Read Define Trying... Page 6



  While walking away from the cafeteria with Eric and Ava, Breslin crashed into Daisy. Again.

  “Oh, I am so sorry.” Breslin started.

  “No it’s my fault; I wasn’t looking where I was going.” Daisy replied.

  Breslin’s cheeks grew red as he helped her pick up her stuff off the ground. Students around them stared and laughed.

  “We got to stop meeting like this.” He uttered, still recovering from the embarrassment.

  “Why?” She started, and then realized she was blushing.

  “Daisy.” Eric cut in.

  “Eric.” Daisy shot back.

  “Pick your battles.” Ava said as she tried to pull Eric along.

  Looking at her watch, Daisy shot up.

  “OMG, I am so late.” She said as she took off down the hall, leaving Breslin to stand there with a blank look on his face.

  Breslin was surprised he hadn’t dropped the rest of his burger in the initial crash with Daisy. But a flash went off in his face that cleared up that mistake.

  “Sorry about that, thought you were ready.” Eric said as he lowered his camera.

  Breslin gave Eric and blank stare until he put the camera away.

  “Fine,” Eric started. “No more surprise shots.”

  “Thank you.” Breslin shot back.

  “However, I did see that little run in with you and Daisy.”

  “And.” Breslin egged on.

  “Let it go,” Ava said as she tried to glaze over the situation. It hardly ever worked.

  “No, I think he should know. I just wouldn’t willing go walking into that battle zone.” Eric finished, while looking around to make sure nobody hear him say that.

  “Battle zone,” Breslin started. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  “Afraid not.” Eric said. “Ever since this new space opened up, both Daisy and Laci have been fighting nonstop over who gets to use it. Laci says that the student council needs and office. Daisy says that the dance team needs a private practice space. Something about football players and staring. And to top it all off, the principal is so non-confrontational that he is just letting the girls duke it out all over the school.”

  “I believe you’re over exaggerating things.” Breslin said as he straightened his shirt. “It can’t be that bad.”

  “Sure, and the American Revolution was just a temper tantrum.” Eric retorted.

  Breslin looked around the halls of Clearveil. He didn’t think that so much drama could be contained in such a quiet school.

  “Look, all I’m saying is being careful is the key. Because sooner or later they are going to want you to pick a side.” Eric mumbled out as he turned to walk away.

  “But I don’t even know this Laci chick.” Breslin screamed after him. But even he knew that didn’t matter. He could feel himself falling for her. He wanted her for some reason. Even if he didn’t want to.







  All Before Bedtime

  “You are my Cinema, I could watch you forever…”

  Cinema by Skillex



  Breslin rushed out of the doors of the school faster than he entered the building. He had to get away from Daisy. He didn’t need her messing with his head. He didn’t have a car and Avalon had a makeup test to take, but anything was better than waiting inside Clearveil for his mother to swing by and pick him up. Nine times out of ten she was going to be late anyway.

  While stepping off of the curb and into the parking lot, a pale blue dodge pickup truck came swerving around the corner and almost slammed dead into him.

  “What the…” Breslin uttered as his body began to tense up.

  Eric’s friendly face appeared from the passenger side of the truck. “Whoa, it’s Broody.” He said as he raised his hand for a high five.

  Breslin just stared at him; this wasn’t the first time he contemplated doing bodily harm to Eric.

  “Why?” Breslin asked as he stepped out of the street. “Is this yours?”

  “Nope.” Eric said as he pointed over to the kid in the driver’s seat. “Allow me to introduce you to Conner Lombard.”

  “Hey.” Conner shrugged.

  Conner wasn’t big on introductions. He didn’t really care who you were, as long as you were cool. He didn’t do well with overly dramatic people. Conner was the type of guy who just wanted to find his place and sit there. High school graduation, college, and marriage were just a part of the plan. He normally liked to stick to himself, and stay away from people who attract attention like a magnet. Eric and Dex being the only exceptions.

  “We were just heading to The Cove. Didn’t you say you were down?” Eric asked as he took out his camera and took a picture of Breslin. This time the flash was off.

  “The Cove?” Breslin asked.

  “It’s the name of the mall, they were being exotic.” Conner answered him.

  Breslin took another look at Clearveil and decided to choose the lesser of two evils. “Sure, why not.”

  Not even two minutes later, Breslin was already seriously regretting his decision. Sure he didn’t really like his situation, but he would have gotten over it and been home within the hour. And at least he would have still been alive. But Conner’s driving was dangerous at best. He would race other drivers, accelerate at stop signs, and even speed in front of elderly people. Breslin wondered how he even managed to get his license at all. It was almost as if he wanted to hurt someone. Eric seemed like he was used to it. All the sliding and bouncing didn’t bother him at all as he sat in the backseat and texted on his cell.

  Breslin on the other hand was holding on for dear life and trying not to become one with the burning hot asphalt. This whole experience was made even worst by that fact that Conner was blasting rock music. All Breslin could think about was the huge car crash in this horror movie he watched a few nights ago, which was one way he didn’t want to go.

  “Relax dude.” Eric said from the back seat. “Conner here is an excellent driver.”

  “I’m so sure.” Breslin said as he held on to his seat for dear life.

   “Yea man,” Conner started while turning his attention to Breslin. “I have been driving for years.

  “The road, Conner, look at the road.” Breslin practically screamed as Conner dodged another car.

  He was so thankful when they finally reached the mall that he jumped out of his seat. He contemplated kissing the very ground he stood on but he felt that it would have been a little over kill.

  “Dude.” Eric started “You’re not going to survive here if you keep acting like that.”

  “Come on man.” Conner cut in. “It wasn’t even that bad, you are still alive are you not?”

  “Yea, your driving was totally fine.” Breslin spoke while mostly out of breath. Avalon better answer her phone because he wasn’t planning on riding home with these guys. But it wasn’t like he had a choice.

  Once inside the cove, Breslin just followed behind Conner and Eric. He wasn’t really interested in anything that this place had to offer. That was before he stumbled upon the book store.

  “See something you like.” Eric asked while trying to fit a whole slice a pizza in his mouth at once. Conner and Eric were having an eating contest, and Conner was winning.

  “No, I just, it’s nothing.” Breslin said as he turned back to the table they were sitting at.

  “Why are you so broody?” Eric asked after almost choking on his second slice of pizza.

  “I’m not broody.” Breslin replied as he pulled out his phone and stared at the screen.

  “What’s broody?” Conner asked as he choked down his fourth slice of pizza, taking Eric’s piece right off his plate.

  “It’s nothing.” Breslin said as he stood up and walked over to the bookstore.

  He never bought anything; he just liked to look at
the titles and covers. But every time he walked into a bookstore with his father, he always picked out a book. He didn’t really like vampires and werewolves, but he had taken a liking to banshees. He liked books with just a hint of supernatural. But nevertheless, he had about twelve unread books that his father bought because other things took up his free time. Mainly games. So as he walked through the bookstore he couldn’t help but feel sad. In more ways than one, he had let his father down. While sliding through the aisles, he bumped into Daisy.

  She didn’t look harmful at all, as she stood there reading Shakespeare. He imagined her trying to pronounce the words softly in her head. It was kinda cute. Almost like watching a kitten play with a ball of string.

  Daisy looked up and smile as she walked up to him.

  “Hey.” Breslin said when she finally spotted him.

  “What, no running me over this time?”

  Breslin laughed, still a strange sound to him. And he felt his relaxation kicking in.

  “You actually read these things.” Breslin said as he took the novel out of her hand and started reading the back.

  “Hey!” Daisy replied as he snatched it back from him, laughing. “It’s actually not that bad.”

  “I bet it isn’t.” Breslin replied as he tried to mimic to pose of the guy on the cover.

  Still laughing at him, she hit him on the arm with the book.

  “So this kid Eric said something about a gang war between you and some student council chick. I was just wondering if I should be dodging bullets or not.” Breslin said with a smile.

  Daisy gave a nervous chuckle and hit Breslin with the book again. “Don’t listen to what the people around here say. Most of the time, its incoherent babble.”

  “Says the person who just hit me with Romeo and Juliet.”

  Breslin proceeded to give his interpretation of Romeo by getting on one knee and talking in old English. Daisy couldn’t control her smile and played along, trying her hardest to remember the words to say.

  “Dith my heart lovet till now, for swear its sight, for I never saw true beauty till this night.” Breslin said as he pulled Daisy close and looked deep into her eyes.

  “And of our hearts we make this love known.” She replied. Not the exact words, but a close translation.

  Breslin shuffled his feet. “Swoon.”

  “Swoon?” She repeated.


  She had no idea what to say next, so instead she pulled herself away. Regaining her composure.

  “So, I’ll see you around?” Daisy asked as she went to go pay for her stuff.

  “Definitely.” Breslin replied, and then a book was thrown at him. “Ow.”

  Conner and Eric came around the corner mimicking the conversation.

  “So, I’ll see you around?” Eric said as he batted his eyes.

  “Definitely.” Conner replied as he tightened up his chest.

  “Very funny guys.” Breslin said as he walked out of the bookstore.

  “Oh come on broody, it was a joke. You know a ha-ha.” Eric started as he followed after Breslin. “So when did you become all buddy-buddy with the war general Daisy herself anyway.”

  “She’s not like that ok.” Breslin replied while finally stopping and turning around.

  “Oh no, he is going to the dark side.” Conner said as he started pacing back and forth.

  “She is bad news my friend, I wouldn’t mess with her.” Eric stated as he began to walk away.

  “Everybody has a past man.” Breslin said while trying to revive the moment.

   “Trust me; just watch your back dude.” Conner said as he followed Eric.

   Allowing his head to wander, Breslin followed closely behind, quietly wishing he had actually been in a car crash so he wouldn’t have to deal with this.