Read Defining Love: Volume 3 (Defining Love #3) Page 11

  “But you know it always makes me feel better,” I teased.

  Instantly, he lifted me in his arms. “Oh, I know what always makes you feel better.”

  Giggling in his arms as he rushed me through the house, I could hardly believe what a turnaround my morning’s mood had done. Just a few hours ago I’d been sobbing inconsolably; now here I was very likely seconds away from having him inside me. But I wasn’t lying when I’d said this always made me feel better. He hadn’t done anything to me yet, and already my body was alive with a sudden rush of yearning and feeling so much better.

  He walked me into the back room, the one that was once his makeshift warehouse. We’d since redecorated it with a massive wrap-around sofa and a huge television, and he’d bought a pool table. We’d gone shopping several times, and he let me pick out lamps and some of the other decorations and wall hangings in there.

  The moment he put me down on the pool table I knew I was in for a treat. This wasn’t the first time we’d occupied the pool table for this reason. Within seconds, those panties were off and my skirt was up. He lifted my legs over his shoulders and smiled at me with those smoldering eyes before diving in. The touch of tongue to my already pulsating clit was always such a bolt of lightning. I instantly arched my back in reaction and moaned.

  Naively, I’d thought there was no way a guy could be as good as a girl at this, but Aaron was oh so good at it. His tongue flicked and licked up and down and all around in perfect rhythm as I squirmed and moaned, feeling that familiar buildup.

  My body trembled and Aaron slowed down. He always did as if he wanted this to go on longer. Not only was he oh so good at it, he really enjoyed it and liked taking his time, but it drove me nuts. “Aaron,” I pleaded as he backed off again just as I was getting ready to explode.

  “Feeling better, baby?”

  “Oh God, yes!”

  I ran my fingers through his hair, grabbing chunks and holding on as if my life depended on it just as it began to really build again. “Yes!” I cried out, willing him not to stop, and he continued to flick that most perfect spot with his tongue as he fucked me with two fingers. “Yes, yes, Aaron. Oh my God, yes!”

  The moment I felt the ecstasy of such an intense climax I cried out, and he latched on, continuing to slide his fingers in and out. With my entire body still trembling, he finally had mercy and unlatched his mouth from my clit, kissing it one last time.

  He leaned over and kissed me even as I tried catching my breath. “Maybe we should spend the rest of the day making you feel better,” he whispered against my lips.

  I smiled back, gazing into those piercing dark eyes. “After what I put you through this morning, I think it’s my turn to make you feel better.”

  “Sounds like an excellent way to spend my day off.” He pulled me up, but before I could even begin to get off the pool table, he cradled my face in his hands, staring deep into my eyes. “Seriously, Henri, you didn’t put me through anything, okay? You’re my girlfriend now. I love you more than you’ll ever know. Please don’t ever feel like there’s anything you can’t share with me. Anything you can’t be completely honest about. I meant it when I said, short of you cheating on me”—he lifted a pointed brow—“I can’t think of anything else that would make me leave you. My love for you is unconditional. Always will be. So promise me you won’t hold anything in. Let it out before it builds so much you’re hurting as much as you were today.”

  I smiled, even as I felt the lump in my throat again, but not in a bad way this time. This time it was overwhelming relief. I truly believed every word he was saying. “I promise.” And I meant it. I never would again.



  The wedding was even more painful than expected. As in painfully awkward. Admittedly, I wondered if seeing Mia again would do anything to me. Invoke any kind of doubt that I’d made a mistake.

  Yesterday morning was a major confirmation of only one thing. I couldn’t and wouldn’t live without Henri in my life now. There was no point in mentioning it to Henri even after she’d made the remark about how hard it must’ve been for Mia to see me again.

  Our conversation hadn’t been quite as cut-and-dry as I made it out to be, but again I didn’t see the point in elaborating. Henri wasn’t the only emotional girl I’d had to deal with yesterday morning. Mia’s initial reaction to seeing me when she obviously wasn’t expecting to was to freeze. She’d instantly choked up, turned around, and stormed out the door she’d just entered. I followed her out only because I’d been on my way out already but also because I would’ve felt like a dick not checking to see if she was okay. I really did care about her as a person, as my former best friend. She did manage to compose herself though the pain was still there when we spoke.

  The rest was pretty generic with her assuring me she was fine and she just hadn’t been expecting to see me. “I thought for sure you’d be picking up your tux later tonight when you were done with work. It’s why I took the morning off to come by now.”

  Of course, I didn’t tell her there was good reason why I’d chosen to pick it up in the morning versus in the evening. My evenings now were very much occupied whenever I wasn’t at the station, and I wasn’t about to interrupt them. She did say one thing that I hadn’t been sure would be a good or bad thing. Only her closest family members and, of course, the bride and groom knew we were split now. Everyone else in the family knew nothing because she hadn’t seen most of them, and she wasn’t going to pick up the phone just to tell them.

  “So no need to feel like everyone is watching you, knowing what happened. Even my closest family members don’t know all the details. They just know we’re taking a break.”

  Taking a break. I should’ve known that couldn’t be good. That implied it wasn’t as final as it really was, but I decided I wouldn’t worry about it. After today, I’d never have to see any of them again. How bad could this be, right?


  It started off fine, though halfway down the aisle Mia started crying. Not an ugly cry or even very noticeably. But one glance was all it took for me to see the tears trickling down her face. That still wasn’t too bad. Many guests in the pews were shedding tears too. Her crying could still be seen as tears of joy for the bride and groom. Even though I had a feeling there was more to them.

  Then came the photo shoot immediately after the wedding. I was forced to pose with Mia like a happy couple over and over. It didn’t stop at the park we’d been taken to in the limo the entire wedding party shared. Everyone had started partying early in the limo, including Mia who was taking shots. Mia never took shots and for good reason. She couldn’t hold her liquor. Not tequila anyway. If she stuck to wine, she was okay because she sipped slowly.

  By the time we made it back to the reception, she was noticeably tipsy. Again, it still wasn’t too bad. All the other girls were a little tipsy too, and we’d all be eating soon so that would help sober her up.

  As we sat at the wedding party table, she glanced up at me. “You look incredible,” she said as she sipped her glass of wine.

  “Thank you.” I knew this was the tequila talking. She’d hardly said a word to me earlier. “So do you.”

  “Thank you,” she said, taking yet another sip of her wine. “But I mean you look even bigger than the last time I saw you. I don’t know if it’s the tux or the shirt and tie you were wearing yesterday, but when I saw you yesterday, I couldn’t believe how much more muscle you seem to have. I was taken too much by surprise yesterday to really get a good look, but”—she leaned back and took me in from top to bottom—“wow. Very nice.”

  Before I could respond, because I couldn’t decide if she was being sarcastic or if it was the tequila still talking, she continued.

  “I guess keeping up with a nineteen-year-old has you putting longer hours in the gym.”

  I smirked, picking up my glass of water and taking a sip. Apparently, it was both sarcasm and the tequila.

  “I guess so,” I
said, unwilling to get sucked into any catty verbal sparring with her.

  The food being served helped pause the fun conversation we’d begun having. The rest of the dinner had gone okay. Even the toasts were painless, and she didn’t say anything about us as I was afraid she might. But she kept drinking, and later we were asked more than once by unaware relatives if we’d set a date yet, to which her blunt responses got worse each time.

  “No, the wedding’s off.” When the inevitable was asked—why?—it was as if she’d rehearsed it because she had several variations of answers:

  “Because he likes them younger.”

  “He fell in love with his young employee.”

  “He went away on a business trip with his young female employee, and when he got back, he decided he didn’t want to be engaged anymore.”

  Each time I stood there as they all stared at me like they weren’t sure she was kidding at first. Then, when they realized she wasn’t, they glared at me like I was the biggest dick on the planet. Still, I refused to get into it with her. I actually made light of it during one of the endless photo sessions. She’d been asked to sit on my lap for this particular photo. All the other couples in the party had done it, so there was no way I could be a douche and refuse.

  The lady making sure every hair was in place and all the tuxes were perfect was another one of her unaware family members. I’d stopped tensing up when I heard the question after the second time she gave them her very honest and blunt answers as to why.

  I decided I didn’t give a shit anymore. So when the inevitable happened again, and this elderly lady, whoever she was, flattened her hand against her chest in complete disappointment, I actually smirked and waited.

  “Because, Madge,” Mia said, “he’s doing the little girl that works for him.”

  Madge’s eyes widened, but she didn’t seem to understand, so Mia demonstrated with her arm as she did an inward fist thrust. Madge’s mouth fell open, and she turned to me. I had no choice but to smile and shrug like an idiot.

  As soon as she walked away, I actually chuckled. “Good one,” I said. “That one was your best one yet. The doing the little girl thing was perfect for Madge. What is she ninety?”

  “Thank you,” she said without missing a beat. “I’m particularly proud of that one.”

  “Nice touch with the obscene gesture by the way,” I said, chuckling again. “Way to really drive it home.”

  She giggled now. “I had to practice that at home, you know.”

  When I laughed again, she turned to me and kissed me. Not just any kiss either. She grabbed my face with both her hands and thrust her tongue in my mouth. Though I didn’t give into the kiss and pulled away, the damage was done. That’s when I knew she’d had way too much to drink and this night was over for me. I should’ve known when I saw her do the obscene gesture that things might get ugly. It was so unlike Mia.

  I wondered if I’d been set up because the camera snapped away the whole time. Others, like the bride and a few of the bridesmaids, snapped their camera phones too. Fuck.

  It was over as soon as it started because the moment her lips were off mine I nudged her off and stood up. “But we’re not done,” the photographer said.

  “I am,” I said, stalking away, pissed at myself for actually egging her on when she was clearly drunk.

  I didn’t even have to explain to Luke why I was leaving early. The formalities were all over anyway, and it really wasn’t that early. It was almost eleven. I just wouldn’t be hanging around to dance the night away as I’d considered doing earlier for Luke’s sake.

  I’d confided in him about Henri and me. I didn’t even ask him not to share with his fiancée—Mia’s cousin. But he said he was not about to open that can of worms and have her make him her go-between for information. But since he knew, he understood.

  “I saw everything,” he said as soon as I reached him.

  “I gotta go.”

  He nodded in understanding and thanked me for going through with this when he knew it couldn’t have been easy. I said goodbye to the most pertinent of guests and got out.

  I’d been going over everything that happened, still wondering if Mia possibly planned it that way but decided Madge couldn’t be that good of an actress. The absolutely appalled expression on her face was classic. Mia couldn’t have planned that. Even as I reached my car, I had to smirk. Once in my car, I got the text from Mia and I read it.

  I’ve forbidden anyone who got a photo of that to post it anywhere public in case you’re worried about that. The hand gesture is as immature as I get. I wasn’t just being sarcastic either. You really do look amazing. Sorry. I just couldn’t help myself. Goodbye forever, my love. =(

  Yes, I knew Mia wasn’t that immature when she was sober. She was still drinking and in a herd of other drunk bridesmaids who’d likely egg her on. Even then, I still thought Mia too classy to go there. But I couldn’t risk it. I wouldn’t even wait until tomorrow when I’d be seeing Henri again.

  Things were already touch and go with the whole Edi thing. The last thing I needed was to give her any reason to think California was her best option if Edi really did leave. I groaned, knowing Henri’s apartment was still an hour away. I’d keep my fingers crossed that Edi had either gone out again and wasn’t home or they were asleep and Henri could sneak out for a few minutes. But I had to talk to her now before anyone else got to her.

  Chapter 20


  Not since yesterday morning had Edi mentioned transferring to ESU again. I actually cut short my day of making each other feel better with Aaron yesterday so I could get home earlier than the norm to talk to her.

  To my surprise, she had friends over: two of the girls from her volleyball team but thankfully not Astrid. Not that it mattered anymore, I just thought it’d be too awkward to be around her, especially given the fact that she’d warned Edi I’d only hurt her again and I had.

  Another surprise was how sweet and inviting all three were with me. I had to wonder if Edi had told them anything. They’d bought stuff to make pizza from scratch. Her friend Iris had told them about her mom’s to-die-for homemade pizza. I actually hung out with them as we put the pizza together and then baked it.

  They’d bought beer, and we drank some and chatted for a while. The pizza really was to die for. Like the times I’d spent with Edi in the last few weeks catching a movie and going to the jazz fest, it was actually very pleasant.

  Considering what an awful morning we’d had, I knew my hopeful heart was naïve to think she’d changed her mind about ESU so quickly. But seeing how well she got along with her friends and how much she’d calmed, I let my heart hope.

  I let her know yesterday that I was free today again all day, in case she wanted to plan something. She had to put in internship hours at the hospital early in the day, but when she got home, we did laundry together then stocked up on groceries. Again, the fact that we were shopping and she was talking in terms of milk for the week and enough cold cuts gave me hope she was at least not thinking about leaving in the immediate future.

  We rented a couple of DVDs and had already watched one together. When it was over, we got up for a late snack and remembered we still had the leftover ingredients from last night’s pizza-making gathering. So we decided we’d make it even as late as it was and eat it while watching the second movie we’d rented. I was in the middle of spreading the cheese on the pizza when I heard my phone ping. I ignored it, thinking if it was important they’d either call or text again. Then I heard it ping again.

  Edi was surprisingly in a good mood, and while I was curious as to what caused the turnaround, I refused to ask and kill the mood. All I knew was she’d invited the girls over yesterday to shake her from the blues and it worked. At least for now.

  After washing my hands, I decided to casually check my texts. They were both from Aaron. The first one just asked if I was awake. The second said he was outside because he’d left the wedding early but needed to t
alk to me.

  I frowned as I glanced up at Edi, who was still distracted working on the pizza. She finished with the pizza, put it in the oven, and pulled out a bowl and a bag of microwave popcorn. Shit.

  How was I supposed to interrupt our girls’ night to tell her I was leaving with Aaron, especially this late at night? There’d be no way she’d buy this was purely business. I couldn’t. So I responded.

  We’re making a late snack. Can this wait?

  I knew Aaron would understand. But I had to wonder if maybe he’d been drinking and that’s why he’d shown up like this so late. He couldn’t be mad. If he were about to sit down and eat with someone, I couldn’t expect him to just drop everything for me just because I wanted to talk to him.

  I had to wince because I knew he probably would, even if it were his parents or something. So I grumbled something about needing to use the bathroom and walked in there before Edi would notice my distraction with my texting. I really didn’t want to ruin this evening.

  My phone buzzed this time because I’d turned off the ping, and I braced myself, hoping he would say “okay” and really be okay with it.

  Actually, under normal circumstances, I’d say, absolutely, enjoy your evening, but I REALLY need to talk to you. Any chance you can say you asked me to drop something off? Paperwork or some BS and just come out for a few minutes? Either that or maybe I can call you? I’ll keep it short, I promise.

  I frowned, chewing my thumb nail. Which would be better? Taking his call and risk Edi hearing and possibly ruining the perfectly pleasant day we’d had so far. Or going out and talking to him quickly?

  I decided the latter was safer and responded that I’d be out there in a few. I walked out of the restroom and into the living room. Edi was standing in front of the TV with the remote. The entire apartment smelled like popcorn now. “Should we start it now or wait until the pizza is done?” she asked.

  “Actually, Aaron’s outside,” I said, and her expression immediately tensed. “He’s just dropping off an assignment I forgot at the office and really need to work on. I’ll only be a few minutes. We can start it when I get back in.”