Read Define Trying... Page 17



  Jade’s eyes shined brightly with the glow of the city as Dex took off down the highway, stopping the car right in front of her house.

  “Thanks for the lovely dinner Dex.” Jade said as she turned to get out of the car, only then realizing where she was. “But Dex, I told you that my parents are out of town for the night.”

   “I know, I felt we needed some alone time.” He said as he got out the door and helped her out. Dex poured Jade a glass of orange juice and handed it to her, turning on the TV to the first comedy he could find. Nothing to serious, nothing to drastic, just them lying together and watching something silly. Then Dex's phone vibrated.

  “Who’s that?” Jade asked as she repositioned herself.

  “Conner wants me to come to Laci's party.”

  “Are you going?”

  “He said he needs to talk to me, something about public football humiliation. Wouldn't want him to do anything drastic, like flirt with Laci.”

  “Of course you’re leaving.” Jade mumbled as she got up and went into the kitchen.

  “What is that suppose to mean?” Dex asked as he jumped up and followed her.

  “Nothing, just go.” Jade commanded.

  “No really.”

  “I said nothing.”

  “I’m coming right back.”

  “Don't bother.”

  “What’s your problem?” Dex screamed as he stood in front of her, blocking her way into her room.

  “You want to know what my problem is? My problem is that you put everything and everyone before me. All the time.”

  “But this evening was for you. I did it all for you. Doesn't that mean anything?”

  “You did this because I was mad at you. If everything was fine between us you wouldn't be here. If we were cool, you would have been at that party tonight.”

  “That’s not true.”

  “Like hell it is.”

  “You know I didn’t have to do this. Your right, I could have been at that party. I don’t need this from you.”

  “Well if you didn’t want to be here with me you didn’t have to. You know what Dex, just go.”

  “But J...”

  “Get out!” Jade screamed. The words echoed throughout her empty home.

  “Fine.” Dex said as he walked to her front door. “But I’m tired of being the bad-guy. And I don’t feel like dealing with your personal drama anymore.”

  “What are you saying?” Jade asked, she didn't want to know the answer.

  “I’m done with you.” Dex said as he walked out of her house, out of her life, and slammed the door behind him.

  He didn't say it loudly, but she felt as if he screamed it at her. The words bashed around the inside of her head and made her feel sick to her stomach. This isn't what she wanted. She didn't mean to drive him away. She just wanted him to see things like she did.

  She just wanted him to care.




  Beautiful Soul


  “Even if things end up a bit too heavy, we’ll all float on.”

  Float On by Modest Mouse



  The halls weren’t moving fast enough. The students weren’t moving fast enough. Daisy’s brain wasn’t moving fast enough. She was pissed at Laci. She was hurt by Breslin. She wanted to strangle Wes. All in all, Daisy felt like she needed a new start. Or at least go back to the days where she was invisible. Back to the days where she could do whatever she wanted and no one cared. Now all eyes were on her, and those days of invisibility were over.

  “You ok,” Jade asked as Daisy stumbled into the empty room she was sitting.

  “Daisy noticed that Jade’s eyes were red, and watery. “Are you ok?” Daisy replied.

  “Of course.” Jade responded.

  “It’s about Dex isn’t it?” Daisy continued.

  “No really, I’m fine. So how are you and Breslin?” Jade reversed.

   “There is no me and Breslin, I’m not sure there ever was.” Daisy said as she sat on a desk next to Jade. “Everything was great, and then along came hurricane Wesley.”

  “That bad huh?”

  “He wouldn’t even let me explain, he just washed his hands of me.”

  “So what are you going to do now?”

  “What do you think I’m going to do?” Daisy said as she stood back up. “Put my big girl pants on. Confront him, and then get over him.”

  If Daisy couldn’t be strong for herself, she could at least be strong for someone else. She was never close to Jade. But she didn’t need to be. She was someone who needed help, needed encouragement, and that was good enough for Daisy. While stepping out of the room, Daisy saw Breslin in the distance.

  “It’s now or never.” She whispered to herself and she began to walk in his direction.

  Upon seeing her approach, Breslin tried to think of what he wanted to say. It was good to enter these types of things with some sort of game plan. He knew not to enter any type of confrontation without having what he wanted to say all planned out.

  “Hi.” Daisy said.

  “Hi.” Breslin replied.

  An awkward calm fell between them.

  “I had something to tell you, but I can’t remember.” Breslin said as he dragged his fingers through the back of his head.

  “Then it wasn’t that important was it.” Daisy said with a smile.

  The silence between them was temporarily restored.

  “Look, can we just start over.” Daisy suggested.

  “That sounds like a great idea.” Breslin said as he relaxed his muscles. “My name is Breslin.”

  “Daisy.” She responded and held out her hand for him to shake it.

  “So what we do now?”

  “Wanna go for a ride?” Daisy asked as she reached into her purse.

  “Umm, sure.”

  “Then let’s go.” Daisy replied as she pulled out her car keys.

  “But what about class?” Breslin asked.

  “What about it?”

  A small smile appeared on Breslin’s face. He wasn’t sure where this was going to take him, but he wasn’t going to look back. The car sped off the second he got into it and the next stop was the mall. He loved looking at Daisy’s hair fly in the wind. Even without trying, she was one of the most beautiful creatures on earth. She was fierce, and independent. She was the type of person that made you want to believe in her. And as he stood there in Forever 21 with her, he realized he barely knew anything about her.

  “Do you always skip class like this?” He asked, while trying to start up a conversation.

   “No.” She responded while sounding a little offended. “Only if I need to get my mind off of something.”

   “That being?”

  “Wes and Laci.” She said under her breathe as she shuffled threw the rack.

  “So why do you stoop down to their level.” Breslin said before he could stop himself.


  “No seriously, why do you let them get to you?”

  Daisy thought long and hard on the question. She knew the answer, even if she didn’t like what it was. “Because we were friends.”

  “So what now?” Breslin asked.

  “Now.” Daisy started. “We go dancing.”

  Right across from the Forever 21 was a cheesy teen dance club. Trying to capitalize on the youth of Clearveil, it featured school mascots and ever song that was playing on the radio. Daisy had to all but drag Breslin into the place.

  “You can’t be serious?” Breslin asked as Daisy started to gyrate offbeat. “And you’re totally serious.”

   “What, are you worried I’m going to totally school you on the dance floor?” Daisy said as she began to do the sprinkler.

  “Yea, that’s what I’m worried about.”

  “Oh come on.”

  “Ok, ok.” Breslin said as he stepped onto the dance floor.

/>   Smiling at him, Daisy slowly pulled him closer. “I just wanted to let you know, I’m truly sorry for everything. And I don’t even care that you kissed some other girl.”

  Breslin looked a little confused. “How did you even know about that?”

  “I was sent a picture.” Daisy said as she slowly pulled out her phone and showed it to him.

  In the moment, Breslin got extremely ticked. He was tired of the way these kids were running around and causing havoc. Taking things out of context. Someone needed to stand up.

  “You have to realize that this isn’t normal,” He said while still holding on to Daisy. “Something has to be done about them.”

  “What can you do?” Daisy questioned doubtfully. “Most of the school is on her side. Nobody is going to stand up to her. She’s won. The best thing to do now is to just stay out of her way.”