Read Define Trying... Page 5



  Breslin had a hamburger, or what was supposed to be a hamburger, in one hand and his phone in the other. He was starring at the screen aimlessly while waiting for Eric to come back to the table with the people he was suppose to be meeting. The people who were suppose to “change his life”. Whatever.

  “Peek-a-boo.” Ava said as she covered Breslin’s eyes.

  “And why are you so happy?” Breslin questioned as he removed her hands from his face.

  “Why you ask? Because you’re not being melodramatic.” Ava started. “I asked Eric to show you around.”

  “So you put him up to this?” Breslin asked as he lightly shoved Ava.

  “Be nice, he’s a sweetheart.” Ava said as she shoved him back.

  “Oh,” Breslin said. “So you like him like him.”

  “Not even!” Ava screamed.


  “By the way, Rory text me. Said he texted you and you didn’t answer.” Ava said. She knew Rory was a touchy subject, but she promised that she would at least try.

   Breslin didn’t really see the need in having the phone considering nobody ever called him except his mother. And even when she did call, he never answered.

  “Must have missed it.” Breslin lied.

  He knew coming back to Clearveil meant he was going to have to deal with Rory sooner or later. He just thought it was going to be later rather than sooner. However, the crash of Jade and Dexter sitting down knocked Breslin back to reality.

  “I’d like you to meet Jade and Dex.” Introduced Eric as the couple sat next to Breslin.

  Jade Chantelle has known Dex and his friends since middle school, and an avid lover of the color pink. Her straight black hair fell down her back and somehow always managed to fall in front of her face. Jade was way nicer that anybody gave her credit for, but being best friends with Daisy meant that nobody messed with her. On the flip side of that coin was Dexter Brawn, the self proclaimed king of everything. Dex, as he likes to be called, liked to be a part of whatever seems to be relevant at the time. Dance, he did that. Rap, he did that. Sing, draw, and act. He was a one man show. However, Dex was having trouble connecting with the ones that are closest to him.

  “Jade’s a dark name.” Breslin pointed out.

  “High school isn’t a picnic.” Jade retorted.

  “What is?” Dex interjected. 

  “Touché.” Breslin said and he took another bite of whatever his burger was made out of. “So what’s the deal with the principle giving me the fifth degree? Is that just how he says hi?”

  “Did he give you the whole crazy student routine? Ava asked.

  “Complete with therapy and evil eye.” Breslin responded.

  “It’s just a scare tact.” Dex said as he pulled a notebook out of his bag. “I believe he saw it in a movie once and thought it was a cool idea.”

  “But don’t tell him it doesn’t work.” Jade cut in. “It’ll break his heart.

  An eruption of laughter broke out at the table, and for the first time in a long time Breslin felt accepted. It wasn’t like he didn’t have friends growing up in Clearveil. Since it was a small town, it was hard not to know almost anyone. He just never really tried to open up; because he knew eventually someone was going to have to leave. And he hated saying good-bye.

  “So Breslin, why don’t you let me show you what the town has to offer?” Eric was finally able to get out after all of the laughter.

  “He isn’t new here.” Ava cut in. “He just came back.”

  “Nevertheless, you’ve never seen Clearveil through our eyes.”

  Breslin pondered the idea a while, maybe a fresh prospective was something he needed.

  “Umm, sure why not.” Breslin allowed himself to say. He wasn’t normally the “out on the town” type. But there was something about Eric that made Breslin feel like this was the right choice.

  “So, are you guys going to be joining us?” Eric asked as he shifted his attention from Breslin to Dex and Jade.

  “Definitely.” Dex said as he shot up.

  “Not.” Jade said as she pulled him back down. “You were supposed to be having dinner with me.”

  “Oh.” Dex said while trying to save face. “Oh yea. Sorry guys.”

  “Naw it’s, it’s cool.” Eric replied as he slowly started scooting away from Jade who was fuming. He could see Hurricane Jade coming from a mile away. “Oh would you look at the time, let’s go Breslin.”

  As Eric pulled Breslin away from the danger zone, Jade turned her attention to Dex. While folding her arms and staring at Dex, she managed to think about everything in the past three weeks that he had done wrong.

  “…what?” Dex finally asked.

  “You know what. Always trying to ditch me. Always leaving me for your boys.” Jade growled back at him.

  “Come on Jade. You know it’s not like that. We’ve been dating  four months now. You know I love you.”

  “And I’ve bet you’ve said that to all the girls.” Jade whispered as she walked off.

  “Jade wait, comeback.” Dex screamed as he ran behind her.

  He always ran behind her.