll crash and burn…”

  Ordinary People by John Legend



  All of Dex’s friends were either at the football game or at Laci’s party. However, this afternoon he wasn’t going to be able to join them. Things had been really rocky between him and Jade so tonight was the night he made it up to her. No distractions, no miscommunication, just Jade and a movie of her choice. Dex’s roses idea went over so well with Jade that she decided not to pick a movie that was to girly. And halfway into watching the bulging hunk make out with the over glamorized blonde, Dex drew his attention to Jade.

  Her skin looked so soft in low light, or any light. He loved the way she licked her fingers while eating her popcorn, and how she slowly pushed her hair behind her ears every time she laughed. While gazing at he
r she looked at him. He was the perfect guy. Cute, sensitive, and charming. He was also a risky choice. Dex could be with anyone, and that thought was the one that scared her. At this moment she couldn’t handle being in another relationship with another player. So moving close to him with butter glossed lips, she kissed him, feeling his body shift and his senses break. 

  Kissing him wasn’t the plan, she wanted to make him work a little harder,  but there was something about Dex that she couldn’t resist. Maybe it was the determination in his eyes. He wouldn’t give up on anything, not without a fight. That fascinated her above everything.



  “Thanks for the movie.” Jade said with a smile as they exited the theater. “I guessing your taking me home now?”

  “Well sorry to disappoint,” Dex started handing her a blindfold. “But you are going to have to wear this.”

  “A blindfold, you’re not going to hurt me are you?”

  “Only if you want me to.” Dex cooed.

  Stepping onto Dex’s car, Jade blindfolded herself and leaned back in her seat. She couldn’t see the stars, but she knew they looked beautiful. They always looked beautiful over Clearveil, as if the sky wasn’t allowed to hide them.

  “And the nights not over yet.” Dex cut through her silence with his calming tone.

  “What do you mean?” Jade asked.

  “Well I took you to a movie and now I want to take you to dinner.” He said with a smile as he pulled in Alforenzo’s parking lot.. “If that’s alright with you?”

   “Oh Dex.” Jade said as she looked out of her window. “You didn't.”

  “Well, I felt like this was the best way to make up for all of the distractions.” Dex said while getting out the car and proceeding to help her. Dex was on fire, but then again he always succeeded at anything he put his mind to. And he loved the look Jade had when she could think of nothing else but him.