Read Destiny's Challenge Page 19


  She landed with a thud in Sarri’s private suite in the castle. She was in the guest bedroom, sprawled in the canopy bed with Shalimar by her side. The moon, a thin sliver high in the sky, shone weakly into the room, enhancing the shadows that lurked there. Light footsteps sounded in the hallway and a dark shape filled the doorway. Riley froze as the figure sped towards her, the scream dying in her throat as Sarri wrapped her arms around her.

  “Daughter, I have been so worried about you. Did Cole hurt you? I knew that he would have taken you to the Dark Tower but no Light Bringer can breach its defenses.”

  The room glowed with a warm, yellow light as she drew back and studied Riley’s face, her mercury colored eyes full of concern and relief. Before, Riley could reply, a black shape hurled itself at her knocking her flat on her back. Its breath hot on her face, she caught a sight of huge white teeth as it lowered its mouth towards her neck. Bracing for the bite, she was surprised when it dragged its tongue over her face, leaving her cheeks a sopping wet mess.

  Squealing, she pushed at it, her fingers tangling in the thick fur. “Max! Stop! Are you trying to lick me to death?”

  Max stopped licking and sat on her stomach, staring at her with intense green eyes. Since he was the size of a small car, she could feel the breath being squeezed out of her. She pushed at him again. Taking the hint, he shifted the bulk of his weight off her.

  “If licking and crushing me to death are any indications, I am guessing that you are glad to see me.” She muttered wryly, rubbing his stomach.

  “Sorry, forgot that you are such a puny weakling. You are looking well. Your adventures appear to have caused you no harm.” His eyes narrowed. “No physical harm at least.”

  Riley tore her eyes from his, flushing as she remembered that Max could read her mind. As her Guardian he was uniquely tuned into her, sort of like a radio frequency, and he could and would always be able to see into her heart and mind. She saw his frown and knew that he did not like what he was seeing. Trying to distract him, she touched the bald, jagged scar on his face where Cole, in lion form, had slashed him.

  “I see you are still are as ugly as ever. And this does nothing to enhance your appearance.”

  “Ah, my badge of honor. I wear it proudly.” He bumped her chin with his head. “I have missed you. And the Queen has been frantic with worry.”

  “What’s been going on around here? Did you get in trouble for taking me to Earth and biting Sarri in the process?” She turned towards her mother and saw the raw scar marring the creamy perfection of her neck.

  Sarri traced the scar with one finger, a faint smile on her lips. “That was an unexpected but clever move on Max’s part. The Higher Echelon did not believe that I had helped you. Who would suspect that I would have volunteered to have my throat split open?”

  “You didn’t. Max acted on his own.” Riley shivered as she remembered the initial horror she had felt at Max’s quick but brutal act.

  Sarri touched Riley’s face, her hand warm and gentle. “But I would have volunteered. I would do anything to protect you.”

  “I was reprimanded upon my return. Things could have been worse for me if the Queen had not pleaded my case. Since my purpose is to protect you, she argued that by helping you I was fulfilling that purpose even if that meant disobeying the Higher Echelon.” Max grinned as he remembered Crane’s fury when the Higher Echelon chose not to exile Max as Crane had advocated.

  Riley ruffled his fur and kissed the top of his head. “I am glad that you were not exiled. I would miss not seeing your ugly mug”

  Max growled playfully, jumped on her and they started to wrestle. Riley squealed as they both tumbled out of the bed onto the floor. Sarri shook her head and smiled. Overgrown cubs, the both of them.

  “Is that giant fur ball killing you, Princess? Do you need me to whack his head off?”

  Everyone froze and stared at the white crystal sword hovering above their heads, its jeweled hilt sparkling and its curved blade gleaming in the butter yellow light that filled the room.

  Max, with his ears lying flat against his head and his hackles raised, bared his fangs. Sarri stood motionless, her expression a mixture of astonishment and awe.

  “The crystal sword! Do you know what this means? Since you are the holder of the crystal sword, the Higher Echelon will not dare force you to marry Crane. This is wonderful! Where did you find it?”

  Riley smiled and pushed a stray strand of ebony hair behind her ear. “It is a long story. But, first, I must tell you that there are two crystal swords. Cole is the holder of the black crystal sword known as Sultan.”

  Max shook his head, a look of disbelief on his face. “Impossible! The legend does not speak of two crystal swords, only one.”

  Sarri looked thoughtful. “According to the prophecy either you or Cole must be killed by the other’s hands during the epic battle. What happens now that you both have the power of immortality?”

  “If there is a battle, the swords will not fight against each other. They want Cole and me to find a way to work together. I have been trying to convince Cole that Avalyss will be best served if neither side seeks power over the other but govern together.”

  “Impossible!” Max snorted. “Neither side will agree to that. Light Bringers and Dark Mages alike live, breathe and die all in the eternal quest for increasing levels of power.”

  Riley batted at him in annoyance. “Will you stop saying that? Maybe it is impossible but we have to try. I believe that we can convince the Light Bringers and the Dark Mages to work together before Avalyss is embroiled in a civil war. I need to come up with a plan that could achieve the impossible. Will you both help me?”

  Sarri nodded. “I learned a long time ago that nothing is impossible. A battle will be the worst possible thing that could happen to Avalyss. There will be a lot of suffering, dying on both sides. If there is a chance we can avert that fate, then we have to try.”

  Max nodded, although he still looked skeptical. “Okay, I’m in. You will need some massive brain power aboard this sinking ship!” And then he skipped adroitly out of the way as Riley aimed a playful cuff at him.

  Riley did not realize that she had been holding her breath until she exhaled. Relief flooded through her. She did not know what she would have done if they had not agreed to help her.

  “Our first order of business is dealing with the Higher Echelon. I had hoped that we would have time to formulate a strategy but it is not to be. Here they come now.” Sarri could not quite keep the anxiety out of her voice.

  A loud banging on the door heralded their arrival. Riley’s shoulders tightened as tension coursed through her body. She could feel a cold sweat beading her brow. Her stomach twisted in knots as she remembered her last encounter with Crane. That despicable toad. Maybe she could whack his head off with Shalimar. She smiled. Her smile grew wider as Shalimar squawked in protest. “Don’t even think of sullying my pristine blade with his unworthy blood!”

  The door flew open and the entire Higher Echelon marched in, Mylor and Crane at the forefront. Crane, a wide smile on his face, advanced towards Riley, arms open. She stepped aside to avoid his embrace. For a moment the wide smile disappeared and his eyes flashed with hatred, but he recovered quickly and the smile returned wider than before, his pale blue eyes devoid of emotion.

  “Now, Now, Princess. Is that any way to greet your husband to be?” His tone, though warm and welcoming, rang with insincerity.

  A finger of revulsion crawled up her spine. “I will not marry you even if you were the last man left in the entire Universe.”

  Again, there was a crack in his smiling façade, which he quickly suppressed. His smile was so wide and so fake that it reminded Riley of a cheap plastic mask. He opened his mouth to speak but Mylor stepped forward.

  “Stop! This conversation is pointless.” Holding
his short, stocky body at military attention, he favored Riley with a stern gaze. “Princess, I speak on behalf of the entire Higher Echelon, we are glad that you have returned. We know that you are not familiar with the ways of our world, with our rules and laws, so we are willing to overlook your defiance of our direct order. However, the matter is not up for debate, the order must be carried out. The Higher Echelon decides what is best for the Light Bringers. You will marry Crane. You have no choice in this matter.”

  “I beg to differ. The Princess has a choice. I am giving her that choice. If she chooses not to marry Crane, then the Higher Echelon is powerless to stop her.” Shalimar’s voice resounded around the room but since she had made herself invisible they had no idea who the voice belonged to. They craned their necks, trying to see the mysterious speaker.

  Mylor sneered. “She cannot defy a direct order. Who or what are you? Show yourself!”

  “Consider your authority over the Princess overridden.”

  “By whom?” Mylor scoffed.

  “By me!” Shalimar suddenly winked back into existence. A halo of bright white light surrounded her, emphasizing her sharp, curved crystal blade, her jeweled hilt sparkled and sizzled with an inner fire, blanketing the room with brilliant, radiant rays of myriad colors.

  “The crystal sword!” The entire Echelon chorused in unison. They stood rooted to the floor, wide, shocked eyes staring at Shalimar.

  Crane’s face twisted with fury and envy, as he spun towards Riley. “Impossible! You cannot be the wielder of the crystal sword.”

  Riley’s smile was triumphant. “As you can clearly see, it is possible. Allow me to introduce Shalimar.” She gestured towards Shalimar who bowed deeply in the direction of the Higher Echelon. “If the Light Bringers want to win the epic battle they cannot afford to alienate the holder of the crystal sword. I refuse to marry Crane and demand that the Higher Echelon withdraw that direct order at once.” She could not keep the disgust out of her eyes as she glared at Crane. She felt the gorge rising in her throat as she remembered his hands pawing at her naked body.

  His entire body throbbing with menace, Crane stalked towards Riley. In a flash, Shalimar was at his throat, pressing hard against the soft skin until a faint red line bloomed under the tip of her blade. Eyes filled with fear, he forced himself to remain motionless.

  “No need to attack us with that infernal sword. We concede.” With a curt nod in Riley’s direction, Mylor grabbed Crane by the arm, and marched from the room. After a moment’s hesitation, the other members of the Higher Echelon turned and followed him, looking just like a brood of baby chicks filing behind their mother hen.

  Over the next couple of weeks, Riley focused on learning what life was like for the Light Bringers by observing their ways, customs, and daily routines. They lived in rustic cottages dotting a rugged coastline protected by an unpredictable, moody ocean throbbing with magic and mystery. Their lives were dedicated to mastering Light magic. Dark magic was strictly prohibited. Dark magic drew on the energy of fire, earth and blood magic whereas Light magic utilized the energy of air and water. Some even went so far as to say that Dark Magic was evil and Light Magic was good. Riley believed that that magic was power and power corrupted both evil and good alike. How was she going to convince them that evil not only lived but thrived amongst the Light Bringers? She suspected that a faction of Light Bringers used Light Magic for evil purposes. If she could unmask them maybe she could finally convince everyone that Dark Magic and Light Magic could be integrated for the greater good of Avalyss. But how?