Read Define Trying... Page 16



  After the fallout with Breslin, the picture of Daisy kissing Wes was all over school. Laci played the hurt girlfriend roll and managed to turn everyone against Daisy. And she was taking it very hard. And it was at this moment that she realized that she had nobody to turn to.

  Seeing Daisy this was wasn’t something Avalon was used to. Avalon looked up to Daisy when Breslin left. She always seemed so strong, even when dealing with Laci’s foolishness. And Ava surely wasn’t going to let Daisy just hid herself up in her apartment.

  As the pink door to apartment 105 opened, Avalon slowly stepped inside. Behind the door was a severely less cheery Daisy. Her contacts were out, replaced by light pink glasses. Her hair was frizzed and out of control. Her natural smile was replaced by a semi blank stare. And her phone was glued to her hand.

  “Wesley has been texting me all day.” She barely mumbled out as to keep herself from crying. Wes had Daisy right where he wanted her. Her emotions were his to control.

  “Ok, put that down.” Ava said as she yanked the phone and tossed it across the room.

  “Hey.” Daisy screamed.

  “Don't worry about it. Sit.” Ava commanded while pointing to the couch in Daisy's living-room. With all the junk on it, there was barely anywhere to sit, but she made room by shoving a pizza box aside.

  “What happened?” Ava asked.

  “I've just been receiving txt about me and Wesley all week. At first they were fine, people being stupid. But some of these people were suppose to be my friends. Worst is that Principle Cain gave the space to Laci. It’s over, she won.”

  “What did Breslin have to say?” Ava asked. She had to get Daisy's mind off of Wes.

  “He hasn’t said anything to me in weeks. It’s only making this situation a whole lot worst.”

  Avalon’s eyes darted to the side, and Daisy could tell that she was thinking.

  “So how do you know Breslin?” Daisy asked Ava while trying to get her out of her own head.

   “Our families used to be really close. We used to play together when we were kids. But then...” Ava stopped. She really didn't like talking about her past. Especially the parts that involved Breslin.

  “But then what?” Daisy egged on.

  “But then his father died, and his brother left. After that, his mother decided to up and leave. Nobody was told. I just went to his house the next day and he wasn't there, the place was totally empty.”

  “They couldn't have disappeared in one night.” Daisy said as she took a sip from a glass of water that sat in front of her.

   “Not exactly no. Mrs. Eliot had sold most of the furniture when Mr. Eliot died. She had to offset the cost somehow. She probably just gave the rest to charity.”

  “So why is he back?”

  “I don't know the answer to that either. He just popped back up a couple of weeks ago. He won't talk to me about what happened. All I know is that some girl was involved, and he came back.”


  Ava could tell that Daisy had pretty much lost all hope. It seemed like Breslin wasn't going to open himself up to be hurt again.

  “Look,” Ava started while putting her hand on Daisy's shoulder. “You just have to show Bre-Bre that you’re not the person everyone thinks you are.”

  “But what if everyone is right?”

  “Well then, that requires you taking a good look at you.” Ava said with a smile. “But you’re different, I can tell.”

  After the words were uttered Ava let herself out, leaving Daisy to sit alone in her room. And in the next second, she got a picture message with Breslin kissing a random girl from Laci. Seems like he's over you, the fine print read. Daisy could hear the words in her head as if Laci was right in front of her.

  She had to talk to him. Clear the air once and for all.