Read Destiny's Queen Page 15

  Chapter 8

  One month after Catlett's death, something good happened in my life. At the time, I was in the throne room, conversing with a trade delegation from the Land of Nomads, the country that lay due south of us.

  The Land of Nomads contained no cities, no single leader or government. It was ruled by three tribes which were constantly on the move, the Northern Tribe, the Central Tribe, and the Southern Tribe.

  Every fall, the Northern Tribe would send a trade delegation to the Finger States to buy grain. In exchange, they would trade hand woven rugs and tapestries, as well as bolts of silk. I had just finished meeting with that trade delegation when Sardis and Conkling Eades strode into the room. They had just returned from the port of Unrein in southern Standish. Someone was walking behind them, I couldn't see who it was, but I suspected.

  It was Sardis that spoke, in the Common Tongue, no less. He bowed to me, and with a big grin, said, "Your Majesty. I am proud to present her Royal Highness, the Princess Iderra Derbe Haran."

  Sardis and Conkling Eades stepped aside, revealing my sister. She looked the same as when I helped her escape from the Sorean dungeon, wearing dusty brown riding boots, brown leather breeches, a white wool shirt, a brown leather jerkin, and a brown wool long coat. Her brown hair was still cut short and she still wore a broad brimmed wizard's cap.

  She looked at me, sitting on the throne, and grinned. I was dressed in polished black riding boots, black leather breeches, a silk shirt, today's was canary yellow, and a black leather waistcoat. I had a cutlass around my waist and the crown on my head. Vanessa stood on my right, dressed in an identical outfit.

  The grin on Idy's face widened as she removed her hat, swept it across her waist with an exaggerated flourish, and bowed. In the Common Tongue, she said, "The pleasure is all mine, Your Majesty."

  She was mocking me and I loved every second of it. She noticed Princess Vanessa standing next to me, dressed exactly like me, and a puzzled looked crossed her face, apparently Sardis and Conkling Eades hadn't told her everything.

  I indicated Vanessa. "May I present her Royal Highness, Princess Vanessa Anne Terrell, heir to the throne of Holt. Her country is being governed by a steward. A friend of mine named Shumeredena Kestan. When the time is right, Vanessa will take her place upon the throne as the Queen of Holt. For now, she's living here, as my ward. Vanessa, this dusty ragamuffin is my big sister, Princess Iderra."

  Iderra accorded Vanessa the same sweep of her hat and exaggerated bow that she accorded me. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness. You couldn't have picked a better mentor to study under. My little sister is destined for greatness, and if you pay close attention to what she says and does, you will one day be a great queen yourself."

  Vanessa grinned and returned Iderra's bow. She had never seen a princess quite like Iderra, and was fascinated by her. I dismissed Sardis and Conkling Eades. When they were gone, I rose out of my throne, marched down to Iderra, and wrapped my arms around her.

  "It's good to see you, Idy," I said, switching to our native tongue.

  "It's good to see you, Mouse," Iderra said, returning my embrace. "Although I hardly recognized you. You've changed since I last saw you sneaking around the halls of the palace."

  I stepped back and looked her up and down. "I've changed? Have you checked your appearance in a mirror recently?"

  "You know how I feel about mirrors. They've always been the bane of my existence."

  I hugged Iderra a second time. "I'm glad you're here. I'm in need of a chancellor to advise me. Plus, I've already declared you to be my heir."

  "What about the man that brought you here? Edgerton? I was told that he's Chancellor of Vassa."

  "He's lost interest in everything, save for the construction of the two statues I had commissioned. Both are of Queen Catlett. Both will stand in this room when completed. Someone must fill his post and that someone must be you."

  "I've never been a royal adviser," Iderra said.

  "Bull. You started advising mother as soon as you could talk."

  "Mother never listened to what I said, so I don't think that counts."

  "I'll listen," I said. "You remember that ship you designed when you were fourteen? The one you said would be faster than anything afloat."

  "Of course I remember. I remember everything."

  Back home, when people heard Iderra make comments like that, they thought she was being a braggart. When you knew Iderra as well as I did, you knew that she never bragged, nor did she engage in false modesty. She merely stated facts and opinions. When it was a fact, she let you know it was a fact. When it was an opinion, she let you know it was an opinion. That was just Iderra being Iderra.

  "We're going to build a fleet of those ships," I said. "You and Commodore Hubbard will head the project. The wood is already being cut and shipped to a point just east of here. A shipwright has been hired and is setting up a shipyard at the same point. All that is needed is for you to show Commodore Hubbard and the shipwright what you want them to build."

  "I can do that," Iderra said. "Although I'd like a chance to bathe and eat. And if you could find me some clean clothes to wear, I'd appreciate it."

  "They just finished renovating the Queen's Suite. As my heir, you'll move into my old quarters, the Heir's Suite. I had them put some outfits in there for you to wear. If you need something else, tell one of your servants to send for the royal tailor. After dinner, I'll introduce you to Edgerton."