Read Diamonds by Brian Ritchie Page 10

  Chapter 8: Thursday 7th May.

  As it was getting late Emily agreed to stay overnight sleeping on one of the sofas after telephoning her mother to let her know.

  I briefly spoke to Louise assuring her we were having a very enjoyable evening and Emily would be safe with me, then fetched a duvet and covered her with it and by the time I returned from having a cigarette on the balcony she was fast asleep.

  Inserting a new tape into her Dictaphone I decided to continue for a while longer.

  I felt that Emily was mature enough to cope with all my revelations, but private feelings, between myself and the various girls in my life, may not be suitable for ears so young. I will trust in her discretion.

  I arrived home that Thursday evening feeling very uneasy.

  Taking my place at the table I started leafing through a magazine.

  Aleesha was in the kitchen preparing our meal as Marcie entered wearing the, now familiar, sweatshirt and took her seat opposite me. She opened a few letters as I tried to ignore her.

  Rachel was next to appear as she breezed into the room clutching some fan mail. She sat in her chair without speaking and silently opened her letters.

  Lynda then entered, completely ignored me, as she took her place beside me in silence.

  The television was on, as it usually was, informing us of the news around the world. The only news interesting us was Debbie’s as we anxiously awaited her return.

  Aleesha was setting down her tray when a solemn-faced Debbie arrived home and all eyes followed her as she crossed to her chair. Fearing the worst we all stared at her awaiting the ‘verdict’ for a few seconds until Marcie asked her “Well? How did it go?”

  Debbie raised her head and as her eyes met Marcie’s the solemnity in her face was replaced with the widest smile I ever seen from her.

  “I passed.” she beamed and immediately received congratulatory hugs and kisses from Marcie, Rachel and Aleesha. Lynda let out a triumphant cheer as she applauded and I swatted my hands together to join her in her praise.

  After Debbie hugged Marcie, Rachel and Aleesha she ran around the table to Lynda hugging her tightly and kissed her saying “I knew you could do it kid.”

  She then fell into my open arms and hugged me saying “thanks.”

  Returning to her seat she began to relay the events of the day between mouthfuls and excitedly announced she had been awarded 92% for her exam.

  “The highest mark I’ve ever received for anything and I owe it to the confidence you guys gave me.

  Thanks - I really appreciate it and love you all.”

  Debbie was in her glory later when we all, including Aleesha, celebrated her victory at a ‘Diamonds’ concert in a working men’s club a few miles away.

  ‘Diamonds’ a six-piece all-female band of musicians looked and sounded amazing as they played popular chart hits and familiar classic pop songs with a rock-and-roll twist.

  Their line-up consisted of Rachel as lead singer while she played bass guitar commanding the front centre of the stage.

  Angel played keyboards at front left while Heather played lead guitar at front right.

  Slightly behind the front line Melanie played a synthesiser beside Susanna on rhythm guitar while at the rear Karen was their drummer.

  Rachel was, understandably, the centre of attention although the others were equally as attractive dressed in blue satin blouses, tennis skirts and sneakers, highlighting their tanned legs, they also played and sang some original material written by themselves.

  Angel, Heather and Karen were identical triplets, which added to the appeal and intrigue surrounding them as they captivated appreciative audiences everywhere they played their vast and varied repertoire.

  Debbie was the centre of attention for ‘Diamonds’ and us as she revelled in the praise being heaped upon her.

  Near the end of the evening Debbie was beginning to tire and the rest of us were exhausted trying to keep up as another ovation for ‘Diamonds’ eased and we waited anxiously for Rachel to introduce the next ‘number’.

  With deep emotion in her sparkling brown eyes Rachel asked for silence.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, we are in danger of not making it through the next song for a very special reason.”

  Deep emotion could be heard in her voice.

  “Tonight we would like to dedicate the next song, which means a lot to us personally, to a very special girl on a very special day.

  Debbie, this one is for you. Baby - You’re an Angel.”

  As the slow, mellow introduction to ‘Baby - You’re an Angel’ began, Debbie leaned across with tears welling up in her bright blue eyes making them sparkle like crystal, to ask me if I would dance with her.

  I had heard this romantic song, written by Rachel, on a few occasions and always commented on it.

  Tonight the song meant more than the beautiful sentiment it contained leading Debbie to the centre of the dance floor as I held her tightly in my arms we gently swayed to the slow rhythm.

  Debbie looked straight into my eyes as tears of joy wandered down her cheeks. “This is the happiest day of my entire life.”

  She buried her tear-soaked face into my shoulder as I felt my eyes begin to glaze over again.

  “If you’re that happy’’, I whispered trying to avoid the emotion that was welling up inside me, “then why are you crying?”

  Lifting her head Debbie smiled a wide gleaming smile as I kept recalling the night before when I had ‘raped’ her and the mixed feelings of sympathy and remorse made my love for her stronger. ”Debbie - you’re an Angel,” I whispered as I cradled her lovingly.

  Over her shoulder I could see Marcie, Lynda, Aleesha, Rachel, and every member of ‘Diamonds’ weeping with love for this girl’s achievements and as I held her tighter and tighter her right hand slowly moved behind her head to undo the clasps securing her hair.

  Fearing that, as I held her, her devil might return I was pleased her angelic smile remained until the end of the song when I kissed her again and repeated “Debbie, you really are an angel.”

  Loosening my grip, to slowly return to my seat, Debbie rushed towards Rachel where they hugged as everyone in the hall cheered and applauded for several minutes oblivious of the emotional situation.

  Lynda took my hand in hers and kissed me as Debbie returned to hug Marcie again.

  ”Well,” Marcie spoke through tears, “how do you feel Debbie?”

  “I feel so unbelievably happy,” She answered, “I don’t know what to do next.”

  “There’s only one thing we can do,” Lynda smiled, “HAVE A