Read Demonic Double Cross Page 71

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  As my associates played out their roles in the Ocean Grocer (holding onto some hopes that my plan would pan out), I was ascending some stairs to confront the agent of an omnipotent incarnation of evil. It was strange, as my friends were depending on me, I was depending on them. I found such a concept unsettling. For the first time in my life I didn’t have a contingency plan against backstabbing or being double-crossed. I was truly one hundred and ten percent confident in my cohorts as we attempted to pull off the impossible.

  It was beautiful and terrifying at the same time.

  At the top of the stairs a single steel door rested. Until recently this door had just been a dust-covered portal to a large attic where Ocean Grocer employees would shove damaged or expired merchandise until they were ordered to reshelf it in the discount section. Now if my hunch was correct this very same door most likely lead to Lorraine the Lost, body-snatching and devil worshipping witch who had orchestrated crimes against the very laws of nature and decency itself.

  Which was why I was so surprised to find the door unlocked.

  I had to throw all of my crazy-cultist pretenses out the window when stepping into Lorraine’s haven. I was expecting to see black candles, chains, desecrated corpses and horrific blood-oaths written on the walls. Nothing like that awaited me in the attic. Instead the room I found myself in was pleasantly lit with recently painted walls and a nicely polished hardwood floor. For a moment I was taken back, thinking I had accidentally entered a manager’s office instead of the lair of a thousand year old sorceress.

  Of course fate didn’t let me off that easy.

  Clear across the room seated at a small desk, sat Lorraine. Her ebony eyes burned holes into me as she kept a carefully controlled smile on her face. There wasn’t a single scratch or hair out of place on her head. Apparently whatever power protected her from bullets also protected her from the shrapnel of the oxygen tank I had blown up during my escape.

  “How nice of you to join me.” Lorraine called as she rose from her seat, “I was wondering how long it would take before you made an appearance.”

  I didn’t get a chance to reply. Lorraine raised her hand and the air in front of her shimmered like a mirage. My mind just barely registered what was happening as a bluish orb of mysterious light was sent hurling my way. It was almost as fast as a gun shot, becoming a streak of blue luminescence as it cut through the air.

  I couldn’t have dodged if I wanted to…luckily I didn’t need to.

  Once the arcane orb got within a foot of me it vanished entirely, like a flashlight’s beam that had just been clicked off.

  “Forgot about this?” I asked, pulling Father O’Brawley’s crucifix out from under my shirt so it rested on my chest.

  “No.” Lorraine giggled, “I just thought killing you outright would be much easier than negotiating.”

  Well, she may be bat-shit insane but at least she was consistently bat-shit insane.

  “Where are all your followers?” I observed casually, shutting the door behind me before striding boldly towards her, “Did they get cold feet the moment the shooting started?”

  Lorraine’s face became painfully neutral.

  “Once they have killed those causing the ruckus, the Daughters’ usefulness will be at an end.” Lorraine informed me frostily, “After I’ve completed the sacrifice, I won’t need those foolish children any more. Macula will have his tribute, I will have this body and an entire fortune to spend as I see fit. My next several lifetimes shall be quite pleasurable.”

  Lorraine turned away from me and walked over to her chair, sitting back down elegantly.

  “Congratulations, Sir Broker. You’ve stopped my drug peddling business and destroyed my cult. Most impressive. However, don’t think I haven’t had my own share of victories.” The cult leader continued, reaching behind her chair and pulling out a briefcase, “Thanks to Dr. Livingstone, I have plenty of Soul Scream left. You can’t imagine how much easier it will be using this drug to transfer bodies instead of depending on the more draconian methods. It’s…what’s the term? Ah yes. It’s streamlined the process.”

  Such a statement made me feel chilled on the inside but I wasn’t here to play any games or beat around the bush. I was here to end the centuries-old crime spree of this psychotic, delusional witch and make sure no one else would suffer because of her. But in order to do that, I’d first need to throw her off her game. Luckily as a conman, that was my specialty.

  “It really is a shame.” I commented casually, stopping as I came to the center of the room.

  “Don’t tell me you’ve had a change of heart and want to convert?” The cult leader purred with a smile.

  “No. It’s a shame that the explosion didn’t kill you.”

  “You are such a tease!” Lorraine hissed but kept her insane smile, “If you are looking for any kind of bargain, forget it. I’m through with you and this thrice-damned city. I’ll consider this just a rough patch in but one of my many lives. Much like that whole business in Salem…”

  “Cut the bullshit.” I countered, pointing and accusing finger at her, “You wouldn’t have waited for me if there wasn’t something you wanted. What’s your angle? You’ve lost everything and now you want me to help you get it back, is that it?”

  “Not really,” Lorraine replied with a casual shrug, “I waited for you because I want to offer your soul to Lord Macula first and foremost. Consider it an honor for being the greatest pain I’ve encountered in nearly five hundred years.”

  Well shit. Talk about holding a grudge! My spinelessness flared up, momentarily making my knees weak but I somehow managed to stand strong. All I needed to do was stall a little longer and give Father O’Brawley and Fiona time to take care of their assignments. In just a few minutes my gamble should pay off and I’ll put an end to Lorraine, her cult and hopefully her patron devil in one swift stroke.

  It was time for a show of force, so I squared my shoulders and adopted an aggressively cocky grin.

  “I’ve brought this entire place down on your head. You are all alone and you know it! Return the girls to normal and I’ll consider letting you transfer your soul into a dog. A small one.” I demanded as I folded my arms, “I got you beat so that’s the best deal you’ll get. Not even your magic or freaky spells will work on me!”

  The cult leader rolled her eyes as if she couldn’t comprehend my stupidity.

  “I know my magic won’t work on you…directly.” Lorraine said as she set the briefcase down and popped it open, “But give me some credit will you? After all I am several hundred years your senior.”

  The air above the briefcase shimmered as one of the syringes was plucked up by the mysterious forces under Lorraine’s control. Soul Scream oozed from the tip of the needle and my scarred chest began to burn as if it recognized the hellish substance that had disfigured me.

  With a simple flick of her wrist, the crazed cult leader sent the syringe soaring at me like a dart.

  “Wait!” I shouted, holding up my hands in surrender.

  Lorraine cocked her head to the side, an amused smile on her lips as she twirled her index finger. The syringe altered course in midair, rising in altitude before coming to a bobbing hover just a few feet from me. I took a deep breath and hoped that those who trusted and depended on me, would forgive me for what I was about to do.

  “Let’s talk this out,” I exhaled, forcing the words around the lump in my throat, “Just you and me…”