Read Diary of a Minecraft Agent Page 2

“Hey, which spell did you use? I tried hypnotizing him earlier but didn’t succeed.” George said.

  “I used a special spell told to me by my master wizard. It is very powerful. It will not work for you because it depends on the wizard to wizard”, said Sam.

  George reluctantly nodded his head. He didn’t seem happy. Maybe it was because he didn’t know the spell. I however, felt happy and thought that there is still some hope. My mind was feeling a bit heavy. I thought that it might be a good idea to sleep for a while. I told George and Sam that I would like to sleep. They nodded their heads and agreed that even they should sleep. Sam then performed some magic spell to keep intruders away for a while. If anyone came near to our room then he would remember something very urgent because of the effect of the spell and go away. We all hoped that it would keep away people from disturbing us, for a while.

  CHAPTER 4 - Day 3

  I had a dream. In that dream, I saw that mysterious guy was sitting on the chair. His face was not visible. He said, “I know who you are Jack and I know your purpose. You will never be able to stop me. I will finish all of you”. Then that guy started laughing. It was a strange creepy laugh.

  “Now, the time has come to finish off you and your mission”, he said. He suddenly transformed into a big monster and grabbed me with both of his hands. He then started shaking me.

  “Wake up, Jack, wake up!” someone was shouting at the back of my head. I woke up suddenly and found that George was shaking me.

  “Hey, what’s up George, What’s the matter?” I asked.

  “Shhhh…There is something bothering me Jack. Please keep your voice down. I think Sam is not on our side anymore.”

  I was fully awake now. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

  “What are you saying, George. Are you out of your mind?” I said in a hushed voice.

  “No, my friend. Yesterday when we all were talking, Sam mentioned about that magic spell. No such special spell exists. I even checked with “Notch”. He told me the same. He even told me that our powers would not work here in this world. We can only do simple magic here; we cannot do powerful magic like ‘Mind control or hypnosis’ in this world.” George said.

  “Are you sure George? I don’t know, he may have used some silly simple magic spell and he may just be showing off.” I said.

  “No, no” George shook his head in desperation. He looked left and right as if to check that somebody was there or not. He then came a little bit closer and said, “Yesterday when we all slept, I spied on him. I saw that after half an hour he went outside. I followed him.

  He met the hooded guy and then both of them walked for about a mile. Then old wizard arrived out of nowhere and they opened up a portal and they all disappeared.”

  These activities of Sam seemed suspicious. I then asked George, “What should we do now?”

  George whispered, “We have to be extremely careful. Do not speak a word about Notch and our plans in here”

  We sat there thinking for some time. Then I said, “Hey let’s go out of here and let’s try to find a way to stop all this.”

  “Yeah, let’s move out”, George said.

  We both got up and walked towards the door. We opened it and I saw that we were in a large underground base.

  Some people were walking and some Endermans were roaming here and there. We started moving around. Along the way, George told me that Notch had extracted important information from the people that he hypnotized. They told him that there is an energy cube hidden somewhere in the ‘Mystery Land’. It is called ‘Cosmic cube’. It gives mystical powers to the ‘Mystery Land’. If they found and destroyed this ‘Cosmic cube’ then the world of ‘Mystery Land’ will become weak and all the creatures living in it will become powerless.

  “So, do you have any idea, where this place might be?” I asked George.

  George said, “Notch told me that this place would be somewhere in the middle of ‘Mystery Land’. There is a magical castle, which treasures this ‘Cosmic cube’.

  Many people have tried to find the castle but they couldn’t. Some of them found the castle but couldn’t get the ‘Cosmic cube’.

  “Do you know how to reach this place, George”, I said.

  “Fortunately, yes. Notch gave me a detailed explanation of where this place is. If we walk faster, we would reach there by tomorrow”, said George.

  “Why can’t we just teleport there”, I asked.

  George sighed and said, “My teleportation powers don’t work here my friend.”

  So we walked and walked till the sun came down. We then stopped for some time and took a drop of our chameleon potion because we sensed that we were becoming normal once again. According to George’s estimates, we were halfway to our destination.

  I was feeling very tired. I asked George to find some comfortable place to rest. George told me that there was a cave nearby where they could spend one night. So we headed towards that cave and soon found it.

  George told me that he was not feeling that sleepy and that he would keep an eye on the surroundings. So we decided to sleep in shifts. First, 3 hours were mine and next 3 hours were George’s.

  I slept like for only three seconds when George started shaking me. He said, “Your turn bro. Your 3 hours are over”. I looked out and saw that indeed time had passed very quickly. I sat up and groaned. George looked tired; so as soon as he lied down, he felt asleep.

  I started looking outside, examining my surroundings. Nothing happened for about half an hour. I took a big yawn and rubbed my eyes.

  Then, I saw a small sheep on a nearby hill. It was standing still. Then all of a sudden, it started running. It was running as fast as it could, but suddenly it stopped and just fell on the ground. It was dead. I just stared at that sheep. Why did it run, suddenly and from whom it was running?

  The answer to my question came in the form of a black shadow. It emerged from the ground. Its eyes were shining white. It looked at the sheep and then looked up. Then in an instant, it was gone. I woke up George and told him about this. George seemed interested but cautioned me to not to go to that place. “That thing, whatever it is, may know our whereabouts. We can’t risk that.” He said. He cautioned me to remain watchful.

  The night passed without any new adventure.

  CHAPTER 5 - Day 4

  We started walking, as soon as the sun came up. My mind was still trying to figure out yesterday’s events.

  ‘Who was the black shadow?”

  “Why did it kill the sheep?”

  I couldn’t answer those questions. Even George wasn’t able to figure out, yesterday’s events. We walked for about 3 hours. Then George took out his map and said, “We are almost there. Just a 100 meters from here.”

  “I don’t see anything here, George,” I said looking everywhere.

  George laughed and said, “Bro, it’s a magical castle. It’s not visible so easily. We have to speak some sacred magical words.”

  We walked for about 100 meters and then stopped.

  George took out a sheet of paper and looked at it and said, “We are here at last.”

  He then took his magical wand and said certain words and then said in a commanding tone, “Reveal yourself, Magical castle.” Suddenly, a magnificent castle appeared. It was majestic and grand.

  George and I looked at it in awe. We stood there for a couple of minutes, watching its beauty. Then we decided to walk to the castle. As soon as we decided to walk in the castle, a loud roar emerged from the right side of the castle.

  It was coming from a herd of zombies, mutant zombies. They had appeared out of nowhere. They were moving fast. We immediately ran for our lives and bolted the door of the castle from inside.

  I was breathing fast. I asked George, “Hey, can these zombies see the Magical castle?”

  George didn’t reply; he had vanished. I looked here and there. No trace of George. Where did he go? Suddenly I remembered something. I had seen this place before. Then I remembered; I sa
w this place in a dream, exact same place. All of a sudden, Zombies began beating door and a shadow emerged from far inside the castle. Everything was happening exactly as I saw in my dream.

  “Where is George?’ I thought and looked around helplessly. What should I do now? That shadow figure was coming closer and closer. Then I saw him, exactly like in my dream, a vampire. His face was white in color and blood was dripping down his lips. I was scared to death. Then I realized something. I thought, “This cannot end this way. Think Jack, Think.”

  I remembered my training. I became calm and focused my thoughts. I can defeat him. I am a trained warrior. Notch selected me from 1000’s of warriors. I can’t disappoint him. I have to win. I made up my mind and charged toward him. He jumped and I slashed my sword with full force. I expected to hit something but nothing happened. Vampire turned into a bat and flew away.

  I did not lower my sword. Everything around here was weird. I decided to stay alert. I moved cautiously. All of a sudden, two Endermen appeared.

  They were not normal Endermen; they were mutant Endermen. Something about them sent chills down my spine. I prepared to fight them.

  Suddenly, one of the Enderman extended his arm and caught hold of me. I was taken by surprise. He was standing at least 20 feet away from me. His arms were extendable. He grabbed my stomach and lifted me up in the air. I struggled to get away from his grip, but couldn’t. He then threw me towards one of the pillars. I smashed into the pillar. I tried to get up but I couldn’t. The last thing I remember was that the two Endermen were standing above my head, staring at me with their lifeless eyes.

  CHAPTER 6 - Day 5

  I think a day must have passed since I knocked out of my senses. When I regained my senses, I found myself in a large room of the castle. I was tied to a pillar. I saw two Endermen standing in the far corner of the room. They were waiting for someone. Their wait was over when a figure entered the room. The figure was that of George.

  “Hey George, where have you been?” I shouted from the pillar. “Help me please”.

  George did not reply. He was not looking in my direction. I felt odd. “Hey George, over here, listen.” George looked at me but showed no sign of recognition. His face was emotionless. He then started walking towards me. He came to the pillar of which I was tied and said, “Welcome to the Magical castle, Jack”.

  “Hey George, let’s get out of here, these Endermen…” I began but suddenly realized something. Why these Endermen are not attacking George and why George was not untying him?

  “What’s wrong George, what happened? Why are you acting weird?” I asked.

  Enderman were standing silently, looking at us.

  Why they were not attacking George?

  What was happening?

  Suddenly everything started to make sense. George had betrayed me.

  “You betrayed me and Notch, but why?” I shouted.

  “I betrayed you because I wanted power. I wanted to be the greatest wizard ever alive,” he said. There was a strange, maniac look on his face.

  I was shocked to hear what he was saying. This was George, a guy whom I trusted. I remembered Notch’s words, “Don’t trust anyone”.

  I recollected myself and asked, “Why did you bring me here? Where is the cosmic cube?”

  “Ahhh…. That’s the question, I was waiting for,” said George with a maniac smile on his face. He continued, “This is not a Magical castle, Jack. My master and I made up a plan. I was told to betray you because my master wants to kill you and your team members. ”

  I was trapped, badly trapped. How could this happen to me? My mind began to go blank. “Goodbye Jack”, George said and raised his hand to say his spell. Just as he was about to throw a deadly magical spell at me, something happened. The door suddenly banged open.

  There was a flash of green light and George was thrown backward. He hit one of the pillars and fainted. Then there were two more flashes of green light and the Endermen were knocked off.

  The man who was standing at the door was Sam.

  Sam came near me and asked, “Are you all right Jack?” I looked at him. George told me that he had changed parties. “Don’t trust anyone”, these words echoed in my mind.

  “Who are you, why did you save my life, what’s your purpose?” I asked Sam.

  Sam looked at me confused and then as if he realized something, he came closer to me and said, “Hey, Jack, don’t worry. I know you won’t believe me. This man may be polluting your mind against me. You see how he tricked you.”

  I was confused. I didn’t know whom to trust. Sam sensed my confusion and untied me and said, “Look, Jack, you have to trust me, I am your friend. We have to get out of here. We will discuss along the way”

  “But, what about….” I stopped. I was still not able to trust Sam. Sam looked at me and said in an understanding tone, “Jack, I know that you are talking about cosmic cube. Don’t worry about it. We will figure out a way to destroy it. For the time being, let’s get out of here.”

  I reluctantly agreed to follow him. We lifted up George and started walking. My mind was bursting with questions.

  How does Sam know about the cosmic cube?

  Why did he save my life?

  How will we ever be able to destroy cosmic cube?

  I was lost in my own thoughts.

  2 people were waiting for us at the gates, wizard, and the hooded guy. As soon as I saw them, I took out my sword. Sam saw that and said, “Calm down, Jack. These are on our team.”

  “Your magical powers don’t work in Mystical land. You cannot hypnotize anyone”, I said. I was cautious this time. I didn’t want anyone to take my advantage.

  “Good Jack, I am proud of you”, said the hooded guy.

  I was confused. How does the hooded guy know my name? What was going on?

  “Hey, arrr… how do you know my name?” My heart was pounding fast. I wasn’t sure what was happening.

  The hooded guy revealed himself. He was Notch.

  I stared at Notch for about one full minute. I was speechless.

  “What’s going on? How can you be a hooded guy, Notch?” I blurted out.

  Notch looked at me and smiled. He said, “I understand your confusion son. Don’t worry we will tell you the whole story. You must be tired today, let’s talk tomorrow.”

  We decided to hide at some nearby place and wait for the morning. Luckily we found a cave and we all agreed to stop there.

  CHAPTER 7 - Day 6

  I woke up, as soon as the sun came out. Notch was standing at the entrance of the cave, thinking. I looked at others and myself, everyone had transformed into their earlier selves. Nobody had taken his potions. I searched my pockets, but my potion was not there. Sam looked at me and smiled. “Even I lost my bottle somewhere”, he said.

  I went to Notch and asked him, “How did you come here, Notch? How did you enter this ‘Mystical land’? Notch looked at me and smiled. He said, “I know you are confused, Jack.” He then asked me to come inside and sit beside him. Notch began, “Our mission started on a successful note, everything happened as planned. I hypnotized those people and you all were able to enter this place.”

  He paused for a second as if thinking about what to say next. Then he began, “Our plan changed when you fainted. That was an unexpected event for us. Sam informed me about you, as soon as he got a chance. He even told me about the ‘hooded guy’ asking him questions. I told him a story that he could tell when he would be questioned. Everything was beginning to get under control. I asked some questions from the people that I hypnotized. They told me about the cosmic cube. I gave this information to Sam and George. I even told them the place where they would find the ‘Magical castle’. It was planned that we would leave the place early morning to find the ‘Magical castle’. I told Sam to come to Minecraft with the ‘hooded guy’ so that I could disguise as ‘hooded guy’ and help you out in the mission.”

  “But George told me that you cannot hypnotize anyone here,” I

  “He was misguiding you so that you could accompany him for his own selfish purpose. He took you to the wrong place. When Sam left for the Minecraft world to get me, he saw his opportunity and took you into confidence.

  Now I saw everything clearly. George created confusion in my mind against Sam by telling me that he was behaving in a weird manner. Brilliant plan!

  I took a deep sigh and stayed quiet for some time. Then I asked Notch, “Hey, Notch, what’s the plan now? How are we going to destroy cosmic cube?”

  “Nobody knows how to destroy cosmic cube, Jack! We can force George to speak about cosmic cube”, he said.

  Notch got up and went to George and shook him. He then asked him in a threatening tone, “George, tell me how to destroy cosmic cube or otherwise you will be put up in a prison’

  George opened his eyes and spoke, “Why do you want to destroy cosmic cube?” He suddenly had a mad glint in his eyes.

  “I would never tell you about it” he whispered and started laughing.

  Notch was angry. He opened up his hand and spoke some words and suddenly, George began to yell, “STOP, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”

  “Tell me then, otherwise, your pain will increase”, Notch said coldly.

  “NEVER”, George shouted.

  Notch spoke some more words and George’s yelling increased. It was painful to see George shouting like this. He shouted for about 15 minutes or so. Then finally, he said, “Wait, and stop this, please. I’ll tell you everything I know”

  Notch again spoke some words and his shouting stopped. George gasped for breath and started speaking, “I read about the cosmic cube in one of the sacred magical books called, ‘Dark Secrets of Minecraft’. According to that book, whoever possesses that cosmic cube will have all the power of Minecraft world. He would be invincible. My master needs it. To get that cosmic cube, I needed a human skull and ashes. When you told me about the cosmic cube, I made this plan. I told Jack that Sam had changed party and told him to come with me. Everything was working fine until you people came in.”

  “How to destroy cosmic cube?” Notch asked.