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  Diary of a Minecraft Agent

  - Book 1 -

  by Alex Anderson

  Copyright © 2016 by © INCARNATES

  All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage and retrieval system, without the prior permission of the publisher.

  This book is in no way authorized by, endorsed by, or affiliated with Minecraft or its subsidiaries. All references to Minecraft and other trademarked properties are used in accordance with the Fair use of Doctrine and are not meant to imply that this book is a Minecraft product for advertising or other commercial purposes.


  CHAPTER 1 - Prologue

  CHAPTER 2 - Day 1

  CHAPTER 3 - Day 2

  CHAPTER 4 - Day 3

  CHAPTER 5 - Day 4

  CHAPTER 6 - Day 5

  CHAPTER 7 - Day 6

  CHAPTER 8 - Day 7

  Other Book Series

  CHAPTER 1 – Prologue

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  Story begins…

  The world of Minecraft was created by Notch.

  Initially, Notch created 3 worlds, namely, ‘Nether’, ‘Overworld’ and ‘End’. He made various creatures with distinct abilities. He created weird things like Creepers, Ghasts, Blaze, Cave Spiders, Zombies and others that had different powers and purposes. He also created some very mysterious creatures like Enderman and Enderdragon who ruled the world of ‘End’.

  After some time, he introduced ‘Humans’ in this world. Humans started living in villages. They started consuming resources of the ‘Minecraft World’. This created disturbances in the otherwise perfect world. Battles were fought among humans and various creatures. Everyone started battling for its space. During these times, strange things started to occur in the world of ‘Minecraft’. The world was now no longer in control of its creator Notch.

  It started developing on its own!

  Several unknown creatures started appearing in the Minecraft world. Many villagers reported about a ghost called ‘Herobrine’ and other creatures.

  Stories were made. Some people believed those stories and some didn’t. Nobody knew the truth. Even Notch, the creator was a bit worried and confused.

  Notch went on his hunt to find out about these strange occurrences. He found out something, which totally baffled him. He found out that in the process of evolution of the world of ‘Minecraft’, a fourth dimension or world had emerged. He decided to call it ‘Mystery land’. This world was invisible and inaccessible to ordinary creatures and villagers. Even Notch could not see it but he sensed it. Notch was very interested that a new world has emerged without his knowledge. He soon found out that this place was the answer to most of his questions.

  He figured out that this place had powerful wizards and crazy scientists from some different world. They were capturing creatures from ‘Minecraft world’ and were doing insane experiments on them.

  This resulted in weird creatures like mutant enderman, mutant zombies and some different new creatures like vampires.

  For some unknown reasons, Notch was not able to destroy this place. There were some very powerful forces protecting this 4th world. So he decided to make a team to infiltrate this ‘Mystery land’. He gathered a team of 3 people consisting of 2 wizards and 1 human. Then he started keeping a watch on the activities of ‘Mystery Land’. His plan was simple. He wanted to replace people of ‘Mystery land’ with his own people.

  One fine day, he got his chance. He saw some people emerge from the ‘Mystery world’. They just appeared out of nowhere. They were looking for catching some creature so that they could conduct experiments on them. There were 4 of them. Their leader was a wizard and others were humans. Notch appeared in front of them and hypnotized them. His powers were unmatched in the 3 worlds of Minecraft. They were now under Notch’s command. He then replaced 3 of their people with his own 3 people. He even changed their appearance to match the appearance of ‘Mystery land’ humans. He then commanded this group to move back in ‘Mystery land’ and report him on a regular basis so that he can find a way to destroy it. The name of this ultra-secret mission was ‘Project Z’.

  This diary is from one of the members of ‘Project Z’. It has an answer to some of the most bizarre secrets of the world of Minecraft. For safety reasons, the name of the person writing this diary is modified.

  CHAPTER 2 - Day 1

  Today was the day that I was waiting for anxiously for so many days. Notch had selected me for his ‘Project Z’ and had told me about the perils of the ‘Mystery land’. He had told me to be prepared for the unexpected. I was happy and anxious at the same point of time. I could barely sleep last night.

  I kept tossing and turning and had nightmare after nightmare. In one nightmare I saw that I was attacked by a herd of mutant zombies, which were 10 times faster and powerful than normal zombies. They chased me to an old mansion, where I ran straight inside the gate and bolted it. I was relieved for a second but then I saw someone coming from the other side. Its eyes were red and its face was white and blood was dripping from the corner of its mouth. It was a vampire! I was trapped. The vampire was closing in and mutant zombies were trying to break the door behind me. Vampire grabbed me and was about to bite me. Just then, I woke up with a start.

  I was covered with sweat. I was relieved that it was just a dream. I looked up at the watch. It was still 2 A.M. I couldn’t sleep. So I decided to get up. Notch had called me at 3 A.M in the night. According to his estimates, people from ‘Mystery land’ were seen around 3:30 to 4 A.M. He wanted his team to be ready. So he called us a bit earlier. My village was in a deep sleep. Everything was calm and peaceful. I let out a deep sigh and wondered whether I would be able to return to this place or not.

  I took my sword and hid it under the cloak given to me by Notch. He said that people of ‘Mystery Land’ wore these kinds of clothes. I saw my room for one last time and then left.

  I walked for about a mile from my village and then turned back and saw dim lights from my village. I waved one final goodbye to my village and then marched forward without looking back. After walking another mile, I finally saw the place where the meeting was planned.

  Notch was standing there with 1 other guy. When I arrived, he smiled at me and said, “Welcome Jack, it's nice to see you before time. We are waiting for one more member; let him come and then I will lay down my plan”. We all waited there in the cold night for the remaining one guy. He came in around 10-15 minutes. Everyone had finally arrived.

  We were a group of three people from different parts of the Minecraft world. Nobody knew each other. I was younger than the other two. Notch introduced everyone and we all shook hands with each other. Everyone was excited. Notch clapped and rubbed his hands and made a low whistling sound. You could tell that even he was excited. Notch started, “Friends, time has come. We are about to begin one of the most secretive and covert missions ever. There is no backing now. I don’t know how much time this mission is going to take and what are the chances of our success. We may achieve success or we may fail but remember one thing, you have been chosen from 1000’s of people. You are special and extraordinary. The future of Minecraft lies in your hands”. Hearing this mini speech made us feel special and we felt that we all were born for accomplishing this very purpose.

  Notch then went on to explain, how he would hypnoti
ze people from ‘Mystery Land’ with his powers and then replace us with their crew. The plan seemed good but I had one question. I asked, “Hey, but our face, health, height would be different from those ‘Mystery Land’ people. Aren’t they going to be suspicious when we enter their world.” Notch smiled and said, “Good question, Jack. I thought about this and I came up with a solution.” He then told us that he knew one witch who could make a potion of transformation, called chameleon potion. So he went to her and requested her to make that potion for him. It was a rare potion and it helped a person to transform into another person. Luckily she agreed to make it. He took out one bottle of potion.

  It was weird looking red colored potion. He gave it to me and then he pulled out other bottles from his pocket and gave it to other two members.

  “Remember to use it after every 24 hours, otherwise, you will return back to your normal self’, he said.

  ‘But it will get over in a couple of days’, I asked.

  “Oh, don’t worry about that, this bottle will magically refill itself when it is finished. It will happen for at least 2 times. That’s sufficient for all of you and considering the fact that you only need one drop of this potion per day; we have enough time in our hands.

  After this Notch motioned everyone to keep quiet. We waited and waited for someone to arrive. Our wait was finally over when we saw 4 people appear out of nowhere.

  Their leader looked like a wizard. He had a long white beard and a stick. Other people in the group appeared like normal human beings, apart from the fact that they were wearing long cloaks. From a distance, it appeared that they were searching for something.

  Notch calculated his risks and then took his chance. He appeared right in front of them. They were startled by his sudden appearance. By the time they could recover, Notch did his trick. He hypnotized them to obey his commands. Notch took 3 of their people and asked each of us to take their hand and dip their 1st finger into our potion bottles. I felt miserable when I thought of drinking that potion. But the mission was the mission.

  Notch then asked us to drink just one drop of potion. Immediately, our bodies began to transform. It was weird kind of experience. I felt that my arms and legs grew up a bit. I felt like I was captured in an alien body. After everyone was transformed, Notch spoke to us. He said, “I will keep a track of things in these 3 worlds; all of you will tell me your findings through a magical stone”.

  “Magical stone, what’s that?” asked George, one of our crewmembers.

  Notch pulled out a bundle from his right pocket. It contained seven green colored stones. He handed one of the stones to each one of us. He then said that the same witch, who developed chameleon potion, gave the stones to him.

  Notch now stepped back and ordered the leader of our group, to take us to the ‘Mystery Land’.

  Magician spoke some words and opened a portal. Suddenly we were pulled into that portal by some mystical force. All of us landed on a snow -covered road. It looked as if we landed in some long forgotten mystical forest. Both sides of the roads were lined with tall trees. Cool breeze was blowing. We all marched silently with the wizard. He led us to an opening in the forest. He then raised his stick and drew a big fiery circle with it on the empty land.

  To everyone’s surprise, the ground covered by the circle began to tremble. The land opened up and an underground facility came into view. Wizard covered us in a bubble and we all descended into that underground facility. Above us, I saw that ground reformed itself. We all descended for about a minute and then we stopped. A gate appeared in front of us. Wizard drew a fiery circle and wrote the alphabet ‘z’ in the center. The gate swung open.

  Nothing could have prepared me for this. I saw huge chamber filled with big glass tubes. In those glass tubes, there were creatures! Test tubes on the right had creepers, ghasts, slimey, spiders and test tubes on the left had zombies and villagers. There were some people operating these glass tubes. They were doing experiments with them. Horrifying experiments!! In one particular experiment, a zombie and a spider were merged to form a zombie spider. This creature could emit webs from his hands and mouth. It could even climb walls on its own.

  This was scary because villagers had build walls to protect themselves and these creatures could climb them.

  We followed wizard into another horrifying chamber. This chamber had Endermans! Endermans captured in glass tubes. They had somehow taken away Enderman’s power of teleportation. Enderman were trying to teleport but only half of their body would disappear.

  The part above their waist always stayed in a glass tube. In this chamber, experiments were conducted to make enderman hostile towards villagers. They were being made powerful. Maybe 10 times more powerful.

  My mind had started to go blank. I was bursting with questions.

  Who are these people conducting these experiments?

  What’s their purpose?

  What will happen to Minecraft?

  For some time, I just stayed there, speechless and motionless. Then someone touched my shoulder and whispered, “Jack, we have to move, we can’t stay here”. It was George. He was standing with the other person of our group. Both of them were shaken. “We must make a move, otherwise, we will be lost”, said Sam, our 3rd crew- member.

  We hurried after the wizard who had traveled a bit farther from us. It seemed as if he was walking in a trance. Now we had reached the last chamber. Wizard put his hand on the door and said in a commanding tone, “Open”. The gate swung open.

  After watching Enderman’s room, I was sure that nothing could go worse than this. I was wrong. This room was way scary than the previous ones. It had all kinds of otherworldly creatures. There were giants, 60 feet- 70 feet tall. There were vampires!

  Real vampires with white face and blood dripping down their lips. There were other different menacing creatures like human robots, reptilian humans, humans with the face of animals. I had enough. I was sick. I felt like vomiting. I don’t know, what happened next because suddenly my whole world became blank.

  CHAPTER 3 - Day 2

  I found myself lying on a hospital bed. George was sitting by my side, looking concerned. His face lit up, as he saw me opening my eyes. He said, “Welcome back, Jack. Are you feeling better? You have been asleep for over a day. We were all concerned.” He then reached out in his pocket and showed me a chameleon potion.

  “Drink this, Jack. One day is about to get over. We can’t risk getting caught. These people are already asking questions. Sam is handling them.”

  I took one drop of that liquid and felt a weird tingling sensation in my body. I ignored it; it was over in seconds. I sat there for some time thinking about events from the previous day and to be honest, I was shaken to the core. I never expected this kind of thing happening in the world of Minecraft.

  “Hey, Jack. What’s up, bro? Speak something. Are you alright?” George asked.

  “George, what are these people doing. This is insane”

  “I understand Jack, but we have to act as if everything is normal, otherwise these people will be suspicious,” George said.

  “What happened yesterday, when I got fainted?”

  “We were alarmed. Sam and I picked you up.

  A black hooded figure came to us and asked what happened to you. We said that you were not well and you needed immediate medical attention. He called one of his staff, an Enderman! We cringed at the sight of Enderman and were trying to avoid his eyes. He saw that and laughed at us and said that why do you forget that the Endermans here were slaves. You can look them in their eyes. We forced a laugh. He intended to talk a bit more about our visit to the Overworld and why we had returned empty-handed. We somehow avoided his questions and said that you need us and left. He didn’t look convinced. He came again an hour ago. He wasn’t happy that you were still not awake. He took Sam with him for some questioning. I don’t know what’s going to happen. Wizard came here yesterday but he looked distant. He looked as if he was in a trance.” George

  We were in trouble, great trouble. I was not sure how Sam would defend himself and what would happen if the truth came out. We were not prepared for this. George and I sat there thinking about our next move. As we were thinking, the door of our room clicked open and Sam entered. Sam looked sick and tired. He sat down on a chair beside George.

  George asked, “What happened Sam, what did they ask you?”

  “I was taken to a secret chamber. That chamber was cold and dark. There were a table and a chair. A person was sitting on that chair but his face was not visible due to the darkness. Hooded guy, who took me to him, was extremely silent. I sensed that he was afraid of the guy sitting on the chair” Sam said.

  Sam took a deep breath and continued, “Guy sitting on the chair asked me that why had we returned empty handed and why you were sick. His voice was creepy and cold. I don’t know but there was something in his voice, which gave me shudders. I quickly made up a story. I told him that a herd of Enderman attacked us. We fought them very hard but there were just too many of them. I even told them that one of the Enderman attacked you and made you powerless. That mysterious guy looked at me long and hard. I felt weird. It literally felt as if he was trying to read my mind. Then he asked me to leave. I was escorted back to this hospital by the hooded guy”.

  George said, “Hey story seems alright but what if they find out that the story was not true”.

  “Then we will come under suspicion, our game will be over” sighed Sam.

  “They would have probably started searching by now”, said George.

  I said, “Hey both of you are magicians. Can’t you people do something, anything?”

  Sam said, “Hey, I already did something. I hypnotized the hooded guy. He was walking in front of me. I said a spell and he was under my control instantly. He will not come now”

  That was a relief. At least something was going on our side. George, however, was a bit confused.