Read Demonic Double Cross Page 70

Chapter 21

  Thanks to the low ceiling and mostly tiled floor, there was little to distinguish the retorts of Kurt’s pistols from the explosions of West’s shotgun as both were equally deafening. Bullets tore into the mannequin monster while buckshot peppered it in equal measure. Despite the sheer amount of firepower being focused on it, it was impossible to tell if any real damage was being done.

  The abomination felt no pain, felt no fear. Its only purpose was to destroy the Twins.

  A claw made from mannequin arms swiped at Kurt, who was quick enough to leap to one side and avoid being struck. The follow up blow, a kick from the abomination’s massive right leg, sent the biker sliding across the tiled hallway.

  “Over here you big ugly bastard!” West cried defiantly over the boom of his sawed-off.

  The buckshot struck the abomination in the back of a plastic torso, shredding its cloth skin and punching a hole into the false flesh. The mannequin monster didn’t even seem to notice the harm done to it. The moment a hole, crack or rupture opened in its body, more clothing would be summoned to fill the gap. Shoelace sutures or mitten medical wrap sealed just about every wound the Twins had managed to make.

  Though no definite injury had been caused by West, he had certainly got the abomination’s attention. Turning around on its stiff, pillar-like legs, the abomination curled its fingers into a fist and swung angrily at West. The giant was ready, casting his shotgun aside as he threw both his arms wide. With legs spaced shoulder-width apart and squatting slightly, West braced himself for impact.

  The fist of the abomination was so large that when it connected, everything from West’s collarbone to his waist became bruised. West let out a grunt of pain as the blunt strike nearly lifted him off his feet…an experience that was obviously new to the giant.

  Despite the force behind it, the attack wasn’t enough to keep West from doing what he loved; testing the limits of his physical prowess. With the abomination’s fist still touching his chest, West wrapped his arms around the mannequin monster’s wrist. Grunting and gritting his teeth, the giant summoned up all of his impressive strength.

  “Let’s arm wrestle!” West bellowed at the abomination, his muscles screaming as he twisted his body, pulling with all his might.

  The sound of canvas tearing and plastic popping filled the air. The entire arm of the abomination shifted as it was forced from its socket. Continuing to pull, curse, grunt and tug, West caused even more damage as the steel rod that served as the mannequin monster’s bones gave way.

  West fell flat on his ass as a throng of mannequin parts, steel and clothing toppled upon him. Apparently whatever spell the abomination had over the parts that served as its limb was lost once it was removed from its core. It was the same limitation the trash-thing had displayed in my office but of course the Twins couldn’t have known that.

  Before the mannequin monster could lash out in retaliation for the indignity it had suffered, the abomination was struck by a hail of bullets from behind. Kurt raced down the hallway, one pistol raised and firing as fast as his finger could pull the trigger.

  Cradled in the biker’s free arm was a fire extinguisher.

  Once again caught off guard by a counterattack, the abomination tried to turn and meet this new threat. Though it managed to swing its remaining arm, the mannequin monster was simply too big and awkward for an accurate blow. Kurt simply ducked the massive fist, sliding across the tiles on his knees. After coming to a stop, the biker found himself staring right up at the hole in the mannequin monster’s body that West had so kindly provided. Even now some orange socks and a rainbow scarf were trying to fill the wound but it was too late. Once he got to his feet, the biker leapt as high as he could and wedged the fire extinguisher in the gaping hole before it was completely covered up.

  The second his feet touched the ground, Kurt began to backpedal as he raised his gun.

  “Boom.” He muttered as he squeezed the trigger.

  The fire extinguisher exploded in a frothy, expanding mess. The damage to the abomination was glorious, causing the plastic torso that had held the extinguisher to shatter in half. The frothy foam packed such a wallop that it actually sent the abomination’s skull soaring through the air before it crashed to the ground with a metallic clang.

  “Ha! No one can take us! No one!” West declared as he finally managed to untangle himself from the massive heap of once-again inanimate objects.

  Kurt allowed himself a rare grin as he wiped a few splatters of foam off his jacket; a small casualty considering what they had been up against. The biker tucked his pistol into the back of his belt.

  “Wonder what the hell that was…” West pondered aloud as he walked over to retrieve his fallen sawed-off.

  His shotgun had fallen onto the cheap carpeted area of the store’s clothing section, which was now nearly empty of all clothes and accessories. When bending over to pick up his favored weapon, something caught the giant’s eye.

  “Lookie here.” West called, standing up and indicating to the center of the carpet.

  Standing on the edge of the carpeted area, the Twins laid eyes on a stain…a very carefully designed stain. Red droplets and smears ran all over the carpet, weaving along the fibers in chaotic patterns. Though they couldn’t have known that the stain was actually the “holy script” of Macula, the Twins quickly realized what the stain was made of.

  They both looked over at the dead cultist who had slit her wrists to create the insane symbol. She had given her very lifeblood to stop the Twins.

  “I’m gonna need a long drink after tonight.” Kurt grunted.

  Before West could respond another tremor shook the floor.

  Angry, scraping sounds rang out behind them and in unison, the Twins turned to see the source of the commotion…

  It wasn’t pretty.

  Whatever twisted, sentient force had created the abomination, it wasn’t done yet as the inanimate piles of storehouse goods were once again given life or at least animation. The collection of dummy parts, clothing and miscellaneous items pulled back together, slowly but surely reassembling the awkward and horrifying shape of the abomination. Even the arm that had been ripped off of the mannequin monster’s body began to recreate itself as it gravitated towards the central mass. The hole caused by the fire extinguisher’s explosion had already been filled by what appeared to be webbing made from the elastic waistbands of undergarments. Lastly, the skull reattached itself, snapping its jaw wildly like some savage beast.

  “We did just kill this thing, right?” West asked for confirmation, raising his shotgun.

  “Is it even alive to begin with?” Kurt asked, surprisingly inquisitive.

  “Dunno.” West sighed, “But Broker better hurry the hell up with whatever he is doing.”

  Before Kurt could respond the abomination charged the Twins, ignoring the combined fire that they laid down. In a show of pure malicious intent, the mannequin monster scooped both of the Twins off the ground, crushing West and Kurt in either fist. They struggled valiantly to break free but the abomination tightened its grip. Pain paralyzed the Twins as bones stressed to the point of fracture and organs threatened to rupture.

  Calling upon some hidden reserve of strength West twisted his body, managing to free one arm and bring the shotgun to bear. The abomination’s skull opened its mouth wide as if it were roaring at the offending giant. Without a second’s hesitation West squeezed the trigger, his sawed-off thundering as he fired point blank into the mannequin monster’s face.

  Buckshot shredded the copper wire hangers that made up the skull, forcing it to collapse in on itself. The Twins were released from the abomination’s grasp, both hitting the floor and sucking in air greedily. Neither Kurt or West were given the chance to catch their breath as the mannequin monster’s skull reassembled itself, bending back into place before being reinforced with a second layer of pantyhose.

  “Fuck.” Kurt and West grunted as one.