Read Diamond in the Rough Page 2

  My pen and words are my weapons of battle.

  Look around.

  The paper is full of the stained ink.

  There is a story behind every word.

  Who's to tell them all?

  The writer is who.

  With her sword and shield,

  She runs into battle.

  Staining everything in her path.

  This is her battle.

  This is her sword and shield.

  This is her battlefield.

  This is her story.

  With her pen as a sword,

  Her words as her shield.

  The paper, her battlefield.

  The ink her blood.

  She fights on until the battle is done.

  Every word written for a purpose.

  All the sheets stained for one reason.

  For her story to be told to all who wish to hear it.

  Through Heaven’s Eyes

  Through the eyes of an angel,

  You are someone special.

  They protect you when things get difficult.

  And smile with you when things are well.

  With an angel by your side,

  You can speak freely.

  Letting out how you truly feel,

  Without being judged by the mortals around you.

  An angel will tell you it's alright.

  They will tell you that they are fine.

  They won't tell about their own problems,

  Just so you don't worry.

  Through the eyes of an angel,

  You are someone close.

  Someone they feel they can trust.

  You are someone special.

  Let no one tell you that this can't be true.

  Believe in what you see yourself.

  Look at her through your own eyes,

  And she will look at you through hers.

  An angel cares about you.

  Telling you that she would risk everything to help,

  Not thinking of the consequences in return.

  Through her eyes you are something else.

  Through the eyes of an angel,

  Through your own eyes,

  Through the eyes of heaven,

  You are someone Special.


  They use to say that words can never hurt you.

  People would tell you to ignore the voices.

  But words are the reason for our depression,

  Our schizophrenia and insanity.

  It is because of the words we choose to speak,

  Without considering how they may affect the one that hears.

  Words have more power than they seem.

  Criticizing how we look and think.

  Complementing our work and ambitions.

  One word can have a thousand meanings.

  One sentence can save a life, or break it without remorse.

  A speech can inspire millions.

  All it takes are words.

  The power they hold can bring a kid to death.

  Suicide, from bullies forcing their words down their throat.

  Apologize; it can heal the deepest cuts.


  Thoughts are constantly racing through my mind.

  Words, sentences, pictures; all at one time.

  Sometimes I’ll be in the middle…

  Of writing a sentence when a new topic comes along.

  Forever is a long time to be cursed.

  Eternity is even longer if you think about it.

  Life always in fast forward;

  Racing to catch up.

  Sometimes I stutter when speaking.

  This is because…

  Because my mind moves too fast for my mouth.

  People laugh and make fun because I have this curse.

  I’ll be writing about one topic, one story,

  When I lose interest and another thought pops into my head.

  I think, “Okay, maybe this one will keep my interest.”

  I’m horribly mistaken.

  The only thoughts I can keep,

  The only ones organized enough,

  Are those I have when writing poetry.

  Only then do I have relief of my curse.

  You Matter

  People look at me and see a happy girl.

  I look at myself and see a hurting one.

  You look at me and see someone beautiful.

  I look at myself and see someone plain.

  People don't see that I'm not happy.

  I don't see how they can't.

  If you look at my eyes,

  I'm sure you can tell.

  You tell me that I'm beautiful,

  I try to tell you that you're wrong.

  You say that I'm the only one.

  I try not to prove otherwise.

  Around others,

  I'm not happy.

  I have no emotion.

  I put on a fake smile for them.

  With you,

  I'm ecstatic.

  I show love and happiness.

  I want to stay by your side and keep those feelings.

  People don't matter.

  I don't care.

  You love me most.

  That's all that matters in the end.


  Forever I hide in the shadows,

  waiting for the day,

  when you will come to find me.

  To stay beside me.

  Forever you will run.

  Into the light so you will not meet me.

  Am I really that impossible?

  Do you detest me?

  I hide in the shadows,

  So that I will not be hurt.

  I don't get too close,

  for I know it will only end in heartbreak.

  Forever hiding.

  Forever running.

  Forever searching.

  Forever yours.

  The light burns my skin.

  The kiss melts my senses.

  The shadows protect me.

  Do you still detest me?

  Forever I will hide,

  in the shadows I will reside.

  I will wait for the day,

  when you will come to say...

  "I love you.

  Forever in my heart."

  But, I know,

  that it will not be true.

  For this is only a poem.

  A fantasy, if you will.

  And so,

  I will continue to hide.

  Forever I hide in the shadows,

  waiting for the day,

  when you will come to find me,

  to stay beside me.

  Death’s Horn Blows

  Death is a silent whisper in the wind. 

  Dancing on the moon at night, 

  under the scorching heat of a thousand suns. 

  Seeing the raspy breath of Reaper's life, 

  as the snow falls gently upon your soul. 

  Death's apprentice, Izzy Rai. 

  Death screams in the still night air, 

  and laughter wills the void in life. 

  Reaper's duty bamboozling souls out of mortals. 

  Taking one to give life. 

  The silent gift of sorrow Death brings you.

  Upon his head thorns prick and bleed, 

  dull jewels lacking brilliance adorn his crown. 

  The pounding of Izzy Rai's heart as she yearns for Death's favor. 

  Grace herself asks for Death's assistance. 

  She calls to the reaper so suicide comes tomorrow. 

  No sooner she prepares, no later so she gets help. 

  To become a soul frozen in time. 

  Izzy Rai, there to stop time. 

  Death to separate Grace from this world. 

  Last words leave he lips, 

  "tha s'agapo panta" 

  I will always love you. 

  The rope clung to her neck, 

  as she clung to her l

  Izzy Rai shed a tear, 

  her friend gone, 

  her own love unanswered. 

  Death's horn blows once more.

  Together Again on Earth

  Tonight is the night my love. 

  The night everything changes for us. 

  Under the stars and moon above, 

  we will run away from our troubles together. 

  We will run past the Appalachian Mountains, 

  to the coast of California. 

  There we will rest by a fountain, 

  until tomorrow comes again. 

  When the sun finally rises on the west, 

  we will continue our journey over the world's edge. 

  Our deepest secrets confessed, 

  our love our drive to go on. 

  I will do anything for you. 

  I promise nothing can tear us apart. 

  This love I know is true, 

  forever, even past this earth.

  House of Night

  Humans lay their heads to rest,

  Nightfall comes with Nyx's bless.

  Fledglings and vampires alike come to play,

  To the Temple of Nyx we pray.

  Ancient soul of dirt and clay.

  Zoey Redbird left to slay,

  The Fallen Warrior of Goddess Night.

  An ancient tale worth to write.

  Trapped within the dirt,

  Spirits of his children roam the earth.

  Bodies of man and wings of bird,

  The ruffle of feathers is all that's heard.

  The Red One, a different priestess of a new breed.

  Shall cause an evil to emerge when she bleeds.

  Stark's arrow stays true to its mark,

  Straight through Earth's beating heart.

  Darkness covers the skies,

  No light or sun meets the eyes.

  But dark isn't always associated with evil,

  What matters now is a lost soul’s retrieval.


  Why am I scared of the darkness that surrounds me?

  The darkness that I have come to be fond of?

  At night, I sit at my window,

  Waiting for the darkness to break and watch the moon shine through.

  The cool night air makes me feel safe.

  The feel of my nerves tensing at the cool touch

  Thrills me as it sends shivers up my body.

  Oh, how I wish to hear the nightingale sing its sorrowful song.

  I love sitting here, at my windows edge,

  Looking down at the darkened world below.

  A small light from above is all it takes,

  To make me feel safer in this darkness.

  For if it were true on these nights,

  I would not dare to even look out my closed window,

  In fear that the darkness will enter and capture me as I stand in its path.

  Still, I open it to listen,

  To watch the nightingale fly by,

  Waiting for it to sing its frozen song on these

  Frozen Nights.

  Intoxicating Love

  Your warm arms wrap around my waist,

  Pulling me closer to your chest.

  You place a kiss lightly on my head,

  As I lean back to rest against you.

  I gaze up at your deep hazel eyes,

  My own taking in every detail.

  A blush fills my cheeks,

  A smiles dance across my lips.

  I close my eyes,

  Bringing back that special memory,

  Of the day I fell in love.

  The day I gave my heart to you.

  When I lay my head upon your chest,

  I listen to you heart as it beats,

  Faster and faster; growing louder with each beat.

  I smile to myself and snuggle in close.

  The simple sound of your voice,

  Is intoxicating.

  I lose myself in your whispers,

  Becoming drunk with love.

  I take a deep breath,

  Taking in your sweet smell.

  Wanting you closer to me,

  So I may keep my sanity in this world.

  When I leave for the day,

  I can’t help but think of you.

  Of your soft, sweet lips,

  Kissing mine.

  You make my heart race with excitement.

  You get me drunk off your love.

  You make me need you.

  You make me love you.


  As I walk along this hall,

  I have to wonder if it’s worth it all.

  My family and friends,

  All lost with the wind.

  A new love will come to play,

  My heart he will have to sway.

  As he looks at me with those soft, mysterious eyes,

  I wonder if it’s true that we both look at the same sky.

  From different worlds we were raised,

  Today our hearts go unfazed.

  Is he to move my protected heart?

  Or are we simply meant to part?

  Who’s to tell me how to feel?

  Not some man, thinking of me as only a jewel.

  I will decide who I will give my heart to,

  For I want this love to be true.

  To be forced to marry,

  The thought is just scary.

  My Love

  I hold the sound of his soft, sweet whispers close to my heart.

  Each word echoing louder than the last.

  Feeling them fill me with such warmth and happiness.

  Never wanting them to fade.

  The feel of his touch,

  Making me blush to no end.

  His hand caresses my cheek,

  Pulling me closer to a kiss.

  My mind is occupied by thoughts of him.

  I smile at the sound of his voice.

  My eyes shine at the sight of him.

  My heart jumps when we are close.

  I love him with all my heart.

  I really and truly do.

  When I find myself starting to think of him,

  My heart begins to beat faster and faster with each passing breath.

  The look he gets in his eyes makes my heart melt.

  I can't imagine what he must see.

  How he must see me.

  Just looking into his eyes makes me fall in love all over again.


  The beauty of a tear,

  Gleaming bright as it falls,

  From the face of a crying girl,

  Making even sadness appear beautiful.

  Watch as the tear falls,

  Running slowly down her cheek.

  A sorrowful tear escaping,

  Dying finally in her lips.

  A single tear,

  Can over shadow even a thousand smiles.

  The sadness in a tear,

  Is equal to the happiness in a kiss.

  A tear is filled with a saddened memory.

  Thoughts of sorrow that fill her mind.

  Tears of sadness that make her weak.

  Her weakness being the beginning of the tear.

  My Questions of the Heart

  You tell me to ask,

  The questions that lurk inside my heart.

  Telling me that I want to ask,

  When I do but don't.

  I like the way we are now,

  In this timeless bliss.

  But still,

  I wonder if I really could ask.

  In my heart,

  I want to know the truth.

  But at the same time,

  I want it to be kept hidden.

  Does he like me?

  What does he truly think of me?

  These two questions,

  Are heavy anchors in my heart.

  I want to know,

  I really do.

  I'm just scared,

  Of the
answers he might give.

  What if he says no?

  What is he says yes?

  Will things change?

  Will our friendship end?

  I won't ask.

  This I promise myself.

  I won't lose to my desire,

  The wanting of an answer.


  All I can see is darkness.

  My heart runs cold.

  My emotions disappear.

  I've lost myself.

  There is no point,

  in living in a stained world.

  No reason to keep my life.

  I am empty.

  I hold this dagger,

  to my heart.

  The blood seeping through;

  Running down my ice cold skin.

  Shaking softly,

  the snow falls from the velvet sky.

  I fall to my knees.

  This world is stained with blood.


  It’s amazing how you are always there to listen.

  You are always there to make me feel safe and sound.

  You convince me that I’m not the one at fault,

  And that you love me with all your heart.

  You mean everything to me.

  More than words could describe.

  I would do anything for you.

  I have already given you my heart.

  It’s amazing how you always seem so calm,

  Even if you are mad or irritated.

  I’m glad that you look concerned for me when I am hurting.

  And you smile when I make you happy.

  Never change.

  Always be the man I fell in love with.

  You are amazing the way you are.

  And you are the way you should be.

  Where is He?

  In the shadows of the night

  I run from my dreams.

  Scared to see,

  My nightmare takes form.

  I cannot sleep.

  He will come if I do.

  I do not want to die.

  I can feel him inside my mind.

  When I close my eyes to rest,

  He creeps into my mind.

  Toying with me.

  Torturing me.

  His face is stained with my blood.

  A knife in his hands,

  His large hands.

  He is taller than a tree.

  I'm scared.