Read Domesticated Page 20

  “You could just beat my ass. I didn’t know. I swear.”

  “Who the hell is Olivia?” Sam asked. I turned to make sure Garrison wasn’t watching me while he ordered food. “What do you want?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Did you just come up here to talk to me right in front of your husband?”

  “Oh, orange juice. She’s my assistant. Garrison forgot to mention that he was bringing her to help me out.”

  “She knows, you know?”

  “Yeah, but she won’t say anything. I promise.”

  “I don’t want this weekend ruined. It’s a big deal for me.”

  “What do you mean? Nobody’s going to ruin your weekend. Stop worrying.”

  “It’s not starting off very good yet. I didn’t even get to finish my breakfast, and I am having a hard time not kissing your lips. My phone is activated, text me later.” Sam smiled, took his food and left me standing there thinking about his interrupted breakfast and my longing lips.

  “Your juice,” the man called from the stand, interfering with my thoughts of Sam’s unfinished breakfast and his lips on mine. I swear I felt them tingle.

  The house was busy all afternoon. Olivia took care of giving orders to the caterers that were setting up dinner for later. She and I exchanged a couple glances, but she never said a word, not that we were ever alone for the chance anyway.

  “I asked for Chèvre. What is this? And did you get the wine?” Olivia asked the head honcho. I smiled. I was proud of her. She was an expert at giving orders.

  “It’s Camembert, it goes better with your wine choice,” the guy explained. Olivia looked to me for direction. I raised my eyebrows and waited without a response.

  “Mrs. Ashby likes the Chèvre with her favorite wine. Bring me what I asked for, please.”

  The guy nodded with a smile, retrieved his cell phone, and relayed the orders.

  “Hey, I kind of wanted to talk to you about something. Can we walk out to the deck?” Olivia asked, looking to Garrison, who was now entertaining Craig, the new colleague. They were discussing the case that Garrison needed to step away from again. I was so sick of hearing about this oil case.

  “Olivia, it’s not really appropriate for you to mention anything about anything,” I warned right out the door.

  She smiled. “Not even about the beer in the refrigerator? Do you want me to leave it?”

  “Oh, no. Can you take it out to the garage? Thank you,” I said, walking away. Shit. Now I was being weird around Olivia for no reason. She turned and left me. I held the railing of the deck and breathed in ocean air. I didn’t get stressed. Why was I so stressed? My temples hurt.

  “Here you go, Mrs. Ashby,” Olivia said, startling me from behind. Jesus. Why was I so jumpy?

  “Thank you,” I said, downing the glass of white wine with one drink. “Can you bring me another one? I’m going to need it.”

  “You sure are. I may need it, too, if I have to be too close to Penelope and Angelica.”

  I smiled, surprised by what she said about my friends. It was a little outspoken for the help, but being she now had something dangling over my head, I refrained from saying anything. She did have a good point. The ache in my temples spread to the backs of both my eyes.

  I wanted to punch both Angelica and whiny-ass Penelope by the middle of the evening. Thank god, I couldn’t get pregnant. If I acted like Penelope, I would shoot my own self. Her poor assistant couldn’t do a thing to please her. It made me feel like shit, knowing I treated Olivia that exact same way.

  The deck was beautifully lit, thanks to the caterers and Olivia’s assistance. She really was irreplaceable.

  “Oh, Kendra. What did the specialist say? Are we going to have another baby shower in the near future?” Stupid bitch. I hated Angelica.

  “He said to just keep trying, we’ll see,” I said, turning to her children, who were tracking sand right through the door.

  “Olivia, clean that up,” Angelica ordered. It was all I could do to keep my mouth shut.

  Dying, pregnant Penelope finally went to bed around nine. Angelica went in to settle the youngsters down, and Garrison showed what’s his name to his room. I realized once I was alone that I was drunk. I had to spend the entire day with these people out on the yacht the next day. I was going to lose my mind. Stay drunk. That’s what I would do. Stay drunk. It was the best and only plan I had.

  “You coming to bed?” Garrison asked from the door. Shit. I didn’t want to do that.

  “Yeah, I’ll be right up.”

  “Okay. I’m going to shower. I’ll be in bed waiting.”

  “Great,” I said, trying my damnedest to hide the sarcasm. I hated Fridays.

  “Is there anything you would like for me to do while you’re out on the boat tomorrow?” Olivia asked.

  “Oh no. Oh hell no. You’re coming with me.”

  “There’s really no point. You have a service with five workers to cater to you and your rich friends.”

  “Olivia! You’re not sending me out there alone with these people. I’m going to need you to feed me alcohol all day. You’re coming.”

  “I was looking forward to the day alone on the beach, but I have a feeling this is an order.”

  “It is,” I sighed, relieved that she wasn’t going to argue.

  After downing one more drink, I walked the walk of hell, dreading it with every step. Garrison smiled at me from the bed when I entered our room. I told him I was going to shower and prayed to god that he was asleep after my very long shower. He wasn’t.

  “Take off your underwear.” He smiled. I took a deep breath and slid out of them.

  Catching a glimpse of his pencil dick, he lifted the covers and slid into me. My hands robotically went to his boney shoulders and I closed my eyes, trying to feel him, not just his penis inside me, all of him. I couldn’t. There was honest to god, nothing between us. No electric static passed between our bodies, no emotional glances were exchanged amongst our lovemaking, and not one sexy kiss was shared amid our lips. I could have been a corpse and had more emotion.

  “Something doesn’t feel normal,” Garrison wined in a whisper.

  I knew what it was. And even for Garrison, it was a first for me. Normally, I didn’t care about anything other than Garrison touching my pussy. I wasn’t into it. I didn’t want Garrison to touch me there. I was dry as cotton down there and he noticed. It didn’t stop him, though. Even when I didn’t reply, he kept going until I heard the first grunt and he stilled inside me. Uh. Uh. Uh. And it was over. Hallelujah.

  Once it was over, I rolled to my side, facing the wall and waited for Garrison to put his hardback book away and turn off his light. Laying there wide awake, I pretended to be asleep, but that didn’t really work, either. I couldn’t stop thinking about Garrison’s come inside me. For the first time in my marriage, I was grossed out by it. On a normal day, I would have gone to the bathroom and spread it around while I came. I didn’t even want to come. I was sick. I had to be getting sick. It was the only explanation to this madness.

  “Where you going?” Garrison asked when I pulled my robe on. I had to clean it off. I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

  “I have a little bit of a headache. I’m going to soak in the tub.” It wasn’t a lie. I did have a headache and I wanted Garrison’s come out of me.

  The jets and scented bubbles did little to rid the confusion going on in my life. Why did I have confusion in my life? I loved my life. I’ve always loved my life. I loved Sam’s life more. Sam’s life needed very little to be happy. Who would have thought I would be a roller coaster junkie? Sigh.

  “Hey, where did you get that?” I asked, grabbing my mouse out of ten-year-old Miley’s hands.

  “Garrison gave it to me,” she said with a cocked hip and an attitude that reminded me of Katie’s. I found myself wanting to smash her face in, another reason why I could never have little girls. I would stab them in the face a couple thousand times.

nbsp; “Calm down, Kendra. It’s just a dumb animal. Where’d you get it, at some dumb stand up on the stretch you go to?”

  “It’s not the stretch. It’s called The Strip. It doesn’t matter where I got it. You can’t just give my stuff away.”

  “Can we go?” Garrison asked, looking at me like I was some kind of zoo animal. The group single-filed out the door, the stares at my outburst followed. “What in the world, Kendra?” Garrison questioned, not liking my actions. I didn’t mean to throw it out like that. I have no idea why I got so defensive, other than there was no way I was letting that kid have my mouse, no way.

  “Sorry, maybe I should stay back. I’m not feeling the best.”

  “You can lie down on the yacht,” Garrison said, taking my elbow. Olivia was the one to give me the warm smile. Lord, help me.

  Some funny, bald black guy met us on deck. He called himself Chief and pulled a peanut from behind my ear when I took his hand for help. Penelope and Angelica wouldn’t take his hand. What a crock of bona fide cunt faces. I looked to see if the four kids accepted the offered hand. They did not, but Olivia did. For whatever reason, that made me happy. Chief found a wooden nickel behind her ear. Olivia and I exchanged a look. I don’t know what the look was. I can’t really explain it, almost like a knowing. Like we were on the same boat and not the one floating in the sea. It was more like a we’re in this together sort of look.

  I didn’t care about the way Penelope, Porsha, and Angelica treated their own assistances, except maybe pregnant Penelope, she was just down right mean to poor Misty. What bothered me was when they treated Olivia the same way. And their nasty little offspring did the same thing, ordering her around like a slave from back in the day or something. Olivia gave me a look, telling me multiple times not to say anything with her eyes. It was all I could do to hold my tongue.

  The men stayed below on the main deck, and I entertained on the top deck with all the other women. The kids were all over the place, back and forth. I finally had enough and needed a moment to keep from throwing the mother of all hens, Angelica, overboard. I walked down to the kitchen just to be alone.

  The help scurried along to set up lunch on the deck. I was leaned against the counter, drinking an ice-cold beer when Angelica entered. Great…

  “If I didn’t know better, I would almost say you were with child. You’re extremely short today,” she accused. “Beer? Really, Kendra. Does Garrison know you’re drinking beer?”

  “I wouldn’t be drinking this if I were pregnant,” I smartly replied taking another drink. She started to say something else and then stopped when Penelope’s assistant entered. She apologized, took a bowl of strawberries from the refrigerator, and left. I watched while Angelica took a fresh bottle of Challis-North from the wine cooler.

  Rolling my eyes, I listened to her chatter word vomit while searching for a bottle opener. I could have told her where it was, but I didn’t want to. I should have, though. It would have made things a lot less chaotic.

  I instantly grabbed the papers from her hand. Dammit. I meant to take those out of there at least a dozen times over the past few weeks. If she could read at all, she at least read Sam’s handwritten, ever so professional, dark heading.

  Kinky sex contract between Kendra and Sam

  “Kendra? Have you gotten yourself into something? Do you need help, sweetheart?”

  “No, Angelica. It’s not what it looks like. We were just goofing off, playing around,” I lied, grasping the papers with a death grip.

  “Honey, my husband is the best lawyer you will ever find. If you need help getting out of some trouble, we can help you.”

  “I’m not in any trouble,” I assured her, drinking the half a bottle of beer down in one drink. My husband was a better lawyer than hers. If I needed a lawyer, I would use my own, not hers. I brushed past her when the caterers came back to retrieve things for our meal. This day needed to be over. FAST.

  After locking the door behind me, I started tearing the contract up into tiny little pieces. Flushing them down the toilet seemed like the best idea. That lasted until my sexual disorder started reading the words, which in turn, went straight to my pussy.

  I agree to lick your pussy and suck on your clitoris like you have never felt before.

  I agree to let you suck my dick, balls deep, until I coat your lips with my come.

  I unsnapped my knee knocker shorts and pushed my fingers to my already pulsating, wet sex. Thinking about Sam licking me, popping my clit in and out of his mouth like he did, and finger fucking me all at the same time was all I needed. Of course, being the twisted mind that I was, that wasn’t good enough. I had to slide my clothes over my hips, part my lips, and watch in the mirror. I found myself looking around the bathroom for an object to insert after reading the part that I agreed to sex toys of Sam’s choice.

  The only thing I could find was the peppermint mouthwash. I filled the little cup with just enough to coat my clitoris and watched as I felt the tingling blue liquid drown my swollen nub. Mouthwash was my new best friend. The burning sensation was over the top and my overactive clit was now ten stages above overactive. I split myself, mixing the sticky substance with my own wetness, and came, holding myself up with the towel rack.

  It took at least an hour for the tingling to come to a complete stop. I felt it all during lunch and did everything I could to keep my mind on the charity events my aristocratic friends and I would conquer in the fall. I didn’t care about the new ice-rink that would serve the better off than most kids, giving them one more added accomplishment. I cared about going into the bathroom and taking care of business again.

  Angelica only mentioned my carelessly misplaced contract once more. For the first time in the three years that I had known her, I told her to mind her own business. Her jaw dropped and I walked away. What business of it was hers anyway? If I wanted to pay someone to fuck me, that was on me, not her.

  The rest of the day played out just like I knew it would. We ate, took the kids to an elite beach, one that “nasty” kids weren’t allowed to attend. We wouldn’t want their precious babies catching some sort of icky disease from anyone. The beach was remote and only had the biggest, most expensive yachts money could buy docked. It wouldn’t have been so bad if we weren’t all covered like women from the thirties. I was hot. At least when we were moving, we had stirring air, a breeze from the ocean. The whole thing sucked. And I just said sucked… Thanks, Sam.

  “What’s going on with you?” Garrison asked, moving beside me on the dock while we watched the kids play. The girls wouldn’t even get their hair wet. They squealed and yelled like the rich little bitches that they were when they were splashed. Get out of the water if you don’t want to get wet! Stupid girls.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re not yourself today. Angelica told me she caught you drinking beer.”

  “Caught me?” I snorted, snapping my head to his. “I don’t think she caught me doing anything. One, I’m almost thirty, I don’t get caught, two, it’s my yacht. I’m pretty sure I can do what I want.”

  “It’s my yacht. I don’t like this behavior from you. She also told me she found some sort of contract about sex?” Garrison questioned.

  I snorted again, shaking my head. Stupid bitch. She would be lucky to make it back to shore without being fed to the sharks.

  “It wasn’t a contract. It was just some stuff I wrote down from a book I was reading. I do that sometimes. I like to remember my favorite parts.” I pulled that one straight from my ass.

  “I don’t like it. I think you should just come home. This wasn’t a good idea.”

  “I’m not going home yet. Are we about ready? These kids don’t even like this,” I said, standing.

  “Kendra! Sit down,” Garrison ordered in a loud whisper, pulling on my arm to sit while looking around to see if anyone was looking. Angelica was. Nosey bitch.

  Breathing a deep exasperated breath, I submitted. “This is ridiculous. You know I
don’t even like any of these people, don’t you?”

  “Kendra? What has gotten into you? What is going on here? What do you mean you don’t like them? These are our friends.”

  I wanted to tell him how much I hated this. How much I hated these fake-ass, high-class snobs. I wanted to tell him I wanted to go ride a roller coaster, an ATV, pedal my arms against the waves on a boogie board, and ride a horse. Okay, maybe not the horse. I didn’t say any of those things. I apologized and blamed it on PMS. Garrison patted my knee and smiled his geeky smile. He forgave me. Of course he did, Garrison didn’t do confrontation. Garrison didn’t do anything unless it was in front of a courtroom.

  I kept my mouth shut and endured two more hours with the friends I didn’t mind hanging with just a few weeks ago. I knew I never loved it, but now I absolutely hated it. I tried to be jolly and not rock the boat. Angelica gave me this creepy mother look several times, but I ignored it. Bottom line. It was none of her business, and I wasn’t talking about anything with her. Garrison bought the whole book line of shit I fed him and that was all that mattered. He would never mention it again.

  By the time we made it to shore, I was counting down the hours for them to leave. One more stuffy supper and one more breakfast. I could do this.

  After a quick shower, I met everyone out on the deck with the fancy covered tables in white linen with gold trim and gold runners. It was all I could do not to snicker at the way these highfalutin bitches thought they deserved to be treated like royalty. I even shrugged my shoulders at the house next door when the guy looked to see the theatrics going on, too.

  My attention stayed mostly on the beach below, and the few people out and about. I wondered what Sam was doing on more than one occasion and hoped his weekend was going better than mine. All I could do was give myself pep talks, reminding me that it was almost over. Our conversation was focused on the many events Angelica had lined up for us in the fall. We were going to be so busy, she assured us. I paid very little attention. I didn’t care, it wasn’t like anyone else would have a say in it anyway. We always did what Angelica wanted. Why did we do that? Who died and gave her the queen B role anyway?