Read Defining Love: Volume 1 (Defining Love #1) Page 8

  “I do, actually,” she said immediately then frowned. “Eileen’s friend mentioned searching for a better job than the one she has now. But she doesn’t have a car, and I can’t be driving her in every day. Besides, with my other job, you know I can’t do too many hours here, and I think she’d want more hours than the few I put in.”

  I refrained from smiling because I had a feeling I’d hit the jackpot, though I reminded myself how wrong it was to even begin thinking this way. Bea would be especially pissed that I’d tricked her into suggesting it. But it was true. I didn’t actually suggest Henrietta, right? I wasn’t even sure yet that she was who Bea was even talking about.

  Pushing away the thought and without looking up from my phone, I nodded, trying to appear as disinterested as possible. “I might be able to work something out with her no-car dilemma, depending on where she lives.”

  After Bea explained where she lived and that this was, in fact, Henrietta we were speaking of but that she didn’t talk to her as often anymore, I casually asked her to pass the word along that I was in need of more help if she did run into her. I then swaggered away into my office, a little too pleased with how my morning had started off so far.

  Once again, I wondered if this was a good idea. Then I reminded myself this wouldn’t be the first time I’d felt a little attracted to someone else in the long time I’d been with Mia and it probably wouldn’t be the last. It was normal, and as long as I didn’t act on it, which I never had and certainly had no intention of doing now, everything would be fine.



  For the next few months, I stopped hanging with Maggie, Eileen, and Beatriz. Keeping in touch mostly via text or social media. I knew at this point I couldn’t hide my relationship with Edi, but I still wasn’t ready to talk about it with the people in my world.

  As if that weren’t bad enough, I’d yet to squash the daydreams I’d begun having for weeks after New Year’s. Daydreams of Aaron. I’d convinced myself there was nothing wrong with harmless daydreaming, especially since it was never about anything dirty or sexual. The dreams consisted mostly of us talking—of him looking at me in that way that turned my insides to mush—a tiny and innocent reminder that for a part of me, my other world was still very much alive. I knew it was wrong to think of Edi’s and my worlds as two different worlds, but I couldn’t help it. Everyone who knew about us was from her world, not mine. Even Gemma didn’t know. Because I knew Edi was out to her parents and told her mom everything, I’d asked her to please ask her mom to hold off saying anything to Gemma about us. I wanted to be the one who told her.

  I didn’t think Gemma would care one way or another, but I just wasn’t ready. The double life I was living was beginning to feel a bit suffocating. As the weeks moved on, things actually began to feel a little normal. I was able to push aside the nagging feelings that I was being selfish and not completely honest with myself or Edi and just enjoy our relationship for what it was.

  Then one day in late March we were still lying in bed on a rare morning where neither of us had to rush anywhere when I got a text from Eileen. At that point, I only ever heard from her a few times every few weeks. She had a boyfriend now, and I assumed he was who was keeping her real busy, so I was curious why she’d be texting me so early.

  Are you still looking to get a different job?

  I sat up, remembering the last time I had to clean up a nasty bathroom at the hotel. My problem was that, without a car, I was still limited to trying to get a job within walking distance or, at the farthest, a short bus ride away. So all this time my best bet had been the housekeeping job at the hotel just a few blocks away.

  I texted back yes, hoping she remembered my no-car quandary. I didn’t want to get my hopes up if whatever she had in mind was far or at the mall like the jobs she and her cousin Beatriz had.

  It’s a little yawnsville, but it pays well, and it’s better than cleaning toilets. You’d also have a ride there and back.

  Already it sounded better than my job, so I texted back asking for details and feeling a little excited. Edi, who was lying next to me checking her own phone, glanced at me. “Who you texting?” she asked.

  “Eileen, she might have a job for me.”

  “Yeah?” she asked as I ran my fingers through her hair. “Where at?”

  “I dunno she hasn’t said.”

  I wondered if Eileen was at work or if I should just call her instead of waiting on her texts. Just then my phone rang, and I answered it eagerly. “Hey,” I chirped. “So what’s the job?”

  The moment she mentioned Aaron my insides did that strange thing I hadn’t felt with such intensity since that night I’d spoken to him at Beatriz’s house. He was hiring helpers for his new business, and I was instantly struck with a mixture of excitement and anxiousness.

  She explained a little about the job. Tracking online orders. A little accounting. A little packing and shipping. A little of everything. She said it was a small business he ran out of his house all by himself but it’d begun to get out of control. “He’s looking for a place to lease as we speak,” she continued, “because he’s running out of room here, but he’s in a real bind. I hate to leave him hanging dry, but I have no time for anything now.”

  I thought about it for a moment, chewing my lower lip. Edi was staring at me now, waiting to hear about it. “So, what are the hours?”

  “That’s the best part. He needs whatever you can give him. He asks Bea and I to just come down whenever we can. He knows we’d rather just be off on our days off, so when I mentioned you not having a car, he said he’d be willing to pick you up and drop you off.”

  Again the very thought of being alone with him in a car completely ignited my insides. She explained the pay, which was more than I was making now and that I could start as soon as I wanted. I started to smile, but the idea of working in Aaron’s home and from the sound of it alone . . . I just wasn’t sure how I felt about that. Yet at the same time, my heart pounded so hard I sat up further, afraid Edi might actually feel it.

  “So, I’d be working out of his house?” I asked. Edi gave me a strange look.

  “It’s more like a mini makeshift warehouse,” she said. “And it’s only until he finds a place where he can move all this to, and then you’ll be working at an actual warehouse slash office. He’s really gonna have to hire more people soon, so you won’t be the only one for long. Bea and I will probably still come in occasionally, even if you do decide to take the position. That’s how busy it is.”

  I told her I’d think it over and call her back. When I was off the phone, I explained to Edi, leaving out one detail I’d already decided was unnecessary even before I’d hung up—that I’d met Aaron already—and she certainly didn’t need to know about that moment we’d shared.

  “What kind of business is it?”

  I winced. “I didn’t even think to ask, but I guess he sells stuff online, and he’s really getting busy.”

  “I say do it,” Edi said, playing with my fingers. “Anything’s better than that disgusting job you have now. It’s more pay, you make your own hours, and you won’t have to walk home in the dark anymore.” She smiled big. “It’s a no brainer, Henri. Take it!”

  Smiling at her, I nodded in agreement. Despite my excitement about this, an emotion of a different kind festered in the pit of my stomach. I brushed off the guilt that washed over me as unreasonable. The guy was in a very committed relationship. Worlds out of my league. The very idea that he might ever be interested in anything I should feel guilty about was so absurd my face heated with embarrassment for just thinking it. This was just a job, one I hadn’t even sought out. It’d landed in my lap serendipitously. The opportunity I’d been waiting for to walk away from the job I hated. Why shouldn’t my insides be bursting with excitement about this?


  Writing the story is mostly all about me, but bringing it all together takes a small army. I couldn’t possibly do this alone.
I’d like to thank everyone who contributes in some way to every single book I put out.

  To my husband and “assistant,” Mark, thank you for believing in me always and encouraging me to do this. I appreciate your patience, especially when I go on and on about the corner I’ve written myself into this time or while I tell you about my latest crazy idea for a plot. I think you’re getting better at knowing how to respond to all my rants with every story I’ve worked on, and I love you so for that!

  To my babies, Marky and Megan, thank you for understanding when I disappear into “the zone” for days at a time. I think we’re all used to this way of life now, and you’ve been troopers all the way. You’ve both made me so proud, and I love you to the moon and back!

  To my beta readers, Dawn Winter, Emily Lamphear, and Amanda “Hootie” Clark, thank you all SO much! You have no idea (Well, you do. I whined about it enough o.O) how worried I was about this one. Thank you for your always completely honest opinions and feedback. I always need and appreciate it but this time a little more because there were so many things I was worried about. This year should be interesting yet exciting. I look forward to having you in my corner the whole way. <3

  I’d also like to thank the many bloggers out there who have supported me and have pimped, reviewed, and participated in my cover reveals and announcements. You guys have been a HUGE part of my success, and I thank every single one of you from the bottom of my heart! A special shout out to Ing Cruz of “As the Pages Turn” for all your help with the cover reveals, release blitzes, and blog tours! You are VERY appreciated!

  Thank you to Theresa (Eagle Eyes) Wegand, my one-stop superhero, beta reader/editor/formatter, listener to all my whiny rants/vents and obsessive worrying, and friend—even when you’re brutally honest. LOL ;) I promise I’ll never hold it against you and truly appreciate it! As always, your work is impeccable, and I can’t say enough about it. I hope to be working with you for years to come! Thank you so much!

  I want to give a special shout out to “my FP girls,” my incredibly talented group of superstar authors. I feel absolutely blessed to have found you. I owe you all so much. Thank you for the love, empathy, and your friendships. Each and every one of you!

  Thank you, Amanda Simpson of Pixel Mischief Design for my cover art. You’re an amazing talent and awesome to work with. So far you’ve made some gems for me, and I’m excited about what’s yet to come and working with you on many more!

  Thanks to my good friend New York Times Best Seller JB Salsbury for turning me on to my new cover artist! And also for being such a great fan of my work! I’m so glad I finally got to meet you last year and so proud of you and all your success!

  A special shout out to my street team “Team Reyes!” To my admins, Leslie Cary, Jenn DaSilva, Delashawne Hodgeson, Christina Garner Staggs, and Astin Brooks for running it with so much love and enthusiasm. Thank you for all the hard work you put into the team! But to all who are part of Team Reyes and are part of the madness and FUN, I thank you all for your continued support! Love you guys! I’m SO looking forward to the team’s meet and greet this year!! <3

  And, of course, my incredibly awesome readers! Thank you all for taking the chance on this one and holding your fire when I announced it would be released in volumes. I really hope you enjoyed it and can hardly wait to hear your thoughts! I really do LOVE hearing from you! I hope to have a few surprises for you guys in 2015 just to show you that I really am listening and reading ALL your messages and comments!.

  About the Author

  USA Today Bestselling Author, Elizabeth Reyes, was born and raised in southern California and still lives there with her husband of almost twenty-one years, her two teens, her Great Dane named Dexter, and one big fat cat named Tyson.

  She spends eighty percent of time in front of her computer, writing and keeping up with all the social media, and loves it. She says that there is nothing better than doing what you absolutely love for a living, and she eats, sleeps, and breathes these stories, which are constantly begging to be written.

  Representation: Jane Dystel of Dystel & Goderich now handles all questions regarding subsidiary rights for any of Ms. Reyes’ work. Please direct inquiries regarding foreign translation and film rights availability to her.

  For more information on her upcoming projects and to connect with her--she loves hearing from you all—here are a few places you can find her:


  Facebook fan page:

  Twitter: @AuthorElizabeth

  Email [email protected]

  Add her books to your Good Reads shelf

  She enjoys hearing your feedback and looks forward to reading your reviews and comments on her website and fan page!



  Elizabeth Reyes, Defining Love: Volume 1 (Defining Love #1)



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