Read Destiny's Challenge Page 18


  The rain fell in straight vertical sheets, pumping down from the sky in total, eerie silence.

  Icy droplets stung Riley’s skin, pulling her out of a deep sleep. She woke up alert and drenched to the bone. Leaping up, she sprinted for the nearest available shelter, a nearby cave. She frowned in puzzlement. The last thing she remembered was talking to Nehe on the ledge behind the waterfall. How then had she come to awaken under an open sky?

  Despite the limited visibility due to the unrelenting downpour, she saw a carpet of sand covering the ground. Shivering, she moved deeper into the cave seeking warmth. It was damp and gloomy, permeated with a faint, unpleasant odor. Wrinkling her nose in disgust, she pressed forward, almost numb with cold. The chill seeping into her bones made her teeth chatter. A faint blue light emanating from the cave gave it a spectral glow. An uneasy feeling crept over her as if she was being watched by unseen eyes. The mouth of the cave was narrow but as Riley continued to advance it widened into a huge, roomy chamber. A fire crackled in its midst. Ignoring, her initial instinct to rush headlong towards it, Riley halted. Instead of beckoning in the usual manner of crackling fires it emitted a hint of menace. She shivered again. The blue flames started to swirl and brighten and a shadowy form stepped out of the fire.

  “Greetings, Princess. Tell me how do you like the Isle of Paradisi thus far?” The figure tossed her long white hair and regarded Riley with impish grey eyes.

  Riley breathed a sigh of relief. “Diara! Thank you granting my request.”

  Diara frowned as she looked at the still shivering Riley. Heat filled the cave and Riley’s wet clothes dried instantly. Murmuring her thanks, Riley moved closer to the fire, its blaze now cheerful.

  “Have you found the answers you were seeking?” Diara asked.

  Riley shrugged. “Not sure. Some of the answers were cryptic and others spawned even more questions.”

  Diara threw back her head and laughed, a wild cackle that bounced off the walls of the cave. “That sounds like Nehe. She’s incapable of giving a straight answer.”

  “Is she a friend of yours?”

  Diara snorted. “Nemesis would be a more fitting description. I must caution you, Princess, do not be so quick to believe any beings that you encounter here. Each has its own agenda and will not hesitate to use you to further that agenda.”

  Riley raised her brow. “Including you?”

  Diara laughed again, a dark sound that had Riley shivering anew. “Always knew you were smart. Yes, especially me.”

  “What is your agenda?” Riley wrapped her arms around herself in a futile attempt to warm up. The fire was now pumping out cold heat.

  “Did Nehe explain that the beings who live here have powers that other life forms attribute to gods and goddesses? If some life forms believe that I am a goddess, then that belief enhances my powers thus enabling me to become more powerful than other beings and able to garner their powers as well. With all that power I can do what I will.” Diara’s eyes gleamed with a lurid light.

  Riley frowned. “If you are only interested in accumulating power, why did you agree to help me find a way for the Light Bringers and the Dark Mages to govern Avalyss together?”

  “You misunderstood Princess. I said that I would help you stop the battle. Assist Cole to become a Prince of Light or help you join the Dark Mages. By allowing me to create an Avalyss that consists entirely of Light Bringers or Dark Mages, you would have made me very powerful indeed. Your idea of bringing balance to Avalyss would only dilute my power. I cannot allow that to happen.”

  A fierce gust of wind sprang up, extinguishing the blue fire and plunging the cavern into sudden darkness. Riley gasped as the wind reached out icy arms and tried to rip her from the floor. Straining to see through the encompassing blackness, she called out to Diara but all she heard was the roaring sound of the malevolent wind. The entire cavern started to vibrate and chunks of rock rained down from the ceiling. Riley yelped as she received a stinging blow to the arm. She tried to head for the cave opening but she could not see through the thick curtain of darkness and stumbled around, hands held out to keep from banging into the walls. A bright flash pierced the blackness and Riley caught a quick glimpse of honey hair and amber eyes before the brief light faded.

  “Cole, over here. We need to get out.” Riley headed towards the spot where she had seen him but, before she could reach him, a chunk of rock hit her on the side of the head and she collapsed.

  Cole sat cradling Riley’s motionless body in his arms, his face twisted in anguish, his hand caressing her fevered cheek. He stared blankly at the crystalline brook babbling next to him. He had no idea how he had gotten to this forest glade. The last thing he remembered was hearing her cry out then everything had started spinning and he had ended up in this picturesque spot with an unconscious Riley sporting a nasty looking bump on her head. He had tried to teleport back to Avalyss but could not. He had petitioned Diara for help but his pleas had gone unanswered. He believed that he was still on the Isle of Paradisi.

  After witnessing the unsettling spectacle of Riley being plucked out of the Great Hall by a giant hand, he had called on Diara to take him to the Isle of Paradisi. Nothing had happened for hours. He had given up and had gone running in the courtyard of the Dark Tower. He was in mid run when he felt a sudden tugging sensation then he was in a dark cave with rocks falling from the ceiling and had heard Riley’s cry of pain. He could not remember the last time he had felt so helpless. He had no idea what to do next. His grip tightened on Riley. She had become very important to him in her own right and not just as a convenient means to furthering his ambition. Hell, he liked her. Even more than liked her. As for how much more he could not let himself go down that road just yet. Not now. Not while she was in danger. She was the most infuriating and fascinating woman he had ever met. He could not lose her.

  “Sentiment is a dangerous thing. It often thwarts ambition.” The silky voice broke into his thoughts.

  Startled, he looked up and relief flooded through him as Diara materialized near the brook.

  “Diara! Where have you been? Have you not heard my pleas? The Princess is hurt, please help her.” His voice cracked with emotion.

  Diara, dressed in a shimmering grey robe that matched her eyes, stood motionless. Her face could have been carved in stone, it betrayed nothing.

  “Don’t just stand there. Do something!” Cole shouted.

  “What would you have me do?”

  Cole stared at her, his expression incredulous. Panic clutched at his throat. “We don’t have time for games. She could die. Help her!”

  Icy grey eyes bored into Cole’s. “Think! Use your brain. Turn off your emotions. If she dies, what happens?”

  Cole stared at her, confusion coursing through him. He tried to marshal his jumbled thoughts. “Why are you asking me a question that you already know the answer to, especially at a time like this? If she dies, then the status quo remains the same in Avalyss.”

  Diara nodded. “Now tell me what happens if she were to die at your hand?”

  His confusion gave way to horror as the full impact of her words dawned on him. “Are you crazy? You can’t be serious!”

  “Deadly serious. You know that if you kill her, the Dark Mages will gain supremacy in Avalyss. The only other way is for her to join forces with you. That will not happen. I have spoken with her. She is stubborn and single minded. If you want to rule this is the only way.” Diara’s expression was blank and her voice devoid of all emotion.

  Stunned, Cole’s amber eyes flooded with revulsion. If he had not heard it with his own ears he would never have believed that Diara could make such a callous suggestion. His gaze softened as it rested on Riley. She looked so vulnerable lying in his arms, as still as death and as white as bone. He knew in his heart that he could not do what Diara suggested. H
e could not kill her while she lay helpless. Hell, he didn’t think that he could kill her under any circumstances, even in the heat of battle. But that was a matter for another day.

  He fought to keep his voice steady. “I cannot. I promised her that I would not kill her in stealth. I think killing her while she’s unconscious would be considered a breach of that promise.”

  Diara laughed, an ugly, hollow sound. “Promises are meant to be broken. She would not be aware that you broke your promise.”

  “No but I would. And it is not just because of the promise. I cannot kill her.”

  “Fool!” Diara spat. “Coward! Weakling! You will not take your destiny when it is offered to you so easily. I thought you were better than that.”

  “I am better than that. Only a rank coward would kill a defenseless person. Or even suggest it.” Cole’s voice was tight with anger.

  “Tread carefully. You do not want me for an enemy. For now I will leave the Princess and yourself to the Fates.” Diara vanished in a puff of smoke.

  Fury surged through Cole. He swore to himself that he would make Daira pay for this. He touched Riley’s brow, the fever still raged within her.

  “The brook. It has healing powers. Put her in the brook.” The voice was a mere whisper.

  Cole looked around. He saw no one. He and Riley were the only ones in the glade. He frowned. Was he hearing voices? Maybe he was losing his mind. Shaking his head, he told himself that he had to keep it together. Riley needed him.

  “Put her in the brook. Now! She does not have much time left.” This time the voice held a note of urgency that could not be denied.

  Shrugging to himself, Cole picked up Riley, and strode to the brook. Wading in, he placed her entire body in the water, except her head. With one hand, he cupped some water and sprinkled it on her face. The water was surprisingly warm and silky. Cole watched in fascination as the water in the brook started to change color. First it turned the color of spun gold, then a deep sapphire blue, switched to grass green, shifted to a deep purple, and finally it turned clear again.

  Riley stirred and a faint moan escaped her lips. Her eyes fluttered open, blank at first, then recognition dawned in them.

  “Cole! Where are we?” She took in their surroundings. Surprise flitted across her face. “What are we doing? Swimming?”

  Cole threw back his head and laughed. It sounded slightly manic to his ears but he felt euphoric as his entire being flooded with relief. He tightened his grip on her as he waded out of the brook and collapsed on a carpet of soft grass.

  Riley rolled to a sitting position. “Stop that infernal laughing! Have you gone mad?” She shook him, her face full of concern.

  “No, Princess.” He grabbed her hand and kissed it, his lips warm against her skin. “I have never been so worried before. Thought that I had lost you.” His eyes devoured her face, taking in her flushed cheeks and parted lips. Lowering his head, he pressed his lips to hers. His pulse quickened as she moaned and melted into his arms, her body fusing with his.

  “Let us get you out of these wet clothes. Wouldn’t want you to catch a cold.” His grin was wolfish as his fingers fumbled for the buttons on her shirt.

  Riley’s breath caught in her throat as he peeled her shirt from her body, his hand brushing against her bare skin sent tingles down her spine. Heat flooded through her as his fingers and mouth flicked across her heated flesh until she was rabid with desire. Burying her hands in his hair, she surrendered to the tidal wave of pleasure that he alone could give.

  Afterwards, Cole held her close, murmuring words of tenderness. He had been so terrified of losing her that he had desperately needed to touch her, kiss her, and make mad passionate love to her. Her moans of pleasure, the way she clung to him, and begged for more all proved that she was very much alive. Burying his face in her silken ebony hair, inhaling the sweet essence of her, he knew that his hunger for her was only slightly abated and that he would need to slake his desire, again and again. He was insatiable where she was concerned. He never wanted to let her go. She filled a void deep within his soul that he never knew existed. With her he was whole, without her he was not. The realization hit like a ton of falling bricks, he was in love with her. Madly, deeply, impossibly in love.

  Stunned, Cole gently disentangled himself from the sleeping Riley, and staggered towards the brook, his eyes troubled. Love. He had never dreamt that he could feel such an emotion, especially for this particular woman, his nemesis according to the prophecy. A growing sense of confusion mingled with terror overwhelmed him. Squatting, he splashed some water on his face, barely noticing that it was ice cold and red tendrils of color were beginning to spread atop its crystal surface. If it came down to an epic battle between the Light Bringers and the Dark Mages he would have to kill Riley in order for the Dark Mages to gain supremacy. He could not strike that fatal blow. The only other option was for her to join he Dark Mages willingly and that she had refused to do. All was lost. Everything he had worked and trained for his whole life. His entire self-concept was wrapped up in him being the leader who ushered in the age of the Dark Mages. It was what he was born to do. His destiny was his life. Without it he was nothing. He raked his fingers through his hair, cursing himself for being the worst kind of fool. How had he let this happen? His eyes were tortured as he looked at her. How could he choose between his destiny and the woman he loved? He almost collapsed under the weight of his mixed and conflicting emotions. A desperate thought slithered into his head. People fell in and out of love all the time. Maybe what he felt for Riley was a weak sort of love although the strong feeling in his breast belied that hope. He knew several Dark Mages who had brewed successful love potions. Perhaps it was possible to brew a potion that would help someone fall out of love. Cole knew he was clutching at straws but he had to try. He could not give up his destiny without a fight. It would mean that his entire life up to his point had been a waste. He strode back to Riley and stared at her intently, trying to burn her image into his brain, memorizing every perfect feature, from her almond shaped eyes, to her sculpted cheekbones and generous mouth. Leaning down, he brushed one finger across her cheek. He felt his resolve weaken fought the desire to hold her close, to pledge his love to her and to choose her over his destiny. But some dark force within him stirred and would not let him yield.

  He turned away, his jaw set, his eyes stony with resolve, he commanded, “Diara, take me back to the Dark Tower. I will not give up my destiny without a fight.”

  A blanket of darkness fell over the glade, almost as if someone had flicked off the sun. Then as suddenly as it had vanished, the sun was back, shining brighter than before. And Cole was gone.

  Riley stretched like a cat, her body boneless and relaxed. One of the perks of lovemaking, she thought, grinning wickedly. Propping herself up on one elbow, she looked around for Cole. A slight frown marred her brow as she wondered where he had disappeared to. Her expression turned dreamy as she recalled the details of their shared activities the night before. The man certainly knew his way around a woman’s erogenous zones. Just remembering made her breath catch and her pulse quicken. She frowned again. Did his disappearance have anything to do with her whispering those three words “I love you?” Did she really whisper them? She knew they had been on the tip of her tongue and she had tried to bite them back, maybe they had slipped out. Almost from the beginning, a part of her had known that she loved him, every annoying, difficult and contrary inch of him. If she had indeed blurted out her true feelings, how did he feel about her? He desired her. The attraction between them was undeniable. She believed that they were friends in spite of their differing and conflicting objectives. She hoped she meant more to him than a good time in bed. Her cheeks turned crimson. What if that was all she was? How else to explain him disappearing without even saying goodbye? She moved towards the br
ook, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. The water was blood red she noted absently. Riley sank to her knees and sobbed. She had been an utter and complete fool, confusing passionate sex with love like some naïve teenager. Abruptly, the sobbing stopped and her bitter laughter echoed around the glade.

  “Princess.” The musical voice ripe with summer overtones silenced the laughter. Nehe appeared, her platinum hair brushing the ground and her aquamarine eyes full of compassion. She laid a slender hand on Riley’s shoulder and squeezed gently. “Most of the pain you are feeling right now comes from your own speculation and not from any true knowledge of the facts.”

  Widening her eyes in surprise, Riley asked, “Are you saying that Cole loves me?”

  Nehe’s smile was enigmatic. “All I am saying is that there is no need for you to make yourself so miserable when you don’t know how he really feels. Do not leap the gun, as the humans are fond of saying.”

  A chuckle escaped Riley’s lips. “Jump the gun,” she corrected.

  Nehe laughed a bright, sparking sound. “Yes, that’s it. Why suffer needlessly now? Wait until all the facts are in before you choose to suffer or not.”

  “You think that suffering is a choice? But no one chooses to suffer. No sane person anyway.”

  Nehe smiled her enigmatic smile again. Riley rolled her eyes, that particular smile was beginning to grate on her nerves.

  Nehe sank down to the grass beside Riley. “Tell me what is your next step? Your plan?”

  Riley pushed her hair away from her face. “My plan was to come here in search of answers. I am not sure what comes next. Do you know where Cole is?”

  “I asked about your plans. Not Cole’s. You can only control your actions not someone else’s. I suggest that you worry about your actions and let Cole worry about his.”

  Riley remained silent. In response to Nehe’s inquiring look, she said, “Just waiting for your enigmatic smile. You end most of your profound statements that way.” Her own smile was teasing.

  Nehe’s grey eyes glimmered with laughter. “You have a good sense of humor, Princess. The ability to laugh at yourself and others will help to lighten many burdens. Humor is an excellent weapon to have in your arsenal.” This time Riley did not have to wait for the enigmatic smile. It flashed across Nehe’s face so fast that Riley would have missed it if she had blinked.

  Riley grinned. So advanced beings had a sense of humor too. Although Diara didn’t seem to have much of one. Thinking of Diara made her scowl.

  “I am confused. What is Diara’s stake in all this? She said that she would be more powerful if she was allowed to create an Avalyss that consisted of either all Light Bringers or Dark Mages. But if an epic battle were to take place, she is prepared to assist the Dark Mages. Wouldn’t she be more powerful if either side won?”

  Nehe’s face grew solemn. “Diara serves only one mistress, herself. She wants to be the most powerful being in the entire Universe. She can do this by accumulating so much power that the rest of us will be unable to stop her. She will only make an offer that serves her best interests. If you and Cole had accepted her offer to make him a Light Bringer or you a Dark Mage, you would have surrendered your free will to her. She would have had complete control over both you and Cole. Essentially, she would have become your puppet master. In the case of an epic battle scenario, Diara will want the Dark Mages to win since she derives much of her power from them worshipping her. If the Dark Mages rule Avalyss, her powers will increase exponentially.”

  Riley paled. “She tried to kill me.”

  Nehe shook her head, her platinum hair glowing. “She wants you dead. But she won’t kill you. If she does, Avalyss remains the same as it is now with the Dark Mages holding the minority of the power. She will try to convince Cole to kill you.”

  Riley looked startled. “He may not be in love with me but he doesn’t hate me. He will not kill me.”

  “Do not be so sure, Princess. Cole is a troubled soul. There is good in him but evil too. He craves power. He believes that ruling Avalyss is his destiny.”

  “So if he If he tries to kill me, then I must kill him first? I will not let it come down to a kill or be killed situation. I need to come up with a plan.” Riley’s pace quickened matching the tempo of her thoughts. She had no idea what to do next. She needed help and wise counsel, someone trustworthy and thoroughly familiar with Avalyss. But who? She stopped pacing and smacked herself in the head. Of course! She trusted Sarri and Max with her life. They would help her without hesitation. She spun towards Nehe. “Can you take me to Sarri’s private suite in the castle?”

  Nehe smiled her enigmatic smile again. “Are you not forgetting something, an important something?”


  “Why did you leave the castle the last time?”

  Riley’s frown deepened further as she remembered that she had left because the Higher Echelon had ordered her to marry Crane. No one was allowed to openly defy a direct order. If she went back, the Higher Echelon had every right to enforce the order. Her face mutinous, she said, “I will not marry that toad. Is there any loophole I could wriggle through? Any possible way to circumvent the order?”

  “You will need Shalimar’s help.”

  Riley brightened. “Yes! That’s brilliant! The Higher Echelon will believe that victory in the epic battle is guaranteed because I have Shalimar. They don’t know about that there are two crystal swords. I can use that belief to get them to nullify the order. Where is Shalimar? Will she even help me? Both crystal swords were unhappy because Cole and I had not found a way to work together.”

  “Shalimar will always help you, except in the epic battle if it were to take place. I will summon her.” Nehe pulled her into a warm embrace. “Be careful, Princess. Always remember who you are. This knowledge will help you find your way back if you should ever lose your way.”

  Amid an explosion of bright color, Riley felt herself whirling and falling through space.