Read Diamonds by Brian Ritchie Page 11


  Lynda squeezed my hand lovingly a few times that evening as I felt a fondness for her that I hadn’t known since we met then I drove them home with Marcie in the front seat and Lynda, Debbie and Aleesha in the rear.

  While the others skipped into the house Lynda waited for me at the foot of the stairs where I could see strong emotions in those green eyes.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered, “about lunchtime.”

  I kissed her on the cheek and sighed as I sat on a step.

  “Nonsense. You had every right to be angry.”

  “Oh, that wasn’t anger,” Lynda whispered, “that was upset.

  If I was angry you wouldn’t be breathing.”

  I did not know how to take that as she continued,

  “I know I said a few things today that puzzled you.”

  “You said a lot of things today that would have puzzled Solomon.”

  I laughed as I recalled Charlie’s drunken buddy.

  “It’s just,” her face became deadly serious, “I love that kid in there and

  I’ll do absolutely anything for her - absolutely anything.”

  I didn’t want to pursue what lengths she would go to so stayed quiet.

  “That kid is, as Rachel says, an angel who has gone thorough hell since the day she was born and she is here for her own protection.

  She needs us to protect her from the devil that lives within her.”

  Tears were beginning to come to her green eyes as I sat in silence.

  “You,” she continued, “are only here for convenience.

  Marcie is here through circumstance.

  Rachel is here to escape from the world and I’m here to hide.”

  She had lost me. “I’ve no idea what you mean?

  From whom are you hiding?”

  Lynda broke from our grip, folding her arms she stood before me.

  “Myself.” she sighed emotionally as I placed my hands on her shapely hips while she took a deep breath and sighed again. “I… I killed someone.”

  I was shocked and pulled my hands away.

  “When I was fourteen I was the local tearaway,” she continued, “and fell in love with a man who was old enough to be my father.

  He took advantage of my innocence and almost from the day we met we used to make love for hours and hours and I thought he really loved me.

  I listened intently not knowing how to react as she continued to confess.

  One night I went to his house and caught him in bed with someone else.

  I felt so used I ran home and cried all night.”

  She shook as painful memories flooded back.

  “On my way to school the following day I saw the woman leaving his house and I became so enraged when I found him sleeping off his night of passion I grabbed a kitchen knife and lunged at him stabbing him through the heart as he slept.”

  I felt a strange pity for Lynda as I pulled her to me kneeling between my open knees on a step with her arms resting upon my thighs.

  “I vowed then,” She continued, “I would never be used by any man ever again.

  Within a short time I discovered that I could manipulate men into letting them think I love them.

  I’ve enjoyed watching them squirm in agony in my hands when they find out that I am just using them to get back at the bastard who used me.”

  She fell against my chest as I rubbed her shoulders wondering how I felt holding this very strange girl - until we were interrupted by a familiar voice.

  “Excuse me sir, - would you mind confining your activities to the comfort of your own home.”

  We had seen this smiling policeman earlier.

  Lynda was shocked praying he had not overheard her confession just as Rachel appeared beside him.

  They looked at each other bewildered and then he walked slowly away laughing. “I know miss, I wouldn’t understand and nobody would”.

  We had to appear ‘cool’ so as not to arouse this police officers’ suspicions as any hint of what Lynda had confessed to me would have catastrophic consequences for her had anything been overheard.

  Rachel announced. “The band has arrived - let’s get this party swinging.”

  ‘Swinging’ was the word to sum up this party.

  There was I, the only guy, surrounded by ten women.

  A few hours later everyone was legless, except myself, as I do not drink, and Aleesha who had gone to bed soon after arriving home.

  Marcie was in her favourite armchair with Karen on the arm while on the other sofa Lynda, Susanna and Heather lay prostrate in a drunken stupor.

  We talked well into the early hours while a tape of one of ‘Diamond’s’ concerts played in the background until the combination of drink and fatigue knocked them out one by one.

  Leaving Rachel and me the only ones awake amongst the bodies, which littered the room.

  Debbie was one of the first asleep.

  She snuggled into my right side with Melanie on my left side. Angel fell asleep against Debbie whilst Rachel snuggled into Melanie.

  Karen was dozing in Marcie’s arms in the armchair and all the bodies were still, except for a rhythmic sway of Karen’s right foot.

  “Spot the drummer?” Rachel whispered as she laid down her empty glass and leaned over to look at Debbie. “Is she okay?” she asked concerned.

  “Sleeping like a baby.” I replied.

  Rachel yawned and, snuggling into Melanie, she closed her eyes singing softly, “Baby - You’re an Angel.”

  She lay still for a few seconds then her eyes flickered open again,

  “How did you know about Debbie’s problem?”

  “What problem” I asked evasively trying to buy some time while I sought an answer.

  She whispered disbelievingly. “When she took her clasps out you thought the same as I did. How did you know?”

  I couldn’t bring myself to tell her so I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep for a few seconds.

  When I opened one eye I found Rachel still glaring at me.

  Easing myself from between Debbie and Melanie, as they slept, I slowly crept out the door to my bed, where I lay fully-clothed, above the quilt for a few moments until the door slowly opened and Rachel entered to sit by my side.

  She had tears in her tired eyes as she looked deeply into mine.

  She shook her head and whispered softly “No?”

  How could I deny it?

  I sat up as a tear dropped from her left eye and I gently swept it away whispering “sorry’’.

  She let out a long sigh of despair and fell backward to come to rest by my feet and whispered, “When was this?”

  “Last night.” I replied as I lay down expecting nothing but her wrath.

  I was lying on my bed with, in my opinion, one of the world’s most desirable women and purposely diverted my eyes from looking up her skirt, as the hem had ridden up to reveal her thighs.

  “I should have been here,” she sobbed,

  “Instead of being with Melanie I should have been here for Debbie.”

  “Don’t blame anyone but me.” I sighed as she swung her legs around to lay by my side. Face to beautiful tear-stained face.

  She stared at me in disbelief. “You know about Melanie and me?”

  I raised my hand and gently stroked her cheeks lifting her long hair from her face and gently massaging her neck fondly.

  “Yes,” I whispered softly, “I know all about you and Melanie.” I lied.

  “I know all about Debbie and the abuse she suffered at the hands of her father.

  I know about how Lynda could easily murder him if she met him.

  I know how Aleesha is scared of disappointing her father

  And I also know all about Marcie’s baby and how her abusive marriage ended.”

  Rachel closed her eyes and sighed. “I guess we are quite a weird bunch all round.”

  I whispered, “I wouldn’t swap any of you for all the diamonds in the world.”

ening her dark eyes she smiled, “Thanks.” as sleep overcame her.

  “You’re all diamonds.” I whispered as we fell asleep until the alarm clicked on and the morning DJ announced the seven o’clock news.

  Friday 8th May.

  We both awoke at the same instant and as Rachel turned to look at the radio in astonishment she tumbled from the bed and crashed to the floor with a squeal and a thud as Tracey had done on her first visit.

  Peering over the edge I found her giggling to herself, just like Tracey, while I smiled asking if she was okay.

  “I’d forgotten how small this bed really is,” Rachel giggled clambering to her feet, “but it’s still a hell of a way of waking up.”

  She laughed and hurriedly exited.

  I quickly stripped out of my crumpled clothes and donned fresh in an attempt to get to the bathroom before the women commandeered it.

  When I reached the living room Rachel was noisily rousing the ‘sleeping beauties’ amid cries of “Shush.” “Go away.” ”It can’t be morning already.”

  Several moaned about sore heads and limbs as slowly one by one they rose shakily to their feet stretching, yawning and adjusting crumpled clothing.

  Rachel switched on the radio and collected cereal and bowls from the kitchen.

  As each of the ‘Diamonds’ rose they asked my flatmates if they could borrow underwear, blouses or skirts from whoever was about their own body size and slowly they all exited leaving me with Rachel crunching on our breakfasts.

  “There are a few things you don’t know about us.”

  “Such as,” I enquired curiously.

  “Last night,” she continued, “was the first time I have shared a bed with someone - who wasn’t female.”

  I smiled quietly as Lynda suddenly appeared from behind a sofa and exclaimed, “You did what?”

  Rachel hadn’t realised we were not alone and after a pause she smiled, “You needn’t worry.

  Thanks to him I realise what it is that fascinates you about men. Thanks Brian.”

  She leaned across the table and squeezed my hand tenderly.

  “That’s okay,” I smiled back; “You’re welcome in my bed anytime.”

  Lynda staggered to her shaky feet and quipped, “I bet you say that to all the girls.” She smiled leaving the room just as Melanie re-entered buttoning a white satin blouse.

  Rachel quickly pulled her hand away before her lover saw it although she was aware Lynda now had another secret she could use against her.

  “Good Morning” Melanie smiled as she took Lynda’s seat and poured cereal into a bowl.

  “Tell me Brian,” she enquired, “how do you manage to stay sane living here with all these crazy women?”

  “That’s an easy one to answer,” I smiled, “I use a large dose of self-discipline, a rugged constitution and the love of a good woman.”

  Rachel added. “And what more does a body need than the love of a good woman?”

  Melanie smiled as she realised her secret was exposed as the others started to drift back to the table for breakfast and life began to get back to ‘normal’.

  At eight o’clock, when everyone had breakfasted I asked if anyone was going ‘my’ way and needed a lift.

  Melanie was the only girl to accept.

  She confirmed with Rachel what time ‘Diamonds’ were meeting for that night’s gig, kissed her lightly on the cheek, and noisily followed me out of the living room door as the others called their goodbyes.

  Returning to my room I picked up my suit jacket and put it on as I waited for Melanie who was doing the same in Rachel’s room.

  Melanie Davison was twenty-six years old and had the figure of a supermodel.

  She had a very pretty face and long blonde hair, which was layered and hung across her very broad shoulders down to the level of her very large bust.

  ‘Voluptuous’ was a word to sum up her beauty although it scarcely did her any justice.

  On her equally broad hips hung a very flattering grey pinstriped mini-skirt, the hem of which was about six inches above her knees and showed off her tanned thighs and legs.

  It was easy to see why Rachel was attracted to her as she was very beautiful, shapely and incredibly sexy.

  Melanie emerged from Rachel’s room wearing a double-breasted jacket, which matched her skirt. She hung a black shoulder bag around one broad shoulder and looking at me smiled,

  “Okay? Let’s go?”

  As I drove into the City Centre I kept glancing at her very shapely legs every time I changed gear and I had to keep reminding myself this girl was a lesbian - for she would be an excellent catch for any man.

  “Tell me,” she asked, “What do you think of Rachel?”

  I chose my words very carefully.

  “Well, I think Rachel is very smart, extremely beautiful, and a very talented singer.

  She’s a little mixed up, but she cares deeply about her friends and I’ve grown very fond of her in the past six weeks.”

  “A little mixed up?” she asked, “You mean her relationship with me?”

  I got the impression that all these questions centred around the fact that she regarded my presence in the house as a threat to her relationship with Rachel, so I asked her if I could be ‘frank’ with her.

  She answered wittily, “You can be anybody you want to be.”

  “Okay,” I began, “I’ve grown very fond of Rachel, Debbie, Marcie, and Lynda over these past weeks and I love them all like sisters.”

  “Rachel Rabinowicz is without doubt the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my entire life - and you, by the way, come a very close second.” I said that to compliment her and make her feel good.

  “I would never put anyone down by disapproving of his or her sexual preferences.

  I suppose I am just little bit jealous of both of you.”

  “I respect Rachel and I respect her right to love whomever she pleases.

  I hope you two have many happy, loving, years together.”

  Reviewing what I said she asked me to let her off at the next corner.

  “Sure,” I confirmed, “Where do you work?” I asked as the car came to a halt at the corner as instructed.

  “I don’t.” came the reply.

  “You don’t?” I asked puzzled.

  “I don’t work,

  I pay other people to do all the work while I take all the credit.”

  “I see,” I lied, “Where?”

  She raised a finger and pointed at a large jewellery store on the opposite side of the street.

  I looked in disbelief, and then the flashing sign above the window confirmed her truthfulness.

  “I should have known. ‘DIAMONDS.’ You work in a jeweller's?”

  “Not exactly,” she answered, ”My father owns it - I manage it - but one day, all being well, I will own it and three others.

  Speaking of workers, I had better let them in. Time is money.”

  She took a large set of keys from her bag thanked me for the lift and alighted the car.

  I remained stationary for a few moments watching her hips sway as she crossed the street in front of me.

  She unlocked the shutters and quickly entered as a very loud alarm sounded.

  I made a note to tell Emily about Lynda, Rachel and Melanie when she wakes.

  “You won’t believe what they told me,” I said into the recorder.

  “Who would have thought Lynda had murdered somebody and evaded detection for the past 10 years – if PC Kelly had arrived at the house a few moments earlier he surely would have overheard her confession.”

  “I found I had impure thoughts of Rachel as she was surely the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life and I had spent an innocent night with her in my room.

  The fact that she was a lesbian challenged me and only added to the mystery and intrigue surrounding her.”

  “I discovered I also had lustful thoughts for Melanie and firmly believed I could easily resist her as she was Ra
chel’s partner.”

  “I firmly believed as long as I had Tracey I could resist the temptations before me - I believed I could be strong, sure and steadfast in my resistance.”

  “I firmly believed it all.”